This is why you don’t elect Democrats

This is why you don’t elect anyone on the left...
The homeless population in Los Angeles is about 60,000, according to numbers released in June by the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority—a 12% increase from last year.
During a period of unprecedented prosperity across the nation, left-wing cities operating under left-wing policies continue to experience poverty and misery. What more evidence does one need to understand that nothing ends in catastrophic failure like the idiotic left-wing ideology.

‘The Liberal Establishment’: Trump Speaks as Urban Homelessness Rises
This is why you don’t elect anyone on the left...
The homeless population in Los Angeles is about 60,000, according to numbers released in June by the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority—a 12% increase from last year.
During a period of unprecedented prosperity across the nation, left-wing cities operating under left-wing policies continue to experience poverty and misery. What more evidence does one need to understand that nothing ends in catastrophic failure like the idiotic left-wing ideology.

‘The Liberal Establishment’: Trump Speaks as Urban Homelessness Rises
are they the only ones keeping track?

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