This is why background checks for guns fail...and universal checks will fail too...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
The only reason anti gunners push for universal background checks is so that they can get gun registration.....that's it...since criminals will bypass background checks by using straw buyers, people who can buy guns legally, buy guns for criminals......

And this is why they fail....they don't punish straw buyers and the felons who buy the guns....

Probation for straw purchase of gun used in cop shooting

Emanuel Romo was the original purchaser of the Ruger .22-caliber handgun used in the shooting last July. Romo did not know the man who shot the officer — the gun changed hands multiple times before reaching the shooter — but he did know he was buying the weapon for his cousin, Alonso Sandoval, who at age 19 was prohibited from purchasing a handgun under federal law, according to court records.

Romo bought the gun from the Shooters Shop in West Allis on Jan. 31, 2014. He and Sandoval came to the attention of police when authorities traced the weapon after the officer shooting and both were charged with federal gun-related offenses.

Sandoval, who also had the gun for a time after he had a felony marijuana conviction, was charged with being a felon in possession of a firearm.

Sooooo.......the original buyer went through a background check...then knowingly gave the gun to someone they both knew could not legally buy, own or carry a gun........defeating the alleged reason for background checks...... and of course the same problem occurs with universal background checks..if the seller doesn't care about the consequences, the gun will be bought and given to criminals....

And how much time did these criminals get for illegal gun transfers......

U.S. District Judge J.P. Stadtmueller sentenced Romo to the recommended two years of probation and earlier this month, he sentenced Sandoval to 20 months in prison.

Sandoval told investigators he sold the gun to a suspected gang member. The weapon eventually reached Tomas Uriegas, who is accused of using it to ambush Baranowski on July 17 while the officer responded to a domestic violence call, according to police.

Two years probation.....for the straw buyer........and less than two years for the felon who also illegally transfered the gun.......

That is why we have gun crime......not because we have law abiding gun owners...but because our system will not punish actual criminals....
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Has their ever been a mass shooting using guns obtained illegally?

Not many. Almost all of them are done by people who could buy the guns legally.....even the San Bernadino couple...could have actually bought the rifles legally, but they had a friend buy them for them....why? I don't know.....

Oh....Columbine.....the two teenagers were not legally allowed to buy those guns....they got the guns illegally from a friend....
Has their ever been a mass shooting using guns obtained illegally?

Not many. Almost all of them are done by people who could buy the guns legally.....even the San Bernadino couple...could have actually bought the rifles legally, but they had a friend buy them for them....why? I don't know.....

Oh....Columbine.....the two teenagers were not legally allowed to buy those guns....they got the guns illegally from a friend....
Columbine was the only one I am aware of.
Has their ever been a mass shooting using guns obtained illegally?

Not many. Almost all of them are done by people who could buy the guns legally.....even the San Bernadino couple...could have actually bought the rifles legally, but they had a friend buy them for them....why? I don't know.....

Oh....Columbine.....the two teenagers were not legally allowed to buy those guns....they got the guns illegally from a friend....
Columbine was the only one I am aware of. AWR Hawkins at Breitbart constantly points out....almost all mass shooters passed background checks for their guns.....

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