This Much Is Clear: The President of the U.S. is a Russian Asset

You worthless leftist traitors crack me up!

You seem to have forgotten to include a point by point explanation and rebuttal to the numerous bullet points in the OP. I'm sure it was only because you forgot; you must have exculpatory evidence in rebuttal to all of them to come to the conclusion you've posted?

If not, maybe you had a brain fart and misplaced Trump as the worthless traitor who cracks you up.
All conjecture, supposition and fairy tales.

Yup. They are big on supposition, fairy tales and conjecture but awful short on facts.
Never claimed to be a detective. Solid response though.

Have anything of substance this time?
You have the burden of proof, pal. You did nothing but speculate and throw conjecture around.

It's a bold statement to say that you have NO DOUBT that Trump is a KGB asset. That's a pretty serious charge.

Give us some facts.
This Much Is Clear: The President of the U.S. is a Russian Asset

Seriously, you goobers come up with the funniest shit.
Never claimed to be a detective. Solid response though.

Have anything of substance this time?
You have the burden of proof, pal. You did nothing but speculate and throw conjecture around.

It's a bold statement to say that you have NO DOUBT that Trump is a KGB asset. That's a pretty serious charge.

Give us some facts.

"No doubt" is extreme, but to deny the 15 or so bullet points in the OP are not sufficient to make the assumption Trump is benefiting Putin is foolish.

Do you or do you not find these points of facts necessary and sufficient for Trump to be investigated for his patriotism? I sure do, and I believe most Americans do too.
Never claimed to be a detective. Solid response though.

Have anything of substance this time?
You have the burden of proof, pal. You did nothing but speculate and throw conjecture around.

It's a bold statement to say that you have NO DOUBT that Trump is a KGB asset. That's a pretty serious charge.

Give us some facts.

"No doubt" is extreme, but to deny the 15 or so bullet points in the OP are not sufficient to make the assumption Trump is benefiting Putin is foolish.

Do you or do you not find these points of facts necessary and sufficient for Trump to be investigated for his patriotism? I sure do, and I believe most Americans do too.
Most Americans want you idiots locked away.
Never claimed to be a detective. Solid response though.

Have anything of substance this time?
You have the burden of proof, pal. You did nothing but speculate and throw conjecture around.

It's a bold statement to say that you have NO DOUBT that Trump is a KGB asset. That's a pretty serious charge.

Give us some facts.

"No doubt" is extreme, but to deny the 15 or so bullet points in the OP are not sufficient to make the assumption Trump is benefiting Putin is foolish.

Do you or do you not find these points of facts necessary and sufficient for Trump to be investigated for his patriotism? I sure do, and I believe most Americans do too.
Most Americans want you idiots locked away.
put on your hat
There is no doubt at this point that Trump has been compromised by Russia and has been for some time now. The evidence is all there in plain site. The reason why Trump has allowed himself to become an asset of the Russian government is still unclear but I imagine more details will emerge once Mueller's report is released.

Stepping back and looking at all of the odd behavior and statements that Trump has made about Russia or Russian interests in the past 2+ years points to the undeniable fact that the American president has put Russian interests ahead of what is best for Americans.

  • We can start with the 2016 presidential campaign in which Trump not only refused to criticize Russia or Putin directly, but also openly and publicly asked for their assistance in finding Hillary Clinton’s missing e-mails.
  • There is also the Trump Tower meeting with Donald Trump Jr.,that they covered up the purpose of and changed stories about multiple times
  • Or how about the 101 contacts between Trump’s campaign team and individuals linked to Russia
  • Manafort, who ran the Trump campaign for free, now admits to offering his Russian business partner, who is suspected of links to Russian intelligence, polling data that could have been used to target the Russian social media campaign on behalf of Trump.
  • Trump’s consistent refusal to acknowledge Russia’s efforts to interfere in the 2016 election — which of course continues to this day
  • Trump has repeatedly refused to fully impose congressional sanctions on Russia – sanctions that his administration opposed
  • There’s the repeated turning of a blind eye to Russia’s actions toward its neighbors, as well as its human rights abuses
  • There are Trump’s persistent attacks on NATO and criticisms of the European Union, (the destabilization of both organizations being a key policy objective of Vladimir Putin)
  • Or how about Trump playing Putin's lackey at the Helsinki summit
  • Trump “has gone to extraordinary lengths to conceal details of his conversations with . . . Putin, including on at least one occasion taking possession of the notes of his own interpreter and instructing the linguist not to discuss what had transpired with other administration officials
  • There’s been Trump’s bizarre recent parroting of not just Russian, but Soviet-era rhetoric defending that country’s decision to invade Afghanistan 4 decades ago
  • Or Trump's comments about Montenegro which directly reflects the views of Putin and literally no one else outside of Russia
  • Trump is pulling U.S. troops out of Syria, despite the advice of all his top advisors, handing that country to Russia and its ally Iran.
  • And the obvious attempts to derail the Mueller investigation including the firing of Comey, which led to the F.B.I. opening a counterintelligence investigation into finding out if the President is secretly working on behalf of Russia.
It's scary that we've allowed this to go on as long as it has with as much clear evidence that our President isn't serving the American people.

