This man is about to launch himself in his homemade rocket to prove the earth is flat

I'll drink to that! Strike up the band!


I had to look this up recently AsianTrumpSupporter because
one of my friends decided she didn't trust the Masons, and believe they have been spreading this conspiracy, right down to faked moon footage and composite images of the earth to make it appear to be spherical. The last we discussed this, I had to call it "arguing over whether the earth is MORE spherical than it is flat" because we couldn't even agree what are the two sides of the argument. it wasn't flat vs round, because now it seems the earth is either more pear shaped or it is more like a rounded off discus!

Anyway, it turns out the movement is filled with people attributing Antarctica
to a round edge of ice around the earth. And lately, there has been a SPLIT
in denomination, where one former believer is now arguing that Antarctica
is indeed a continent. Now this revival of the flat earth society has a rift
just like any other political or religious movement.

So if nothing else, ATS, we may get to witness the process of Evolution,
as the thinking of this group moves from homogeneous to diversifying
into branches and subdenominations. I guess ppl have to go through the
same process as Fowler described in religious and spiritual development.
Moving from fundamentalist/literalist to becoming more moderate and open.

People who criticize, reject and blame other religions as cults brainwashing the masses,
may benefit from going through this same process, so they understand how it happens!
This guys retarded.

Using a rocket to fly a mile or so is really dumb. He should try a airplane or find a nice mountain that is far safer!

That way he could prove himself fucking wrong.
This guys retarded.

Using a rocket to fly a mile or so is really dumb. He should try a airplane or find a nice mountain that is far safer!

That way he could prove himself fucking wrong.

But the airplane could have windows painted or skewed to give the illusion of a round earth.

And the mountain would still make it look like the "curved disc" theory.

My bf said these flat earthers need to get to a telescope and SEE the
remnants left on the moon by astronauts. But the argument was those
were already set up to see "faked" images, so the skeptics need to be
able to build their OWN equipment themselves to avoid such manipulations!
Let me get this straight. The moon is round the sun is round, the planets and stars are round and the earth is flat. Riiiiiight! What's the catch? I'm going to bed.

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