This is What King Actually Said

No, he wasn't. Sharpton, jackson, farrakhan, yeah, they are all race pimps.

King wasn't.
That's why he was hated by over 60 percent of America before he was killed.

You only know one sentence about King and you take that one sentence out of context.
That's why he was hated by over 60 percent of America before he was killed.

You only know one sentence about King and you take that one sentence out of context.

Yeah, lots of people hate change. King realized that. That's why he IS a hero. He stood up knowing it would very well cost him his life.

He was a truly GREAT man.

Not perfect, but who is.
So what. I'm talking about the normal productive blacks out there who think you and your racist pals here are loons.
You aren't talking about normal productive blacks. You're talking about boot licking sellouts. The blacks I know here either own businesses, were in top corporate positions or are in top positions in STEM or other professions.
You are completely wrong. If I was everything you claim, no one white here would agree with me. But thats not the case. There are whites here who do agree with me and some go even further than I do. The only people I get what you are giving from are people who are racist.
That’s stupid even by your idiot standards. A moron white person can agree with you without you being correct and without you being anything but a scumbag racist.

But again, you focus on skin color because you are a racist.
Again, historically, those "land rushes" SHOULD have been open EQUALLY to everybody. There are no more opportunities for US land expansion in modern times.

There's no MODERN remedy for ancient wrongdoings.

If YA WANT -- we'll deed you all of Baltimore, Detroit, East LA, and Selma. Then we'll see if things get better. I'll not hold my breath since you've had titular control and political power dominance in these places for DECADES and things have gotten WORSE -- not better.

Try to stop repeating the standard right wing dumb ass rhetoric. When 40 percent of whites in America today live on homestead land, don't talk about something being ancient.

And the next time you drive by a suburb, ask yourself are you driving on a highway that killed a black business district. All you offer are excuses and obfuscation. Until you learn about Dr. King, the real Dr. King, please stop trying to tell black people what he stood for.
That’s stupid even by your idiot standards. A moron white person can agree with you without you being correct and without you being anything but a scumbag racist.

But again, you focus on skin color because you are a racist.

The moron whites do what you're doing. Focusing on color is not racism and as long as you ignore the racism here by whites you can go SAD.
I see you for what you are. An asshole who defines racism based on skin. You idiot. You’re an odious troll asshole.
You don't see shit. Racial classifications were constructed by a white man named Linnaeus who defined race by skin color. You are an idiot.
The moron whites do what you're doing. Focusing on color is not racism and as long as you ignore the racism here by whites you can go SAD.
Focusing on color is the first hallmark of racism. You’re so irrationally obsessed with race and skin color that you cannot see your own racism. I don’t ignore racism by whites or blacks or Asians or Hispanics or whatever. I call all you racists out.

You stereotype based on race. You’re a bigot, pure and simple. Particularly simple.
You don't see shit. Racial classifications were constructed by a white man named Linnaeus who defined race by skin color. You are an idiot.
And assholes like you still embrace that contrived notion. You idiot.
No, that would be you.
No. It’s you.

Post something factual. Try to back up your claims about Westwall or me being allegedly “racist,” you pig-dog lying bitch. But you won’t. Because you can’t. As you knew even when you first uttered your lies.

Look you scumbag. We know you’re a racist and a liar. Try to redeem yourself.
You aren't talking about normal productive blacks. You're talking about boot licking sellouts. The blacks I know here either own businesses, were in top corporate positions or are in top positions in STEM or other professions.

Sure they are. You will believe anything. That is obvious.
The moron whites do what you're doing. Focusing on color is not racism and as long as you ignore the racism here by whites you can go SAD.

Says the racist jackass that puts EVERYTHING in terms of race.

Face it dude, you truly aren't that smart. If you were you could at least try and hide your racism, but you aren't smart enough to do even that.
Lokk flacaltennn, you whites are always talking about the constitution and intent of the founders. That's the past. So drop that living in the past dodge of white responsibilit for fixing the damage caused that paat that you benefit from right no.