Ah yes, desperately trying to g to ratchet up the shock. In reality, O and Clinton were already working through third parties with the russians and saudis while mueller, comey and the boys were signing off and laughing while millions of dollars just floated their way. It's scary that you didn't bring up the collusion going on with covert CIA ops in Ukraine while O was running the puppet show.
Never claimed to be a detective. Solid response though.

Have anything of substance this time?
You have the burden of proof, pal. You did nothing but speculate and throw conjecture around.

It's a bold statement to say that you have NO DOUBT that Trump is a KGB asset. That's a pretty serious charge.

Give us some facts.

"No doubt" is extreme, but to deny the 15 or so bullet points in the OP are not sufficient to make the assumption Trump is benefiting Putin is foolish.

Do you or do you not find these points of facts necessary and sufficient for Trump to be investigated for his patriotism? I sure do, and I believe most Americans do too.
Most Americans want you idiots locked away.
put on your hat
All of you scum should be locked up.
It's scary that we've allowed this to go on as long as it has with as much clear evidence that our President isn't serving the American people.

It's even scarier that anybody would suggest "This much is clear" based on nothing more that circumstantial evidence, hyperbole and speculation along with an absence of any rational motive.

Sorry but as a detective you flunk out of kindergarten.

Never claimed to be a detective. Solid response though.

Have anything of substance this time?

You first.

So far you're batting a 1000 with circumstantial evidence heavily spiced with hyperbole topped with thick, creamy speculation, while that might pass for substance in partisan lemming slice land, objective observers require just a tad more in the way of direct evidence to be persuaded that Daffy Don might be a "Russian Asset".

.. On the bright side; your theory does show promise as the basis for a Crichton Novel.

The evidence comes straight from Trumps mouth and by observing his actions. This is clear to anyone with an ounce of intelligence. Which part of his actions or words do you find to be "speculative" or "circumstantial".
All of it, you're cherry picking items and then assuming that each one supports a theory that you WANT TO BE TRUE, to make it even worse you pepper it with all sorts of hyperbole like "repeatedly...", "persistent...", "obvious...", etc.., and you then brush it over with a glaze of speculation that it somehow adds up to an inescapable conclusion.

You had a pre-fashioned partisan conclusion then you went out and tried to gather circumstantial evidence to support it, sorry but your "argument" might convince those that already occupy your partisan echo chamber but that's about the extent of its merit.

Oh I get it, you're waiting for Trump to say "I am a Russian asset".
Apparently you don't understand the concept of direct evidence and how it differs from the circumstantial variety.

Anything less than that isn't enough proof for your simple mind.
ROFLMAO! there it is … when your argument is shown to be utterly devoid of credibility you go on to add further evidence that a certain brilliant Greek Philosopher was absolutely correct.

"When debate is lost slander becomes the tool of the loser" -- Socrates

I love how you glossed over my entire post to cherry pick. You're pretty awesome!

Which portions of trumps words or actions that I posted are "speculative"? Be specific.

Let's see you avoid the question, yet again.

....and go!
Never claimed to be a detective. Solid response though.

Have anything of substance this time?
You have the burden of proof, pal. You did nothing but speculate and throw conjecture around.

It's a bold statement to say that you have NO DOUBT that Trump is a KGB asset. That's a pretty serious charge.

Give us some facts.

"No doubt" is extreme, but to deny the 15 or so bullet points in the OP are not sufficient to make the assumption Trump is benefiting Putin is foolish.

Do you or do you not find these points of facts necessary and sufficient for Trump to be investigated for his patriotism? I sure do, and I believe most Americans do too.
Most Americans want you idiots locked away.

To be fair, you have no clue what most Americans want. But you sure are good at advocating for what Russia wants. Comrade.
There is no doubt at this point that Trump has been compromised by Russia and has been for some time now. The evidence is all there in plain site. The reason why Trump has allowed himself to become an asset of the Russian government is still unclear but I imagine more details will emerge once Mueller's report is released.

