This Just In, Booster Shots Aren't Required After All

I just wonder if they're sure this time.

There can't be any certainty on whether booster shots will be required. A good example of the uncertainty was Trump's prediction that Covid would be gone in a couple of weeks. He had no way of knowing for sure so he made his best educated guess.
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You be a spineless, brainless fuck.
What am I "spineless" and "brainless" about?

Your "stolen" fantasies that have ZERO connection to reality?

ZERO cases won in courts
ZERO indictments
ZERO convictions
ZERO findings of any serious fraud by any official body.
ZERO to show for 8 months of this madness, except Trumpsters getting indicted and disbared

You have to be straight crazy to still try to peddle that Trump bullshit.
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There can't be any certainty on whether booster shots will be required. A good example of the uncertainty was Trump's prediction that Covid would be gone in a couple of weeks. He had no way of knowing for sure so he made his best educated guess.
Yeah and he is poorly educated, lol.
Even though I'm vaccinated, I agree with you. I'm not getting a booster (if I'm told to) until they stop changing their minds with a drop of a hat. :rolleyes:
Right now there's not enough data in to support giving boosters to people who are not immune compromised or elderly. I think they will change their minds though once more data comes in... I am pretty sure of it.

Right now though the vaccines are doing an EXCELLENT job of keep the vaxxed out of hospitals... 99% in the hospitals with COVID right now are the unvaxxed.
The more I learn about this 'vaccine' the more skeptical I become. Judging by the results, in terms of breakthrough cases, this appears to be a short-term immuno-enhancer not a vaccine. If that's the case natural immunity seems to be a superior option.

In terms of public health, the government's position seems contrary to what's actually best for the people. The only thing that has been consistent from the start is the high risk demographics. Which is essentially older people and those with specific pre-existing conditions. The government itself has been anything but consistent.
Those living with natural immunity along with all their family who have had the disease/virus be it either recently or after a long time now should know that natural immunity is the best. So much so that their blood has been used to make life saving treatment's that have indeed saved lives, and has given other's natural immunity as well.

Vaccinated people all around are falling ill with COVID-19, but those with natural immunity have been good so far (no bad relapses), although they've possibly come in contact with some of these active case's, it is that they are still good. Natural immunity is great, just like the human being was designed to have such a process in which was created to secure the longevity of the human race.

It's (the virus), has been close by for many, but for the most part they've been ok.

If Biden forces natural immunity to get the poke, and something bad happens to them whether it be short term or long term, then the government better get ready to pay up. If anyone in a family becomes ill from a shot after they had the virus, and they had developed natural immunity, then the government will be held liable for the damages that the shot will have caused them.

Doesn't it realize this ?

Biden and his band of merry comrades are a threat to this nation in the worst imaginable ways.

Jimmy Carter can't hold a light to the incompetence of this administration.
There can't be any certainty on whether booster shots will be required. A good example of the uncertainty was Trump's prediction that Covid would be gone in a couple of weeks. He had no way of knowing for sure so he made his best educated guess.
Yeah he made that assessment without knowing how much involved this "gain of function" was in this deadly virus.

If he would have known many things that we all have learned now, then he would have been able to better assess the situation.

Trump and us have learned the hard way about this mystery Chinese virus, and thankfully he was a fast learner.
Y'all are going to get yourselves killed.

Talk to your doctor and do what he says.

If he says get a booster, get a booster.
Y'all are going to get yourselves killed.

Talk to your doctor and do what he says.

If he says get a booster, get a booster.
Thanks for your concern, but so far natural immunity has been sufficient for all those who have it. The flu has been a very dangerous thing living with us also, but not everyone went running to get the flu shot every year. Many have immunity from an array of thing's, just like my family had the chickenpox when young, but I never got it myself. I'm glad because I'll avoid the dreadful shingles thank God.
Those living with natural immunity along with all their family who have had the disease/virus be it either recently or after a long time now should know that natural immunity is the best.
No they should not know it, because it's false.

Studies show strongest immunity response is among those that have had Covid-19 and later got mRNA vaccine.

There can't be any certainty on whether booster shots will be required. A good example of the uncertainty was Trump's prediction that Covid would be gone in a couple of weeks. He had no way of knowing for sure so he made his best educated guess.

No he did not make "best educated guess". There was nothing educated about it. Even being proven wrong time and time and time again did not "educate his guessing".

He just continiously said whatever he thought people (and markets) would feel good about, instead of doing the right thing and preparing the country for what his administration's medical advisors were warning him about.

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What would you know about having or not having an immunity to Covid-19?
Because I've had it, and they've used my blood for helping other's. My neighbor had the transfusion in order to be saved, that was his very own word's, and another friend along with his wife were saved by the same treatment's, otherwise in accordance to their stories that are told.
No he did not make "best educated guess". There was nothing educated about it. Even being proven wrong time and time and time again did not "educate his guessing".

He just continiously said whatever he thought people (and markets) would feel good about, instead of doing the right thing and preparing the country for what his administration's medical advisors were warning him about.

TDS alert.
Right now there's not enough data in to support giving boosters to people who are not immune compromised or elderly. I think they will change their minds though once more data comes in... I am pretty sure of it.

Right now though the vaccines are doing an EXCELLENT job of keep the vaxxed out of hospitals... 99% in the hospitals with COVID right now are the unvaxxed.

That's bogus old data. 77% Pfizer. lol
Because I've had it, and they've used my blood for helping other's. My neighbor had the transfusion in order to be saved, that was his very own word's, and another friend along with his wife were saved by the same treatment's, otherwise in accordance to their stories that are told.
Don't want to discount your contribution, but unfortunately convalescent plasma transfusions have shown to be ineffective in clinical trials.

But what I was saying wasn't about you specifically, but knowing people's immunity level in general.

It's been shown that detectable antibody levels drop off after some time and for most it's not clear how strong immune response would be if they got infected.
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Normalcy for influenza is people lots of people die from complications just like covid.
Influenza isn't novel, has regular vaccination schedule and antiviral treatment.

Death rates from Covid has been ten times worse than any bad flu season.
LOL yea right. Like these assholes don’t change their story every fucking week as it is.

Once the anti-bodies wear off from the Vax the person is left with bad anti-bodies that makes them more susceptible to viruses. So they will need booster shots just to stay alive.

They are only pushing this narrative now in a lame attempt to coax people into getting their jab.
I suspect "these assholes" that change the story every "fucking week" that those are needed for the sickest and the aged people first, I'm pretty much sure we will be getting one after the sickest people get theirs.

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