My family didn't GET here until 1915 or so -- so forgive me -- but I cant' fix it or take responsibility for it because I share a skin color. I got no benefit from expansionist land rushes or Jim Crow.
Whites never lifted themselves up by the bootstraps. That was Kings point and he provided examples of direct government economic assistance given to whites that blacks were denied.

You think the Irish, Germans, Asians, and others that came here with $15 bucks weren't motivated to bootstrap? What kind of history did you get in school? NONE of those immigrants benefited from racist history either. THAT was the expectation. BY LAW -- you needed a sponsor at times to ASSURE that you were capable of support. Did you STUDY THAT PART?

What are we doing NOW at the southern border? You expect THOSE people to pay for their skin privileges from ANCIENT US history? Think THEY will have to "bootstrap"? Maybe you focus 100% on YOUR ethnic history and would benefit from at LEAST thinking about what everyone else does that comes here WITH NOTHING !!!!!!!!!!

Part of that "bootstrapping" is teaching your kids to VALUE learning. ACTUAL learning that will build skills to help others in society. Taking FULL ADVANTAGE of the boatloads of money that GO to public education. You doing your part to message THAT?

I fully expect that whites on the Right AND the Left see open borders as a way to EXPLOIT a lower class workforce. In their warped minds, those immigrant's kids and their grandkids will be "changing pans in nursing homes and trimming trees" forever. But in the REAL WORLD -- and I saw this in California -- within ONE, certainly TWO generations -- their OFFSPRING were competing for the top professional jobs in society. Even becoming political leadership,

THAT"S how "bootstrapping" works.
Not spending your time adding up the tab for all the injustices that your forebears incurred HUNDREDS of years ago.
Try to stop repeating the standard right wing dumb ass rhetoric. When 40 percent of whites in America today live on homestead land, don't talk about something being ancient.

Where'd you get this tortured fact? Oklahoma land rush -- NOBODY owned nothing til they put down a stake. That was maybe 50,000 settlers. Do you HONESTLY BELIEVE that ALL of Oklahoma is STILL in the hands of the descendents of those 50,000 original settlers? A large % failed and gave up and SOLD early.

Do you think a great great grandchild of theirs is living the high life in Palm Springs now BECAUSE of the land grant that fell to that family 160 years ago?? PLEASE ANSWER THIS because I'm working too hard here to just have you flit all over the place.

Doesn't work that way dude. Learn how land/money work..

Tell me who's rich today because of expansionist land grants 150 years ago.
ALL OF TENNESSEE AROUND ME was granted to about 180 Revolutionary war veterans. Do you think ALL of their descendants got ALL THEIR WEALTH and money from maybe $50/acre that the land sold for in the early 20th century?

NOOOO !!!! You're being brainwashed.. This makes ZERO sense.
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IM2 -- You really got me torqued off with this "40% of white people live on granted land" shit. You have no IDEA of the price they paid to leave a city with hospitals and roads, security and stores and schools to RISK going out and OCCUPYING those lands.

The govt did this because there was no way to MAKE that land profitable or useful without them volunteering.

And they paid a MONSTROUS price for doing that -- losing 1/2 their family to the Indians and 1/2 of their newborns to diseases that could have been cured had they STAYED where they were.

They cleared and plowed and worked that land TO BARELY SURVIVE. They did that by their LITERAL FUCKING BOOTSTRAPS.
And they built the roads, schools, hospitals and stores.

And most sold all or SOME of that land to OTHERS at a price that could NEVER compensate them for their losses. So maybe 30,000 original settlers got next to NOTHING for their efforts in 2 generations or so. EXCEPT the fact, that built new habitable land for this country. And by TODAY -- with 4 MILLION PEOPLE LIVING THERE -- only the tiniest fraction of those people have ANY heritage or financial CONNECTION to the original owners.

