This is what I think will happen.

This is what I think will happen. After a few landmark cases make their way through the Supreme court and calculated fraud is discovered, all election results will be rolled back to Nov. 3 giving Trump the landslide victory he actually got. This will leave the people in control of the government not the other way around. Even democrats can see the fraud and malfeasance that went on. Trump will be the president for the next four years otherwise the US is done. When states like California are called with two percent of the vote in but swing states chase all the observers away and then reach under tables after they see Trump’s massive vote count, only idiots call that activity valid.

You can’t go by media reports because the media are part of the fraud.

Well, I think that you are overly optimistic.

The Supreme Court would not dare overturn the November 3 results.

I also feel your pain.

This morning I saw just the end of the President's rally in Georgia.

I heard him say goodbye to the crowd as he & the First Lady walked off the stage to the sound of that famous & stirring "YMCA" song. I experienced tears welling up.

Despite his "abrasive" personality, he was truly a GOOD President for ALL the people in this unusual country that is composed of so many different ethnicities & now so many different religions.

On January 20, we will be ruled by a party that seems interested only in CERTAIN groups & downright antagonistic toward OTHER groups.

Happy Holidays to you & your family
You don't think the Supreme Court will uphold the Constitution? That's their job.
Their job is not to pick our President, but to ensure our constitutional right to vote, and pick our leaders, is not disenfranchised.

Even if there was massive fraud, (which there is no proof of) they could not just hand the win to Trump.

A new election would be called, and the speaker of the house would be President, until a new election picks our president, could happen... or the House could pick.
This is what I think will happen. After a few landmark cases make their way through the Supreme court and calculated fraud is discovered, all election results will be rolled back to Nov. 3 giving Trump the landslide victory he actually got. This will leave the people in control of the government not the other way around. Even democrats can see the fraud and malfeasance that went on. Trump will be the president for the next four years otherwise the US is done. When states like California are called with two percent of the vote in but swing states chase all the observers away and then reach under tables after they see Trump’s massive vote count, only idiots call that activity valid.

You can’t go by media reports because the media are part of the fraud.

Well, I think that you are overly optimistic.

The Supreme Court would not dare overturn the November 3 results.

I also feel your pain.

This morning I saw just the end of the President's rally in Georgia.

I heard him say goodbye to the crowd as he & the First Lady walked off the stage to the sound of that famous & stirring "YMCA" song. I experienced tears welling up.

Despite his "abrasive" personality, he was truly a GOOD President for ALL the people in this unusual country that is composed of so many different ethnicities & now so many different religions.

On January 20, we will be ruled by a party that seems interested only in CERTAIN groups & downright antagonistic toward OTHER groups.

Happy Holidays to you & your family
You don't think the Supreme Court will uphold the Constitution? That's their job.


I have read that the Supremes pay more attention to the nation's zeitgeist than they would admit.

Could you imagine what would happen if the Supremes overturned Mr. Biden's & especially Ms. Harris's election?

The riots and absolute insurrection would make this Spring's and Summer's violence look like child's play.

If the election was, in fact, stolen, we Trump supporters have no choice but to suck it up.

Hopefully, the Pubs will PEACEFULLY & LEGALLY do everything possible to (a) prove that there was serious rigging & (b) obstruct the Dems' more dangerous policies.
We will watch Biden and Harris screw things up

I am quite optimistic knowing that science facts and reality will prove you wrong. Scientifically-based reality has a way of overcoming white grievance as a means for selecting how we are governed in the United States of America.

Under trumps perversion we have become the dis-United States of America. That thankfully will end.
I think you are fooling yourself. Sure whites have always had a bigger say. Funny how that happens in a largely white country.
But Biden and Harris will institute many changes that the democrats and the more radical left want. Then realize that the only way to pay for those changes are to raise taxes on everyone.
Biden has already stated that he wants more stimulus. Where is that money coming from?

he wants more stimulus because the first go around was mishandled, abused, & out right stolen. - going into the pockets of bigchains & NOT for small business'. nor did it go to the right people - for the intended purpose; which was to guarantee that once the country opened back up - those workers had a guaranteed job to go back to.

the bitch governor of ND, took that cash & used it for tourism advertising. inviting people to come to her covid ridden state & then go spread covidcooties all over the country.
Let’s for one minute play your game that almost every bit of money went exactly where it was supposed to go. Does anyone with more then a first grade education really think that it was enough to keep those businesses alive for that long? Especially since some areas have not opened up completely and even some are shutting down again?

