This Just In, Booster Shots Aren't Required After All

Refusing the vaccine is not a good political choice when it can result in death.

It has nothing to do with politics.

It has to do with calculated risk.

The long term risk of the vaccine is an unknown. The risk of the virus is a known-known. Depending on a person's age, and health condition, it can be near minuscule, less than the chances of being struck by lightening or getting into an auto death. Anyone can look at the risk factors by going to the CDC's website.

Accepting or refusing the vaccine is not a political statement.
It has nothing to do with politics.

Accepting or refusing the vaccine is not a political statement.
You're trying to ignore the fact that close to everyone who is speaking against the vaccines are Trump's supporters.

There is some truth in your other comments, along with some exaggerations, but you can't get away with trying to say there's no political factor involved.

Why would you try to disown the anti-vaccine political position. None of the others are, or at least aren't trying until they're challenged on their position.

It's amusing that you have validated my comments on Trump's supporters starting to look for an escape from Trump's opinions on Covid and the vaccine.

You're now left with wrestling with the chances of harm coming from the vacccine, against the very real chances of harm if you refuse it.

(assuming you haven't already been vaccinated?)
Thank You Dr Odanny for all your medical expertise through this.

You and Dr Lesh have given this board so much insight we can't thank you enough.

All these board certified doctors at the top of their classes from Google Medical College are a blessing for us all.
Dr. Flopper too.
Please provide a link that proves this bullshit statement.
I was suggesting the people who post on this forum because that's pretty easy to prove.

But now that you asked, here's the link.

Why are you trying to not own it?
Have you been vaccinated yet?


The amount of Biden supporters who said they won't get vaccinated was only 10%, among the lowest listings in the poll.

Sure does seem to me that there is politics involved.
Ordinarily I would ignore you but this was such a satisfying slamdunk I couldn't resist!
Sure does seem to me that there is politics involved.
That is the only true thing you have posted. The democrats politicized this farce from day one. First claiming racism when travel restrictions were enacted, then it was a farce, then masks were ineffective, then they were effective, then they weren't, then more than one. Everyone should social distance and stay home except for democrat leadership--Lightfoot, Piglosi, Newsom. Take off the blinders. BTW, WTF does it matter to you anyway, you've got enough problems of your own with Trudeau, stay out of issues that have no effect of your ignorant ass anyway.
You're trying to ignore the fact that close to everyone who is speaking against the vaccines are Trump's supporters.

There is some truth in your other comments, along with some exaggerations, but you can't get away with trying to say there's no political factor involved.

Why would you try to disown the anti-vaccine political position. None of the others are, or at least aren't trying until they're challenged on their position.

It's amusing that you have validated my comments on Trump's supporters starting to look for an escape from Trump's opinions on Covid and the vaccine.

You're now left with wrestling with the chances of harm coming from the vacccine, against the very real chances of harm if you refuse it.

(assuming you haven't already been vaccinated?)

You're trying to ignore the fact that close to everyone who is speaking against the vaccines are Trump's supporters.

This isn't about a vaccine. You are wrong. . . there are millions, all over the planet, that are against the New Normal, and the Covidian Cult, they don't, and never have, given a damn about Trump.

You are in a cult.

You are just being an elitist.

I thought that the left and liberals were supposed to be champions for the poor, the downtrodden, and the disenfranchised?

I guess that just makes you a fake, a fraud, and a phony, huh? :dunno:

Regardless of whom supports which politician, Biden said he would bring the nation together. . . but you really don't give a shit. . . you want to punish the poor and the suffering of this nation, don't you?

Why not round them all up, put badges on folks that refuse. . . ship them to camps and have them gassed? Would that please you? It sure sounds like it to me. You seethe with hatred, you really do.

Greenwald astounded by ‘ignorant’ libs who can’t see how low-income folks hurt most by vaccine mandate​

The ACLU, Prior to COVID, Denounced Mandates and Coercive Measures to Fight Pandemics​

Refusing the vaccine is not a good political choice when it can result in death.

