This Is Why Harry Reid Lost His Leadership In The Senate!


Gold Member
Feb 8, 2015
Yo, who is really working against the Citizens of The U.S.A.? The Democrat Party, nick name, Socialist Party! Read and learn what this piece of crap Harry Reid is really about! The Agenda of the half and half in the White House, is more important than the suffering U.S.A. Citizens!

Top 10 Bipartisan Jobs Bills Blocked by Senate Democrats

July 22, 2014|Matt Wolking
The Washington Post reports. “So few bills have been approved this year, and so little else has gotten done, that many senators say they are spending most of their time on insignificant and unrewarding work.”

Check out the stats. Even Democrats have complained about the Senate’s obstruction, and one actually said he was “furious.” When President Obama tried to blame Republicans, his rhetoric didn’t match reality and fact-checkers called him out for it, noting the dozens of jobs bills listed on that Senate Democrats are currently blocking.

Here are just 10 of them, ranked in order of bipartisan support:

- See more at: Top 10 Bipartisan Jobs Bills Blocked by Senate Democrats

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Democrats are the Scum of America. I think we all know that.

Dingy Harry is the king of the scumbags in the Senate. A worthless piece of shit.
Yo, he lost his Leadership position, but still has enough Puppets to work against the American People!!! He is Blocking Bills for a vote! Read below how Democrats are working against you and me!!!

October 1, 2015
Senate Democrats block VA funding bill

September 22, 2015, 12:36 pm
Senate Democrats block defense spending bill

October 20, 2015
Senate Democrats block bill to strip federal funds from 'sanctuary cities'

September 24, 2015
Democrats block Planned Parenthood defunding; McConnell offers 'clean bill'

September 22, 2015
Senate Democrats block bill to ban abortions after 20 weeks

Yo, take a look at the Puppets surround an Un-American Socialist, Harry!

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The scum just never stops flowing from the Democratic Party.
Harry Reid is a dip shit and his retirement can't come fast enough. That being said, The Senate hasn't done very much either since the GOP has taken over. Remember folks, this upcoming election will be the most important election in our lifetime again so vote for the GOP or the Democrats b/c this time they promise to tackle the serious issues that face our nation. :rolleyes:
Well you do know that Sanctuary City Bill would have hurt The Sanctuary State of Texas...

So Harry Reid must be a Conservative at heart...
Harry Reid is a dip shit and his retirement can't come fast enough. That being said, The Senate hasn't done very much either since the GOP has taken over. Remember folks, this upcoming election will be the most important election in our lifetime again so vote for the GOP or the Democrats b/c this time they promise to tackle the serious issues that face our nation. :rolleyes:

Harry Reid is a dip shit and his retirement can't come fast enough. That being said, The Senate hasn't done very much either since the GOP has taken over. Remember folks, this upcoming election will be the most important election in our lifetime again so vote for the GOP or the Democrats b/c this time they promise to tackle the serious issues that face our nation. :rolleyes:

Yo, true, but the Democrats are still blocking bills? We need true Leadership in the Senate! Bonher is leaving the House, now we need to work on the Moderate McConnell!!!

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Well you do know that Sanctuary City Bill would have hurt The Sanctuary State of Texas...

So Harry Reid must be a Conservative at heart...

Yo, you mean the city where Socialist have control? Wise up BOY!

Yo, true, but the Democrats are still blocking bills? We need true Leadership in the Senate! Bonher is leaving the House, now we need to work on the Moderate McConnell!!!


Nothing meaningful is ever going to get done until the electorate actually holds these people accountable. Gerrymandering and incumbency rates do not leave me with much hope with coming to pass.
Yo, true, but the Democrats are still blocking bills? We need true Leadership in the Senate! Bonher is leaving the House, now we need to work on the Moderate McConnell!!!


Nothing meaningful is ever going to get done until the electorate actually holds these people accountable. Gerrymandering and incumbency rates do not leave me with much hope with coming to pass.

Yo, true, that is why "The Tea Party" is putting the Elite Republicans feet to the fire!!!

Well you do know that Sanctuary City Bill would have hurt The Sanctuary State of Texas...

So Harry Reid must be a Conservative at heart...

Yo, you mean the city where Socialist have control? Wise up BOY!


You should wise up seeing the entire State is a Sanctuary, and you should research the State of Texas and how many cities within it border including the state capital are sanctuary cities...

It seem The GOP of the State don't mind it at all...