Now let me ask you a serious couple of questions.
1. Did you really think that given past performance of the federal government they would handle money and it’s appropriation properly? They have failed to do so every time in the past, why would any sane person expect a different out come now?
2. Exactly how much money Do you believe should be placed on the national debt? Another Trillion, two, three. Let’s not forget that even yearly government is going to add another Trillion or so.
How many including yourself are going to bitch that the debt is too high?
We will watch Biden and Harris screw things up

I am quite optimistic knowing that science facts and reality will prove you wrong. Scientifically-based reality has a way of overcoming white grievance as a means for selecting how we are governed in the United States of America.

Under trumps perversion we have become the dis-United States of America. That thankfully will end.
I think you are fooling yourself. Sure whites have always had a bigger say. Funny how that happens in a largely white country.
But Biden and Harris will institute many changes that the democrats and the more radical left want. Then realize that the only way to pay for those changes are to raise taxes on everyone.
Biden has already stated that he wants more stimulus. Where is that money coming from?

he wants more stimulus because the first go around was mishandled, abused, & out right stolen. - going into the pockets of bigchains & NOT for small business'. nor did it go to the right people - for the intended purpose; which was to guarantee that once the country opened back up - those workers had a guaranteed job to go back to.

the bitch governor of ND, took that cash & used it for tourism advertising. inviting people to come to her covid ridden state & then go spread covidcooties all over the country.
Let’s for one minute play your game that almost every bit of money went exactly where it was supposed to go. Does anyone with more then a first grade education really think that it was enough to keep those businesses alive for that long? Especially since some areas have not opened up completely and even some are shutting down again?

Now let me ask you a serious couple of questions.
1. Did you really think that given past performance of the federal government they would handle money and it’s appropriation properly? They have failed to do so every time in the past, why would any sane person expect a different out come now?
2. Exactly how much money Do you believe should be placed on the national debt? Another Trillion, two, three. Let’s not forget that even yearly government is going to add another Trillion or so.
How many including yourself are going to bitch that the debt is too high?

the oversight was abysmal for sure. i don't have all the answers - but i know those in charge of distribution was donny's swamp things.

& i don't wanna hear anything about debt after the trillion dollar give away to the uber rich.
And if the House picks, Trump will win. Remember that each STATE only gets one vote in that scenario and there are more States represented by REPUBLICANS than by DEMOCRATS.

Florida AG asked Trump for donation before nixing fraud case

WASHINGTON (AP) — Florida’s attorney general personally solicited a political contribution from Donald Trump around the same time her office deliberated joining an investigation of alleged fraud at Trump University and its affiliates
The new disclosure from Attorney General Pam Bondi’s spokesman to The Associated Press on Monday provides additional details around the unusual circumstances of Trump’s $25,000 donation to Bondi.

The money came from a Trump family foundation [ itself now shut down for fraud ] in apparent violation of rules surrounding political activities by charities. A political group backing Bondi’s re-election, called And Justice for All, reported receiving the check Sept. 17, 2013 — four days after Bondi’s office publicly announced she was considering joining a New York state probe of Trump University’s activities, according to a 2013 report in the Orlando Sentinel.

After the check came in, Bondi’s office nixed suing Trump, citing insufficient grounds to proceed.
Bondi declined repeated requests for an interview on Monday, referring all questions to Marc Reichelderfer, a political consultant who worked for her most re-election effort.

Reichelderfer told AP that Bondi spoke with Trump “several weeks” before her office publicly announced it was deliberating whether to join a lawsuit proposed by New York’s Democratic attorney general. Reichelfelder said that Bondi was unaware of dozens of consumer complaints received by her office about Trump’s real-estate seminars at the time she requested the donation...

