This isn't the 50's. Blacks won't back down from the GOP's new race war.

Are you oppressed little baby?
It so precious when Dems, the Party of slavery, the KKK, Jim Crow, black eugenics through Planned Parenthood, failed inner city public schools, public housing and "I'll have them ******* voting Democrat for the next few 200 years", talk about the black vote

And now the mantel of all of the above has been passed to the party of
G r O P e. Just look at the hands of that monster in my signature..reaching…. probing…. grabbing with impunity!
It so precious when Dems, the Party of slavery, the KKK, Jim Crow, black eugenics through Planned Parenthood, failed inner city public schools, public housing and "I'll have them ******* voting Democrat for the next few 200 years", talk about the black vote

And now the mantel of all of the above has been passed to the party of
G r O P e. Just look at the hands of that monster in my signature..reaching…. probing…. grabbing with impunity!

You know what you should be REALLY scared of, JQ? What would happen if Trump does things that helps blacks. For decades, you on the left have taken the black vote for granted and then once elections were over you've ignored them. What will happen if Donald Trump improves the economic plight of blacks in American cities? Look at the election night map of counties won by Democrats? See all those cities that went for Clinton? If Trump can create jobs for blacks in those cities...then you can kiss them goodbye.
Not to bright for trumps minions as the demographics are changing and they will be the minorities soon

the demographics are changing and they will be the minorities soon

How soon if we deport 15 million illegal aliens and stop more from sneaking in?
We don't have the resources or the money to do that! Do you want to see a 30 Trillion dollar national debt in 5 years?

We don't have the resources or the money to do that!

Are you kidding? We'll save billions.
WTF? Let me try this again. Where are we going to get the resources and the money to round up, detain, and deport 15 million people while, simultaneously, building a Trillion dollar wall? A republican Congress isn't going to write either of those checks.

Where are we going to get the resources and the money to round up, detain, and deport 15 million people

Here in Illinois, we spend at least $11,000 per kid per year for education.
You only have to deport them once, the savings go on and on.
If you finally get serious about cracking down on their employment, they'll start to pack
up and move on their own.

A republican Congress isn't going to write either of those checks.

We could take the Border Patrol and ICE that we already pay for, and use them to ship illegals back south, instead of handing them bus tickets and a court date they never show up for.
But that would make sense and save money, so I understand why liberals are against it.

Cracking down on their employment:

I could agree with that if I knew how you propose to do it. Frankly though, I think you, like Trump, are underestimating the gravity of your vision/

Use of ICE and the Border Patrol:

Again, you have expressed a lack of understanding. You haven't studied this at all. If you had, it would be clear to you that ICE and the Border Patrol do not have adequate manpower for the job. An effect ive cleanup as widespread as this one might be would require at least a million officers or use of the National Guard…all dedicated to that mission alone. Use of the NG could work if they are deployed under state control. But if Trump deploys them, he risks violating Posse Comitatus. And, even then he could find some reason to declare a state of emergency and institute Martial Law…whereas all forces under his control could be used including all of the armed forces. If he does that, I doubt if he would stop at rounding up illegal immigrants. HELLO NAZI GERMANY!
Last edited:
It so precious when Dems, the Party of slavery, the KKK, Jim Crow, black eugenics through Planned Parenthood, failed inner city public schools, public housing and "I'll have them ******* voting Democrat for the next few 200 years", talk about the black vote

And now the mantel of all of the above has been passed to the party of
G r O P e. Just look at the hands of that monster in my signature..reaching…. probing…. grabbing with impunity!

You know what you should be REALLY scared of, JQ? What would happen if Trump does things that helps blacks. For decades, you on the left have taken the black vote for granted and then once elections were over you've ignored them. What will happen if Donald Trump improves the economic plight of blacks in American cities? Look at the election night map of counties won by Democrats? See all those cities that went for Clinton? If Trump can create jobs for blacks in those cities...then you can kiss them goodbye.

