This isn't the 50's. Blacks won't back down from the GOP's new race war.

No, national election fraud is the focus of this discussion. There has been at least ONE republican arrested for national election voter fraud in 2016. You can't seem to show ANY involving Democrats

Indiana: a perfect storm for voter fraud debate -

There is no evidence of widespread voter fraud in national electios, period. If any fraud occurs it is extremely rare and involves republicans. Voter suppression and unConstitutional voter roll purging is far more common. That, of course, is primarily done by Republicans.
Trump’s Bogus Voter Fraud Claims
Ummm, seeing how votes are STILL being counted....
I beg to differ!
Differ all you want, I don't care!
Differ all you want, I don't care!
Gee, thanks for your permission, and so we're clear,
I didn't ask you to care nor, care that you don't!

Please refer to sig
Refer to MY sig,

There is no evidence of widespread voter fraud in national electios, period. If any fraud occurs it is extremely rare and involves republicans. Voter suppression and unConstitutional voter roll purging is far more common. That, of course, is primarily done by Republicans.
Trump’s Bogus Voter Fraud Claims

There is no evidence of widespread voter fraud in national electios, period.

That's excellent news for Democrats. It means they won't lose many votes
when ballot security is tightened up.

Makes you wonder why they scream so much about voter ID though.
It's almost like they know more than you.

Like YOU would know whether Democrats know more than me…:lol:

All I know is something needs to be done about voter suppression aimed primarily at minorities . I hear Rigger-Mortise is in charge over at the GOP HQ.

Like YOU would know whether Democrats know more than me…:lol:

Are you saying the Democrats are dumber than you? That would explain the last 8 years.

All I know is something needs to be done about voter suppression aimed primarily at minorities .

I want to suppress all the dead and all the illegal alien votes and all the felon votes, not just the dead minority votes, minority illegal votes and minority felon votes.
I'm not saying anything ..You are doing all the speculating and making outrageous claims. Fact Checker has already been cited for clearing accusations of rampant or even minimal national voter fraud. You just drank too much of Trump's Kool-Aid. Now you are just one of his Trump-Bot zombies.

Yup. No vote fraud. Dems whine about Voter ID because their hair was messy on their Drivers License.

Two local Democratic operatives lose jobs after video sting on voter fraud

Darn it, I'm in Chicago and I've never heard of Dems ever cheating. Robert Creamer must be a Republican.

This week, liberals have been repeating their frequent claim that voter fraud doesn’t exist. A recent Salon article argues that “voter fraud just isn’t a problem in Pennsylvania,” despite evidence to the contrary. Another article argues that voter fraud is entirely in the imagination of those who use voter ID laws to deny minorities the right to vote.

Yet as the election approaches, more and more cases of voter fraud are beginning to surface. In Colorado, multiple instances were found of dead people attempting to vote. Stunningly, “a woman named Sara Sosa who died in 2009 cast ballots in 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013.” In Virginia, it was found that nearly 20 voterapplications were turned in under the names of dead people.
In Texas, authorities are investigating
criminals who are using the technique of “vote harvesting” to illegally procure votes for their candidates. “Harvesting” is the practice of illegally obtaining the signatures of valid voters in order to vote in their name without their consent for the candidate(s) the criminal supports.

These are just some instances of voter fraud we know about. It would be silly to assume cases that have been discovered are the only cases of fraud. Indeed according to a Pew Charitable Trust report from February 2012, one in eight voter registrations are “significantly inaccurate or no longer valid.” Since there are 146 million Americans registered to vote, this translates to a stunning 18 million invalid voter registrations on the books. Further, “More than 1.8 million deceased individuals are listed as voters, and approximately 2.75 million people have registrations in more than one state.” Numbers of this scale obviously provide ripe opportunity for fraud.

