This Is Why We Can't Explain The Facts To Liberals

As for the virus, how could such a low risk virus done all this damage & kill 220,000 Americans?

According to the scientists, you know, the ones you guys supposedly believe, it should have killed 2+million. Seems that Trump has done an exception job, unless of course you now don't believe the scientists. Around and around you go.
If nothing was done but thank God for the governors.

Trump killed tens of thousands of Americans. And you think he did a grerat job?
I hope you are not upset after Trump wins this election ???
You sound like a calm reasonable person.
Ask a Liberal to name a few of the books that have informed their geopolitical views: also dead silence.
Reading books is for pointy hat egghead liberals. Trump famously doesn’t read past two or three bullet points on any briefing.

Can you offer three or four of the tomes that have informed your geopolitical outlook?
What should my response to learning about this news be?

Should I extrapolate that all Democratic politicians and their supporters are unaware that the term
”coyote” refers to human traffickers?

Does this prove that, as the brilliant OP claims, that ”we can't explain facts to liberals”?

Or, should we simply note that we have a state rep in GA who lacks awareness regarding the immigration issue?

Tough call.

Let's cut to the chase, and prove you just as irrational as the examples in the OP....

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism,
opposition to free speech,
substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,
support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,
and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

Now......which is your favorite?
Liberals are dominated by their emotions, so facts are overridden.

They have been informed and instructed as to what their fate will be if they don't toe the line.

“…smearing opponents is not only a left-wing value; it is the left’s modus operandi. And the reason for that is: The left does not win through argument. It wins through smear. If you differ with the left, you are, by definition, sexist, racist, bigoted, intolerant, homophobic, Islamophobic, xenophobic, fascist, and/or a hater. The proof? You cannot name a single opponent of the left who has not been so labeled.”
Why the Left Calls Good People Racist | RealClearPolitics
Ask a Liberal to name a few of the books that have informed their geopolitical views: also dead silence.
Reading books is for pointy hat egghead liberals. Trump famously doesn’t read past two or three bullet points on any briefing.

Can you offer three or four of the tomes that have informed your geopolitical outlook?
Nothing is true and everything is possible.
The post-American world
Shake hands with the devil
The red and the blue
Ask a Liberal to name a few of the books that have informed their geopolitical views: also dead silence.
Reading books is for pointy hat egghead liberals. Trump famously doesn’t read past two or three bullet points on any briefing.

Can you offer three or four of the tomes that have informed your geopolitical outlook?
Nothing is true and everything is possible.
The post-American world
Shake hands with the devil
The red and the blue

I love the idea of folks who read, and can incorporate what they read into a worldview.

Now....the first of your examples....
"Professional killers with the souls of artists, would-be theater directors turned Kremlin puppet-masters, suicidal supermodels, Hell's Angels who hallucinate themselves as holy warriors, and oligarch "

How did you find this explains the Kremlin providing the dossier, designed to sink the Trump candidacy, and catapult Hillary into the presidency?

And their current support of Biden?

With all the proof that the NYPost provided during the last week, and with the Democrats claiming "Russian Disinformation," this witness in favor of Biden seems......incongruous.

But.......if Putin is all you have, might as well use him, I guess.

NBC News


Russian President Putin says he saw nothing criminal in Hunter Biden's past business ties with Ukraine or Russia, marking out his disagreement with one of President Trump's attack lines in the U.S. presidential election.

Putin rejects Trump's criticism of Hunter Biden's business
The Russian president took the time to knock down what he made clear he regarded as false allegations from Trump about the Bidens.

But you can see where it made sense.....after all, in 2016 Democrats voted for the Kremlin's candidate, relying on the folks who provided the dossier.

It's more than telling who the Democrats count on to advance their candidate and their interests.
How did you find this explains the Kremlin providing the dossier, designed to sink the Trump candidacy, and catapult Hillary into the presidency?
This is a fringe theory unsupported by evidence.

