This is why open carry is ridiculous.......and dangerous

So a bunch of Trumptoids planted themselves in front of the MI secretary of state's home Saturday night to protest the election, many of them were armed.
Why the fuck did anybody need to bring a gun if they wanted a truly "peaceful protest"?????
It just takes on drunk Trumptoid to cause someone harm or even death.
This woman was inside her house with her four-year-old child alone.
What the fuck is WRONG with you stupid motherfuckers????

Outside Benson's home on Saturday night, "at least one individual could be heard shouting 'you're murderers' within earshot of her child's bedroom," Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel said in a joint statement with Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy.""""

Thank goodness no one was harmed.

This time.

What about the next time?

Thanks, Dana. I'm sure you're comments will be the only sane one here, but this IS the THIRD time.
Remember earlier this year when armed Trump assholes planted themselves on the steps of the governor's mansion.
Then the FBI busted a bunch of Trump assholes for planning to kidnap the governor.

You're right.

These people are so out of control.

Who needs a weapon at a peaceful protest?
a protest can go from peaceful to unpeaceful at the drop of a hat

Especially when you bring a weapon to that protest.


The mere carrying of a weapon is not a threat to anyone.

If you actually think they weren't trying to threaten her, then you're even a bigger idiot than I thought.

If you actually think they wanted violence, please explain why there wasn't any violence.

You're always a bigger idiot than I thought, simply because you keep outdoing yourself.
This is why open carry is ridiculous.......and dangerous
So a bunch of Trumptoids planted themselves in front of the MI secretary of state's home Saturday night to protest the election, many of them were armed.
Why the fuck did anybody need to bring a gun if they wanted a truly "peaceful protest"?????
Why don't the liberals object when city cops openly carry pistols, and they shoot and kill at will?

For all the George Floyd protests of unjustified shootings by police officers, why do the liberals still want the people's Constitutional right to keep and bear Arms to be so deeply infringed or restricted to cops on assignment to kill?

Police are trained law enforcerment.

Those outside that house, not likely.
If one has a lick of sense they'll leave open carrying alone

Answer the question, dipshit.
Why does anybody need to carry a gun to a legal, peaceful protest???
Your deflection is noted, pussy.
The same reason why a person carries anywhere.

Self protection
Can understand. The trump supporters were afraid of her kids.

You just confirming you were never military... Plywood
And yet....I get that nice retirement. ;)

I have a brother who was on the ground in Viet Nam and he says none of his buddies would pull the kind of shit that the shitstain Trumpers do, brandishing guns they hardly even know how to use. It's all about looking tough since they're actually a bunch of pussies like Trump.

"I claim to know someone who has testicles, so you have to believe I'm a man, not a sobbing pantyboy!!! I'm NOT upset because real men frighten me, I'm NOT, I'M NOT!!!!"

My dog has bigger balls than you, AFTER I had him neutered.
This is why open carry is ridiculous.......and dangerous
So a bunch of Trumptoids planted themselves in front of the MI secretary of state's home Saturday night to protest the election, many of them were armed.
Why the fuck did anybody need to bring a gun if they wanted a truly "peaceful protest"?????
Why don't the liberals object when city cops openly carry pistols, and they shoot and kill at will?

For all the George Floyd protests of unjustified shootings by police officers, why do the liberals still want the people's Constitutional right to keep and bear Arms to be so deeply infringed or restricted to cops on assignment to kill?

Police are trained law enforcerment.

Those outside that house, not likely.

So only cops are suitable to carry guns . . . except that all cops are also racist murderers. Got it.
This is why open carry is ridiculous.......and dangerous
So a bunch of Trumptoids planted themselves in front of the MI secretary of state's home Saturday night to protest the election, many of them were armed.
Why the fuck did anybody need to bring a gun if they wanted a truly "peaceful protest"?????
Why don't the liberals object when city cops openly carry pistols, and they shoot and kill at will?

For all the George Floyd protests of unjustified shootings by police officers, why do the liberals still want the people's Constitutional right to keep and bear Arms to be so deeply infringed or restricted to cops on assignment to kill?

Police are trained law enforcerment.

