This is why we have a Trump leading in the polls and why I hate the fuckin media!!

All Three Networks Ignored Bernie Sanders' Speech Tuesday Night, 'Standing By For Trump'
There just isn't enough time in the evening to get all that analysis in.

I long for the days of Walter Cronkite, when all you got was the news, nothing more, nothing less....but today, with this 24 hours news cycle, with all the networks competing for viewers, this is the type of journalism we get today.....Waiting on a racist candidate to speak, forgoing anything others may prefer. The media is the main source of Trump's rise, its the reason viable candidates like Jeb, didn't have a chance in hell and its the reason this country will forever pay dearly for not tuning these ambulance chasing teleprompter reading overly paid good for nothing fucks out and demanding fair balance news elsewhere....may they all rot in fuckin hell!!


hillary is the racist. The two clinton phonies have been bamboozling Blacks into voting for them for decades. What have the clintons ever done to return the favor? Let's see... bill put on shades and played the sax like a black cat, also played golf with hamilton jordan and got himself an office in harlem that he never visits. hillary talks the southern black voice the further south she gets. In the meanwhile, these two pigs helped deindustrialize America, sending jobs to other countries with Nafta, mfn, wto etc. Well paying jobs that were formerly performed by black as well as working class whites. Then of course the clinton crime bills, which helped increase black representation in prison. I combine the two phonies into one, since they are a team. Anyway, maybe someone can prove me wrong that the clinton phonies have done nothing for Black Americans.
I get my news source from Everything I need to know, I get there...
There is no way to get everything from one source, no matter how good. I get my news from the Washington Post, BBC, NPR, and the Daily Show, but I also listen to right-wing radio to get all sides of the issues.
All Three Networks Ignored Bernie Sanders' Speech Tuesday Night, 'Standing By For Trump'
There just isn't enough time in the evening to get all that analysis in.

I long for the days of Walter Cronkite, when all you got was the news, nothing more, nothing less....but today, with this 24 hours news cycle, with all the networks competing for viewers, this is the type of journalism we get today.....Waiting on a racist candidate to speak, forgoing anything others may prefer. The media is the main source of Trump's rise, its the reason viable candidates like Jeb, didn't have a chance in hell and its the reason this country will forever pay dearly for not tuning these ambulance chasing teleprompter reading overly paid good for nothing fucks out and demanding fair balance news elsewhere....may they all rot in fuckin hell!!


hillary is the racist. The two clinton phonies have been bamboozling Blacks into voting for them for decades. What have the clintons ever done to return the favor? Let's see... bill put on shades and played the sax like a black cat, also played golf with hamilton jordan and got himself an office in harlem that he never visits. hillary talks the southern black voice the further south she gets. In the meanwhile, these two pigs helped deindustrialize America, sending jobs to other countries with Nafta, mfn, wto etc. Well paying jobs that were formerly performed by black as well as working class whites. Then of course the clinton crime bills, which helped increase black representation in prison. I combine the two phonies into one, since they are a team. Anyway, maybe someone can prove me wrong that the clinton phonies have done nothing for Black Americans.

I fully agree.
I hope the fk that ^%$# does not win office.
She is all talk and zero real action, unless it helps her fk'n arse

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