This Makes No Sense: In Month When US Was Shut Down, BLS Estimated That 345K New Businesses Were Formed

Natural Citizen

American Made
Aug 8, 2016
These are the same kind of rope-a-dope shenanigans they pull with the CPI.

...As people dig deeper in the entrails of the most bizarre - and most politicized - jobs report in history, they keep finding more and more irregularities...

...Consider this: according to the BLS report, which was based on a survey week from May 10th through May 16th when virtually all of the US was still shut down, the government decided that a record number of new businesses were formed. According to the BLS's Birth/Death model which is used to adjust the raw payrolls data for estimated new business openings and closures, a record 345K new jobs were created due to new businesses opening in a month when - we will repeat again - the US was largely shut down! This also means that over 60% of the business closures from the month of April (April Birth/Death -553K) were somehow undone in a month when the US was still mostly closed down...

...Needless to say, this was entirely a statistical adjustment in the "eye of the beholder", one which even the BLS felt ashamed of, because in a little noticed addendum to the jobs report, the BLS announced it had made "changes" to its net birth-death model due to the coronavirus pandemic, changes which apparently included the modeling of massive business reopenings when millions of small businesses were shutting down. From the BLS: These two methodological changes are the following...

...But wait, there's more...

...According to the American Dental Association, there are just over 200,000 dentists in the US. So how surprising it must be that at a time (as a reminder the survey week was from May 10th through May 16th) when most dental offices across the US were still shuttered (and in places like California they still are), a record 245K dentist office jobs were added, effectively undoing half of all the April job losses in this job category...

...Finally there was this, from the report...... there was also a large number of workers who were classified as employed but absent from work...

...How can one explain any of this? The only possible explanation is that after decades of China stealing US technology, the BLS finally reverse-engineered China's own economic model spreadsheet where any "data" can be goalseeked to be exactly what one wants it to be...

These are the same kind of rope-a-dope shenanigans they pull with the CPI.

...As people dig deeper in the entrails of the most bizarre - and most politicized - jobs report in history, they keep finding more and more irregularities...

...Consider this: according to the BLS report, which was based on a survey week from May 10th through May 16th when virtually all of the US was still shut down, the government decided that a record number of new businesses were formed. According to the BLS's Birth/Death model which is used to adjust the raw payrolls data for estimated new business openings and closures, a record 345K new jobs were created due to new businesses opening in a month when - we will repeat again - the US was largely shut down! This also means that over 60% of the business closures from the month of April (April Birth/Death -553K) were somehow undone in a month when the US was still mostly closed down...

...Needless to say, this was entirely a statistical adjustment in the "eye of the beholder", one which even the BLS felt ashamed of, because in a little noticed addendum to the jobs report, the BLS announced it had made "changes" to its net birth-death model due to the coronavirus pandemic, changes which apparently included the modeling of massive business reopenings when millions of small businesses were shutting down. From the BLS: These two methodological changes are the following...

...But wait, there's more...

...According to the American Dental Association, there are just over 200,000 dentists in the US. So how surprising it must be that at a time (as a reminder the survey week was from May 10th through May 16th) when most dental offices across the US were still shuttered (and in places like California they still are), a record 245K dentist office jobs were added, effectively undoing half of all the April job losses in this job category...

...Finally there was this, from the report...... there was also a large number of workers who were classified as employed but absent from work...

...How can one explain any of this? The only possible explanation is that after decades of China stealing US technology, the BLS finally reverse-engineered China's own economic model spreadsheet where any "data" can be goalseeked to be exactly what one wants it to be...

Offices were closed in April, then reopened in May. Also dentist office jobs > dentists.

Just saying
These are the same kind of rope-a-dope shenanigans they pull with the CPI.

...As people dig deeper in the entrails of the most bizarre - and most politicized - jobs report in history, they keep finding more and more irregularities...

...Consider this: according to the BLS report, which was based on a survey week from May 10th through May 16th when virtually all of the US was still shut down, the government decided that a record number of new businesses were formed. According to the BLS's Birth/Death model which is used to adjust the raw payrolls data for estimated new business openings and closures, a record 345K new jobs were created due to new businesses opening in a month when - we will repeat again - the US was largely shut down! This also means that over 60% of the business closures from the month of April (April Birth/Death -553K) were somehow undone in a month when the US was still mostly closed down...

...Needless to say, this was entirely a statistical adjustment in the "eye of the beholder", one which even the BLS felt ashamed of, because in a little noticed addendum to the jobs report, the BLS announced it had made "changes" to its net birth-death model due to the coronavirus pandemic, changes which apparently included the modeling of massive business reopenings when millions of small businesses were shutting down. From the BLS: These two methodological changes are the following...

...But wait, there's more...

...According to the American Dental Association, there are just over 200,000 dentists in the US. So how surprising it must be that at a time (as a reminder the survey week was from May 10th through May 16th) when most dental offices across the US were still shuttered (and in places like California they still are), a record 245K dentist office jobs were added, effectively undoing half of all the April job losses in this job category...