Like the majority of your posts.
How did you find this explains the Kremlin providing the dossier, designed to sink the Trump candidacy, and catapult Hillary into the presidency?
This is a fringe theory unsupported by evidence.

Like the majority of your posts.

I was hoping you'd be able to respond vis a vis the book you named as having informed you view.

Instead, you lied about 'unsupported' in light of the Mueller Report.

"New information adds to questions about Russia probe dossier"

One is led to believe that you haven't read that or any of the other books you mentioned.

It must irk you no end that every lie about Trump now redounds to Biden, a true asset of foreign powers.

"Like the majority of your posts."

And you are caught lying again.....every post of mine includes links, quotes and documentation.

If you ever decide to actually read books, I'd be happy to provide a curriculum.
How did you find this explains the Kremlin providing the dossier, designed to sink the Trump candidacy, and catapult Hillary into the presidency?
This is a fringe theory unsupported by evidence.

Like the majority of your posts.

I was hoping you'd be able to respond vis a vis the book you named as having informed you view.

Instead, you lied about 'unsupported' in light of the Mueller Report.

"New information adds to questions about Russia probe dossier"

One is led to believe that you haven't read that or any of the other books you mentioned.

It must irk you no end that every lie about Trump now redounds to Biden, a true asset of foreign powers.

"Like the majority of your posts."

And you are caught lying again.....every post of mine includes links, quotes and documentation.

If you ever decide to actually read books, I'd be happy to provide a curriculum.
You ascribe intent to the possibility of the disinformation. Your intent is to get Clinton elected. That’s unsupported assumptions on your part. The more likely explanation is that the disinformation was intended to muddy the waters, to reduce the believability of all information. This makes people easier to manipulate.

Clinton did not fall for it given she never used the disinformation.

You use links but they rarely say what they claim you say.
How did you find this explains the Kremlin providing the dossier, designed to sink the Trump candidacy, and catapult Hillary into the presidency?
This is a fringe theory unsupported by evidence.

Like the majority of your posts.

I was hoping you'd be able to respond vis a vis the book you named as having informed you view.

Instead, you lied about 'unsupported' in light of the Mueller Report.

"New information adds to questions about Russia probe dossier"

One is led to believe that you haven't read that or any of the other books you mentioned.

It must irk you no end that every lie about Trump now redounds to Biden, a true asset of foreign powers.

"Like the majority of your posts."

And you are caught lying again.....every post of mine includes links, quotes and documentation.

If you ever decide to actually read books, I'd be happy to provide a curriculum.
You ascribe intent to the possibility of the disinformation. Your intent is to get Clinton elected. That’s unsupported assumptions on your part. The more likely explanation is that the disinformation was intended to muddy the waters, to reduce the believability of all information. This makes people easier to manipulate.

Clinton did not fall for it given she never used the disinformation.

You use links but they rarely say what they claim you say.

You must really be embarrassed at your attempt to claim having a studied background, simply being exploded.

I should tell you that no one expects any higher level of honesty from Democrats.

You must really be embarrassed at your attempt to claim having a studied background, simply being exploded.

I should tell you that no one expects any higher level of honesty from Democrats.
I provided a rebuttal which you ignored.

I’ve been around a lot of intelligence people and they don’t pass up the opportunity to provide an insightful argument, which is notably missing in your reply.
The guy responsible for 100's of thousands of deaths because of his complete disregard for science, for other humans and for anything other than himself is the good guy.

This is the most ridiculous argument made by Democrats. Is every world leader responsible for the deaths related to COVID? Was Obama responsible for he 12k+ H1N1 deaths, which was an even less lethal virus than COVID? How about the 60.8 million infections? Just imagine that infection rate for COVID. Trump has done a far better job than Obama/Biden.

"From April 12, 2009 to April 10, 2010, CDC estimated there were 60.8 million cases (range: 43.3-89.3 million), 274,304 hospitalizations (range: 195,086-402,719), and 12,469 deaths (range: 8868-18,306) in the United States due to the (H1N1)pdm09 virus. "

Then it's time to get rid of this abomination called the electoral college so the majority of us are not subjugated to the whims of a minority.

