This is why you don’t elect Democrats

Can’t you see that this is all going to end badly?
Based on what? Anyone can make a stupid statement like that. Back that up with someting of substance.

So far, President Trump has rejected power to the Oval Office and returned it to the states where it belongs (that can only end perfectly), secured the border (that can only end perfectly), created jobs (that can only end perfectly), renegotiated trade agreements in our favor (that can only end perfectly), and signed legislation allowing Americans to keep more what already belonged to them (that can only end perfectly).

Putting aside the asinine progressives propaganda for a moment, can you name a single actual thing that President Trump has done that is going to “end badly”? Hell, even Kim Jong Un is begging for a meeting now.

N. Korea is threatening to walk away from the summit because The Orange dip shit appointed Bolton. For fucks sake, you don't even pay attention.
With a left wing majority, we would be discussing a best rate on a Unification line of credit, from the World Bank.
Nothing ends in catastrophic failure like idiotic left-wing policy...
The nation's most troublesome and dangerous cities have been run by Democrats, often black Democrats, for nearly a half-century. It's Democrat-run cities where blacks suffer the highest murder rates and their youngsters attend the poorest-performing and most unsafe schools.
Left-wing policy always ends in poverty.

Kanye West Threatens the Democratic Party's Hold on Black Americans

Posting the same thing over and over again is SPAM, champ.
Wait...You blame an ex president for a covert operation of assassination? Man you do know how to kneel and bob on your feckless leader...
Why surely you don't think he's a partisan tool who is best ignored? Surely? LOL
Nothing ends in catastrophic failure like idiotic left-wing policy...
The nation's most troublesome and dangerous cities have been run by Democrats, often black Democrats, for nearly a half-century. It's Democrat-run cities where blacks suffer the highest murder rates and their youngsters attend the poorest-performing and most unsafe schools.
Left-wing policy always ends in poverty.

Kanye West Threatens the Democratic Party's Hold on Black Americans
Just more right wing appeals to ignorance or begging the question. The right wing has no solutions, and nothing but repeal to left wing solutions.
Daniel’s idea of “solutions”: collapse the U.S. economy, form a totalitarian government, keep the black community on the government plantation.

You sound like the idiot you actually are ignoring the indisputable facts. Go away now, Paid Russian Troll.
Nothing ends in catastrophic failure like idiotic left-wing policy...
The nation's most troublesome and dangerous cities have been run by Democrats, often black Democrats, for nearly a half-century. It's Democrat-run cities where blacks suffer the highest murder rates and their youngsters attend the poorest-performing and most unsafe schools.
Left-wing policy always ends in poverty.

Kanye West Threatens the Democratic Party's Hold on Black Americans
Posting the same thing over and over again is SPAM, champ.
That’s a new link with a new quote, ignorant snowflake.
Left-wing policy at its finest here. Oppressive government has outlawed guns, knives, and even hammers in London. How is that working out?

Not so well. The criminals are loving it. After all, they are criminals. They don’t follow the law. But they are cashing in big time on the fact that law abiding citizens do.

London Mayor Sadiq Khan is a typical left-wing piece of shit. Surrounded by armed guards, he and his family are completely safe while the unarmed population suffers (just like Saddam Hussein in Iraq).

A Weekend in London: Man ‘Shot in Face,’ Woman ‘Slashed,' Attempted Murder
Left-wing policy at its finest here. Oppressive government has outlawed guns, knives, and even hammers in London. How is that working out?

Not so well. The criminals are loving it. After all, they are criminals. They don’t follow the law. But they are cashing in big time on the fact that law abiding citizens do.

London Mayor Sadiq Khan is a typical left-wing piece of shit. Surrounded by armed guards, he and his family are completely safe while the unarmed population suffers (just like Saddam Hussein in Iraq).

Khan’s London: Man Found Guilty of Stabbing Young Father to Death in Front of Partner for Rolex
Here is an elected representative of the Dumbocrat Party openly advocating for the overthrow of a sitting U.S. president. This is how radicalized the left has become.
During her weekly press briefing, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) asked what it would take for Americans to start an “uprising” against the Trump administration
I can answer that for you, Nancy. The American people are not “uprising” because they support President Trump his policy of properly enforcing the law.

Nancy Pelosi wonders why Americans are not ‘uprising’ against Trump admin. over border conditions
The shit-hole state of California strikes again. The state isn’t even capable of providing clean, healthy drinking water to our veterans in a hospital.
Legionella, the bacteria that can cause Legionnaire’s disease, was found in the water that supplies the water fountains at Pettis VA Medical Center in Loma Linda, California, according to recent water safety tests.
California is a complete and total embarrassment to the United States. Progressive policy has turned it into a third-world nation.

