This is why we say "Fake News"

I MEAN REALLY, how can a news source doing a historical piece not know that Christmas is Baal's birthday? FAKE NEWS!
True, but you guys "borrowed" a lot of baggage during your tour in Babylon
That's because like in all things, cultures always use the familiar and build upon it or restructure definitions. But you'll never see us celibrating Moses birthday (an unknown) on Nimrod's birthday. 1)because we don't venerate and lift high characters that giving a birthday veneration or resting place would do.
2)we reserve Nimrod's birthday to celebrate someone like Chuck Schumers birth. *L*
Here's another one... They have nothing to say, so they just throw it to the wall to see if is going to stick.

View attachment 236972

Is this even news? What is she suppose to wear?
You nailed that one. Can't believe anyone is so desperate they critique the First Lady's footwear in a combat zone. I'm betting if she wore stiletto heels as usual, this same cretin would complain. Somebody needs a life!
Yesterday, the lame stream media decided to tear into Trump for not visiting any of our troops during the holidays.

Trump becomes first president since 2002 not to visit troops at Christmastime

...except he did:

Trumps greet US troops in Iraq

But hey... narrative.

Critics Knocked Trump for Not Visiting Troops on Christmas


Oh yeah? Then how did these pictures of he and Melania [I don’t remember Moochelle ever going] at Al Asad Air Base near Baghdad in Iraq come about?



Additionally, the president, accompanied by National Security Adviser John Bolton, met with political and military leaders during his visit to Iraq.

We don’t want to be taken advantage of any more by countries that use us and use our incredible military to protect them. They don’t pay for it, and they’re going to have to.”

The media is so damned quick to jump all over him!

More with videos
@ Critics Knocked Trump for Not Visiting Troops on Christmas — He Spent Christmas Night Traveling to an Active Combat Zone

Fake News Media Eats Crow After Reporting, ‘Trump Becomes First US President Since 2002 Not to Visit Troops at Christmastime’ @ Fake News Media Eats Crow After Reporting, 'Trump Becomes First US President Since 2002 Not to Visit Troops at Christmastime'


MSNBC Panelist Attacks Trump For Visiting Troops In Iraq @ WATCH: MSNBC Panelist Attacks Trump For Visiting Troops In Iraq

Trump finally hews to ritual of meeting troops in harm's way @ Trump finally hews to ritual of meeting troops in harm's way | My Connection from Cox
Yesterday, the lame stream media decided to tear into Trump for not visiting any of our troops during the holidays.

Trump becomes first president since 2002 not to visit troops at Christmastime

...except he did:

Trumps greet US troops in Iraq

But hey... narrative.

Critics Knocked Trump for Not Visiting Troops on Christmas


Oh yeah? Then how did these pictures of he and Melania [I don’t remember Moochelle ever going] at Al Asad Air Base near Baghdad in Iraq come about?



Additionally, the president, accompanied by National Security Adviser John Bolton, met with political and military leaders during his visit to Iraq.

We don’t want to be taken advantage of any more by countries that use us and use our incredible military to protect them. They don’t pay for it, and they’re going to have to.”

The media is so damned quick to jump all over him!

More with videos
@ Critics Knocked Trump for Not Visiting Troops on Christmas — He Spent Christmas Night Traveling to an Active Combat Zone

Fake News Media Eats Crow After Reporting, ‘Trump Becomes First US President Since 2002 Not to Visit Troops at Christmastime’ @ Fake News Media Eats Crow After Reporting, 'Trump Becomes First US President Since 2002 Not to Visit Troops at Christmastime'


MSNBC Panelist Attacks Trump For Visiting Troops In Iraq @ WATCH: MSNBC Panelist Attacks Trump For Visiting Troops In Iraq

Trump finally hews to ritual of meeting troops in harm's way @ Trump finally hews to ritual of meeting troops in harm's way | My Connection from Cox
I voted for President Trump and am proud of it! :salute:

Renfield was proud to serve Dracula too. And all his loyalty cost the monster was a few worms and flies for lunch.
Newspapers and other news outlets have been doing the same practice since there has been a press
Not like this cc...come on be honest...we have never seen the media behave this blatantly...they don't even care if we can see their lies...they hate the president and they will not stop until he is gone....

Speaking of lies…

View attachment 236974

Still a nice photo op until the blob had to ruin it by lying to the troops

Is the Media “against Trump” for pointing out his numerous lies?

Left is so butthurt and is desperately trying to make Trump look bad. Regardless of how you lefties are spinning it, Trump actually told the truth. The 2017 military pay increase has been signed into law at 2.1% and it's 0.8% higher than the 1.3% increase in 2016.