Voter Fraud Is Real. Here’s The Proof

14 Cases of Voter Fraud So Far This Year -- And It's Not Even Election Day Yet

14 Cases of Voter Fraud So Far This Year -- And It's Not Even Election Day Yet

WATCH: Elections Commissioner Admits to Widespread Voter Fraud on Hidden Camera
Read more at WATCH: Elections Commissioner Admits to Widespread Voter Fraud on Hidden Camera

WATCH: Elections Commissioner Admits to Widespread Voter Fraud on Hidden Camera

It was DeLancy’s watchdog group that brought the case of 63-year old Pasco Parker to the attention of authorities. Prosecutors say Parker, a resident of Tennessee, voted in the 2012 presidential election three times in three different states.

Charged with voter fraud for votes in the Nov. 6, 2012 presidential election, Parker voted in person at his polling place in Spring Hill, TN. This in-person vote took place after he previously mailed in a vote by absentee ballot in Florida on Oct. 28. Parker then cast another absentee ballot vote in North Carolina the following day.


DeLancy cited the Parker case as a prime example of the voter fraud that progressives, liberals, and media pundits have dismissed as overblown. Parker’s case was just one of 149 cases of double-voting the group has turned over to authorities.

In Wisconsin, 52-year-old Robert Monroe was charged with 13 counts of voter fraud crimes including multiple voting in the 2012 presidential race. Monroe voted absentee in Shorewood, WI on Nov. 1, 2012. Then, on Election Day, he drove four hours south to Lebanon, IN to vote in person, using his Indiana driver’s license – a second driver’s license – to receive another ballot.

Even a 2012 Democrat congressional candidate was caught attempting to game the system, causing her to drop out of the race. Wendy Rosen, who was running in Maryland’s 1st Congressional District, voted twice – once in Maryland and a second time in Florida – in the same election. She pleaded guilty to voting illegally in two elections.

Just this past June, the California presidential primary was affected by the criminal double-voting effort of those on the left. The East Bay Times reported that “in just three counties, Contra Costa, Alameda, and Santa Clara, 194 people voted twice, suggesting the abuse statewide might run into the thousands.”

ALERT – Democrats Caught Rigging Election, Voter Fraud is CONFIRMED

Pennsylvania state police have raided a Delaware County political field office seeking evidence of possible voter-registration fraud, according to court records.

In a warrant filed late last week in County Court, investigators said they were seeking documents, financial information, and lists of employees at the Norwood office of FieldWorks LLC, a national organization that often does street work for Democrats, records show.

The warrant did not specify the nature of the probe, but said agents also were looking for "templates . . . utilized to construct fraudulent voter registration forms" and "completed voter registration forms containing same or similar identifying information of individuals on multiple forms."

State raids Delco offices, seeking evidence of voter registration fraud
No, what this is "about" is you not wanting to admit that progressives like Obama and Clinton screwed over the Middle Class so badly that Democrats have lost the blue collar Rust Belt vote that they have OWNED for the past forty years so you invent a GOP race war to justify what happened! Trump didn't win because he got free air time. He won because a whole lot of Americans didn't believe that Hillary Clinton was going to help them. That wasn't a make believe racial was everyday people reacting to what the Democratic Party has done to them over the last forty years.

I'll have to disagree with you on the basis that the majority of Americans voted for Hillary! That makes your entire paragraph specious BS.

If the majority had voted for her she would have won and would have won the E.C.
See how this works is you need to win most of the counties, not just large cities.
She lost misserably, a little over a 100 counties.
Trump over 3,000 counties.
She got her butt kicked badly.
The majority of voters period is a majority of people who wanted Hillary to be president. That didn't happen because Republicans purged rolls of valid voters who they deemed might vote for Hillary, closed the doors of polling stations while people were still in line to vote, and implemented bizarre voter ID barriers. Hillary didn't lose..she was robbed!