Legionella bacteria discovered in California VA hospital’s water fountains
This wouldn’t be an issue if Mitt Romney had been elected president. He accurately assessed that Russia was “the greatest geopolitical threat to the U.S.”. Barack Insane Obama - with unlimited access to national security briefings - mocked him.

This is a prime example why you don’t electe an amateur to the White House. Obama couldn’t see the forest for the trees and thought he could “kumbaya” the world into submission. Now Russia is more powerful and more emboldened.

Russia's Use of Nerve Agent Calls for Unified Western Response

Well, it's why you don't have a political system that leads to massive corruption. But don't let your partisanship get in the way of a good story.
This wouldn’t be an issue if Mitt Romney had been elected president. He accurately assessed that Russia was “the greatest geopolitical threat to the U.S.”. Barack Insane Obama - with unlimited access to national security briefings - mocked him.

This is a prime example why you don’t electe an amateur to the White House. Obama couldn’t see the forest for the trees and thought he could “kumbaya” the world into submission. Now Russia is more powerful and more emboldened.

Russia's Use of Nerve Agent Calls for Unified Western Response

Well, it's why you don't have a political system that leads to massive corruption. But don't let your partisanship get in the way of a good story.
You have an uncanny knack for incoherent posts. What do “political systems” and “corruption” have to do with the fact that Barack Insane Obama was ignorant and Mitt Romeu had his finger on the pulse of the global geopolitical landscape? :dunno:

Stay on topic, nitwit.
Nothing ends in catastrophic failure like idiotic left-wing policy...
Nearly four dozen police officers have resigned from the Seattle Police Department this year in what is being described as a “mass exodus” over the city’s increasingly liberal and progressive policies.
The lawless thugs and their failed left-wing policies not only cause citizens to flee their city and states, it even causes law enforcement to flee their crumbling cities and states.

Report: Seattle police flee city in ‘mass exodus’ over city’s liberal, anti-police politics
This is really going to sting the ignorant left-wingers. Of course, they will first get angry, then stutter and stammer, and then desperately attempt to deny reality.
  • Bernie Sanders owns three homes, one in Burlington, VT, another on Capitol Hill in D.C., and a four-bedroom vacation home on the shore of Lake Champlain.
  • Sanders qualifies as an "one percenter" — the income bracket he so frequently attacked on the campaign trail. Though his annual income is 'only' $200,000 per year, his $800,000 in book royalties have elevated him well beyond the $389,000 per year threshold to be considered top 1%. And that's saying nothing of his high-paid speaking engagements and investment partnerships.
  • Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who campaigned on the narrative of being "a girl from the Bronx," actually grew up in Yorktown Heights.
  • She attended Boston University in Massachusetts, a school that costs approximately $70,000 per year.
The people on the left laugh all the way to the bank everyday. They've figured out how to take both money and power from the minions on the left. Just feed them a bunch of lines about the wonders of socialism and the mangy, filthy animals like JoeyB will lap it up like a dehydrated stray dog drinking from a dirty mud puddle.

The "socialist" Bernie Sanders owns THREE homes. JoeyB doesn't even own one. He has to rent an apartment! :laugh:

Here’s what ‘Democratic Socialists’ don’t want you to know about capitalism
This wouldn’t be an issue if Mitt Romney had been elected president. He accurately assessed that Russia was “the greatest geopolitical threat to the U.S.”. Barack Insane Obama - with unlimited access to national security briefings - mocked him.

This is a prime example why you don’t electe an amateur to the White House. Obama couldn’t see the forest for the trees and thought he could “kumbaya” the world into submission. Now Russia is more powerful and more emboldened.

Russia's Use of Nerve Agent Calls for Unified Western Response

This is why you don't elect Republicans:

Rep. Jim Jordan Accused Of Ignoring Sexual Assault While Wrestling Coach
Can’t you see that this is all going to end badly?
Based on what? Anyone can make a stupid statement like that. Back that up with someting of substance.

So far, President Trump has rejected power to the Oval Office and returned it to the states where it belongs (that can only end perfectly), secured the border (that can only end perfectly), created jobs (that can only end perfectly), renegotiated trade agreements in our favor (that can only end perfectly), and signed legislation allowing Americans to keep more what already belonged to them (that can only end perfectly).

Putting aside the asinine progressives propaganda for a moment, can you name a single actual thing that President Trump has done that is going to “end badly”? Hell, even Kim Jong Un is begging for a meeting now.
The tariffs will put us into a recession. Putin has used a lethal poison and the EU has put sanctions on putin but tRump says putin is a nice guy. Just about anything and everything tRump has touched or got close to is a failure.

Shit we have a pool going at work and even the trumpettes are betting on the month and year of recession and it's all before 2020.

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