This Is Why They Come Here


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012

There is no law in El Salvador.

So far this year, dozens of army personnel and police officers, men and women, have been slaughtered by gangs, known here as maras, in a number of ambushes and assaults. Some of them were attacked while commuting to their homes.

In addition, a large number of spouses or relatives of police officers and soldiers have been killed in cold blood solely because of their relationship to law enforcement or military personnel.

The rich sit in their highly-defended homes or ride around in their armored cars. Outside those walls, people live in squalor, struggling to live from day to day.

This does not excuse our opening the border to them – oe those fleeing other countries – but it explains why they come, bust their chops to earn enough to send home to their families. And, as long as our leaders continue to ignore them and those from Honduras, Nicaragua, and Guatemala, they'll keep on coming.

Where else have they to go?

Read the full story @ Militarization will not resolve underlying problems in El Salvador

One murder every hour: how El Salvador became the homicide capital of the world @ One murder every hour: how El Salvador became the homicide capital of the world
There is no law in El Salvador....This does not excuse our opening the border to them – oe those fleeing other countries – but it explains why they come, bust their chops to earn enough to send home to their families. And, as long as our leaders continue to ignore them and those from Honduras, Nicaragua, and Guatemala, they'll keep on coming....Where else have they to go

1-why are they bypassing dozens of spanish-speaking countries to come to where the alleged hated gringo white man lives? Could it be because they are really economic migrants, and are seeking welfare benefits?

2-is the writer of these garbage articles so racist against hispanic people, claiming they are incapable of constructing a functioning society of their own? What prevents these hispanics from creating a country that is economically self sustaining? Why was Costa Rica able to do it, and not any of the other central/latin american countries?

3-where is the requirement written that I as a white american owe these hispanics a fucking penny, or an ounce of help? When my friends, the jews, were desperately in need of help only 60 years ago, NOT ONE FUCKING HISPANIC COUNTRY took them in, only the Dominican Republic took any of those jews in, and that was because of dictator Trujillo's desire to "whiten" the island.

Sorry, but just the fact that these people are skipping over so many other countries to come to the US confirms for me that they are not fleeing violence or war - people who are doing that will run ANYWHERE with their families to escape - but are targeting the US for economic/welfare reasons.

DEPORT THEM ALL, and end the birthright nonsense.
There is no law in El Salvador....This does not excuse our opening the border to them – oe those fleeing other countries – but it explains why they come, bust their chops to earn enough to send home to their families. And, as long as our leaders continue to ignore them and those from Honduras, Nicaragua, and Guatemala, they'll keep on coming....Where else have they to go

1-why are they bypassing dozens of spanish-speaking countries to come to where the alleged hated gringo white man lives? Could it be because they are really economic migrants, and are seeking welfare benefits?

2-is the writer of these garbage articles so racist against hispanic people, claiming they are incapable of constructing a functioning society of their own? What prevents these hispanics from creating a country that is economically self sustaining? Why was Costa Rica able to do it, and not any of the other central/latin american countries?

3-where is the requirement written that I as a white american owe these hispanics a fucking penny, or an ounce of help? When my friends, the jews, were desperately in need of help only 60 years ago, NOT ONE FUCKING HISPANIC COUNTRY took them in, only the Dominican Republic took any of those jews in, and that was because of dictator Trujillo's desire to "whiten" the island.

Sorry, but just the fact that these people are skipping over so many other countries to come to the US confirms for me that they are not fleeing violence or war - people who are doing that will run ANYWHERE with their families to escape - but are targeting the US for economic/welfare reasons.

DEPORT THEM ALL, and end the birthright nonsense.

Wow! A bit of real here there.
Fourteen Killed In El Salvador Prison, Gang Violence Blamed @ Fourteen Killed In El Salvador Prison, Gang Violence Blamed

And that doesn't count what's going out in the streets

Maybe it's time they figured out how to actually run a country. They simply need the will to do it, and to stop blaming the West/US/white people/martians for their situation. I and most sane americans are not their fucking safety valve; this world needs to reduce its population way down and allowing the 3rd world to pump out babies like they are will lead to wars that make WW2 look like a dance in the ballroom.
The world does NOT need to "reduce its population. More silly nonsense.
End the War on Drugs. Problem solved. Our government plays a large role in why those countries are so fucked up

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