The timing of the donation by Trump is notable because the now presumptive Republican presidential nominee has said he expects and receives favors from politicians to whom he gives money.

“When I want something I get it,” Trump said at an Iowa rally in January. “When I call, they kiss my ass. It’s true.”
Florida AG asked Trump for donation before nixing fraud case

There's a word for what you posted: irrelevant.
Read the post you responded to next time.
This is all about Donnie's slush fund. It's up to 220 million for him to use as he pleases.
So the charade will continue until the cows come home.
Just, brutal. It's right in front of them, it's right there in the fine print, and they keep writing checks.

Many of these people can barely afford to do it, but it's like they think this is some kind of tithe.

It's why I can only get so annoyed with most of them. They've just fallen for the con.

Yea, tithe is a good analogy. Kinda like the Mormon church demanding 10% of a janitor's income. Was just watching a little Morning Joe and Joe went off on a good rant about something Donnie said at his last Super-Spreader in Georgia - Donald is a victim. Everyone who voted for Donald is a victim. And that apparently includes the millionaires and billionaires who voted for him.

Poor little Donnie Rich. Born with a half billion dollar silver spoon. Poor little Sean Hannity who Fox pays 20 million a year. Poor little Rush Limbaugh who earns 85 million a year. They're victims too. And so are the poor souls who believe they're being forced to decide between a 10 million dollar yacht or the country club membership.

The typical MAGA-hatter who makes 30 grand a year? They're victims because the black and brown people are trying to steal their job and the evil government took away their slaves 150 years ago.

The Art of Victimhood - Should be Donald's new book.
This is all about Donnie's slush fund. It's up to 220 million for him to use as he pleases.
So the charade will continue until the cows come home.
Just, brutal. It's right in front of them, it's right there in the fine print, and they keep writing checks.

Many of these people can barely afford to do it, but it's like they think this is some kind of tithe.

It's why I can only get so annoyed with most of them. They've just fallen for the con.

Yea, tithe is a good analogy. Kinda like the Mormon church demanding 10% of a janitor's income. Was just watching a little Morning Joe and Joe went off on a good rant about something Donnie said at his last Super-Spreader in Georgia - Donald is a victim. Everyone who voted for Donald is a victim. And that apparently includes the millionaires and billionaires who voted for him.

Poor little Donnie Rich. Born with a half billion dollar silver spoon. Poor little Sean Hannity who Fox pays 20 million a year. Poor little Rush Limbaugh who earns 85 million a year. They're victims too. And so are the poor souls who believe they're being forced to decide between a 10 million dollar yacht or the country club membership.

The typical MAGA-hatter who makes 30 grand a year? They're victims because the black and brown people are trying to steal their job and the evil government took away their slaves 150 years ago.

The Art of Victimhood - Should be Donald's new book.
I just hope we learn from this. This is about much more than Trump. He's just one person.
This is what I think will happen. After a few landmark cases make their way through the Supreme court and calculated fraud is discovered, all election results will be rolled back to Nov. 3 giving Trump the landslide victory he actually got. This will leave the people in control of the government not the other way around. Even democrats can see the fraud and malfeasance that went on. Trump will be the president for the next four years otherwise the US is done. When states like California are called with two percent of the vote in but swing states chase all the observers away and then reach under tables after they see Trump’s massive vote count, only idiots call that activity valid.

You can’t go by media reports because the media are part of the fraud.
You're obviously using so definition of the verb "think" that the rest of us are unaware of.
This is all about Donnie's slush fund. It's up to 220 million for him to use as he pleases.
So the charade will continue until the cows come home.
Just, brutal. It's right in front of them, it's right there in the fine print, and they keep writing checks.

Many of these people can barely afford to do it, but it's like they think this is some kind of tithe.

It's why I can only get so annoyed with most of them. They've just fallen for the con.