Seriously? That's a load of crap, JQ! Hillary didn't lose because of anything the GOP did to voters...she lost because things she did to Bernie Sanders turned off the Millennial voters and because blue collar voters in the Rust Belt voted for Trump because they didn't see her as someone fighting for them. All this other nonsense is nothing more than an attempt to pin the blame on someone else other than Hillary and her campaign.
Oldstyle, I respectfully disagree. When the GOP managed to purge over 57 million likely Democrat voters from the rolls in key states, that
made a huge difference in the election's outcome. They knew they couldn't win a popular vote so the GOP strategists took the low road and manipulated the rolls in battle ground states. It worked.
And of course they are going to blame their "success" on something else.

It's pathetic that you really seem to believe that, JQ! Look the Sanders vote didn't turn out for Hillary because they knew she screwed Bernie over. The blue collar union vote in the Rust Belt wasn't there for Hillary because they didn't think she gave a damn about them. The black vote didn't turn out for her because she's not Barry. That's why Hillary lost. It had nothing to do with some mythical "purge" that people running the Clinton campaign are using as an excuse!
I said it in another thread, people thought race relations got bad under Obama... oh it is going to get worse. A lot lot worse in the next 4 years. If Trump keeps doing the things he is doing, this could be one of the most disastrous Presidencies ever... and quite honestly could lead to a near Civil War.

Let's hope so.

You blue staters can keep the west coast and New England.

Get out of the rest.
Other than personally harassing BHO, Trump has not said any bad things about Negroes at all.

Illegal Latinos -- different story.

Refuge Muslims -- different story.

Lying Hillary -- different story.

Little Marco -- different story.

Loser Romney -- different story.

POW McCain -- different story.

So what is all this Negro hate for Trump all about anyway ??
“Laziness Is a Trait in Blacks,” 1991 Book Quotes Trump as Saying

Don't know much do you?

Trump called for the deaths of five boys falsely accused of rape.

Trump lost two federal lawsuits concerning his discrimination against blacks.

Trump said he made the first black president PROVE he was born in this country.

Trump has said so many racist statements there is no doubt who he is.

But the media loves Trump. There is so much about Trump they refused to report. Thank God for the Internet and access to past news.

Can't get over the butthurt of rdean.
and yet he won more of the black vote.....ooooops
6% of blacks didn't vote for Obama four years ago.

8% of blacks didn't vote for Trump. But Trump is a reality TV star. You would think he might have done even better with the press following his every move, listening to his every word.

Trump has gotten nearly $3 billion in ‘free’ advertising

With three billion in free air time, I would think it's almost impossible to lose.

But this is about the racist right wing. Favorites of the KKK and the Alt Right. Now running the country. With a thinly disguised agenda.
Only race war brewing is of lib concoction.........maybe ya should tend to that eh
Attacks on minorities way up. That's from your kind.
and yet he won more of the black vote.....ooooops
6% of blacks didn't vote for Obama four years ago.

8% of blacks didn't vote for Trump. But Trump is a reality TV star. You would think he might have done even better with the press following his every move, listening to his every word.

Trump has gotten nearly $3 billion in ‘free’ advertising

With three billion in free air time, I would think it's almost impossible to lose.

But this is about the racist right wing. Favorites of the KKK and the Alt Right. Now running the country. With a thinly disguised agenda.
Only race war brewing is of lib concoction.........maybe ya should tend to that eh
Attacks on minorities way up. That's from your kind.

Attacks on minorities way up. That's from your kind.

Yes, black casualties in Chicago are way up.
Must be black Trump supporters shooting black Hillary supporters, eh Deanie?
I'll have to disagree with you on the basis that the majority of Americans voted for Hillary! That makes your entire paragraph specious BS.

If the majority had voted for her she would have won and would have won the E.C.
See how this works is you need to win most of the counties, not just large cities.
She lost misserably, a little over a 100 counties.
Trump over 3,000 counties.
She got her butt kicked badly.
The majority of voters period is a majority of people who wanted Hillary to be president. That didn't happen because Republicans purged rolls of valid voters who they deemed might vote for Hillary, closed the doors of polling stations while people were still in line to vote, and implemented bizarre voter ID barriers. Hillary didn't lose..she was robbed!