I am concerned, not fearful. And yes, I have considered ramifications of the Trump era with a perspective gleaned from what I know by tapping into a wide variety of sources, both liberal and conservative.
My angst was further stimulated by the recent selections of Bannon and Sessions. Their history on racial matters is well publicized; so, I can see that Trump does not have the interests of minorities in mind on any level. You might be inclined to wait and see what develops but minorities can't afford to.
and yet he won more of the black vote.....ooooops
6% of blacks didn't vote for Obama four years ago.

8% of blacks didn't vote for Trump. But Trump is a reality TV star. You would think he might have done even better with the press following his every move, listening to his every word.

Trump has gotten nearly $3 billion in ‘free’ advertising

With three billion in free air time, I would think it's almost impossible to lose.

But this is about the racist right wing. Favorites of the KKK and the Alt Right. Now running the country. With a thinly disguised agenda.

No, what this is "about" is you not wanting to admit that progressives like Obama and Clinton screwed over the Middle Class so badly that Democrats have lost the blue collar Rust Belt vote that they have OWNED for the past forty years so you invent a GOP race war to justify what happened! Trump didn't win because he got free air time. He won because a whole lot of Americans didn't believe that Hillary Clinton was going to help them. That wasn't a make believe racial was everyday people reacting to what the Democratic Party has done to them over the last forty years.

I'll have to disagree with you on the basis that the majority of Americans voted for Hillary! That makes your entire paragraph specious BS.
It didn't get bad under Obama. It was always there. But once Obama was elected, Republicans showed us who they are. I was pointing out the GOP is 90% white before Obama was ever elected. That tells you something about the GOP.

It's White Republicans that freed the slaves and White Republicans who signed the civil rights bill.

Indeed. NOTHERN Republicans and Northern Democrats.

Who all died a looooong time ago.

You need to read a history book not a single democrat signed the 13 the amendment
What happened in the Middle 60's? Why were so many Democrats in the Deep South and the North was mostly Republican. Did they all move?

Name me more than 3 democrats who switched? And what president won the south in 1976?
I don't know their names but here are some pictures of them..heh heh heh!:

Busing didn't work. It was abandoned but after it resulted in monumental white flight that made many of these black cities what they are.
Trump saying he made the first black president PROVE he was born here. How disrespectful.

Trump putting together the most racist administration in decades.

Trump's own racist history.

The GOP actively promoting voter suppression.

Republicans saying that the young black men shot by police were thugs who deserved to die.

Wanting to restart such racist policies as "stop and frisk".

When Pence signed that bill allowing companies to reject gay customers, it was also aimed right at blacks and other minorities.

Pence signs bill allowing businesses to reject gay customers -

Republicans over turning the Voting Right's Act.

This isn't 1952. Republicans can't stomp all over minorities without paying a huge cost. After what Republicans are doing, our allies won't see this country as a beacon of democracy but a country of oppression. Building walls. A religious test. Ignoring the constitution.

Isis uses Trump to recruit.

Terror recruitment video has Trump excerpt -

Republicans may be trying to turn this country into the old South Africa, but minorities won't go down without fighting. Believe it. The GOP might want to rethink it's policies.

Are you kidding? Cops have been killing them on TV for a year now and GOP Governor Rick Snyder just poisoned Flint with lead and blacks won't even show up to vote.

Do they think Democrats let them down? They let the Democrats down by not voting. Now black people will see the difference between the two parties.

Attorneys for Gov. Rick Snyder and state education officials say no fundamental right to literacy exists for Detroit schoolchildren who are suing the state over the quality of their education.

That's right black people. And if you don't like it, maybe you'll show up in 2018.
the demographics are changing and they will be the minorities soon

How soon if we deport 15 million illegal aliens and stop more from sneaking in?
We don't have the resources or the money to do that! Do you want to see a 30 Trillion dollar national debt in 5 years?

We don't have the resources or the money to do that!

Are you kidding? We'll save billions.
WTF? Let me try this again. Where are we going to get the resources and the money to round up, detain, and deport 15 million people while, simultaneously, building a Trillion dollar wall? A republican Congress isn't going to write either of those checks.

