This Is What Happens When You Ask Pro-Taxers to Pay More

There's a special box on tax forms in Marxataxachusetts to accommodate those who want to pay more...Nobody does.
I would rather throw money down a garbage disposer than give it to the government.
Liberals are well known for being very charitable when it comes to other people's money. With theirs, not so much.
Liberals are very stingy with their own money. Conservatives give more and Liberals take more.
Cut and massive spending is the answer. We don't have enough F-35's. How will we blow up caves in the desert?
There's a special box on tax forms in Marxataxachusetts to accommodate those who want to pay more...Nobody does.
IRS has a link where anyone can send in money at any time.

Yet the left refuse.

They prefer to have the guberment point a gun to their head and force them to do what they demand other to do...

These are the same people that need the government to tell then not to shoot up a Wal-Mart when normal people know better...

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