Seriously? That's a load of crap, JQ! Hillary didn't lose because of anything the GOP did to voters...she lost because things she did to Bernie Sanders turned off the Millennial voters and because blue collar voters in the Rust Belt voted for Trump because they didn't see her as someone fighting for them. All this other nonsense is nothing more than an attempt to pin the blame on someone else other than Hillary and her campaign.
Oldstyle, I respectfully disagree. When the GOP managed to purge over 57 million likely Democrat voters from the rolls in key states, that
made a huge difference in the election's outcome. They knew they couldn't win a popular vote so the GOP strategists took the low road and manipulated the rolls in battle ground states. It worked.
And of course they are going to blame their "success" on something else.

It's pathetic that you really seem to believe that, JQ! Look the Sanders vote didn't turn out for Hillary because they knew she screwed Bernie over. The blue collar union vote in the Rust Belt wasn't there for Hillary because they didn't think she gave a damn about them. The black vote didn't turn out for her because she's not Barry. That's why Hillary lost. It had nothing to do with some mythical "purge" that people running the Clinton campaign are using as an excuse!
She didn't screw Bernie over. Bernie is an independent. Why didn't he run as a Republican?

Bernie never supported Democrats, he didn't work to raise money for the Democrats. He never joined the party and didn't support any Democratic Candidates.

And yet he was somehow screwed over?

And she got millions more votes than him. Like I said, Bernie should have run as a Republican. He is just as much a Republican as he is a Democrat.
If the majority had voted for her she would have won and would have won the E.C.
See how this works is you need to win most of the counties, not just large cities.
She lost misserably, a little over a 100 counties.
Trump over 3,000 counties.
She got her butt kicked badly.
The majority of voters period is a majority of people who wanted Hillary to be president. That didn't happen because Republicans purged rolls of valid voters who they deemed might vote for Hillary, closed the doors of polling stations while people were still in line to vote, and implemented bizarre voter ID barriers. Hillary didn't lose..she was robbed!

Seriously? That's a load of crap, JQ! Hillary didn't lose because of anything the GOP did to voters...she lost because things she did to Bernie Sanders turned off the Millennial voters and because blue collar voters in the Rust Belt voted for Trump because they didn't see her as someone fighting for them. All this other nonsense is nothing more than an attempt to pin the blame on someone else other than Hillary and her campaign.
Oldstyle, I respectfully disagree. When the GOP managed to purge over 57 million likely Democrat voters from the rolls in key states, that
made a huge difference in the election's outcome. They knew they couldn't win a popular vote so the GOP strategists took the low road and manipulated the rolls in battle ground states. It worked.
And of course they are going to blame their "success" on something else.

It's pathetic that you really seem to believe that, JQ! Look the Sanders vote didn't turn out for Hillary because they knew she screwed Bernie over. The blue collar union vote in the Rust Belt wasn't there for Hillary because they didn't think she gave a damn about them. The black vote didn't turn out for her because she's not Barry. That's why Hillary lost. It had nothing to do with some mythical "purge" that people running the Clinton campaign are using as an excuse!
She didn't screw Bernie over. Bernie is an independent. Why didn't he run as a Republican?

Bernie never supported Democrats, he didn't work to raise money for the Democrats. He never joined the party and didn't support any Democratic Candidates.

And yet he was somehow screwed over?

And she got millions more votes than him. Like I said, Bernie should have run as a Republican. He is just as much a Republican as he is a Democrat.

Did you hear Hillary during the campaign say the Democratic party allowed him to run under their party platform?
That sounds pretty arrogant and insulting to some people.
We need independent candidates,its a larger group now than R's or D's.
If the majority had voted for her she would have won and would have won the E.C.
See how this works is you need to win most of the counties, not just large cities.
She lost misserably, a little over a 100 counties.
Trump over 3,000 counties.
She got her butt kicked badly.
The majority of voters period is a majority of people who wanted Hillary to be president. That didn't happen because Republicans purged rolls of valid voters who they deemed might vote for Hillary, closed the doors of polling stations while people were still in line to vote, and implemented bizarre voter ID barriers. Hillary didn't lose..she was robbed!

