This Is Why I Always Helped Illegals Who Came To My Door

Judging by the posts here, nobody watches Fox more religiously than obsessed liberals.

Don't you have a thread somewhere that you should be monitoring to make sure that everyone knows that FDR was evil incarnate?
Regretfully, I find it necessary to post the truth about what this country is doing about illegal aliens, because so many posters here get their "news" from Fox, which is, of course, manufactured in the editor's office:

Nice try. What is Obama doing about those already here? He has instructed Homeland security not to deport any illegals unless they are "convicted" criminals. He implemented DACA by EO to give hundred of thousands of them a stay of deportation with work permits. And no, that's not news from Fox. It's straight from the White House.
Regretfully, I find it necessary to post the truth about what this country is doing about illegal aliens, because so many posters here get their "news" from Fox, which is, of course, manufactured in the editor's office:

Nice try. What is Obama doing about those already here? He has instructed Homeland security not to deport any illegals unless they are "convicted" criminals. He implemented DACA by EO to give hundred of thousands of them a stay of deportation with work permits. And no, that's not news from Fox. It's straight from the White House.

Thanks for confirming my post. The Obama administration has NOT stopped deporting illegals who have not been convicted of other crimes. He has simply given orders that those who have been convicted of crimes are given first priority over those that have not. Why? Because the Border patrol is rounding up many more illegals than they can possible deport, which requires a trial in front of a judge. It is obvious that you did not read my link about Operation Streamline. You might as well turn on O'Rielly and see what he has to say about it, instead.
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10 - 15,000 years ago? The first humans to populate the continent? Yeah, that counts as "native."

Replace the word "populate" with migrate and it still doesn't make them natives.

Calm down. By your standard no human is native to any place on earth outside of Africa.

Our ancestors all originated in Africa. Are you disputing that? Today one is native to the country they were born in excluding anchor babies however according to the "intent" of the 14th Amendment by its writers.
You might as well turn on O'Rielly and see what he has to say about it, instead.

There it is again, the obsessed liberal must be the most devoted Fox viewers.

Liberals for the most part favor illegal aliens. Conservatives are the ones who don't. You've got it backwards.

So, if you can not argue with the truth about deportation that I posted as a link, then the Plan 2 is to accuse liberals of favoring illegal aliens? I do believe that you are using a "straw man". However, if you want to speed up the deportations, all you have to do is to get rid of that pesky constitutional right to a trial.
You might as well turn on O'Rielly and see what he has to say about it, instead.

There it is again, the obsessed liberal must be the most devoted Fox viewers.

Liberals for the most part favor illegal aliens. Conservatives are the ones who don't. You've got it backwards.

So, if you can not argue with the truth about deportation that I posted as a link, then the Plan 2 is to accuse liberals of favoring illegal aliens? I do believe that you are using a "straw man". However, if you want to speed up the deportations, all you have to do is to get rid of that pesky constitutional right to a trial.

But Obama isn't allowing illegal aliens that don't have a criminal "conviction" on their records to even be detained for a trial. Liberals love that.
Ok, Oldglory, I will post it AGAIN, Please read it, It talks about exactly what the courts are doing about illegal aliens who have no other convictions. THEY ARE GIVEN THE CHOICE OF PLEADING INNOCENT, IN WHICH CASE THEY GO BACK TO JAIL TO WAIT FOR A TRIAL, OR THEY PLEADE GUILTY, AND ARE DEPORTED.


GEEZ, is right!

Your article is about stopping illegal aliens at the border by the Border Patrol. What I am talking about is the millions of those that are well within the interior of our country most whom have been here for some time. Again, Obama has instructed Homeland Security not to detain or deport any of them unless they are "convicted" criminals. We aren't even talking about the same things here.
Ok, Oldglory, I will post it AGAIN, Please read it, It talks about exactly what the courts are doing about illegal aliens who have no other convictions. THEY ARE GIVEN THE CHOICE OF PLEADING INNOCENT, IN WHICH CASE THEY GO BACK TO JAIL TO WAIT FOR A TRIAL, OR THEY PLEADE GUILTY, AND ARE DEPORTED.


GEEZ, is right!

Your article is about stopping illegal aliens at the border by the Border Patrol. What I am talking about is the millions of those that are well within the interior of our country most whom have been here for some time. Again, Obama has instructed Homeland Security not to detain or deport any of them unless they are "convicted" criminals. We aren't even talking about the same things here.

Ok, look. I will explain it to you one more time.