In the 1990's, the annual military pay raise was capped at one-half percent below private-sector growth unless specifically granted a larger increase by Congress. The FY2000 National Defense Authorization Act directed that pay raises for 2000 through 2006 would automatically be one-half percent above the private-sector wage increases. Pay raises beginning in 2007 are equal to the increase in the ECI. Pay raises may exceed these automatic levels if authorized and funded by Congress.

Military compensation

You actually have just proven he was lying to the troops about not getting a pay raise in 10 years.

No dunce, military pay raise is automatic and follows private sector growth. Your derangement prevents you from seeing that Trump wasn't talking about automatic pay raise. I know you're still butthurt for Hillary losing, so keep trying, it's fun to watch...
In fairness, it was still true when the news first ran with it. How long is a flight to Iraq? 12 hours? Due to the extremely tight security surrounding these Presidential visits the media would never known he had ever taken off until he landed 12 hours later.
Maybe they shouldn't be so quick to create something negative. They're only hurting their own credibility.

Of course they wanted to report negative news about Trump on Christmas. The news was completely accurate, but he showed up early the next day, and most people were happy he did. Let them report horseshit, and damage their own credibility.

What credibility?
Newspapers and other news outlets have been doing the same practice since there has been a press
Not like this cc...come on be honest...we have never seen the media behave this blatantly...they don't even care if we can see their lies...they hate the president and they will not stop until he is gone....

Speaking of lies…

View attachment 236974

Still a nice photo op until the blob had to ruin it by lying to the troops

Is the Media “against Trump” for pointing out his numerous lies?

Left is so butthurt and is desperately trying to make Trump look bad. Regardless of how you lefties are spinning it, Trump actually told the truth. The 2017 military pay increase has been signed into law at 2.1% and it's 0.8% higher than the 1.3% increase in 2016.

In the 1990's, the annual military pay raise was capped at one-half percent below private-sector growth unless specifically granted a larger increase by Congress. The FY2000 National Defense Authorization Act directed that pay raises for 2000 through 2006 would automatically be one-half percent above the private-sector wage increases. Pay raises beginning in 2007 are equal to the increase in the ECI. Pay raises may exceed these automatic levels if authorized and funded by Congress.

Military compensation

You actually have just proven he was lying to the troops about not getting a pay raise in 10 years.

No dunce, military pay raise is automatic and follows private sector growth. Your derangement prevents you from seeing that Trump wasn't talking about automatic pay raise. I know you're still butthurt for Hillary losing, so keep trying, it's fun to watch...

Trump was lying.
He lies constantly.
Newspapers and other news outlets have been doing the same practice since there has been a press
Not like this cc...come on be honest...we have never seen the media behave this blatantly...they don't even care if we can see their lies...they hate the president and they will not stop until he is gone....

Speaking of lies…

View attachment 236974

Still a nice photo op until the blob had to ruin it by lying to the troops

Is the Media “against Trump” for pointing out his numerous lies?

Left is so butthurt and is desperately trying to make Trump look bad. Regardless of how you lefties are spinning it, Trump actually told the truth. The 2017 military pay increase has been signed into law at 2.1% and it's 0.8% higher than the 1.3% increase in 2016.

In the 1990's, the annual military pay raise was capped at one-half percent below private-sector growth unless specifically granted a larger increase by Congress. The FY2000 National Defense Authorization Act directed that pay raises for 2000 through 2006 would automatically be one-half percent above the private-sector wage increases. Pay raises beginning in 2007 are equal to the increase in the ECI. Pay raises may exceed these automatic levels if authorized and funded by Congress.

Military compensation

No one has to try making Trump look bad, he does a fine job to do it all by himself quite nicely.
Oh and your Military compensation?
Now look at the inflation rate for those years listed? Don't have it at your finger tips? No problem, here you go. Current US Inflation Rates: 2008-2018
Now compare raises to inflation.

Irrelevant. Military pay raise is tied up to private sector wage increases, meaning if private sector does good, military would do one half percent better. Does that bothers you leftie? You want to cut their pay, leftie?
Newspapers and other news outlets have been doing the same practice since there has been a press
Not like this cc...come on be honest...we have never seen the media behave this blatantly...they don't even care if we can see their lies...they hate the president and they will not stop until he is gone....

Speaking of lies…

View attachment 236974

Still a nice photo op until the blob had to ruin it by lying to the troops

Is the Media “against Trump” for pointing out his numerous lies?

Left is so butthurt and is desperately trying to make Trump look bad. Regardless of how you lefties are spinning it, Trump actually told the truth. The 2017 military pay increase has been signed into law at 2.1% and it's 0.8% higher than the 1.3% increase in 2016.