Seriously? That's a load of crap, JQ! Hillary didn't lose because of anything the GOP did to voters...she lost because things she did to Bernie Sanders turned off the Millennial voters and because blue collar voters in the Rust Belt voted for Trump because they didn't see her as someone fighting for them. All this other nonsense is nothing more than an attempt to pin the blame on someone else other than Hillary and her campaign.
Oldstyle, I respectfully disagree. When the GOP managed to purge over 57 million likely Democrat voters from the rolls in key states, that
made a huge difference in the election's outcome. They knew they couldn't win a popular vote so the GOP strategists took the low road and manipulated the rolls in battle ground states. It worked.
And of course they are going to blame their "success" on something else.

It's pathetic that you really seem to believe that, JQ! Look the Sanders vote didn't turn out for Hillary because they knew she screwed Bernie over. The blue collar union vote in the Rust Belt wasn't there for Hillary because they didn't think she gave a damn about them. The black vote didn't turn out for her because she's not Barry. That's why Hillary lost. It had nothing to do with some mythical "purge" that people running the Clinton campaign are using as an excuse!
She didn't screw Bernie over. Bernie is an independent. Why didn't he run as a Republican?

Bernie never supported Democrats, he didn't work to raise money for the Democrats. He never joined the party and didn't support any Democratic Candidates.

And yet he was somehow screwed over?

And she got millions more votes than him. Like I said, Bernie should have run as a Republican. He is just as much a Republican as he is a Democrat.

Bernie Sanders is more of a Republican than he is a Democrat? Gee, R-Derp...that's laughable even for you!

Sanders chose to run as a Democrat. Hillary Clinton's minions at the DNC screwed him over and got caught doing so through their emails. It's why three of the highest ranking members of the DNC were forced to resign as the Democratic National Convention began to keep a riot from ensuing on the convention floor. It was the Clinton Political Machine operating in all it's sleazy glory and when what they did was exposed it enraged the Bernie supporters who were naive enough to believe their guy ever had a shot at the nomination with Debbie Wasserman Schultz running the DNC.
If the majority had voted for her she would have won and would have won the E.C.
See how this works is you need to win most of the counties, not just large cities.
She lost misserably, a little over a 100 counties.
Trump over 3,000 counties.
She got her butt kicked badly.
The majority of voters period is a majority of people who wanted Hillary to be president. That didn't happen because Republicans purged rolls of valid voters who they deemed might vote for Hillary, closed the doors of polling stations while people were still in line to vote, and implemented bizarre voter ID barriers. Hillary didn't lose..she was robbed!

Seriously? That's a load of crap, JQ! Hillary didn't lose because of anything the GOP did to voters...she lost because things she did to Bernie Sanders turned off the Millennial voters and because blue collar voters in the Rust Belt voted for Trump because they didn't see her as someone fighting for them. All this other nonsense is nothing more than an attempt to pin the blame on someone else other than Hillary and her campaign.
Oldstyle, I respectfully disagree. When the GOP managed to purge over 57 million likely Democrat voters from the rolls in key states, that
made a huge difference in the election's outcome. They knew they couldn't win a popular vote so the GOP strategists took the low road and manipulated the rolls in battle ground states. It worked.
And of course they are going to blame their "success" on something else.

It's pathetic that you really seem to believe that, JQ! Look the Sanders vote didn't turn out for Hillary because they knew she screwed Bernie over. The blue collar union vote in the Rust Belt wasn't there for Hillary because they didn't think she gave a damn about them. The black vote didn't turn out for her because she's not Barry. That's why Hillary lost. It had nothing to do with some mythical "purge" that people running the Clinton campaign are using as an excuse!
She didn't screw Bernie over. Bernie is an independent. Why didn't he run as a Republican?

Bernie never supported Democrats, he didn't work to raise money for the Democrats. He never joined the party and didn't support any Democratic Candidates.