Yea, tithe is a good analogy. Kinda like the Mormon church demanding 10% of a janitor's income. Was just watching a little Morning Joe and Joe went off on a good rant about something Donnie said at his last Super-Spreader in Georgia - Donald is a victim. Everyone who voted for Donald is a victim. And that apparently includes the millionaires and billionaires who voted for him.

Poor little Donnie Rich. Born with a half billion dollar silver spoon. Poor little Sean Hannity who Fox pays 20 million a year. Poor little Rush Limbaugh who earns 85 million a year. They're victims too. And so are the poor souls who believe they're being forced to decide between a 10 million dollar yacht or the country club membership.

The typical MAGA-hatter who makes 30 grand a year? They're victims because the black and brown people are trying to steal their job and the evil government took away their slaves 150 years ago.

The Art of Victimhood - Should be Donald's new book.
I just hope we learn from this. This is about much more than Trump. He's just one person.

It's not Trump himself that I worry about (although I'm quite worried about his last month in office) - It is his cult members who hate democracy and long for an authoritarian strongman. Even if only a quarter of them continue to read Donnie's Twit feed and believe his every word, that is too many. Enough in fact to mount a campaign for another strongman who hates our country and everything it was founded upon. Those guys are scary and at more than a few of them are going to act out.
This is all about Donnie's slush fund. It's up to 220 million for him to use as he pleases.
So the charade will continue until the cows come home.
Just, brutal. It's right in front of them, it's right there in the fine print, and they keep writing checks.

Many of these people can barely afford to do it, but it's like they think this is some kind of tithe.

It's why I can only get so annoyed with most of them. They've just fallen for the con.

Yea, tithe is a good analogy. Kinda like the Mormon church demanding 10% of a janitor's income. Was just watching a little Morning Joe and Joe went off on a good rant about something Donnie said at his last Super-Spreader in Georgia - Donald is a victim. Everyone who voted for Donald is a victim. And that apparently includes the millionaires and billionaires who voted for him.

Poor little Donnie Rich. Born with a half billion dollar silver spoon. Poor little Sean Hannity who Fox pays 20 million a year. Poor little Rush Limbaugh who earns 85 million a year. They're victims too. And so are the poor souls who believe they're being forced to decide between a 10 million dollar yacht or the country club membership.

The typical MAGA-hatter who makes 30 grand a year? They're victims because the black and brown people are trying to steal their job and the evil government took away their slaves 150 years ago.

The Art of Victimhood - Should be Donald's new book.
I just hope we learn from this. This is about much more than Trump. He's just one person.

It's not Trump himself that I worry about (although I'm quite worried about his last month in office) - It is his cult members who hate democracy and long for an authoritarian strongman. Even if only a quarter of them continue to read Donnie's Twit feed and believe his every word, that is too many. Enough in fact to mount a campaign for another strongman who hates our country and everything it was founded upon. Those guys are scary and at more than a few of them are going to act out.
Exactly. Look at history - it's never about one person. It's about those who enable them.
This is all about Donnie's slush fund. It's up to 220 million for him to use as he pleases.
So the charade will continue until the cows come home.
Just, brutal. It's right in front of them, it's right there in the fine print, and they keep writing checks.

Many of these people can barely afford to do it, but it's like they think this is some kind of tithe.

It's why I can only get so annoyed with most of them. They've just fallen for the con.

Yea, tithe is a good analogy. Kinda like the Mormon church demanding 10% of a janitor's income. Was just watching a little Morning Joe and Joe went off on a good rant about something Donnie said at his last Super-Spreader in Georgia - Donald is a victim. Everyone who voted for Donald is a victim. And that apparently includes the millionaires and billionaires who voted for him.

Poor little Donnie Rich. Born with a half billion dollar silver spoon. Poor little Sean Hannity who Fox pays 20 million a year. Poor little Rush Limbaugh who earns 85 million a year. They're victims too. And so are the poor souls who believe they're being forced to decide between a 10 million dollar yacht or the country club membership.

The typical MAGA-hatter who makes 30 grand a year? They're victims because the black and brown people are trying to steal their job and the evil government took away their slaves 150 years ago.