In the 1990's, the annual military pay raise was capped at one-half percent below private-sector growth unless specifically granted a larger increase by Congress. The FY2000 National Defense Authorization Act directed that pay raises for 2000 through 2006 would automatically be one-half percent above the private-sector wage increases. Pay raises beginning in 2007 are equal to the increase in the ECI. Pay raises may exceed these automatic levels if authorized and funded by Congress.

Military compensation

No one has to try making Trump look bad, he does a fine job to do it all by himself quite nicely.
Oh and your Military compensation?
Now look at the inflation rate for those years listed? Don't have it at your finger tips? No problem, here you go. Current US Inflation Rates: 2008-2018
Now compare raises to inflation.

Irrelevant. Military pay raise is tied up to private sector wage increases, meaning if private sector does good, military would do one half percent better. Does that bothers you leftie? You want to cut their pay, leftie?

As long as we agree they have gotten raises….and that Trump lied….
as for the military...
We can’t pay those guys enough.
Not like this cc...come on be honest...we have never seen the media behave this blatantly...they don't even care if we can see their lies...they hate the president and they will not stop until he is gone....

Speaking of lies…

View attachment 236974

Still a nice photo op until the blob had to ruin it by lying to the troops

Is the Media “against Trump” for pointing out his numerous lies?

Left is so butthurt and is desperately trying to make Trump look bad. Regardless of how you lefties are spinning it, Trump actually told the truth. The 2017 military pay increase has been signed into law at 2.1% and it's 0.8% higher than the 1.3% increase in 2016.

In the 1990's, the annual military pay raise was capped at one-half percent below private-sector growth unless specifically granted a larger increase by Congress. The FY2000 National Defense Authorization Act directed that pay raises for 2000 through 2006 would automatically be one-half percent above the private-sector wage increases. Pay raises beginning in 2007 are equal to the increase in the ECI. Pay raises may exceed these automatic levels if authorized and funded by Congress.

Military compensation

No one has to try making Trump look bad, he does a fine job to do it all by himself quite nicely.
Oh and your Military compensation?
Now look at the inflation rate for those years listed? Don't have it at your finger tips? No problem, here you go. Current US Inflation Rates: 2008-2018
Now compare raises to inflation.

Irrelevant. Military pay raise is tied up to private sector wage increases, meaning if private sector does good, military would do one half percent better. Does that bothers you leftie? You want to cut their pay, leftie?

As long as we agree they have gotten raises….and that Trump lied….
as for the military...
We can’t pay those guys enough.

Right... yet, you lefties supported every military budget paycut.
Trump was lying.
He lies constantly.

You keep telling yourself that so often that you actually believe it. :D

He said they didn’t get a pay raise in 10 years.
You have proven they did and the he lied.
Those are the facts and they are not in dispute.

Those were not pay raises. You lefties calling it ... crumbs.

So an increase in pay is not a pay raise? I guess in Trump world….that is the truth. In the real world; not so much.
Newspapers and other news outlets have been doing the same practice since there has been a press
Not like this cc...come on be honest...we have never seen the media behave this blatantly...they don't even care if we can see their lies...they hate the president and they will not stop until he is gone....

Speaking of lies…

View attachment 236974

Still a nice photo op until the blob had to ruin it by lying to the troops

Is the Media “against Trump” for pointing out his numerous lies?

Left is so butthurt and is desperately trying to make Trump look bad. Regardless of how you lefties are spinning it, Trump actually told the truth. The 2017 military pay increase has been signed into law at 2.1% and it's 0.8% higher than the 1.3% increase in 2016.

In the 1990's, the annual military pay raise was capped at one-half percent below private-sector growth unless specifically granted a larger increase by Congress. The FY2000 National Defense Authorization Act directed that pay raises for 2000 through 2006 would automatically be one-half percent above the private-sector wage increases. Pay raises beginning in 2007 are equal to the increase in the ECI. Pay raises may exceed these automatic levels if authorized and funded by Congress.

Military compensation

No one has to try making Trump look bad, he does a fine job to do it all by himself quite nicely.
Oh and your Military compensation?
Now look at the inflation rate for those years listed? Don't have it at your finger tips? No problem, here you go. Current US Inflation Rates: 2008-2018
Now compare raises to inflation.

Irrelevant. Military pay raise is tied up to private sector wage increases, meaning if private sector does good, military would do one half percent better. Does that bothers you leftie? You want to cut their pay, leftie?

No they don't. Military got pay raises when civilian wages had no growth.They are more tied to the CPI.
I would have state, that anybody who is left of you is a lefty in your simplistic tribal mind. With that in mind, about 60% of Americans are lefties as far as you paranoid tribal far right nutters are concerned.
Yesterday, the lame stream media decided to tear into Trump for not visiting any of our troops during the holidays.