And yet he was somehow screwed over?

And she got millions more votes than him. Like I said, Bernie should have run as a Republican. He is just as much a Republican as he is a Democrat.

This perhaps the stupidest thing you have posted.
The majority of voters period is a majority of people who wanted Hillary to be president. That didn't happen because Republicans purged rolls of valid voters who they deemed might vote for Hillary, closed the doors of polling stations while people were still in line to vote, and implemented bizarre voter ID barriers. Hillary didn't lose..she was robbed!

Seriously? That's a load of crap, JQ! Hillary didn't lose because of anything the GOP did to voters...she lost because things she did to Bernie Sanders turned off the Millennial voters and because blue collar voters in the Rust Belt voted for Trump because they didn't see her as someone fighting for them. All this other nonsense is nothing more than an attempt to pin the blame on someone else other than Hillary and her campaign.
Oldstyle, I respectfully disagree. When the GOP managed to purge over 57 million likely Democrat voters from the rolls in key states, that
made a huge difference in the election's outcome. They knew they couldn't win a popular vote so the GOP strategists took the low road and manipulated the rolls in battle ground states. It worked.
And of course they are going to blame their "success" on something else.

It's pathetic that you really seem to believe that, JQ! Look the Sanders vote didn't turn out for Hillary because they knew she screwed Bernie over. The blue collar union vote in the Rust Belt wasn't there for Hillary because they didn't think she gave a damn about them. The black vote didn't turn out for her because she's not Barry. That's why Hillary lost. It had nothing to do with some mythical "purge" that people running the Clinton campaign are using as an excuse!
She didn't screw Bernie over. Bernie is an independent. Why didn't he run as a Republican?

Bernie never supported Democrats, he didn't work to raise money for the Democrats. He never joined the party and didn't support any Democratic Candidates.

And yet he was somehow screwed over?

And she got millions more votes than him. Like I said, Bernie should have run as a Republican. He is just as much a Republican as he is a Democrat.

This perhaps the stupidest thing you have posted.

Oh no .... he's posted many things more stupid than this.

At best, this is 8th or 9th on the list.
I'll have to disagree with you on the basis that the majority of Americans voted for Hillary! That makes your entire paragraph specious BS.

If the majority had voted for her she would have won and would have won the E.C.
See how this works is you need to win most of the counties, not just large cities.
She lost misserably, a little over a 100 counties.
Trump over 3,000 counties.
She got her butt kicked badly.
The majority of voters period is a majority of people who wanted Hillary to be president. That didn't happen because Republicans purged rolls of valid voters who they deemed might vote for Hillary, closed the doors of polling stations while people were still in line to vote, and implemented bizarre voter ID barriers. Hillary didn't lose..she was robbed!

Seriously? That's a load of crap, JQ! Hillary didn't lose because of anything the GOP did to voters...she lost because things she did to Bernie Sanders turned off the Millennial voters and because blue collar voters in the Rust Belt voted for Trump because they didn't see her as someone fighting for them. All this other nonsense is nothing more than an attempt to pin the blame on someone else other than Hillary and her campaign.
Oldstyle, I respectfully disagree. When the GOP managed to purge over 57 million likely Democrat voters from the rolls in key states, that
made a huge difference in the election's outcome. They knew they couldn't win a popular vote so the GOP strategists took the low road and manipulated the rolls in battle ground states. It worked.
And of course they are going to blame their "success" on something else.

It's pathetic that you really seem to believe that, JQ! Look the Sanders vote didn't turn out for Hillary because they knew she screwed Bernie over. The blue collar union vote in the Rust Belt wasn't there for Hillary because they didn't think she gave a damn about them. The black vote didn't turn out for her because she's not Barry. That's why Hillary lost. It had nothing to do with some mythical "purge" that people running the Clinton campaign are using as an excuse!