...Finally there was this, from the report...... there was also a large number of workers who were classified as employed but absent from work...

...How can one explain any of this? The only possible explanation is that after decades of China stealing US technology, the BLS finally reverse-engineered China's own economic model spreadsheet where any "data" can be goalseeked to be exactly what one wants it to be...

/----/ It makes perfect sense. People who lost their jobs and/or brick and mortar stores opened their Home Based Business.
These are the same kind of rope-a-dope shenanigans they pull with the CPI.

...As people dig deeper in the entrails of the most bizarre - and most politicized - jobs report in history, they keep finding more and more irregularities...

...Consider this: according to the BLS report, which was based on a survey week from May 10th through May 16th when virtually all of the US was still shut down, the government decided that a record number of new businesses were formed. According to the BLS's Birth/Death model which is used to adjust the raw payrolls data for estimated new business openings and closures, a record 345K new jobs were created due to new businesses opening in a month when - we will repeat again - the US was largely shut down! This also means that over 60% of the business closures from the month of April (April Birth/Death -553K) were somehow undone in a month when the US was still mostly closed down...

...Needless to say, this was entirely a statistical adjustment in the "eye of the beholder", one which even the BLS felt ashamed of, because in a little noticed addendum to the jobs report, the BLS announced it had made "changes" to its net birth-death model due to the coronavirus pandemic, changes which apparently included the modeling of massive business reopenings when millions of small businesses were shutting down. From the BLS: These two methodological changes are the following...

...But wait, there's more...

...According to the American Dental Association, there are just over 200,000 dentists in the US. So how surprising it must be that at a time (as a reminder the survey week was from May 10th through May 16th) when most dental offices across the US were still shuttered (and in places like California they still are), a record 245K dentist office jobs were added, effectively undoing half of all the April job losses in this job category...

...Finally there was this, from the report...... there was also a large number of workers who were classified as employed but absent from work...

...How can one explain any of this? The only possible explanation is that after decades of China stealing US technology, the BLS finally reverse-engineered China's own economic model spreadsheet where any "data" can be goalseeked to be exactly what one wants it to be...

Many places were still hiring. Post office,Big box stores,UPS,grocery stores,restaurants. We hired a new employee at my place if employment right after the shutdown.

Heck ...I was able to hire a landscaper .

People have to feed their kids...
These are the same kind of rope-a-dope shenanigans they pull with the CPI.

...As people dig deeper in the entrails of the most bizarre - and most politicized - jobs report in history, they keep finding more and more irregularities...

...Consider this: according to the BLS report, which was based on a survey week from May 10th through May 16th when virtually all of the US was still shut down, the government decided that a record number of new businesses were formed. According to the BLS's Birth/Death model which is used to adjust the raw payrolls data for estimated new business openings and closures, a record 345K new jobs were created due to new businesses opening in a month when - we will repeat again - the US was largely shut down! This also means that over 60% of the business closures from the month of April (April Birth/Death -553K) were somehow undone in a month when the US was still mostly closed down...

...Needless to say, this was entirely a statistical adjustment in the "eye of the beholder", one which even the BLS felt ashamed of, because in a little noticed addendum to the jobs report, the BLS announced it had made "changes" to its net birth-death model due to the coronavirus pandemic, changes which apparently included the modeling of massive business reopenings when millions of small businesses were shutting down. From the BLS: These two methodological changes are the following...

...But wait, there's more...

...According to the American Dental Association, there are just over 200,000 dentists in the US. So how surprising it must be that at a time (as a reminder the survey week was from May 10th through May 16th) when most dental offices across the US were still shuttered (and in places like California they still are), a record 245K dentist office jobs were added, effectively undoing half of all the April job losses in this job category...

...Finally there was this, from the report...... there was also a large number of workers who were classified as employed but absent from work...

...How can one explain any of this? The only possible explanation is that after decades of China stealing US technology, the BLS finally reverse-engineered China's own economic model spreadsheet where any "data" can be goalseeked to be exactly what one wants it to be...

Hand sanitizer companies ? Derp

I cant walk into a gulp n blow without seeing 18 different new brands of handsanitizers....conveniently travel sized ....right next to the made in china bandanas
There are more dental assistants than there are dentists. I wonder if, for some strange reason, they too might work in dental offices.

Low performing Canada gained over 200,000 jobs, though lowest performing Ontario lost 65,000.

When places reopen, businesses and jobs come back. When they don't, they fail.
These are the same kind of rope-a-dope shenanigans they pull with the CPI.

...As people dig deeper in the entrails of the most bizarre - and most politicized - jobs report in history, they keep finding more and more irregularities...

...Consider this: according to the BLS report, which was based on a survey week from May 10th through May 16th when virtually all of the US was still shut down, the government decided that a record number of new businesses were formed. According to the BLS's Birth/Death model which is used to adjust the raw payrolls data for estimated new business openings and closures, a record 345K new jobs were created due to new businesses opening in a month when - we will repeat again - the US was largely shut down! This also means that over 60% of the business closures from the month of April (April Birth/Death -553K) were somehow undone in a month when the US was still mostly closed down...