Those outside that house, not likely.
Those people aren't there to enforce any laws shit stain.
So a bunch of Trumptoids planted themselves in front of the MI secretary of state's home Saturday night to protest the election, many of them were armed.
Why the fuck did anybody need to bring a gun if they wanted a truly "peaceful protest"?????
It just takes on drunk Trumptoid to cause someone harm or even death.
This woman was inside her house with her four-year-old child alone.
What the fuck is WRONG with you stupid motherfuckers????

Outside Benson's home on Saturday night, "at least one individual could be heard shouting 'you're murderers' within earshot of her child's bedroom," Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel said in a joint statement with Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy.""""

Pics or it didn't happen
"A video livestream from the scene that one protester posted to Facebook showed the group lined up along the edge of Benson's yard..."

In other words a non-violent protest NOT on her property that the left claims to love but theirs's always turn violent. Good on them Wish I could have attended.
So a bunch of Trumptoids planted themselves in front of the MI secretary of state's home Saturday night to protest the election, many of them were armed.
Why the fuck did anybody need to bring a gun if they wanted a truly "peaceful protest"?????
It just takes on drunk Trumptoid to cause someone harm or even death.
This woman was inside her house with her four-year-old child alone.
What the fuck is WRONG with you stupid motherfuckers????

Outside Benson's home on Saturday night, "at least one individual could be heard shouting 'you're murderers' within earshot of her child's bedroom," Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel said in a joint statement with Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy.""""

Show off, hot head ass holes, trying to intimidate. Also bad tactic to show your firepower until forced to use it. It is people like that, that give normal gun owners and carriers a bad name.

There is a long and storied history of armed protest in this country.

Fuck off

Fucking liberal whites spent all year pretending they agreed with us non whites on police. Yet here all of you are, asking why you want to make the barrier very high for the police fucking with you? ??

What do you think would have happened to htem had they not been armed?
They would have carried their little signs and chanted their little slogans, like a pep rally in highschool. Brandishing a weapon is punishable in this state and as a permit holder and carrier, I have no problem with that. Whites and non whites like you, alike ought to keep their weapon in their pants. It is my opinion and you can feel free to fuck off. You idiots just make it harder on the rest of us, that want to avoid further regulation, as we already respect our weapons and the peace of mind of the straights.

Letting some one know you're armed is not hte same thing as "brandishing" a weapon.

Brandishing is an action that implies threat, just having a rifle slung over your shoulder or a pistol on your hip is not brandishing a weapon....By your standard open carry should be legal no where? It's security theater, you're no safer with that gun under his jacket than you are able to see it. It just makes you feel safer. That's it.

If I don't let the cop know i'm armed he's going to react very differently to me, with a lot less respect, and once he realizes i am equally armed he's not going to take that calmly. Concealing a weapon is much more likely to get me shot than having a rifle over my shoulder. Because if he sees that concealed weapon spontaneously the situation is giong to escalate by a factor of 100 in teh span of a moment.

If he sees me walking around open carrying a weapon, he's very unlikely to just start shooting me.

No one sane who is non white would question why others might want to be armed during protests. They teach all colors of kids about dogs and water cannons in school. You don't want to be that. Bring a gun, or come with people who did. I do not judge conservative whites for not trusting the state to keep them safe. Country does not have a great track record on this issue considering our very maximalist* free speech protections, our cops take cues from teh fucking Israelis running an apartheid state.
Civilians act different if your weapons are all hanging out, as they are not used to knowingly being around weapons and weapons carriers. Cop will give you no greater respect, only identifying you mentally as a possible target. They are far more worried about the weapons they cannot see.

Again, they used to turn dogs on black protestors until they started arming themselvs

You lack some basic history here

Reagan implemented gun control in california...In response to black men doing something very similar to what modern republican protestors do with guns. Google it. They didn't abuse those men. Because it would have been a fair fight.

They will treat you with infinitely more respect if you are a threat to their life. I don't need an old white whose never had any negative police interaction telling me what will and won't set them off. Easiest way for me to get them to take a pot shot at me is give them a split second decision. Concealed carry is inherently more dangerous when facing an officer. If he sees a shotgun on a rack he's not going to react the same way he will to the idea there is a weapon he can't see in his proximity.

Most cops get a lot more sane when they feel they can die not less. And large numbers of people who are well armed will give them that feeling.