Unlike you , I don't put too much faith or credence in the veracity of leaked e-mails.. There is strong evidence that the language in some of those e-mails was tampered with or embellished. I thought you knew better than to accept 2nd hand info so blindly!
I said it in another thread, people thought race relations got bad under Obama... oh it is going to get worse. A lot lot worse in the next 4 years. If Trump keeps doing the things he is doing, this could be one of the most disastrous Presidencies ever... and quite honestly could lead to a near Civil War.
Not to bright for trumps minions as the demographics are changing and they will be the minorities soon

the demographics are changing and they will be the minorities soon

How soon if we deport 15 million illegal aliens and stop more from sneaking in?
We don't have the resources or the money to do that! Do you want to see a 30 Trillion dollar national debt in 5 years?

What good were they on the way to 20 trillion?
If the majority had voted for her she would have won and would have won the E.C.
See how this works is you need to win most of the counties, not just large cities.
She lost misserably, a little over a 100 counties.
Trump over 3,000 counties.
She got her butt kicked badly.
The majority of voters period is a majority of people who wanted Hillary to be president. That didn't happen because Republicans purged rolls of valid voters who they deemed might vote for Hillary, closed the doors of polling stations while people were still in line to vote, and implemented bizarre voter ID barriers. Hillary didn't lose..she was robbed!

Seriously? That's a load of crap, JQ! Hillary didn't lose because of anything the GOP did to voters...she lost because things she did to Bernie Sanders turned off the Millennial voters and because blue collar voters in the Rust Belt voted for Trump because they didn't see her as someone fighting for them. All this other nonsense is nothing more than an attempt to pin the blame on someone else other than Hillary and her campaign.
Oldstyle, I respectfully disagree. When the GOP managed to purge over 57 million likely Democrat voters from the rolls in key states, that
made a huge difference in the election's outcome. They knew they couldn't win a popular vote so the GOP strategists took the low road and manipulated the rolls in battle ground states. It worked.
And of course they are going to blame their "success" on something else.

It's pathetic that you really seem to believe that, JQ! Look the Sanders vote didn't turn out for Hillary because they knew she screwed Bernie over. The blue collar union vote in the Rust Belt wasn't there for Hillary because they didn't think she gave a damn about them. The black vote didn't turn out for her because she's not Barry. That's why Hillary lost. It had nothing to do with some mythical "purge" that people running the Clinton campaign are using as an excuse!

Unlike you , I don't put too much faith or credence in the veracity of leaked e-mails.. There is strong evidence that the language in some of those e-mails was tampered with or embellished. I thought you knew better than to accept 2nd hand info so blindly!

Strong evidence? That's funny...I didn't hear the Clinton camp declaring that the emails weren't genuine, JQ...only that people should ignore them because they were hacked. I don't accept 2nd hand information "blindly" but when 3 of the leaders of the Democratic National Committee have to resign in the middle of the Democratic Convention because of what those hacked emails revealed...and noone from the Clinton campaign denies they are genuine...I'm going to give them credence.
If the majority had voted for her she would have won and would have won the E.C.
See how this works is you need to win most of the counties, not just large cities.
She lost misserably, a little over a 100 counties.
Trump over 3,000 counties.
She got her butt kicked badly.
The majority of voters period is a majority of people who wanted Hillary to be president. That didn't happen because Republicans purged rolls of valid voters who they deemed might vote for Hillary, closed the doors of polling stations while people were still in line to vote, and implemented bizarre voter ID barriers. Hillary didn't lose..she was robbed!

Seriously? That's a load of crap, JQ! Hillary didn't lose because of anything the GOP did to voters...she lost because things she did to Bernie Sanders turned off the Millennial voters and because blue collar voters in the Rust Belt voted for Trump because they didn't see her as someone fighting for them. All this other nonsense is nothing more than an attempt to pin the blame on someone else other than Hillary and her campaign.
Oldstyle, I respectfully disagree. When the GOP managed to purge over 57 million likely Democrat voters from the rolls in key states, that
made a huge difference in the election's outcome. They knew they couldn't win a popular vote so the GOP strategists took the low road and manipulated the rolls in battle ground states. It worked.
And of course they are going to blame their "success" on something else.

