This is What King Actually Said

You did not say all inner city dwellers.

That's because not all inner city blacks are scum.

The overwhelming majority are merely poor, trapped in a ghetto perpetuated by the democrats because they need an underclass to prey upon.

They are good people.
You did not say all inner city dwellers.
That's because not all inner city blacks are scum.
Lol. You can neither see nor escape your racism. In the context of your comment, 'inner city dwellers' would be bigoted but not racist. 'Black inner city dwellers' is both bigoted and racist.

But feel free to insist your words don't mean what they say.
Why can't you clearly state in your own words what you believe MLK stood for? I believe he wanted a country that looked past a person's race and wanted EVERYONE to be judged equally based on character and integrity. Do you think he only meant Black people?

I have. And I am presenting what King actually said, not what you want to believe he said. King did not sit and be quiet accepting racism while hoping whites would start accepting people as people. Those like you remain racist then cry about blacks seeing color as if you don't, and because you are judging blacks based on color. You do not want to accept what whites have done to create the conditions of our inner cities and then you have the nerve to try telling somebody black about King. Kings bottom line was the end of white racism. He felt that if whites stopped being racists, whites would begin judging blacks by the content of our character.
That's because not all inner city blacks are scum.

The overwhelming majority are merely poor, trapped in a ghetto perpetuated by the democrats because they need an underclass to prey upon.

They are good people.
No, that's not the case. The condition of inner cities are a bi partisan creation.
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Lol. You can neither see nor escape your racism. In the context of your comment, 'inner city dwellers' would be bigoted but not racist. 'Black inner city dwellers' is both bigoted and racist.

But feel free to insist your words don't mean what they say.

Ever been to Watts? Ladera Heights? No, let me give you a hint. There is only one cor of people who live there.
So now you admit to dog whistling as well!

IM2 is too easy on you.

No, I am presenting facts. You progressives avoid those like the plague.

I grew up in Inglewood. That was 1940's into the 1950's. By the late 1950's it was too dangerous for us to stay, so we moved to East LA.

Far safer with the Latino's
westwall said:
but the inner city blacks, for the most part, don't want to work hard to better their situation

A prime example of Laissez Faire racism:

“Laissez Faire Racism involves persistent negative stereotyping of African Americans, a tendency to blame blacks themselves for the black-white gap in socioeconomic standing, and resistance to meaningful policy efforts to ameliorate America's racist social conditions and institutions.”

The TRUTH hurts don't it. Grow up and take responsibility for yourselves...stop being crackheads demanding everyone else take care of you. Equal treatment for all also means EQUAL judgement/expectations for all.
And you think that is not racist. It must be a gift.

No, you ignorant fool, it's not racist. It's a fact. Learn the damned difference. It was dangerous to white peoole, black people, yellow people, blue people, ALL people.

Pointing out the fact that viilent scum do violent crimes isn't racist you jackass!

If I had lived in a particular neighborhood in San Bernarduno at that time we would have been fleeing frim a violent white gang led by Sonny Barger.

It ain't the color of the violent scum you's THE VIOLENCE THEY DO!
No, I am presenting facts. You progressives avoid those like the plague.

I grew up in Inglewood. That was 1940's into the 1950's. By the late 1950's it was too dangerous for us to stay, so we moved to East LA.

Far safer with the Latino's
You aren't presenting any fucking facts. William Parker ran amuck in that city persecuting blacks with his police department. Meanwhile there were at least 100 house bombings of black home by whites in LA during the time you describe. Blacks were blown up in their home These are the facts. s. So shut the hell up.

MLK is revered today but the real King would make white people uncomfortable​

Every year, on the third Monday in January, America hosts a Sadie Hawkins-style role-reversal where the entire country pretends to celebrate a man whose achievements and values they spent the previous 364 days ignoring, demonizing and trying to dismantle. Today, your favorite vote suppressors will take a brief respite from disenfranchising Black voters, denying history and increasing inequality to celebrate a real American hero.

That’s right, it’s MLK Day!