There are few things an American non white is better qualified to speak on than your average white guy. Police interaction and behavior is one of them. Unless you grew up or live in teh most crime ridden trailer park in the country it's unlikely you've had any substantive police interaction next to your average black or brown man. Or your parents were just not good criminals.
Trying to intimidate cops with guns that you are not actually shooting at them is a loosing proposition. If they are told to, they will clear you off the streets or arrest you or both as deemed necessary control the overall situation. You are not effecting the cops, only the non gun carrying protestors and rubber neckers wanting to watch, and yes anyone of the opposing protestors that brought a piece with them, although you are marked as a target with you long gun hanging out to them also. Been on the enforcement side. It is the ones you know are there, but cannot see that worry you the most. You guy ought to quit that silly kid crap.
This is why open carry is ridiculous.......and dangerous
So a bunch of Trumptoids planted themselves in front of the MI secretary of state's home Saturday night to protest the election, many of them were armed.
Why the fuck did anybody need to bring a gun if they wanted a truly "peaceful protest"?????
Why don't the liberals object when city cops openly carry pistols, and they shoot and kill at will?

For all the George Floyd protests of unjustified shootings by police officers, why do the liberals still want the people's Constitutional right to keep and bear Arms to be so deeply infringed or restricted to cops on assignment to kill?

Police are trained law enforcerment.

Those outside that house, not likely.
Those protestors were protesting; not enforcing laws
So a bunch of Trumptoids planted themselves in front of the MI secretary of state's home Saturday night to protest the election, many of them were armed.
Why the fuck did anybody need to bring a gun if they wanted a truly "peaceful protest"?????
It just takes on drunk Trumptoid to cause someone harm or even death.
This woman was inside her house with her four-year-old child alone.
What the fuck is WRONG with you stupid motherfuckers????

Outside Benson's home on Saturday night, "at least one individual could be heard shouting 'you're murderers' within earshot of her child's bedroom," Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel said in a joint statement with Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy.""""

Show off, hot head ass holes, trying to intimidate. Also bad tactic to show your firepower until forced to use it. It is people like that, that give normal gun owners and carriers a bad name.

Those who have been properly trained how to use a weapon knows that if you pull weapon, you fully expect to use it.

No one who is properly trained in how to use a weapon will ever pull a weapon unless they fully expect to use it.

They also know the consequences of using that weapon. They know it's not a video game or movie. No one is going to get up and walk away from being dead here in reality. Here in reality, they know that they will be going to jail and face a lot of legal problems if they shoot someone. No matter if the shot person dies or not.

The people who walk around with their weapons on display are fools who don't have the proper training to use them. They are more likely to shoot their foot own off than use it to "protect" themselves.

As a woman and person who has been properly trained in weapons, when I see a man with a lot of weapons or semi automatic weapons, my first thought:

Small penis and is trying to compensate for it.

I can't speak for all women but all women I know think the same thing.

My member is large enough! That's why I conceal carry. :smoke:
But I don't hold it against anyone who open carry's. I tend to call them sir or mam', as long as they're polite to me.
So a bunch of Trumptoids planted themselves in front of the MI secretary of state's home Saturday night to protest the election, many of them were armed.
Why the fuck did anybody need to bring a gun if they wanted a truly "peaceful protest"?????
It just takes on drunk Trumptoid to cause someone harm or even death.
This woman was inside her house with her four-year-old child alone.
What the fuck is WRONG with you stupid motherfuckers????

Outside Benson's home on Saturday night, "at least one individual could be heard shouting 'you're murderers' within earshot of her child's bedroom," Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel said in a joint statement with Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy.""""

Thank goodness no one was harmed.

This time.

What about the next time?

Thanks, Dana. I'm sure you're comments will be the only sane one here, but this IS the THIRD time.
Remember earlier this year when armed Trump assholes planted themselves on the steps of the governor's mansion.
Then the FBI busted a bunch of Trump assholes for planning to kidnap the governor.

You're right.

These people are so out of control.

Who needs a weapon at a peaceful protest?

A lot of stupid fucking idiots on this board think they do.

I grew up in a family that loves to hunt. My dad used to hunt pheasant with my grandfather. I refused to eat anything that flies. still won't.