Where are we going to get the resources and the money to round up, detain, and deport 15 million people

Here in Illinois, we spend at least $11,000 per kid per year for education.
You only have to deport them once, the savings go on and on.
If you finally get serious about cracking down on their employment, they'll start to pack
up and move on their own.

A republican Congress isn't going to write either of those checks.

We could take the Border Patrol and ICE that we already pay for, and use them to ship illegals back south, instead of handing them bus tickets and a court date they never show up for.
But that would make sense and save money, so I understand why liberals are against it.

Cracking down on their employment:

I could agree with that if I knew how you propose to do it. Frankly though, I think you, like Trump, are underestimating the gravity of your vision/

Use of ICE and the Border Patrol:

Again, you have expressed a lack of understanding. You haven't studied this at all. If you had, it would be clear to you that ICE and the Border Patrol do not have adequate manpower for the job. An effect ive cleanup as widespread as this one might be would require at least a million officers or use of the National Guard…all dedicated to that mission alone. Use of the NG could work if they are deployed under state control. But if Trump deploys them, he risks violating Posse Comitatus. And, even then he could find some reason to declare a state of emergency and institute Martial Law…whereas all forces under his control could be used including all of the armed forces. If he does that, I doubt if he would stop at rounding up illegal immigrants. HELLO NAZI GERMANY!

I could agree with that if I knew how you propose to do it.

Mandate e-Verify. Fine employers if they don't use it.
Arrest and fine illegals using stolen Soc Sec numbers.
Deport them quickly.

If you had, it would be clear to you that ICE and the Border Patrol do not have adequate manpower for the job.

They seem to have enough manpower to send illegal aliens into the interior with free bus tickets.
Hold them in a tent city, put them on a bus going south instead.
If you show you're serious about enforcing the border, no more catch and release, and if you deport any illegal alien who comes into contact in any way with government, pretty soon they'll get the idea and deport themselves.

Hell, offer a reward for people who phone in tips that result in deportations.
If we deport enough, quickly, we could even save failing cities, like my hometown of Chicago, billions.
Money they could use to shore up their failing public pension systems.

Get the public workers on the side of deportation instead of on the side of sheltering illegals.

Git 'er done!!!
It's White Republicans that freed the slaves and White Republicans who signed the civil rights bill.

Indeed. NOTHERN Republicans and Northern Democrats.

Who all died a looooong time ago.

You need to read a history book not a single democrat signed the 13 the amendment
What happened in the Middle 60's? Why were so many Democrats in the Deep South and the North was mostly Republican. Did they all move?

Name me more than 3 democrats who switched? And what president won the south in 1976?
I don't know their names but here are some pictures of them..heh heh heh!:


So you going to tell me those old farts switched? Quit being racist.. Hey I offered this before to broke ass liberals on these boards.. Pm me I will send you a plane ticket to Greenville and let you stay at my lake house and will show you around the upstate of South Carolina.. Segregation and racism don't exist here for the most part.. Not like how bad it is up north..

and yet he won more of the black vote.....ooooops
6% of blacks didn't vote for Obama four years ago.

8% of blacks didn't vote for Trump. But Trump is a reality TV star. You would think he might have done even better with the press following his every move, listening to his every word.

Trump has gotten nearly $3 billion in ‘free’ advertising

With three billion in free air time, I would think it's almost impossible to lose.

But this is about the racist right wing. Favorites of the KKK and the Alt Right. Now running the country. With a thinly disguised agenda.

No, what this is "about" is you not wanting to admit that progressives like Obama and Clinton screwed over the Middle Class so badly that Democrats have lost the blue collar Rust Belt vote that they have OWNED for the past forty years so you invent a GOP race war to justify what happened! Trump didn't win because he got free air time. He won because a whole lot of Americans didn't believe that Hillary Clinton was going to help them. That wasn't a make believe racial was everyday people reacting to what the Democratic Party has done to them over the last forty years.

I'll have to disagree with you on the basis that the majority of Americans voted for Hillary! That makes your entire paragraph specious BS.