The Art of Victimhood - Should be Donald's new book.
I just hope we learn from this. This is about much more than Trump. He's just one person.

It's not Trump himself that I worry about (although I'm quite worried about his last month in office) - It is his cult members who hate democracy and long for an authoritarian strongman. Even if only a quarter of them continue to read Donnie's Twit feed and believe his every word, that is too many. Enough in fact to mount a campaign for another strongman who hates our country and everything it was founded upon. Those guys are scary and at more than a few of them are going to act out.
Exactly. Look at history - it's never about one person. It's about those who enable them.

All a person needs to do is study nations who have fallen to creeping authoritarianism and fascism. There are many examples and the similarities are eery to say the very least.
This is all about Donnie's slush fund. It's up to 220 million for him to use as he pleases.
So the charade will continue until the cows come home.
Just, brutal. It's right in front of them, it's right there in the fine print, and they keep writing checks.

Many of these people can barely afford to do it, but it's like they think this is some kind of tithe.

It's why I can only get so annoyed with most of them. They've just fallen for the con.

Yea, tithe is a good analogy. Kinda like the Mormon church demanding 10% of a janitor's income. Was just watching a little Morning Joe and Joe went off on a good rant about something Donnie said at his last Super-Spreader in Georgia - Donald is a victim. Everyone who voted for Donald is a victim. And that apparently includes the millionaires and billionaires who voted for him.

Poor little Donnie Rich. Born with a half billion dollar silver spoon. Poor little Sean Hannity who Fox pays 20 million a year. Poor little Rush Limbaugh who earns 85 million a year. They're victims too. And so are the poor souls who believe they're being forced to decide between a 10 million dollar yacht or the country club membership.

The typical MAGA-hatter who makes 30 grand a year? They're victims because the black and brown people are trying to steal their job and the evil government took away their slaves 150 years ago.

The Art of Victimhood - Should be Donald's new book.
I just hope we learn from this. This is about much more than Trump. He's just one person.

It's not Trump himself that I worry about (although I'm quite worried about his last month in office) - It is his cult members who hate democracy and long for an authoritarian strongman. Even if only a quarter of them continue to read Donnie's Twit feed and believe his every word, that is too many. Enough in fact to mount a campaign for another strongman who hates our country and everything it was founded upon. Those guys are scary and at more than a few of them are going to act out.
Exactly. Look at history - it's never about one person. It's about those who enable them.

All a person needs to do is study nations who have fallen to creeping authoritarianism and succumbed to fascism. There are many examples and the similarities are eery to say the very least.
I guess I was naive. I assumed we had learned this.
This is all about Donnie's slush fund. It's up to 220 million for him to use as he pleases.
So the charade will continue until the cows come home.
Just, brutal. It's right in front of them, it's right there in the fine print, and they keep writing checks.

Many of these people can barely afford to do it, but it's like they think this is some kind of tithe.

It's why I can only get so annoyed with most of them. They've just fallen for the con.

Yea, tithe is a good analogy. Kinda like the Mormon church demanding 10% of a janitor's income. Was just watching a little Morning Joe and Joe went off on a good rant about something Donnie said at his last Super-Spreader in Georgia - Donald is a victim. Everyone who voted for Donald is a victim. And that apparently includes the millionaires and billionaires who voted for him.

Poor little Donnie Rich. Born with a half billion dollar silver spoon. Poor little Sean Hannity who Fox pays 20 million a year. Poor little Rush Limbaugh who earns 85 million a year. They're victims too. And so are the poor souls who believe they're being forced to decide between a 10 million dollar yacht or the country club membership.

The typical MAGA-hatter who makes 30 grand a year? They're victims because the black and brown people are trying to steal their job and the evil government took away their slaves 150 years ago.

The Art of Victimhood - Should be Donald's new book.
I just hope we learn from this. This is about much more than Trump. He's just one person.

It's not Trump himself that I worry about (although I'm quite worried about his last month in office) - It is his cult members who hate democracy and long for an authoritarian strongman. Even if only a quarter of them continue to read Donnie's Twit feed and believe his every word, that is too many. Enough in fact to mount a campaign for another strongman who hates our country and everything it was founded upon. Those guys are scary and at more than a few of them are going to act out.
Exactly. Look at history - it's never about one person. It's about those who enable them.