My aunt used to sit on her back porch waiting for the right size deer to walk by. Then BLAMO! They had a freezer full of meat for the winter. I wouldn't eat Bambi. I still won't.

There were weapons in the garage all my life. They were only removed to go hunting with my grandfather. When he died, my dad stopped hunting.

My dad taught me all about weapons.

Then when I went through basic training in the Air National Guard I learned how to use an automatic weapon.

I started going to protests in the 70s when I was a teenager. I've been going to protests all my life.

In all those protests and all those years, I have never taken a weapon with me. I have never seen anyone with a weapon beyond the police. I've been to many protests that police were there and they had weapons. A few had those rubber bullet weapons pointed directly at us.

Weapons aren't needed at any protest for any reason. Most protests are peaceful so no one needs to bring a weapon to a peaceful protest.

The only reason those people had weapons with them at that woman's home was to frighten and intimidate her and her 4 year old child.

What kind of people try to frighten and intimidate an innocent woman and her 4 year old child? COWARDS.

The cowards are the ones on the left that actually go onto the person's property, deface the property, and damage the property.
Like Umbrella guy.


If you are going to bring up one guy and try to compare it to systemic lefty property damage, take your shit elsewhere.
You expected them to wear pussy hats?

"Mom, why are those people wearing pussy's on their heads?".
I cannot help but notice how those knitted hats keep triggering trump supporters.............4 years of being triggered. What's up with that?

They seem to have a problem with the female anatomy.

Apparently they believe having a vagina is bad.

No worse or better than dick n' balls.
But you don't see a mass wearing of dick n' ball hats now, do you?
So a bunch of Trumptoids planted themselves in front of the MI secretary of state's home Saturday night to protest the election, many of them were armed.
Why the fuck did anybody need to bring a gun if they wanted a truly "peaceful protest"?????
It just takes on drunk Trumptoid to cause someone harm or even death.
This woman was inside her house with her four-year-old child alone.
What the fuck is WRONG with you stupid motherfuckers????

Outside Benson's home on Saturday night, "at least one individual could be heard shouting 'you're murderers' within earshot of her child's bedroom," Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel said in a joint statement with Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy.""""

Show off, hot head ass holes, trying to intimidate. Also bad tactic to show your firepower until forced to use it. It is people like that, that give normal gun owners and carriers a bad name.

There is a long and storied history of armed protest in this country.

Fuck off

Fucking liberal whites spent all year pretending they agreed with us non whites on police. Yet here all of you are, asking why you want to make the barrier very high for the police fucking with you? ??

What do you think would have happened to htem had they not been armed?
They would have carried their little signs and chanted their little slogans, like a pep rally in highschool. Brandishing a weapon is punishable in this state and as a permit holder and carrier, I have no problem with that. Whites and non whites like you, alike ought to keep their weapon in their pants. It is my opinion and you can feel free to fuck off. You idiots just make it harder on the rest of us, that want to avoid further regulation, as we already respect our weapons and the peace of mind of the straights.

Learn the definition of the word "brandishing", because you're using it wrong. That's NOT my opinion, and you can feel free to fuck off if you don't like that fact.

And don't even come at us with that "I'm a Second Amendment lover, and I just want you to stop exercising your rights so you don't make things harder on everyone" schtick. No one's picking up what you're trying to put down.
Many people on here have voiced having it will make the cops think twice. That sounds like intimidation as have seen the description on the offense as pulling or display with the intent to intimidate or cause fear. I'm not prone to intimidation, and my weapon will not be seen until somebody brandishes theirs in my direction. You can feel free to likewise fuck off with your opinion. Toting around long guns and bandoleers of ammo to demonstration is stupid. You will not change anyone's mind either, but you might encourage more attempts at regulation, the rest of us responsible carriers do not need, just so you can have an intimidating parade showing your firepower to impress or intimidate the masses.
Frankly, you gotta be nuts to go anywhere these days as an organized group representing anything the democrats oppose as you're SURE to be attacked violently by their mobs! It looks to me like these people were merely exercising prudent self-defense.

Of course. Democrats are violent people. We have plenty of evidence of that. You have to be prepared. The only reason we need our guns is because of Democrats, and that's why we carry them.

