This Is Why You'll Always Find MTG In The Kitchen At Parties....

biff there are millions like me who left both parties since the end of the 90's and became so called independents.....if your party is so great why did this start happening and is still going on today?......the fucking incompetent idiots both parties run im sure has a lot to do with it....thats the reason i have nothing to do with these asswipes....quality people on both sides dont want to run for anything......why do you think so many have left and are still leaving? me biff both parties answer to one and power....and if you cant accept that then you have your lips firmly planted on their collective asses...
No, there are not millions who think like you....
If they folks would have at least came up with a viable 3rd party alternative....
But that isn't what you fragile minded contrarians do...much easier to whine and complain
No, there are not millions who think like you....
If they folks would have at least came up with a viable 3rd party alternative....
But that isn't what you fragile minded contrarians do...much easier to whine and complain
according to this you are full of shit.....

and biff...i have been in lots of threads with do a lot of whining and complaining too...but then that is what you die hard party people do isnt it?...
Trump did win Georgia and AZ and PA

But Deep State wasn't about to accept 4 more years of an effective, pro-American president.
Your one of the people Hannity and Tucker laughed at when they ran stories they knew were false but their fans wanted to hear. Hilarious.

No, there are not millions who think like you....
If they folks would have at least came up with a viable 3rd party alternative....
But that isn't what you fragile minded contrarians do...much easier to whine and complain
hey biff how come you did not answer the question i asked you?....why are so many now calling themselves independents these days?...
No more evidence than what the DNC did with Russian agents and their totally corrupt spygate with FISAs given by corrupt judges.
Everyone surely seems to be blackmailed or threatened if they dare go to far with anything. (including pizzagate, btw)
Not sure why you people cannot see the corrupt MSM and a deep state running the show and you all getting away with murder.
Crazy people say crazy things like "deep state". What do you think of the Jewish Space lasers?

A hat-tip to the poster 'Catsnmeters'.

Finally, we have the word that is the most deadsolidperfect description of the phenomena we've seen with the revelations about Fox and ....hold for it.....the 'cuckolding' of their viewers.

THAT description will save all posters here a lot of time, and the site some bandwidth.
thats the problem,, you have no clue what shes done but just spend your time following alinskys rules and attacking the person and ignoring the rest,,
That's funny, I live in Georgia which makes her one of my representatives. So you I definitely pay attention to what she does.

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