THIS Is What You Get


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Jihadist psychos rampage all over Paris in 6 different locations, mass murdering innocent people. And in the deranged minds of these screwballs, the victims weren't innocent because they were non-Muslims. The shooters were heard to have yelled "Allah Akbar" just before firing their guns.

My guess is that if you go back decades in the past, there wouldn't not have been anybody living in Paris (or maybe all of France) who even knew how to speak Arabic, let alone say those sickening words. All this grief and madness is coming about because of immigrationist nutjobs who keep allowing incompatible culture foreigners into their country.

Barrack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, are you listening ? And do these reckless nuts know who they are letting into the US ? Do they know how many OTMs (Other than Mexicans) are coming across the Mexican border ? Do they know how many jihadists are snuggling into sleeper cells right here in America, including those who came in legally on visas ? (like the 9-11 killers)

I guess these birdbrains are so absorbed in their politics, that they're willing to trade the lives of dozens (maybe thousands or millions) of Americans, just to get votes for themselves. Call me extreme if you like, but I'd say this amounts to treason. The loons in "our" govt need to forget about letting in ANYBODY from the Middle East, and ANYBODY from anywhere who claims Islam as their religion, and get busy with a mass deportation program of illegal aliens, starting with Muslims from the Middle East. For those who came here legally, and are busy cooking up jihad, we need more FBI agents, to go after these lunatics, and that would be after closing all the mosques.

Time for excess tolerance is OVER. Do you tolerate a cancer in your body ? Of course not. And you shouldn't tolerate cancers in your country either. The time for national security is here now (and overdue). These crazies have been doing this stuff all over the world for 1400 years. This shouldn't be coming as a surprise. The immigrationists have a lot to atone for right now, and France isn't the only country where that is the case. They ought to be paying reparations$$ to the families of the victims (out of their own personal pockets).
Don't hold your breath. The progressives are still defending Islamists and their immigration/multicultural agenda. The adults will have to take action, while progressives should be left at the kids table.
Don't hold your breath. The progressives are still defending Islamists and their immigration/multicultural agenda. The adults will have to take action, while progressives should be left at the kids table.
Yes, and I don't think we can afford to wait until January 2017. This country needs a military coup. In a hurry.
Don't hold your breath. The progressives are still defending Islamists and their immigration/multicultural agenda. The adults will have to take action, while progressives should be left at the kids table.
Yes, and I don't think we can afford to wait until January 2017. This country needs a military coup. In a hurry.

Don't jump the gun.
Don't jump the gun.
Does this mean that we won't have very bad jihadist attacks this year, or early next year ? If so, upon what would you base that ? It looks like you're guessing. But guessing is gambling. And the stakes are thousands (maybe millions) of lives of Americans.
He will jump the gun because he can't distinguish between Islam as a religion and jihadists. The OP has no context, no understanding of the world.
He will jump the gun because he can't distinguish between Islam as a religion and jihadists. The OP has no context, no understanding of the world.
YOU apparently, have no understanding of the KORAN and its history. For your edification, there IS NO difference between Islam (ie. the Koran) and jihadists. Try reading the Koran as I have done in 18 different translations, since 1959 (most recently, Arberry, Ali, Dawood, Shakir, & Pickthall)

Jump the gun ? You are also invited to answer the question of Post # 5 > Does this mean that we won't have very bad jihadist attacks this year, or early next year ?
He will jump the gun because he can't distinguish between Islam as a religion and jihadists. The OP has no context, no understanding of the world.
YOU apparently, have no understanding of the KORAN and its history. For your edification, there IS NO difference between Islam (ie. the Koran) and jihadists. Try reading the Koran as I have done in 18 different translations, since 1959 (most recently, Arberry, Ali, Dawood, Shakir, & Pickthall) Jump the gun ? You are also invited to answer the question of Post # 5 > Does this mean that we won't have very bad jihadist attacks this year, or early next year ?
Trump is right on the immigration issue, and I am supporting his candidacy. I don't agree that he is the only one candidate that is willing and able to put an end to this madness. There are 2 other candidates who are in this category also >> Santorum, who has the highest grade on immigration (worker-protection) from numbersUSA > (A), and Ted Cruz, who is a close second (tied with Trump) with (A-). All other candidates are far below these.

2016 Presidential Hopefuls | NumbersUSA - For Lower Immigration Levels
"THIS Is What You Get"

No, this fails as a post hoc fallacy.

A given country's immigration policy had nothing to do with the attacks.

Nor are the attacks 'justification' to deny admittance of refugees seeking asylum from war and oppression.
You can pay the victims by check, Pay Pal, or Direct Deposit.

You missed the part about the 9-11 killers having come here on visas ? You missed it that all these lunatics are immigrants ? Are you affiliated with the international jihad ? That could explain it.
Please stop committing sedition.

We asked for 9-11 massacre, letting those creeps in. France asked for November 13.massacre. They got it.
I'm wondering if the French will now WAKE UP to the critical need for them to be armed, not just in their homes but also, when they are out in theaters, seeing concerts, or wherever else. Either that, or they better beef up their police forces to have them located in bunches, just about everywhere people are assembled in groups.

I don't think they have too much time for this either. The next attack wave could happen at anytime. And here in the US as well.

These guys don't play. They carried out (1954), or will carry out (2017)


And we should be supporting them, every step of the way.

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