If the majority had voted for her she would have won and would have won the E.C.
See how this works is you need to win most of the counties, not just large cities.
She lost misserably, a little over a 100 counties.
Trump over 3,000 counties.
She got her butt kicked badly.
Trump was the media darling..not Hillary. The media marketed Trump and he won.

Trump was the media darling..not Hillary.

As shown by the leaked emails proving media collusion for Hillary.
And the non-stop attacks on Trump while Hillary got nothing but positive coverage.
Hillary spent 3 or 4 times as much as Trump and media help still couldn't get enough votes
for her new car smell.
Positive coverage. You mean:

Benghazi - 8 investigations (how many did 9/11 get?)
Emails, endless emails
Clinton Foundation

And what was found? Nothing wrong.


The real deal
3 billion in free air time
Infomercials on his Golf Courses and Hotels
Taxes ignored
All his racist comments given a bye
His speeches played from beginning to end almost daily
Endlessly repeating his sound bytes against Hillary
Never mentioning his court date for Nov 28 that he now magically settled
And why the endless investigations into Clinton Foundation and none on the Trump Foundation? Only a single reporter uncovered the foundation was never certified, never licensed, the bribes paid with foundation money, the lies about giving to charity, the stuff he bought for himself with charity money, the lawsuits he paid with charity money. And the millions he illegally collected with his uncertified charity he will probably have to give back as soon as all the investigations are finished and the charges laid out. That's coming from the state of New York, not the DOJ. States don't work for him. So this will be a scandal, minor or major, it will be a scandal. He was already fined by the IRS for using the charity as a tax dodge. And when was that reported? I never heard it reported once.

I retired in July. I watched this race every day on CNN, FOX, MSNBC and other channels. I don't think I ever heard a complete Clinton speech from beginning to end. They rarely let one go on more than 10 minutes. But Trump? He was all they could talk about. Every show was the Trump Show. And Market Watch reported Trump received over 3 billion in free air time.

And there are so many stories like this that were never reported:

Trump Once Cut Off Medical Care For Sick Infant To Spite the Parents

And Trump even admitted he did that.

Trump gets way more TV news time than Clinton. So what?

Trump’s Media Saturation, Quantified

Reporters Know They Are Being Conned by Donald Trump, but Not What to Do About It

I saw one report say Trump received 13 negative stories in one night but Clinton received none. Yea, none. She was never mentioned. When you are the only one getting any publicity, it's all good. Especially when you tell everyone the media is bad.

Poor rdean, next time get a better candidate than a Wall St. whore.
Hilarious. Trump had to go overseas to borrow money because in this country, his credit rating is 19 out of a hundred. More than 30 points below the national average. And the last I heard, he still owes hundreds of millions of dollars to Wall Street.
Hillary owes nothing, but she's the whore?
You guys are crazy and know nothing's.

Why would the whore owe anything to the john. The john pays her for favors. Idiot!
It sounds like you are describing Trump as a whore.
What happened in the Middle 60's? Why were so many Democrats in the Deep South and the North was mostly Republican. Did they all move?

Name me more than 3 democrats who switched? And what president won the south in 1976?
Forget who switched.

Republicans are a huge majority in the Deep South today. And Democrats are a huge majority in the North. What happened? Was there a mass migration? Seems you would know. Explain how the two parties reversed.

Ahh could it be they wanted manufacturing jobs?
I can see you were right. You are not a college graduate.

So what happened to all the Northerners who moved South? What did they want? Cotton? Guessing is NOT an answer. How did the South become Republican and the North Democrat?

How many times do we have to argue about this and me kicking your ass?

Ya know Clemson used to have a entire program dedicated to textiles.. It don't exist anymore... They switched over to manufacturing, automation.. Automobile research and development..
So I said:

So what happened to all the Northerners who moved South? What did they want? Cotton? Guessing is NOT an answer. How did the South become Republican and the North Democrat?

And you went off on something else. The Deep South used to be mostly Democrat. Now it's Republican.
The North used to be mostly Republican and now it's Democrat.

How did that happen? Without the people changing places?