...Needless to say, this was entirely a statistical adjustment in the "eye of the beholder", one which even the BLS felt ashamed of, because in a little noticed addendum to the jobs report, the BLS announced it had made "changes" to its net birth-death model due to the coronavirus pandemic, changes which apparently included the modeling of massive business reopenings when millions of small businesses were shutting down. From the BLS: These two methodological changes are the following...

...But wait, there's more...

...According to the American Dental Association, there are just over 200,000 dentists in the US. So how surprising it must be that at a time (as a reminder the survey week was from May 10th through May 16th) when most dental offices across the US were still shuttered (and in places like California they still are), a record 245K dentist office jobs were added, effectively undoing half of all the April job losses in this job category...

...Finally there was this, from the report...... there was also a large number of workers who were classified as employed but absent from work...

...How can one explain any of this? The only possible explanation is that after decades of China stealing US technology, the BLS finally reverse-engineered China's own economic model spreadsheet where any "data" can be goalseeked to be exactly what one wants it to be...

Many places were still hiring. Post office,Big box stores,UPS,grocery stores,restaurants. We hired a new employee at my place if employment right after the shutdown.

Heck ...I was able to hire a landscaper .

People have to feed their kids...
/-----/ " People have to feed their kids... "
How selfish of them. They should be out rioting and looting.
Krugman started it go figure

Ya know what makes no sense at the ny slimes
The ny times civil war the boomers were all of a sudden for free speech and sorta scared of the young ones

Well to them it makes no sense anyway

it takes avillage.jpeg

Always my favorite part of the revolution
Now thats social justice
These are the same kind of rope-a-dope shenanigans they pull with the CPI.

...As people dig deeper in the entrails of the most bizarre - and most politicized - jobs report in history, they keep finding more and more irregularities...

...Consider this: according to the BLS report, which was based on a survey week from May 10th through May 16th when virtually all of the US was still shut down, the government decided that a record number of new businesses were formed. According to the BLS's Birth/Death model which is used to adjust the raw payrolls data for estimated new business openings and closures, a record 345K new jobs were created due to new businesses opening in a month when - we will repeat again - the US was largely shut down! This also means that over 60% of the business closures from the month of April (April Birth/Death -553K) were somehow undone in a month when the US was still mostly closed down...

...Needless to say, this was entirely a statistical adjustment in the "eye of the beholder", one which even the BLS felt ashamed of, because in a little noticed addendum to the jobs report, the BLS announced it had made "changes" to its net birth-death model due to the coronavirus pandemic, changes which apparently included the modeling of massive business reopenings when millions of small businesses were shutting down. From the BLS: These two methodological changes are the following...

...But wait, there's more...

...According to the American Dental Association, there are just over 200,000 dentists in the US. So how surprising it must be that at a time (as a reminder the survey week was from May 10th through May 16th) when most dental offices across the US were still shuttered (and in places like California they still are), a record 245K dentist office jobs were added, effectively undoing half of all the April job losses in this job category...

...Finally there was this, from the report...... there was also a large number of workers who were classified as employed but absent from work...

...How can one explain any of this? The only possible explanation is that after decades of China stealing US technology, the BLS finally reverse-engineered China's own economic model spreadsheet where any "data" can be goalseeked to be exactly what one wants it to be...

/----/ It makes perfect sense. People who lost their jobs and/or brick and mortar stores opened their Home Based Business.
Exactly. You do what you’ve got to do!
And wouldn’t it be poetic justice if some of the new hires were antifa and contributed to the count? Lol
Krugman started it go figure

Ya know what makes no sense at the ny slimes
The ny times civil war the boomers were all of a sudden for free speech and sorta scared of the young ones

Well to them it makes no sense anyway

View attachment 346134

Always my favorite part of the revolution
Now thats social justice

Krugman doesn't get to set the terms of controversy.
They've greatly expanded the currency supply recently. Prices are going to start rising sharply very soon. It's going to get very expensive in the near future. Not that it already wasn't, they've just been able to mask the effect of inflation on the standard of living by using chained cpi as the model of measurement. Do your stocking up now.
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Statisticians will be presenting startling new data in the New Economy post-Liberal Stimulus spending.

The Great Liberal Stimulus Spending worked! Notice that not much Keynesian public works spending was created. 40 mil. filed for unemployment already. Many unemployed would be said to have started new businesses, complete with licenses--from Stimulus money, at least a few. . .hundred thousand.

New private sector construction is likely, even. Financial and other retail have been shuttering locations, for example. Long lines are about new physical distancing. Newer offices will be about physical distancing.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Who was that Mascale Anyway? "He's the Lo-o-o-one White Man! Tune In, And See if he's dead yet(?)!"
Krugman started it go figure

Ya know what makes no sense at the ny slimes
The ny times civil war the boomers were all of a sudden for free speech and sorta scared of the young ones

Well to them it makes no sense anyway

View attachment 346134

Always my favorite part of the revolution
Now thats social justice

Krugman doesn't get to set the terms of controversy.
He never does

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