You might think it’s a little disrespectful to refer to a great American hero by his initials but, in this specific case, it’s perfectly fine. The actual Martin Luther King Jr who lived and breathed is not the man most people will be honoring today because that Martin Luther King is dead and gone. No, the man upon whom they will heap their performative praise with social media virtue-signaling is MLK, a caricature of a man whose likeness has been made palatable for white consumption. Like BLM, CRT and USA, the people who King fought against have now managed to flatten a three-dimensional symbol to a three-letter, chant-worthy phrase worthy of demonization or deification.

I am not condemning this all-American tradition of gaslighting. I had an imaginary friend growing up and he was not nearly as eloquent as this history – refurbished MLK they have invented. I, more than anyone, can appreciate the effort this country has put into manufacturing a version of King that is based on a true story. Whitewashing an entire human being is not as easy as you think. Plus, I understand why they do it:

The real Martin Luther King would make white people uncomfortable.

Anyone who knows the unwhitened story of Martin Luther King Jr understands why whitesplaining “what MLK would have wanted” is a favorite pastime of politicians and performative sympathetic social media “allies”. The average American might get the heebie-jeebies if they knew they were celebrating a radical who challenged systemic racism, supported reparations and advocated for a universal basic income.

For the entirety of the 39 years that King lived and breathed, there wasn’t a single day when the majority of white Americans approved of him.
Although, in death, he became one of the most revered figures in US history, for the entirety of the 39 years that King lived and breathed, there wasn’t a single day when the majority of white Americans approved of him. In 1966, Gallup measured his approval rating at 32% positive and 63% negative. That same year, a December Harris poll found that 50% of whites felt King was “hurting the negro cause of civil rights” while only 36% felt he was helping. By the time he died in 1968, three out of four white Americans disapproved of him. In the wake of his assassination, 31% of the country felt that he “brought it on himself”.

You don't know shit about King. Everything I say he would support. I have never said babies were born racist as I have said racism is taught. I don't call random people racist, I call people here who make racist comments or have racist views racist.

Like you and your laissez faire racism.

Laissez-faire racism is closely related to color blindness and covert racism, and is theorised to encompass an ideology that blames minorities for their poorer economic situations, viewing it as the result of cultural inferiority.
In other words, unless a white person only says something negative about another white person, they are racist.
You would look really stupid if King was here.

No he wouldn't . He would support what I say and do. The King you have made up using one sentence is not Dr. King. Now just stop trying to make King into a far right laissez faire practicing white racist. King spoke about CRT before it became a theory son. Right here:

“At the very same time that America refused to give the Negro any land, through an act of Congress, our government was giving away millions of acres of land in the West and the mid-West, which meant that it was willing to undergird its white peasants from Europe with an economic floor.

“But not only did they give the land, they built land grant colleges with government money to teach them how to farm. Not only that, they provided county agents to further their expertise in farming. Not only that, they provided low interest rates in order that they could mechanize their farms. Not only that, today many of these people are receiving millions of dollars in federal subsidies not to farm.

“And they are the very people telling the black man that he ought to lift himself by his own bootstraps. And this is what we are faced with. Now this is the reality. Now when we come to Washington, in this campaign, we are coming to get our check.”

He spoke to CRT and reparations in this speech.

You don't even really know what CRT is.

Being black gives you no more authority on what Kings words meant. You do not have right to decide who can or cannot interpret Kings speeches.
Funny how you don't saay things like that to your fellow racists who cut and paste.

The fact that I found a description that proves your behavior is evidence that I have read what you posted, analyzed it and found the proper behavior pattern that matches you. So let me break it down for you since you're a dumb ass who cannot understanding words with more than one syllable:

“Laissez Faire Racism involves persistent negative stereotyping of African Americans,

You consistently express negative stereotyped opinions about black people

a tendency to blame blacks themselves for the black-white gap in socioeconomic standing,

You consistently ignore continuing white racism as a causal factor impacting blacks and have come to a simpletons conclusion whereby you blame blacks for "bad coices" or "not taking responsibility."

and resistance to meaningful policy efforts to ameliorate America's racist social conditions and institutions.”

You oppose any policy to rectify the damage caused by white racsm.
How ironic. You consistently express negative opinions about white people.

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