All a person needs to do is study nations who have fallen to creeping authoritarianism and succumbed to fascism. There are many examples and the similarities are eery to say the very least.
I guess I was naive. I assumed we had learned this.

Sadly that was not the case. There was a simmering underbelly of Americans who empathize with White Nationalists and feel threatened by changes they simply can't grasp. Donald tapped into that ugliness and lured them out from under their rocks.
This is all about Donnie's slush fund. It's up to 220 million for him to use as he pleases.
So the charade will continue until the cows come home.
Just, brutal. It's right in front of them, it's right there in the fine print, and they keep writing checks.

Many of these people can barely afford to do it, but it's like they think this is some kind of tithe.

It's why I can only get so annoyed with most of them. They've just fallen for the con.

Yea, tithe is a good analogy. Kinda like the Mormon church demanding 10% of a janitor's income. Was just watching a little Morning Joe and Joe went off on a good rant about something Donnie said at his last Super-Spreader in Georgia - Donald is a victim. Everyone who voted for Donald is a victim. And that apparently includes the millionaires and billionaires who voted for him.

Poor little Donnie Rich. Born with a half billion dollar silver spoon. Poor little Sean Hannity who Fox pays 20 million a year. Poor little Rush Limbaugh who earns 85 million a year. They're victims too. And so are the poor souls who believe they're being forced to decide between a 10 million dollar yacht or the country club membership.

The typical MAGA-hatter who makes 30 grand a year? They're victims because the black and brown people are trying to steal their job and the evil government took away their slaves 150 years ago.

The Art of Victimhood - Should be Donald's new book.
I just hope we learn from this. This is about much more than Trump. He's just one person.

It's not Trump himself that I worry about (although I'm quite worried about his last month in office) - It is his cult members who hate democracy and long for an authoritarian strongman. Even if only a quarter of them continue to read Donnie's Twit feed and believe his every word, that is too many. Enough in fact to mount a campaign for another strongman who hates our country and everything it was founded upon. Those guys are scary and at more than a few of them are going to act out.
/——/ Got much Strawman arguments?
We will watch Biden and Harris screw things up

I am quite optimistic knowing that science facts and reality will prove you wrong. Scientifically-based reality has a way of overcoming white grievance as a means for selecting how we are governed in the United States of America.

Under trumps perversion we have become the dis-United States of America. That thankfully will end.
I think you are fooling yourself. Sure whites have always had a bigger say. Funny how that happens in a largely white country.
But Biden and Harris will institute many changes that the democrats and the more radical left want. Then realize that the only way to pay for those changes are to raise taxes on everyone.
Biden has already stated that he wants more stimulus. Where is that money coming from?

he wants more stimulus because the first go around was mishandled, abused, & out right stolen. - going into the pockets of bigchains & NOT for small business'. nor did it go to the right people - for the intended purpose; which was to guarantee that once the country opened back up - those workers had a guaranteed job to go back to.

the bitch governor of ND, took that cash & used it for tourism advertising. inviting people to come to her covid ridden state & then go spread covidcooties all over the country.
Let’s for one minute play your game that almost every bit of money went exactly where it was supposed to go. Does anyone with more then a first grade education really think that it was enough to keep those businesses alive for that long? Especially since some areas have not opened up completely and even some are shutting down again?

Now let me ask you a serious couple of questions.
1. Did you really think that given past performance of the federal government they would handle money and it’s appropriation properly? They have failed to do so every time in the past, why would any sane person expect a different out come now?
2. Exactly how much money Do you believe should be placed on the national debt? Another Trillion, two, three. Let’s not forget that even yearly government is going to add another Trillion or so.
How many including yourself are going to bitch that the debt is too high?

the oversight was abysmal for sure. i don't have all the answers - but i know those in charge of distribution was donny's swamp things.

