This is why we must support stem cell research...

Cool, why is Government money (tax dollars) needed?

Because embryonic stem cell research helps to promote abortion...and the left wants the government to be part of that process...
All the human embryonic stem cell lines currently in use come from four to five day old embryos left over from in vitro fertilization (IVF). In in vitro fertilization, researchers mix a man's sperm and a woman's eggs together in a lab dish. Some of those eggs become fertilized and begin developing. At about five days the egg has divided to become a hollow ball of roughly 100 cells called a blastocyst which is smaller than the size of the dot over an “i”. It is these very early embryos that are implanted into the woman in the hopes that she becomes pregnant.

Each cycle of IVF can produce many blastocysts, some of which are implanted into the woman and the rest are stored in the IVF clinic freezer. After a couple has completed their family, they must decide what to do with any remaining embryos. They can continue paying to store the embryos or they can defrost the embryos, which destroys them. Some couples may choose to donate the embryos for adoption, though that option is not commonly taken. In some states, couples can also choose to donate the frozen embryos for research. These donated embryos are the source of human embryonic stem cell lines.

Some embryonic stem cell lines also come from embryos that a couple has chosen not to implant because they carry genetic mutations like the ones that cause cystic fibrosis or Tay Sachs disease. These are discovered through routine genetic testing prior to implantation. Still other embryos might be malformed in some way that causes them to be rejected for implantation into the mother. These embryos with genetic defects of malformations would have been discarded if the couple had not choosen to donate them to stem cell research.

Myths and Misconceptions About Stem Cell Research California s Stem Cell Agency

Took me seconds in google, is this wrong?
Cool, why is Government money (tax dollars) needed?

Because embryonic stem cell research helps to promote abortion...and the left wants the government to be part of that process...
That seems like a bias answer, possibly containing no factual information of any sort.

Are people purposely terminating pregnancy to donate or sell a fetus to stem cell research?

I Wonder if the op has? If not they can keep their snobby preaching to themselves

So, are people terminating pregnancy to donate or sell a fetus to stem cell research or not? Is there any information supporting that claim in the entire world? I'm honestly asking and you're honestly avoiding.
The root of pushing the government funding of embryonic stem cell research is that it makes fetus's fair game and removes another layer of sentiment toward them as human beings...they become seen as something that can be used to harvest miracle cures...
The root of pushing the government funding of embryonic stem cell research is that it makes fetus's fair game and removes another layer of sentiment toward them as human beings...they become seen as something that can be used to harvest miracle cures...
So, are people terminating pregnancy to donate or sell a fetus to stem cell research or not? Is there any information supporting that claim in the entire world? I'm honestly asking and you're honestly avoiding.

California company to use stem cells from aborted babies to treat paralysis News LifeSite

The use of aborted fetal cells was criticized by Debi Vinnedge, Executive Director of Children of God for Life. She told LifeSiteNews that in her view it is disingenuous for researchers using aborted fetal cells to claim that there is not a close connection between their research and the abortion.

“You can’t have an abortion and then after the fact decide that you want to donate the baby for research, because in the first five minutes after the death of the baby the cells begin to deteriorate. In an hour, they’re completely useless,” Vinnedge explained. “You have to pre-arrange the abortion. The mother has to give her informed consent.” long till some place starts doing this as an industry...and I imagine in some quarters there will be more outrage over killing elephants for their ivory...
Ah, growing babies for the fun of killing them, when we don't need to. Neato kabeeto.
And this...

Obama Admin Allows Company to Use Aborted Baby Cells for Research

Neuralstem, Inc. announced that it has received approval from the Food and Drug Administration to expand an amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig’s disease) Phase II study to the University of Michigan.

The stem cells used in the study come from spinal cord tissue taken from a healthy, 8-week-old aborted baby. Phase I of the trial tested whether human fetal stem cells can safely be injected into the spinal cord. According to Neuralstem, the aim of Phase II is to obtain the maximum tolerated dose.
And this..this might be the case where the stem cells from the aborted baby turned into, that was another attempt to use embryonic stem cells...

Doctors turn to aborted fetus to save boy s life - Health - Cloning and stem cells NBC News

Last month in Portland, Ore., doctors for the first time transplanted stem cells from aborted fetuses into his head in a desperate bid to reverse, or at least slow, a rare genetic disorder called Batten disease. The so-far incurable condition normally results in blindness and paralysis before death.

Let's hear it for junk science, used to facilitate baby killing.

It's awesome!
Whatever happened to the *cure* for spinal damage that embryonic cell research was bringing to us?

Funny, we don't hear about that one anymore.
As a conservative I support stem cell stem cell research...and turning adult stem cells into stem cells that can be anything we need...
Cool, why is Government money (tax dollars) needed? I wouldn't invest in it if I knew billions were going freely to my competitors of whom never need to actually make anything of value.
You do realize that 90% of all technological, and medical advances come, not through private industry, but through government funded research, right?
Do you have a legitimate link showing that stem cell research promotes abortion?

I have given you cases of stem cells from aborted babies being used in medical experiments...speaks for itself...
Do you have a legitimate link showing that stem cell research promotes abortion?

I have given you cases of stem cells from aborted babies being used in medical experiments...speaks for itself...
That doesn't mean that it promotes abortion. There are abortions anyway plus left over fertilized eggs from in vitro clinics.
Scientists create breakthrough recipe to grow insulin-secreting cells by the billions

So, it looks like stem cell research brings another disease to the brink of a cure:

The discovery described in the journal Cell on Thursday and led by stem cell researcher Douglas Melton is a method of growing billions of precious insulin-secreting cells en masse using human stem cells. Patients could receive a single transplant with the newly generated cells, which would have the ability to read out the amount of sugar in the blood and squirt out just the right amount of the hormone insulin.

So, for anyone who still gets a case of the wiggens over stem cell research, and the origin of those stem cells, get over your selves. Stem cells, and stem cell research is saving lives, and has the potential to do so much more.

Yes, adult stem cell research is very promising.
LOL. :popcorn: I like how you subtly added that little qualifier in there. ""..." Guess what? Stem cells are stem cells. It really doesn't matter from whence they were harvested.
That isn't at all true. There are adult stem cells which have shown the most promise and where most of the break throughs have come from. There are umbilical stem cells which can be grown into organs. People are banking umbilical blood just in case. The most expensive stem cell research with the least amount of discovery is embryonic stem cells.
Cool, why is Government money (tax dollars) needed?

Because embryonic stem cell research helps to promote abortion...and the left wants the government to be part of that process...
Abortion is the reason we pour money into this shithole of a failure instead of into what is showing all the promise. If we put the money into adult and umbilical stem cell research instead of the loser we might have cured cancer by now.

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