This just confirms what I already knew. Rappers are complete a-holes!


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2010
Rapper could face charges tied to flash mob calls

LOS ANGELES (AP) -- A rapper could face criminal charges after a tweet from his account incited a telephone flash mob that overwhelmed the emergency phone system at one of busiest stations of the Los Angeles County sheriff's department, the agency said Saturday.

The sheriff's department alleges The Game tweeted the Compton station's phone number Friday and told his 580,000 followers to call the number if they wanted an internship.

Phones at the southeast Los Angeles County station started ringing at 5:23 p.m. Friday, and the lines were jammed by hundreds of calls for more than two hours, prompting authorities to bring in additional help. Many callers hung up as soon as someone answered, while others asked deputies about a music internship.

During that time people with legitimate issues that included a missing person, spousal abuse and two robberies were also trying to call in, department spokesman Steve Whitmore said.

"Yall can track a tweet down but cant solve murders!" the tweet said. "Dat was an accident but maybe now yall can actually do yall job !!!!"

News from The Associated Press

Well, MAYBE part of what's keeping them from doing their job is COMPLETE SELF CENTERED IDIOTS LIKE YOU, keeping them busy with stupid BS like this!

And BTW, if you read the whole article, like Anthony Weiner, first he claimed he was hacked, and THEN he claimed it was an "accident."

In other words, he's so stupid, he didn't think the cops could find a tweet. Moron.

I hope he gets jail time for this stunt. Someone could have really needed help from the police while he was pulling this irresponsily childish stunt.

Morons like this just make my blood boil.

The least he should be sanctioned with is a heavy fine. I mean, both he and any prosecutor worth their salt would recognise that he would've known beforehand (thus enacting a charge of mens rea) that misleading his fans and followers into flodding an emergancy service with irrelevant, time consuming telephone traffic would've put lives at risk.
They need to slap him with a gigantic fine. The sad part is this publicity stunt just might earn him millions, encouraging other assholes to try the same.
From the article, it appears he just gave out the wrong number? Apparently his number and the Compton Police number are similar that's why there were a large number of hang ups.

Yeah, rap sucks and he should have just told the truth from the onset but it looks like a simple mistake.
They need to slap him with a gigantic fine. The sad part is this publicity stunt just might earn him millions, encouraging other assholes to try the same.

You're absolutely right. Which is why they need to do more than just fine him. Rich guys like that, will pay a fine and laugh it off.

Jail time is what is required to discourage this kind of irresponsibililty.

A person would have to totally lack a conscience to pull a stunt like this. He would have to know that potentionally people could DIE waiting for help because he deliberately flooded emergency lines.

No more no less. If I were the DA, I would go for jail time and try my best to make it stick.
From the article, it appears he just gave out the wrong number? Apparently his number and the Compton Police number are similar that's why there were a large number of hang ups.

Yeah, rap sucks and he should have just told the truth from the onset but it looks like a simple mistake.

I don't believe it was an accident for a minute, because the first excuse he gave, he pulled an Anthony Weiner and claimed he "was hacked."

Then, he said, it was a mistake.

When someone's story keeps changing, it means, it was deliberate, he didn't think he would get caught, and now he is fishing for a quick CYA (aka cover your ass).

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