& i don't wanna hear anything about debt after the trillion dollar give away to the uber rich.
So basically you are saying you have no answers to anything, you don’t care but your partisan creed means blame Trump.
So someone is supposed to take you serious? Maybe if you were hoping for a carrier in comedy.

Florida AG asked Trump for donation before nixing fraud case

WASHINGTON (AP) — Florida’s attorney general personally solicited a political contribution from Donald Trump around the same time her office deliberated joining an investigation of alleged fraud at Trump University and its affiliates
The new disclosure from Attorney General Pam Bondi’s spokesman to The Associated Press on Monday provides additional details around the unusual circumstances of Trump’s $25,000 donation to Bondi.

The money came from a Trump family foundation [ itself now shut down for fraud ] in apparent violation of rules surrounding political activities by charities. A political group backing Bondi’s re-election, called And Justice for All, reported receiving the check Sept. 17, 2013 — four days after Bondi’s office publicly announced she was considering joining a New York state probe of Trump University’s activities, according to a 2013 report in the Orlando Sentinel.

After the check came in, Bondi’s office nixed suing Trump, citing insufficient grounds to proceed.
Bondi declined repeated requests for an interview on Monday, referring all questions to Marc Reichelderfer, a political consultant who worked for her most re-election effort.

Reichelderfer told AP that Bondi spoke with Trump “several weeks” before her office publicly announced it was deliberating whether to join a lawsuit proposed by New York’s Democratic attorney general. Reichelfelder said that Bondi was unaware of dozens of consumer complaints received by her office about Trump’s real-estate seminars at the time she requested the donation...

The timing of the donation by Trump is notable because the now presumptive Republican presidential nominee has said he expects and receives favors from politicians to whom he gives money.

“When I want something I get it,” Trump said at an Iowa rally in January. “When I call, they kiss my ass. It’s true.”
Florida AG asked Trump for donation before nixing fraud case

There's a word for what you posted: irrelevant.
Read the post you responded to next time.

it's relevant as far as the scum he still has kissing his ample orange ass.

lol ... besides - after jan 20th - both he & the fembot lawyer will be irrelevant.
We will watch Biden and Harris screw things up

I am quite optimistic knowing that science facts and reality will prove you wrong. Scientifically-based reality has a way of overcoming white grievance as a means for selecting how we are governed in the United States of America.

Under trumps perversion we have become the dis-United States of America. That thankfully will end.
I think you are fooling yourself. Sure whites have always had a bigger say. Funny how that happens in a largely white country.
But Biden and Harris will institute many changes that the democrats and the more radical left want. Then realize that the only way to pay for those changes are to raise taxes on everyone.
Biden has already stated that he wants more stimulus. Where is that money coming from?

he wants more stimulus because the first go around was mishandled, abused, & out right stolen. - going into the pockets of bigchains & NOT for small business'. nor did it go to the right people - for the intended purpose; which was to guarantee that once the country opened back up - those workers had a guaranteed job to go back to.

the bitch governor of ND, took that cash & used it for tourism advertising. inviting people to come to her covid ridden state & then go spread covidcooties all over the country.
Let’s for one minute play your game that almost every bit of money went exactly where it was supposed to go. Does anyone with more then a first grade education really think that it was enough to keep those businesses alive for that long? Especially since some areas have not opened up completely and even some are shutting down again?

Now let me ask you a serious couple of questions.
1. Did you really think that given past performance of the federal government they would handle money and it’s appropriation properly? They have failed to do so every time in the past, why would any sane person expect a different out come now?
2. Exactly how much money Do you believe should be placed on the national debt? Another Trillion, two, three. Let’s not forget that even yearly government is going to add another Trillion or so.
How many including yourself are going to bitch that the debt is too high?

the oversight was abysmal for sure. i don't have all the answers - but i know those in charge of distribution was donny's swamp things.

& i don't wanna hear anything about debt after the trillion dollar give away to the uber rich.
So basically you are saying you have no answers to anything, you don’t care but your partisan creed means blame Trump.
So someone is supposed to take you serious? Maybe if you were hoping for a carrier in comedy.


