This is why we say "Fake News"

These stories of Trump not visiting troops in combat zone sprouted like wildflowers after his visit to France in November and rain caused cancelation of his visit to a memorial at an USA military cemetery. I never read past the headlines.

The one time I thought it was odd was very early in his presidency when he bypassed the opportunity while he was over in Saudi Arabia.

That would make sense to you if you didn't think like a jihadi! They knew he was in Saudi Arabia, so they probably had plans if he tried to visit Iraq or Afghanistan. Doing it in secret accomplished tow things. It promotes a safe opportunity to visit and it pisses off the liberal media to no end.

I don't know which pleased me more this week, watching the talking heads on TV explode with their hypocrisy of calling Trump out for not going while he was enroute to Iraq, or when the stock market setting a record on two consecutive trading days in opposite directions!
In fairness, it was still true when the news first ran with it. How long is a flight to Iraq? 12 hours? Due to the extremely tight security surrounding these Presidential visits the media would never known he had ever taken off until he landed 12 hours later.
Maybe they shouldn't be so quick to create something negative. They're only hurting their own credibility.
The media has any credibility left at all?

That is interesting....

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