Stepping back and looking at all of the odd behavior and statements that Trump has made about Russia or Russian interests in the past 2+ years points to the undeniable fact that the American president has put Russian interests ahead of what is best for Americans.

  • We can start with the 2016 presidential campaign in which Trump not only refused to criticize Russia or Putin directly, but also openly and publicly asked for their assistance in finding Hillary Clinton’s missing e-mails.
  • There is also the Trump Tower meeting with Donald Trump Jr.,that they covered up the purpose of and changed stories about multiple times
  • Or how about the 101 contacts between Trump’s campaign team and individuals linked to Russia
  • Manafort, who ran the Trump campaign for free, now admits to offering his Russian business partner, who is suspected of links to Russian intelligence, polling data that could have been used to target the Russian social media campaign on behalf of Trump.
  • Trump’s consistent refusal to acknowledge Russia’s efforts to interfere in the 2016 election — which of course continues to this day
  • Trump has repeatedly refused to fully impose congressional sanctions on Russia – sanctions that his administration opposed
  • There’s the repeated turning of a blind eye to Russia’s actions toward its neighbors, as well as its human rights abuses
  • There are Trump’s persistent attacks on NATO and criticisms of the European Union, (the destabilization of both organizations being a key policy objective of Vladimir Putin)
  • Or how about Trump playing Putin's lackey at the Helsinki summit
  • Trump “has gone to extraordinary lengths to conceal details of his conversations with . . . Putin, including on at least one occasion taking possession of the notes of his own interpreter and instructing the linguist not to discuss what had transpired with other administration officials
  • There’s been Trump’s bizarre recent parroting of not just Russian, but Soviet-era rhetoric defending that country’s decision to invade Afghanistan 4 decades ago
  • Or Trump's comments about Montenegro which directly reflects the views of Putin and literally no one else outside of Russia
  • Trump is pulling U.S. troops out of Syria, despite the advice of all his top advisors, handing that country to Russia and its ally Iran.
  • And the obvious attempts to derail the Mueller investigation including the firing of Comey, which led to the F.B.I. opening a counterintelligence investigation into finding out if the President is secretly working on behalf of Russia.
It's scary that we've allowed this to go on as long as it has with as much clear evidence that our President isn't serving the American people.

Frankly my bub, I don't give a damn as I am already dead from Trump getting rid of Net Neutrality, pulling out of the Paris Accord, moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem, getting rid of the ObabbleCare mandate, nominating Kavanaugh to the SCOTUS, and shutting down the government for 26 days so that non-essential workers can have a free paid in arrears vacation.
This Much Is Clear: The President of the U.S. is a Russian Asset

Seriously, you goobers come up with the funniest shit.

What evidence supports your "funniest shit" claim?

I'm not suggesting that Trump is an agent for Russia, however his behavior is certainly suspect, and it is easy to infer that he may very well be aiding and abetting Putin - given his apparent consciousness of guilt**.

Consciousness of Guilt Law and Legal Definition | USLegal, Inc.
Asset? only know if you get past the focus on the wall & look at what China is doing (Russia also)
their scary moves to fill the void while we have been separating our self's from our allies.
we are way short of diplomatic posting's.
It's even scarier that anybody would suggest "This much is clear" based on nothing more that circumstantial evidence, hyperbole and speculation along with an absence of any rational motive.

Sorry but as a detective you flunk out of kindergarten.

Never claimed to be a detective. Solid response though.

Have anything of substance this time?

You first.

So far you're batting a 1000 with circumstantial evidence heavily spiced with hyperbole topped with thick, creamy speculation, while that might pass for substance in partisan lemming slice land, objective observers require just a tad more in the way of direct evidence to be persuaded that Daffy Don might be a "Russian Asset".

.. On the bright side; your theory does show promise as the basis for a Crichton Novel.

The evidence comes straight from Trumps mouth and by observing his actions. This is clear to anyone with an ounce of intelligence. Which part of his actions or words do you find to be "speculative" or "circumstantial".
All of it, you're cherry picking items and then assuming that each one supports a theory that you WANT TO BE TRUE, to make it even worse you pepper it with all sorts of hyperbole like "repeatedly...", "persistent...", "obvious...", etc.., and you then brush it over with a glaze of speculation that it somehow adds up to an inescapable conclusion.

You had a pre-fashioned partisan conclusion then you went out and tried to gather circumstantial evidence to support it, sorry but your "argument" might convince those that already occupy your partisan echo chamber but that's about the extent of its merit.