It's pathetic that you really seem to believe that, JQ! Look the Sanders vote didn't turn out for Hillary because they knew she screwed Bernie over. The blue collar union vote in the Rust Belt wasn't there for Hillary because they didn't think she gave a damn about them. The black vote didn't turn out for her because she's not Barry. That's why Hillary lost. It had nothing to do with some mythical "purge" that people running the Clinton campaign are using as an excuse!

Unlike you , I don't put too much faith or credence in the veracity of leaked e-mails.. There is strong evidence that the language in some of those e-mails was tampered with or embellished. I thought you knew better than to accept 2nd hand info so blindly!

I'm me some examples of emails that were tampered with or embellished. I don't recall seeing anything about that and god knows if it had happened then the Clinton campaign would have been jumping all over it.
6% of blacks didn't vote for Obama four years ago.

8% of blacks didn't vote for Trump. ...a.
Less voted for Hillary than Obama. Why do you think that is?

Behind Trump’s victory: Divisions by race, gender, education
However, although Trump fared little better among blacks and Hispanics than Romney did four years ago, Hillary Clinton did not run as strongly among these core Democratic groups as Obama did in 2012. Clinton held an 80-point advantage among blacks (88% to 8%) compared with Obama’s 87-point edge four years ago (93% to 6%). In 2008, Obama had a 91-point advantage among blacks.
This isn't the 50's. Blacks won't back down from the GOP's new race war.
Pure unmitigated hyperbolic bullshit. First you need to prove there is a race war. Saying getting rid of race politics such as Affirmative Action isn't racial nor a "race war". It's anti-racial. The racists are those like yourself who keep seeking to divide our nation racially.
The majority of voters period is a majority of people who wanted Hillary to be president. That didn't happen because Republicans purged rolls of valid voters who they deemed might vote for Hillary, closed the doors of polling stations while people were still in line to vote, and implemented bizarre voter ID barriers. Hillary didn't lose..she was robbed!

Seriously? That's a load of crap, JQ! Hillary didn't lose because of anything the GOP did to voters...she lost because things she did to Bernie Sanders turned off the Millennial voters and because blue collar voters in the Rust Belt voted for Trump because they didn't see her as someone fighting for them. All this other nonsense is nothing more than an attempt to pin the blame on someone else other than Hillary and her campaign.
Oldstyle, I respectfully disagree. When the GOP managed to purge over 57 million likely Democrat voters from the rolls in key states, that
made a huge difference in the election's outcome. They knew they couldn't win a popular vote so the GOP strategists took the low road and manipulated the rolls in battle ground states. It worked.
And of course they are going to blame their "success" on something else.

It's pathetic that you really seem to believe that, JQ! Look the Sanders vote didn't turn out for Hillary because they knew she screwed Bernie over. The blue collar union vote in the Rust Belt wasn't there for Hillary because they didn't think she gave a damn about them. The black vote didn't turn out for her because she's not Barry. That's why Hillary lost. It had nothing to do with some mythical "purge" that people running the Clinton campaign are using as an excuse!

Unlike you , I don't put too much faith or credence in the veracity of leaked e-mails.. There is strong evidence that the language in some of those e-mails was tampered with or embellished. I thought you knew better than to accept 2nd hand info so blindly!

I'm me some examples of emails that were tampered with or embellished. I don't recall seeing anything about that and god knows if it had happened then the Clinton campaign would have been jumping all over it.

Politico Ran Bogus Leak in Front-Page Story
WASHINGTON— Today, Rep. Elijah E. Cummings, Ranking Member of the House Select Committee on Benghazi, sent a letter to Chairman Trey Gowdy warning that
“it now appears that someone who was given access to the Select Committee’s documents leaked doctored information to the press in order to make unsubstantiated allegations against Secretary Clinton. “

Read the letter here and below:

Release of Clinton Emails Shows “Doctored” Information Leaked to Press

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