Trump's supporters need to somehow escape the Trump doctrine that suggests that they refuse it.

That shouldn't be too difficult to do considering that Trump himself was vaccinated. There's nothing but political dogma at play now and that's not going to overcome the fear of severe illness or death.

Except perhas a few who will say they're dying for freedom and their country! LOL
What Trump Doctrine are you referring to?
I was suggesting the people who post on this forum because that's pretty easy to prove.

But now that you asked, here's the link.

Why are you trying to not own it?
Have you been vaccinated yet?

Sure does seem to me that there is politics involved.
Ordinarily I would ignore you but this was such a satisfying slamdunk I couldn't resist!
Listen, I have better things to do than argue on the internet with you. You are so dumb. . . I can't even begin to explain how dumb you are, because you can't perceive your own stupidity.

Just because Biden voters consume the same media that incline them to have a personality to follow experts, instead of do research, look at CDC statistics, and do some critical thinking, does not mean it is political. On top of that. . . the article you quoted in Forbes included A LOT of other groups that didn't get the jab. I mean, a lot.

Statistics can be manipulated in a lot of ways.

If you don't get that this is not political. . I can't help you.

What Trump Doctrine are you referring to?
His denial of the seriousness of Covid. Has Trump ever apologized or admitted he was wrong when he said it would be over in a couple of weeks.

The denial is Trump's and the political right's to own.
(if you go potty mouth you will be ignored too along with the other two)

Part of the proof on what I'm saying has been accepted and verified by C.A., and showing him that blew up his head. Biden's supporters are only 10% of those refusing the vaccine.

Why all the fuss and potty mouth behaviour over that??
I was suggesting the people who post on this forum because that's pretty easy to prove.

But now that you asked, here's the link.

Why are you trying to not own it?
Have you been vaccinated yet?

Sure does seem to me that there is politics involved.
Ordinarily I would ignore you but this was such a satisfying slamdunk I couldn't resist!
hahahahah.....hey stupid do you know what 100-49 is equal to?

Just curious so see how stupid you really are.

His denial of the seriousness of Covid. Has Trump ever apologized or admitted he was wrong when he said it would be over in a couple of weeks.

The denial is Trump's and the political right's to own.
(if you go potty mouth you will be ignored too along with the other two)

Part of the proof on what I'm saying has been accepted and verified by C.A., and showing him that blew up his head. Biden's supporters are only 10% of those refusing the vaccine.

Why all the fuss and potty mouth behaviour over that??
Trump has been a vocal advocate of the Vaccine.... has said on many occasions that everyone should be vaccinated. So I ask again truth-less propaganda hack, what Trump doctrine are you referring to? If you want to fess up right now and just admit that you're a two penny political propaganda bullshit hack, I will accept your apology for littering the board with blatantly false assertions.....on the other hand you can be completely embarrassed by the fact that you have been caught red handed unable to quote any TRUMP DOCTRINE that discourages vaccines....

In the mean time here is such a DOCTRINE....lying, two penny, brainless propaganda hack...

So Tell us there Math Papa...... What is the result of 100-49? You are free to answer anytime you choose.

Part of the proof on what I'm saying has been accepted and verified by C.A., and showing him that blew up his head
Pardon me? Blew up my head? Because I made valid points that you conveniently choose to ignore? BTW, please explain what you have said that I accepted and verified. There hasn't been anything that you have posted (with the exception that it is political) that I accepted and that was with the clarification that the left politicized it. Now, please tell everyone here how you are affected by American politics. Like Dragon Lady, you are a shit-stirring Canadian who has absolutely no standing in the discussion to begin with.
Request denied.

Request denied.

We're all going to be moving on now.
Not on your life, moron. You don't run the news cycle on this board like the dems run the media. Thank you for showing that you have nothing to back your debate. Hahaha, another toothless lib.

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