Trump becomes first president since 2002 not to visit troops at Christmastime

...except he did:

Trumps greet US troops in Iraq

But hey... narrative.
This was added to the article. See below.

The Fake News narrative is ignorant and distractive. It isn’t motivating people to automatically dismiss what they hear instead of questioning and researching. It discredits real news and hard working journalists and turns all the focus on the partisan editorialists.

Editor's note: On Wednesday, a day after this article was published, President Trump made a surprise visit to Iraq to greet U.S. troops. It was his first presidential visit to a combat zone.
Not like this cc...come on be honest...we have never seen the media behave this blatantly...they don't even care if we can see their lies...they hate the president and they will not stop until he is gone....

Speaking of lies…

View attachment 236974

Still a nice photo op until the blob had to ruin it by lying to the troops

Is the Media “against Trump” for pointing out his numerous lies?

Left is so butthurt and is desperately trying to make Trump look bad. Regardless of how you lefties are spinning it, Trump actually told the truth. The 2017 military pay increase has been signed into law at 2.1% and it's 0.8% higher than the 1.3% increase in 2016.

In the 1990's, the annual military pay raise was capped at one-half percent below private-sector growth unless specifically granted a larger increase by Congress. The FY2000 National Defense Authorization Act directed that pay raises for 2000 through 2006 would automatically be one-half percent above the private-sector wage increases. Pay raises beginning in 2007 are equal to the increase in the ECI. Pay raises may exceed these automatic levels if authorized and funded by Congress.

Military compensation

No one has to try making Trump look bad, he does a fine job to do it all by himself quite nicely.
Oh and your Military compensation?
Now look at the inflation rate for those years listed? Don't have it at your finger tips? No problem, here you go. Current US Inflation Rates: 2008-2018
Now compare raises to inflation.

Irrelevant. Military pay raise is tied up to private sector wage increases, meaning if private sector does good, military would do one half percent better. Does that bothers you leftie? You want to cut their pay, leftie?

No they don't. Military got pay raises when civilian wages had no growth.They are more tied to the CPI.
I would have state, that anybody who is left of you is a lefty in your simplistic tribal mind. With that in mind, about 60% of Americans are lefties as far as you paranoid tribal far right nutters are concerned.

Read from the link, moron.
Editor's note: On Wednesday, a day after this article was published, President Trump made a surprise visit to Iraq to greet U.S. troops. It was his first presidential visit to a combat zone.

At the time of the writing, the story was true.
It was dishonest any moron could see that....keep it up MSM...keep on Trump will get him re elected.....

Has it not occurred to you that the very reason Trump made this trip is his ass was nailed to the wall by the criticism and by Mattis’ retirement letter basically saying that Trump doesn’t care about the troops.

This is just a publicity stunt to deflect from the fact that he’s going to be impeached, and he knows it. And his children are going to jail too.

No one will work for him. His administration is in chaos. He cheated his way into the White House and he’s caught.

Dlady...these presidential trips take weeks to had nothing to do with Mattis.....look....Trump won saying he wants us out of the middle east and the Asian peninsula.....its not a publicity stunt...every president goes to meet with the troops that are in harms helps with moral...he did it for them...why can't you just accept that?....
These stories of Trump not visiting troops in combat zone sprouted like wildflowers after his visit to France in November and rain caused cancelation of his visit to a memorial at an USA military cemetery. I never read past the headlines.

The one time I thought it was odd was very early in his presidency when he bypassed the opportunity while he was over in Saudi Arabia.
Editor's note: On Wednesday, a day after this article was published, President Trump made a surprise visit to Iraq to greet U.S. troops. It was his first presidential visit to a combat zone.

At the time of the writing, the story was true.
It was dishonest any moron could see that....keep it up MSM...keep on Trump will get him re elected.....

Has it not occurred to you that the very reason Trump made this trip is his ass was nailed to the wall by the criticism and by Mattis’ retirement letter basically saying that Trump doesn’t care about the troops.

This is just a publicity stunt to deflect from the fact that he’s going to be impeached, and he knows it. And his children are going to jail too.

No one will work for him. His administration is in chaos. He cheated his way into the White House and he’s caught.

Dlady...these presidential trips take weeks to had nothing to do with Mattis.....look....Trump won saying he wants us out of the middle east and the Asian peninsula.....its not a publicity stunt...every president goes to meet with the troops that are in harms helps with moral...he did it for them...why can't you just accept that?....

Asian peninsula? WTF are you talking about?

BTW, the word is "morale".

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