There's a lot of crap victimhood fantasies being pushed by "ethnic studies" academics. And that "40% still live on land grants" is one of the BIGGEST failures of clear thinking and analysis that I've ever heard. You'll NEVER SELL THAT CRAP to folks who know the actual history of the sacrifices of these "white" people.

So if you want to be set up on some BLM land grants with NO FURTHER GOVT HELP to make it livable other than maybe a calvary fort to protect you -- lemme know OK? I'd rather YOU develop that land than have the BLM continue to mangle it.

ANSWER THIS.. You want some BLM LAND that not many people would buy into? It could easily be arranged.
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IM2 -- ran across this looking up the number of land rushers that got Oklahoma grants. Seems like that CRAP 40% false fact has a deeper racial angle to it than I thought.

A very LARGE number of blacks DID benefit from opening the Oklahoma territory and even if not ALL of them GOT the original grants -- they got undeveloped back breaking land "on the cheap".. Next time you go peddling this 40% of Americans live on granted land shit -- remember the ACTUAL history of this.

African Americans had been trying to find communities they could settle without the worries of racism against them. When the Land Rush took place, black families had been building their own way of life and culture since the Reconstruction era. Even in the Oklahoma Territory, the five main Native American Tribes had to sign agreements with the US government that they would no longer practice slavery, and if they continued, they would be exempted from their land by the United States.[27]

During the Land Rush, it was a growing belief within the African American community that this opening of free land was their opportunity to create communities of their very own, without the influence of racism. Their intentions were to make Oklahoma a state just for them. One organization that took advantage of this movement was the Oklahoma Immigration Organization owned by W. L. Eagleson. Eagleson spread the announcement of recolonization to the black community throughout the United States, especially focused in the South.[28]

U.S. land office after the Land Rush of 1889.
One attempt to make Oklahoma a black state was to appoint Edward Preston McCabe as the governor of the Oklahoma Territory. This would make it easier for black families to settle within the region during the land rush. This plan failed, as there seemed to be less and less excitement of immigrating to the new land, and instead McCabe had to settle to being a treasurer in Logan County of Oklahoma.[28]

The attempts of people like Eagleson and McCabe were not completely futile as their support of the black family did enthuse many to continue to move to the Oklahoma Territory. These movements did become townships, such as Kingfisher.[28]

The All-Black towns of Oklahoma represent a unique chapter in American history. Nowhere else, neither in the Deep South nor in the Far West, did so many African American men and women come together to create, occupy, and govern their own communities. From 1865 to 1920 African Americans created more than fifty identifiable towns and settlements, some of short duration and some still existing at the beginning of the twenty-first century.

All-Black towns grew in Indian Territory after the Civil War when the former slaves of the Five Tribes settled together for mutual protection and economic security. When the United States government forced American Indians to accept individual land allotments, most Indian "freedmen" chose land next to other African Americans. They created cohesive, prosperous farming communities that could support businesses, schools, and churches, eventually forming towns. Entrepreneurs in these communities started every imaginable kind of business, including newspapers, and advertised throughout the South for settlers. Many African Americans migrated to Oklahoma, considering it a kind of "promised land."

When the Land Run of 1889 opened yet more "free" land to non-Indian settlement, African Americans from the Old South rushed to newly created Oklahoma. E. P. McCabe, a former state auditor of Kansas, helped found Langston and encouraged African Americans to settle in that All-Black town. To further his cause, McCabe established the Langston City Herald and circulated it, often by means of traveling agents, throughout the South. McCabe hoped that his tactics would create an African American political power block in Oklahoma Territory. Other African American leaders had a vision of an All-Black state. Although this dream was never realized, many All-Black communities sprouted and flourished in the rich topsoil of the new territory and, after 1907, the new state.

Seems like a lot of towns failed. People went back East. Probably true for white settlements as well.

Hey IM2 -- Where did all the wealth and privilege go from the ambitious and brave BLACK Land Rushers? Did YOU get a piece of the action?

C'mon on now. 'Fess up. What did YOU do with all that privilege and inheritance from land rushing grants?


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