There are 7 federal courts who do absolutely nothing but try and deport illegals every working day of the year.Eeach court must have jailers, prosecution attorneys, defense attorneys, bus transportation facilities, food and food preparation, bailiffs, judges, etc. They simply do not have any more resources to devote to this trying illegal aliens, and it is unconstitutional to deport them unless they have had a day in court. If the government has the facilities to try and deport, say, 500 illegal aliens per day, then anyone can see that this is not going to go very far toward rounding up 12 million illegal aliens in the USA. Therefore, one would have to make a decision as to which ones get priorities. As a result, Jesus, who does my landscaping, supports 2 kids and a wife, and has never been in trouble with the law is NOT going to be sought out and deported, because border patrol and the courts are dealing with the maximum number that they can process, which include those caught crossing the border and those who have also been convicted of other crimes.

However, if you are that unhappy with the way this is being done, elect a republican for president, and have them devote all their time to rounding up my landscaper and letting the convicted drug dealers go free.
Ok, Oldglory, I will post it AGAIN, Please read it, It talks about exactly what the courts are doing about illegal aliens who have no other convictions. THEY ARE GIVEN THE CHOICE OF PLEADING INNOCENT, IN WHICH CASE THEY GO BACK TO JAIL TO WAIT FOR A TRIAL, OR THEY PLEADE GUILTY, AND ARE DEPORTED.


GEEZ, is right!

Your article is about stopping illegal aliens at the border by the Border Patrol. What I am talking about is the millions of those that are well within the interior of our country most whom have been here for some time. Again, Obama has instructed Homeland Security not to detain or deport any of them unless they are "convicted" criminals. We aren't even talking about the same things here.

Ok, look. I will explain it to you one more time.

There are 7 federal courts who do absolutely nothing but try and deport illegals every working day of the year.Eeach court must have jailers, prosecution attorneys, defense attorneys, bus transportation facilities, food and food preparation, bailiffs, judges, etc. They simply do not have any more resources to devote to this trying illegal aliens, and it is unconstitutional to deport them unless they have had a day in court. If the government has the facilities to try and deport, say, 500 illegal aliens per day, then anyone can see that this is not going to go very far toward rounding up 12 million illegal aliens in the USA. Therefore, one would have to make a decision as to which ones get priorities. As a result, Jesus, who does my landscaping, supports 2 kids and a wife, and has never been in trouble with the law is NOT going to be sought out and deported, because border patrol and the courts are dealing with the maximum number that they can process, which include those caught crossing the border and those who have also been convicted of other crimes.

However, if you are that unhappy with the way this is being done, elect a republican for president, and have them devote all their time to rounding up my landscaper and letting the convicted drug dealers go free.

Lame excuses. Illegals aren't even being detained anymore that have managed to remain in our interior. Our immigration laws don't give a pass to illegal aliens just because they haven't been "convicted" of a crime. How many of them use fake or stolen Id's to work? Or work under the table and avoid paying taxes? Those are both felonies. Obama wants them to all get on his big amnesty and that is the real reason that he won't allowed them to be detained for trail.

If you hired a landscaper that is here illegally then you are both breaking the law. Apparently you don't give a damn though.
Old, For crying out loud, there is no such thing as an "illegal alien" who has not been convicted of such in a court of law. Also, it is unconstitutional to racially profile someone, and pull them over and demand their proof of citizenship, simply because their skin is brown. Here in AZ, if a deputy has a legal cause to detain someone, he can then demand proof of citizenship. If he does not have that proof, he will be turned over to immigration, and tried for being an illegal alien, and deported. I live here, and that is a fact.

As for my landscaper, I have no idea if he is an illegal alien, or not. He does not wear a sign around his neck, reading, "Illegal Alien" I would only have one reason why I would even suspect that he might be, and that is because he is Hispanic. I do not assume that every Hispanic I meet in Southern AZ is an illegal alien, and I do not ask them to prove to me that they are US citizens. It would be an insult to them, and also unfairly discriminatory. Also, the bottom line is that I don't really give a rat's ass if he is or not. He does good work and a good price.
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10 - 15,000 years ago? The first humans to populate the continent? Yeah, that counts as "native."

Replace the word "populate" with migrate and it still doesn't make them natives.

Calm down. By your standard no human is native to any place on earth outside of Africa.

Our ancestors all originated in Africa. Are you disputing that? Today one is native to the country they were born in excluding anchor babies however according to the "intent" of the 14th Amendment by its writers.

You need to get off the drugs, gloryhole.
Wow, you go slumming like it's some kind battle wound or something. Try living with illegals for 15 years or so. You don't give us the superficial patina that you know illegals. It isn't anecdotal ( I hate that word), its a reality. Mexicans aren't adapting to this culture, the only thing they add is crime and backwardness. But 15 years plus of experience doesn't seem to mean anything anymore, everyone has an A-hole and an option.

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