' partisan creed '.

donny does have much blame to take on a shitload of things. starting with that tax cut, straight to the covid tragedy beginning with knowing it was coing & did NOTHING to stop it. like shipping some 17 tons of PPE to china, instead of keeping it here; forcing our medical people to wear garbage bags, & inviting the likes of inside traders to ' classified ' meetings at HHS, whilst keeping the experts out.
We will watch Biden and Harris screw things up

I am quite optimistic knowing that science facts and reality will prove you wrong. Scientifically-based reality has a way of overcoming white grievance as a means for selecting how we are governed in the United States of America.

Under trumps perversion we have become the dis-United States of America. That thankfully will end.
I think you are fooling yourself. Sure whites have always had a bigger say. Funny how that happens in a largely white country.
But Biden and Harris will institute many changes that the democrats and the more radical left want. Then realize that the only way to pay for those changes are to raise taxes on everyone.
Biden has already stated that he wants more stimulus. Where is that money coming from?

he wants more stimulus because the first go around was mishandled, abused, & out right stolen. - going into the pockets of bigchains & NOT for small business'. nor did it go to the right people - for the intended purpose; which was to guarantee that once the country opened back up - those workers had a guaranteed job to go back to.

the bitch governor of ND, took that cash & used it for tourism advertising. inviting people to come to her covid ridden state & then go spread covidcooties all over the country.
Let’s for one minute play your game that almost every bit of money went exactly where it was supposed to go. Does anyone with more then a first grade education really think that it was enough to keep those businesses alive for that long? Especially since some areas have not opened up completely and even some are shutting down again?

Now let me ask you a serious couple of questions.
1. Did you really think that given past performance of the federal government they would handle money and it’s appropriation properly? They have failed to do so every time in the past, why would any sane person expect a different out come now?
2. Exactly how much money Do you believe should be placed on the national debt? Another Trillion, two, three. Let’s not forget that even yearly government is going to add another Trillion or so.
How many including yourself are going to bitch that the debt is too high?

the oversight was abysmal for sure. i don't have all the answers - but i know those in charge of distribution was donny's swamp things.

& i don't wanna hear anything about debt after the trillion dollar give away to the uber rich.
So basically you are saying you have no answers to anything, you don’t care but your partisan creed means blame Trump.
So someone is supposed to take you serious? Maybe if you were hoping for a carrier in comedy.


' partisan creed '.

donny does have much blame to take on a shitload of things. starting with that tax cut, straight to the covid tragedy beginning with knowing it was coing & did NOTHING to stop it. like shipping some 17 tons of PPE to china, instead of keeping it here; forcing our medical people to wear garbage bags, & inviting the likes of inside traders to ' classified ' meetings at HHS, whilst keeping the experts out.
So once again you are saying I don’t know and don’t care but in my partisan need I will blame Trump.
This is what I think will happen. After a few landmark cases make their way through the Supreme court and calculated fraud is discovered, all election results will be rolled back to Nov. 3 giving Trump the landslide victory he actually got. This will leave the people in control of the government not the other way around. Even democrats can see the fraud and malfeasance that went on. Trump will be the president for the next four years otherwise the US is done. When states like California are called with two percent of the vote in but swing states chase all the observers away and then reach under tables after they see Trump’s massive vote count, only idiots call that activity valid.

You can’t go by media reports because the media are part of the fraud.

What are you going to do when your delusions don't pan out?

Seriously here, you are totally delusional.

What you describe isn't going to happen.

This is what will happen:

Biden will be sworn in on January 20, 2021. He will be president for at least the next 4 years.

Get used to saying President Biden.


If Biden had won this election honestly, I’d have no problem accepting it, however, simply put, he didn’t...

Now, will that fact change that he’ll be sworn in? Probably not....But, the issue going forward is bigger than Trump, or Biden. And if you think Americans are going to just lay down and call Biden legitimate you’re high.
I don't care what you call Biden J-mac. I'll keep an eye out for your issue going forward. I'm thinking that there really isn't an issue, but I'm not high yet.

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