Trump was the media darling..not Hillary.

As shown by the leaked emails proving media collusion for Hillary.
And the non-stop attacks on Trump while Hillary got nothing but positive coverage.
Hillary spent 3 or 4 times as much as Trump and media help still couldn't get enough votes
for her new car smell.
Positive coverage. You mean:

Benghazi - 8 investigations (how many did 9/11 get?)
Emails, endless emails
Clinton Foundation

And what was found? Nothing wrong.


The real deal
3 billion in free air time
Infomercials on his Golf Courses and Hotels
Taxes ignored
All his racist comments given a bye
His speeches played from beginning to end almost daily
Endlessly repeating his sound bytes against Hillary
Never mentioning his court date for Nov 28 that he now magically settled
And why the endless investigations into Clinton Foundation and none on the Trump Foundation? Only a single reporter uncovered the foundation was never certified, never licensed, the bribes paid with foundation money, the lies about giving to charity, the stuff he bought for himself with charity money, the lawsuits he paid with charity money. And the millions he illegally collected with his uncertified charity he will probably have to give back as soon as all the investigations are finished and the charges laid out. That's coming from the state of New York, not the DOJ. States don't work for him. So this will be a scandal, minor or major, it will be a scandal. He was already fined by the IRS for using the charity as a tax dodge. And when was that reported? I never heard it reported once.

I retired in July. I watched this race every day on CNN, FOX, MSNBC and other channels. I don't think I ever heard a complete Clinton speech from beginning to end. They rarely let one go on more than 10 minutes. But Trump? He was all they could talk about. Every show was the Trump Show. And Market Watch reported Trump received over 3 billion in free air time.

And there are so many stories like this that were never reported:

Trump Once Cut Off Medical Care For Sick Infant To Spite the Parents

And Trump even admitted he did that.

Trump gets way more TV news time than Clinton. So what?

Trump’s Media Saturation, Quantified

Reporters Know They Are Being Conned by Donald Trump, but Not What to Do About It

I saw one report say Trump received 13 negative stories in one night but Clinton received none. Yea, none. She was never mentioned. When you are the only one getting any publicity, it's all good. Especially when you tell everyone the media is bad.

Poor rdean, next time get a better candidate than a Wall St. whore.
Hilarious. Trump had to go overseas to borrow money because in this country, his credit rating is 19 out of a hundred. More than 30 points below the national average. And the last I heard, he still owes hundreds of millions of dollars to Wall Street.
Hillary owes nothing, but she's the whore?
You guys are crazy and know nothing's.

Why would the whore owe anything to the john. The john pays her for favors. Idiot!
It sounds like you are describing Trump as a whore.

Clinton's did political favors for money, they are whores, any idiot could understand it, of course you being a partisan dip shit you can't understand you are void of reason.
Republicans and Trump OK with Nazi's parrading for their hero Trump.

But when an actor politely asks that Trump to be a president for all Americans, they are freaking out with charges of racism.
Positive coverage. You mean:

Benghazi - 8 investigations (how many did 9/11 get?)
Emails, endless emails
Clinton Foundation

And what was found? Nothing wrong.


The real deal
3 billion in free air time
Infomercials on his Golf Courses and Hotels
Taxes ignored
All his racist comments given a bye
His speeches played from beginning to end almost daily
Endlessly repeating his sound bytes against Hillary
Never mentioning his court date for Nov 28 that he now magically settled
And why the endless investigations into Clinton Foundation and none on the Trump Foundation? Only a single reporter uncovered the foundation was never certified, never licensed, the bribes paid with foundation money, the lies about giving to charity, the stuff he bought for himself with charity money, the lawsuits he paid with charity money. And the millions he illegally collected with his uncertified charity he will probably have to give back as soon as all the investigations are finished and the charges laid out. That's coming from the state of New York, not the DOJ. States don't work for him. So this will be a scandal, minor or major, it will be a scandal. He was already fined by the IRS for using the charity as a tax dodge. And when was that reported? I never heard it reported once.

