This is your Democratically Controlled Congress

well, there is a bright point, for the first time the democrats are admitting they dont know what the fuck they are doing
at least they finally admit it

It's a Bipartisan effort! :D

``When you rush to judgment, you usually make mistakes,'' said Sherwood Boehlert, a former Republican congressman from New York. ``This is something you can't go on forever without addressing, but Congress in a short span of time is best served by going home.''
Since it's the only problem left in America and they don't know what to do they may as well all go home---without pay.
It's a Bipartisan effort! :D

``When you rush to judgment, you usually make mistakes,'' said Sherwood Boehlert, a former Republican congressman from New York. ``This is something you can't go on forever without addressing, but Congress in a short span of time is best served by going home.''
while i agree that both parties have meesed things up, but that was not exactly saying he didnt know what to do, like Reid did
Democratically controlled by ONE seat and that seat is Liberman... McCain's BFF
They don't know what to do because they don't know the extent of the crisis because it is not VISIBLE due to the lack of regulation.....

how can you come up with a sollution when you can't see what is around the corner of darkness?
They don't know what to do because they don't know the extent of the crisis because it is not VISIBLE due to the lack of regulation.....

how can you come up with a sollution when you can't see what is around the corner of darkness?

why not? they know so much, wrong about the surge, wrong about energy and drilling. I say it's best if the idiots don't do anything, no harm no foul that way, go home and leave things the fcuk alone.
not an excuse... they are fuck-ups just like the Repubs... but to say it's somehow MORE their fault than the Repubs? I don't think so...

Oh but Big Nancy promised so much. btw, do you happen to know why big Nancy did not give the American Samonans a minimum wage hike? I have been trying to find out and cannot.
why not? they know so much, wrong about the surge, wrong about energy and drilling. I say it's best if the idiots don't do anything, no harm no foul that way, go home and leave things the fcuk alone.

why not?

Because DEREGULATION allowed for the lack of sunshine, and put EVERYONE in darkness...blinded.

no one knows what is around the corner, thus businesses are not even coming to the aid of other businesses...
why not?

Because DEREGULATION allowed for the lack of sunshine, and put EVERYONE in darkness...blinded.

no one knows what is around the corner, thus businesses are not even coming to the aid of other businesses...

ahhh the old---if you leave you door unlocked the burglers should be free to take what they want
Oh but Big Nancy promised so much. btw, do you happen to know why big Nancy did not give the American Samonans a minimum wage hike? I have been trying to find out and cannot.

because she's a douche?

why do almost all republicans vote against the minimum wage increase for ALL workers?
because she's a douche?

why do almost all republicans vote against the minimum wage increase for ALL workers?

well, at least you tried to step up.. wouldn't you say that it probably had to do with it would take money outta her rich little pockets if she gave the American Samoans a pay hike. Wadda ya think?
You can bet your ass that the'll take credit for it when the economy is corrected though. :cool:
They don't know what to do because they don't know the extent of the crisis because it is not VISIBLE due to the lack of regulation.....

how can you come up with a sollution when you can't see what is around the corner of darkness?

How many hearings has Congress had in the past two years for...
- Attorney firings
- Iraq
- CEO Pay
- Mortgage Crisis
- Energy
- Gas

I am sure that a lot of citizens have written their representative over the past eight years to address the economic issues that are being lived out. Both parties have done the same thing...nothing but get themselves re-elected.

I do not think the job of Congress is to wait for a crisis to unfold and figure out how not to let it happen again. Companies get audited to ensure their financial statments, procedures and controls are in order. What auditing does Congress do to ensure the Executive branch is properly administrating? If Congress discovers that there are not proper procedures and controls in place, then they should do something before the fox gets the chickens; not after the fox enters the hen house.

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