This is why you don’t elect Democrats

This wouldn’t be an issue if Mitt Romney had been elected president. He accurately assessed that Russia was “the greatest geopolitical threat to the U.S.”. Barack Insane Obama - with unlimited access to national security briefings - mocked him.

This is a prime example why you don’t electe an amateur to the White House. Obama couldn’t see the forest for the trees and thought he could “kumbaya” the world into submission. Now Russia is more powerful and more emboldened.

Russia's Use of Nerve Agent Calls for Unified Western Response
Russia is more powerful because the US president works for Vladimir Putin.
This wouldn’t be an issue if Mitt Romney had been elected president. He accurately assessed that Russia was “the greatest geopolitical threat to the U.S.”. Barack Insane Obama - with unlimited access to national security briefings - mocked him.
This is a prime example why you don’t electe an amateur to the White House. Obama couldn’t see the forest for the trees and thought he could “kumbaya” the world into submission. Now Russia is more powerful and more emboldened.
Russia's Use of Nerve Agent Calls for Unified Western Response

Obama was always a blithering idiot.
Russia is more powerful because the US president works for Vladimir Putin.
Well, he did. But Barack Obama is no longer President (thank God).

Hey, remember when he whispered to Dimitri Medvedev “tell Putin I’ll have more flexibility after my last election”? In other words, he wouldn’t have to answer to the American people at all. Yeah, the American people remember too. Funny how you didn’t consider Russia a threat at all when MaObama was working for Vladimir Putin. Bizarre how you suddenly see them as such a “threat”.
This wouldn’t be an issue if Mitt Romney had been elected president. He accurately assessed that Russia was “the greatest geopolitical threat to the U.S.”. Barack Insane Obama - with unlimited access to national security briefings - mocked him.

This is a prime example why you don’t electe an amateur to the White House. Obama couldn’t see the forest for the trees and thought he could “kumbaya” the world into submission. Now Russia is more powerful and more emboldened.

Russia's Use of Nerve Agent Calls for Unified Western Response
Russia is more powerful because the US president works for Vladimir Putin.
Show us on the doll where Putin touched you to make you change your vote
the right wing doesn't care about natural rights or the law.
Stop trolling. We’re all tired of your juvenile games.
  • The left is creating “sanctuary cities”. The right is working hard to enforce immigration laws.
  • The left is violating the 2nd Amendment. The right is working hard to protect it.
  • The left is assaulting people in the street for not bowing to the left-wing ideology. The right facilitates free speech.
Perfectly articulates why you don’t elect Democrats...

the right wing doesn't care about natural rights or the law.
Stop trolling. We’re all tired of your juvenile games.
  • The left is creating “sanctuary cities”. The right is working hard to enforce immigration laws.
  • The left is violating the 2nd Amendment. The right is working hard to protect it.
  • The left is assaulting people in the street for not bowing to the left-wing ideology. The right facilitates free speech.
Show us the express immigration clause, right wingers. Don't appeal to ignorance.

We have a Second Amendment and should have no security problems in our free States.

Don't grab guns, grab gun lovers and regulate them well!
Show us the express immigration clause, right wingers. Don't appeal to ignorance.
I've shown it to you half a dozen times already - in post #1197, post #2263, post #533, post #2603, and more. And one more time just for other readers to laugh at what an asshole you are.
Article 1, Section 8: To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization
Trolling is not permitted on this board. Do it again, and you'll be reported. And that includes being an asshole and trying to claim "immigration is not the same thing as naturalization". It's a synonym. Means the exact same thing.
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