I retired in July. I watched this race every day on CNN, FOX, MSNBC and other channels. I don't think I ever heard a complete Clinton speech from beginning to end. They rarely let one go on more than 10 minutes. But Trump? He was all they could talk about. Every show was the Trump Show. And Market Watch reported Trump received over 3 billion in free air time.

And there are so many stories like this that were never reported:

Trump Once Cut Off Medical Care For Sick Infant To Spite the Parents

And Trump even admitted he did that.

Trump gets way more TV news time than Clinton. So what?

Trump’s Media Saturation, Quantified

Reporters Know They Are Being Conned by Donald Trump, but Not What to Do About It

I saw one report say Trump received 13 negative stories in one night but Clinton received none. Yea, none. She was never mentioned. When you are the only one getting any publicity, it's all good. Especially when you tell everyone the media is bad.

Poor rdean, next time get a better candidate than a Wall St. whore.
Hilarious. Trump had to go overseas to borrow money because in this country, his credit rating is 19 out of a hundred. More than 30 points below the national average. And the last I heard, he still owes hundreds of millions of dollars to Wall Street.
Hillary owes nothing, but she's the whore?
You guys are crazy and know nothing's.

Why would the whore owe anything to the john. The john pays her for favors. Idiot!
It sounds like you are describing Trump as a whore.

Clinton's did political favors for money, they are whores, any idiot could understand it, of course you being a partisan dip shit you can't understand you are void of reason.
I've heard that comment before. But with the entire CIA, the FBI and many congressional investigations they just can't seem to find anything.
Poor rdean, next time get a better candidate than a Wall St. whore.
Hilarious. Trump had to go overseas to borrow money because in this country, his credit rating is 19 out of a hundred. More than 30 points below the national average. And the last I heard, he still owes hundreds of millions of dollars to Wall Street.
Hillary owes nothing, but she's the whore?
You guys are crazy and know nothing's.

Why would the whore owe anything to the john. The john pays her for favors. Idiot!
It sounds like you are describing Trump as a whore.

Clinton's did political favors for money, they are whores, any idiot could understand it, of course you being a partisan dip shit you can't understand you are void of reason.
I've heard that comment before. But with the entire CIA, the FBI and many congressional investigations they just can't seem to find anything.

Wall St. backed her for a reason, foreign countries contributed to the foundation for a reason. As democrats have said, corporate America doesn't do anything without getting a payoff. Sorry your candidate couldn't motivate the 6,000,000 people Obama motivated in 2012. I'll shed a tear for you tonight, feel better?
and yet he won more of the black vote.....ooooops
6% of blacks didn't vote for Obama four years ago.

8% of blacks didn't vote for Trump. But Trump is a reality TV star. You would think he might have done even better with the press following his every move, listening to his every word.

Trump has gotten nearly $3 billion in ‘free’ advertising

With three billion in free air time, I would think it's almost impossible to lose.

But this is about the racist right wing. Favorites of the KKK and the Alt Right. Now running the country. With a thinly disguised agenda.

No, what this is "about" is you not wanting to admit that progressives like Obama and Clinton screwed over the Middle Class so badly that Democrats have lost the blue collar Rust Belt vote that they have OWNED for the past forty years so you invent a GOP race war to justify what happened! Trump didn't win because he got free air time. He won because a whole lot of Americans didn't believe that Hillary Clinton was going to help them. That wasn't a make believe racial was everyday people reacting to what the Democratic Party has done to them over the last forty years.

I'll have to disagree with you on the basis that the majority of Americans voted for Hillary! That makes your entire paragraph specious BS.

If the majority had voted for her she would have won and would have won the E.C.
See how this works is you need to win most of the counties, not just large cities.
She lost misserably, a little over a 100 counties.
Trump over 3,000 counties.
She got her butt kicked badly.
The majority of voters period is a majority of people who wanted Hillary to be president. That didn't happen because Republicans purged rolls of valid voters who they deemed might vote for Hillary, closed the doors of polling stations while people were still in line to vote, and implemented bizarre voter ID barriers. Hillary didn't lose..she was robbed!

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