Yes sir!
We live in a society where running a business gets you arrested, but looting a business is okay!
Buy more guns and ammo until this equation changes!!!
So a bunch of Trumptoids planted themselves in front of the MI secretary of state's home Saturday night to protest the election, many of them were armed.
Why the fuck did anybody need to bring a gun if they wanted a truly "peaceful protest"?????
It just takes on drunk Trumptoid to cause someone harm or even death.
This woman was inside her house with her four-year-old child alone.
What the fuck is WRONG with you stupid motherfuckers????

Outside Benson's home on Saturday night, "at least one individual could be heard shouting 'you're murderers' within earshot of her child's bedroom," Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel said in a joint statement with Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy.""""

First of all, I don't need to justify to you why I carry a gun. It is MY second amendment right. Second, I have heard of a Trump supporter that has killed anyone, unlike the Trump supporter that was MURDERED in Portland by a DNC/Antifa thug this summer. Third, these protesters are exercising their first amendment rights to address their representatives. If she doesn't like what they have to say, too bad. Fourth, why weren't you screaming when the DNC/BLM/Antifa thugs were burning/looting and defacing all summer long? And lastly if you don't want YOUR mother fucked, KEEP HER OFF THE STREETS. WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU--LOOK IN THE MIRROR.
So a bunch of Trumptoids planted themselves in front of the MI secretary of state's home Saturday night to protest the election, many of them were armed.
Why the fuck did anybody need to bring a gun if they wanted a truly "peaceful protest"?????
It just takes on drunk Trumptoid to cause someone harm or even death.
This woman was inside her house with her four-year-old child alone.
What the fuck is WRONG with you stupid motherfuckers????

Outside Benson's home on Saturday night, "at least one individual could be heard shouting 'you're murderers' within earshot of her child's bedroom," Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel said in a joint statement with Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy.""""

They're only half stupid. Better than the full stupid, leftist anarchists would have treated them like the trash they themselves are. How many assaults took place anyway? Compare and contrast to leftists.
So a bunch of Trumptoids planted themselves in front of the MI secretary of state's home Saturday night to protest the election, many of them were armed.
Why the fuck did anybody need to bring a gun if they wanted a truly "peaceful protest"?????
It just takes on drunk Trumptoid to cause someone harm or even death.
This woman was inside her house with her four-year-old child alone.
What the fuck is WRONG with you stupid motherfuckers????

Outside Benson's home on Saturday night, "at least one individual could be heard shouting 'you're murderers' within earshot of her child's bedroom," Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel said in a joint statement with Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy.""""

Open carry is for pussy bois who are afraid someone will question their masculinity. Beta males in other words.

So a bunch of Trumptoids planted themselves in front of the MI secretary of state's home Saturday night to protest the election, many of them were armed.
Why the fuck did anybody need to bring a gun if they wanted a truly "peaceful protest"?????
It just takes on drunk Trumptoid to cause someone harm or even death.
This woman was inside her house with her four-year-old child alone.
What the fuck is WRONG with you stupid motherfuckers????

Outside Benson's home on Saturday night, "at least one individual could be heard shouting 'you're murderers' within earshot of her child's bedroom," Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel said in a joint statement with Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy.""""

Wow. I wonder if it was as bad as the rioters, looters, burners who also carried guns into the suburbs, business districts, and overall general populated places like Antifa and BLM did!
Gosh. How horrific! Shudders at the thought! Such meanies!
*eye roll*
So a bunch of Trumptoids planted themselves in front of the MI secretary of state's home Saturday night to protest the election, many of them were armed.
Why the fuck did anybody need to bring a gun if they wanted a truly "peaceful protest"?????
It just takes on drunk Trumptoid to cause someone harm or even death.
This woman was inside her house with her four-year-old child alone.
What the fuck is WRONG with you stupid motherfuckers????

Outside Benson's home on Saturday night, "at least one individual could be heard shouting 'you're murderers' within earshot of her child's bedroom," Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel said in a joint statement with Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy.""""

Open carry is for pussy bois who are afraid someone will question their masculinity. Beta males in other words.

View attachment 426348
Open carry is about people who WILL NOT allow their God-given rights to be trampled, sheep.

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