Now you should wise up little girl or you shall be known as Bimbo soon...
Harry Reid is a dip shit and his retirement can't come fast enough. That being said, The Senate hasn't done very much either since the GOP has taken over. Remember folks, this upcoming election will be the most important election in our lifetime again so vote for the GOP or the Democrats b/c this time they promise to tackle the serious issues that face our nation. :rolleyes:

Hey, this time it could happen, but then again I have a better chance of Scarlett Johansson sitting on my face and allowing me to guess her weight, but still either party could get something done one day in the future, well maybe or maybe not...
Well you do know that Sanctuary City Bill would have hurt The Sanctuary State of Texas...

So Harry Reid must be a Conservative at heart...

Yo, you mean the city where Socialist have control? Wise up BOY!


You should wise up seeing the entire State is a Sanctuary, and you should research the State of Texas and how many cities within it border including the state capital are sanctuary cities...

It seem The GOP of the State don't mind it at all...

Now you should wise up little girl or you shall be known as Bimbo soon...

Yo, I told you fact, the Socialist blocked a bill today, so they can get more votes at the ballot box, simple!

Dunce-cap-in-corner (2).jpg
Yo, true, but the Democrats are still blocking bills? We need true Leadership in the Senate! Bonher is leaving the House, now we need to work on the Moderate McConnell!!!


Nothing meaningful is ever going to get done until the electorate actually holds these people accountable. Gerrymandering and incumbency rates do not leave me with much hope with coming to pass.

Yo, true, that is why "The Tea Party" is putting the Elite Republicans feet to the fire!!!


Sure they are, sure they are!!!

I bet you still believe in blowing on a eyelash and making a wish too!!!
Yo, true, but the Democrats are still blocking bills? We need true Leadership in the Senate! Bonher is leaving the House, now we need to work on the Moderate McConnell!!!


Nothing meaningful is ever going to get done until the electorate actually holds these people accountable. Gerrymandering and incumbency rates do not leave me with much hope with coming to pass.

Yo, true, that is why "The Tea Party" is putting the Elite Republicans feet to the fire!!!


No, they really haven't. They like to piss and moan but they haven't accomplished very much either.
Yo, true, but the Democrats are still blocking bills? We need true Leadership in the Senate! Bonher is leaving the House, now we need to work on the Moderate McConnell!!!


Nothing meaningful is ever going to get done until the electorate actually holds these people accountable. Gerrymandering and incumbency rates do not leave me with much hope with coming to pass.

Yo, true, that is why "The Tea Party" is putting the Elite Republicans feet to the fire!!!


No, they really haven't. They like to piss and moan but they haven't accomplished very much either.

Yo, facts bear it out!!!

Well you do know that Sanctuary City Bill would have hurt The Sanctuary State of Texas...

So Harry Reid must be a Conservative at heart...

Yo, you mean the city where Socialist have control? Wise up BOY!


You should wise up seeing the entire State is a Sanctuary, and you should research the State of Texas and how many cities within it border including the state capital are sanctuary cities...

It seem The GOP of the State don't mind it at all...

Now you should wise up little girl or you shall be known as Bimbo soon...

Yo, I told you fact, the Socialist blocked a bill today, so they can get more votes at the ballot box, simple!

View attachment 52942

Psst, only stupid people believe the Circus in Washington is working for them...

Yes, I am saying a good majority of America can be and are very stupid...

Now can you explain to me why Harry Reid helped a GOP state like Texas by blocking the Sanctuary City Bill?

Now do not start with those Commie Cities because the State of Texas is a Sanctuary state, so can you explain why the GOP leadership of the State of Texas is failing their citizens and not doing the job they were elected to do?
Well you do know that Sanctuary City Bill would have hurt The Sanctuary State of Texas...

So Harry Reid must be a Conservative at heart...

Yo, you mean the city where Socialist have control? Wise up BOY!


You should wise up seeing the entire State is a Sanctuary, and you should research the State of Texas and how many cities within it border including the state capital are sanctuary cities...

It seem The GOP of the State don't mind it at all...

Now you should wise up little girl or you shall be known as Bimbo soon...

Yo, I told you fact, the Socialist blocked a bill today, so they can get more votes at the ballot box, simple!

View attachment 52942

Psst, only stupid people believe the Circus in Washington is working for them...

Yes, I am saying a good majority of America can be and are very stupid...

Now can you explain to me why Harry Reid helped a GOP state like Texas by blocking the Sanctuary City Bill?

Now do not start with those Commie Cities because the State of Texas is a Sanctuary state, so can you explain why the GOP leadership of the State of Texas is failing their citizens and not doing the job they were elected to do?

Yo, it`s simple dunce? The Socialist in the White House picks and chooses which Laws to enforce!!! The Republicans could take the Law-Breaker out of the White House? But one problem? He is Black!!!


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Is this thread another NaziCon circle jerk or can everybody play? At least Harry Reid isn't dysfunctional.

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