Sorry, but we can't let the urban, rat-infested inner city folks decide all the elections. Us folks that choose not to live in or around large ant hills should have representation as well. The perspective is quite a bit different in those areas than in rural ones.

Sorry, assfuck. But each Amertican gets a vote. You racist fucks don't get to pick & choose.

Sorry, Assfuck Dave, but you still need to rebut people by actually contradicting them. I realize that it's easier for you to argue against the straw men you get from the voices in your head, but it's not very effective.
CECILLIE have you turned the corner yet ? Only 500,000 cases LAST WEEK
You must really be embarrassed at your attempt to claim having a studied background, simply being exploded.

I should tell you that no one expects any higher level of honesty from Democrats.
I provided a rebuttal which you ignored.

I’ve been around a lot of intelligence people and they don’t pass up the opportunity to provide an insightful argument, which is notably missing in your reply.

You lied.

What more is there to say.
They are really this dumb.

1. Last week a Democrat member of the Georgia House of Representatives complained that coyotes couldn't actually carry children across the border from Mexico.
Coyotes......the animals.
She didn't know that the discussion was about Mexican criminals who bring drugs, illegals and lots of children into America.

Dar'shun Kendrick

Oct 22

just say 545 kids they can't find their parents for came over through "cartels and coyotes"?! How the hell does a coyote bring a whole human across the border?! Lord-----stop talking. #FinalDebate

2. OK>....I figured she was the only one this bereft of education, experience, or the internet.

Today, I saw this:

View attachment 406637

3. No wonder they will swallow anything the party tells 'em to.

View attachment 406638
BTW, they did ind the patents, in another country, affirmed trump’s statement, and.... they don’t want the children!!!! Hahaha hahaha hahaha . Can’t make it up
The guy responsible for 100's of thousands of deaths because of his complete disregard for science, for other humans and for anything other than himself is the good guy.

This is the most ridiculous argument made by Democrats. Is every world leader responsible for the deaths related to COVID? Was Obama responsible for he 12k+ H1N1 deaths, which was an even less lethal virus than COVID? How about the 60.8 million infections? Just imagine that infection rate for COVID. Trump has done a far better job than Obama/Biden.

"From April 12, 2009 to April 10, 2010, CDC estimated there were 60.8 million cases (range: 43.3-89.3 million), 274,304 hospitalizations (range: 195,086-402,719), and 12,469 deaths (range: 8868-18,306) in the United States due to the (H1N1)pdm09 virus. "

Then it's time to get rid of this abomination called the electoral college so the majority of us are not subjugated to the whims of a minority.

Sorry, but we can't let the urban, rat-infested inner city folks decide all the elections. Us folks that choose not to live in or around large ant hills should have representation as well. The perspective is quite a bit different in those areas than in rural ones.

Sorry, assfuck. But each Amertican gets a vote. You racist fucks don't get to pick & choose.

Sorry, Assfuck Dave, but you still need to rebut people by actually contradicting them. I realize that it's easier for you to argue against the straw men you get from the voices in your head, but it's not very effective.
CECILLIE have you turned the corner yet ? Only 500,000 cases LAST WEEK

Eddie, have you figured out yet that getting your "points" trashed, running away and hiding for a week, and then coming back and asserting them again like nothing happened doesn't work?

Unless you've come up with some better arguments for this point, it's still bullshit, and you're still a lightweight who's lucky to even be noticed and mocked by his intellectual betters.
Since Trump is going to need democrat votes, please keep calling them dumb. The more insulting, the better. Let's hear it.
Well, they're told that anyone who isn't an mindless, obedient Trumpster is a stupid commie.

And they call OTHER people "elitists" :laugh:

The Mac contentless template in action again.

Slam Trump supporters, rub up against the leg of a Democrat
Wouldn't you get a rash with all that dry humping going on? I know I would.

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