Oh I get it, you're waiting for Trump to say "I am a Russian asset".
Apparently you don't understand the concept of direct evidence and how it differs from the circumstantial variety.

Anything less than that isn't enough proof for your simple mind.
ROFLMAO! there it is … when your argument is shown to be utterly devoid of credibility you go on to add further evidence that a certain brilliant Greek Philosopher was absolutely correct.

"When debate is lost slander becomes the tool of the loser" -- Socrates

I love how you glossed over my entire post to cherry pick. You're pretty awesome!

Which portions of trumps words or actions that I posted are "speculative"? Be specific.

Let's see you avoid the question, yet again.

....and go!
Perhaps because the post is, at best, effluent.
There is no doubt at this point that Trump has been compromised by Russia and has been for some time now. The evidence is all there in plain site. The reason why Trump has allowed himself to become an asset of the Russian government is still unclear but I imagine more details will emerge once Mueller's report is released.

Stepping back and looking at all of the odd behavior and statements that Trump has made about Russia or Russian interests in the past 2+ years points to the undeniable fact that the American president has put Russian interests ahead of what is best for Americans.

  • We can start with the 2016 presidential campaign in which Trump not only refused to criticize Russia or Putin directly, but also openly and publicly asked for their assistance in finding Hillary Clinton’s missing e-mails.
  • There is also the Trump Tower meeting with Donald Trump Jr.,that they covered up the purpose of and changed stories about multiple times
  • Or how about the 101 contacts between Trump’s campaign team and individuals linked to Russia
  • Manafort, who ran the Trump campaign for free, now admits to offering his Russian business partner, who is suspected of links to Russian intelligence, polling data that could have been used to target the Russian social media campaign on behalf of Trump.
  • Trump’s consistent refusal to acknowledge Russia’s efforts to interfere in the 2016 election — which of course continues to this day
  • Trump has repeatedly refused to fully impose congressional sanctions on Russia – sanctions that his administration opposed
  • There’s the repeated turning of a blind eye to Russia’s actions toward its neighbors, as well as its human rights abuses
  • There are Trump’s persistent attacks on NATO and criticisms of the European Union, (the destabilization of both organizations being a key policy objective of Vladimir Putin)
  • Or how about Trump playing Putin's lackey at the Helsinki summit
  • Trump “has gone to extraordinary lengths to conceal details of his conversations with . . . Putin, including on at least one occasion taking possession of the notes of his own interpreter and instructing the linguist not to discuss what had transpired with other administration officials
  • There’s been Trump’s bizarre recent parroting of not just Russian, but Soviet-era rhetoric defending that country’s decision to invade Afghanistan 4 decades ago
  • Or Trump's comments about Montenegro which directly reflects the views of Putin and literally no one else outside of Russia
  • Trump is pulling U.S. troops out of Syria, despite the advice of all his top advisors, handing that country to Russia and its ally Iran.
  • And the obvious attempts to derail the Mueller investigation including the firing of Comey, which led to the F.B.I. opening a counterintelligence investigation into finding out if the President is secretly working on behalf of Russia.
It's scary that we've allowed this to go on as long as it has with as much clear evidence that our President isn't serving the American people.

You are so full of shit.
There is no doubt at this point that Trump has been compromised by Russia and has been for some time now. The evidence is all there in plain site. The reason why Trump has allowed himself to become an asset of the Russian government is still unclear but I imagine more details will emerge once Mueller's report is released.

Stepping back and looking at all of the odd behavior and statements that Trump has made about Russia or Russian interests in the past 2+ years points to the undeniable fact that the American president has put Russian interests ahead of what is best for Americans.

  • We can start with the 2016 presidential campaign in which Trump not only refused to criticize Russia or Putin directly, but also openly and publicly asked for their assistance in finding Hillary Clinton’s missing e-mails.
  • There is also the Trump Tower meeting with Donald Trump Jr.,that they covered up the purpose of and changed stories about multiple times
  • Or how about the 101 contacts between Trump’s campaign team and individuals linked to Russia
  • Manafort, who ran the Trump campaign for free, now admits to offering his Russian business partner, who is suspected of links to Russian intelligence, polling data that could have been used to target the Russian social media campaign on behalf of Trump.
  • Trump’s consistent refusal to acknowledge Russia’s efforts to interfere in the 2016 election — which of course continues to this day
  • Trump has repeatedly refused to fully impose congressional sanctions on Russia – sanctions that his administration opposed
  • There’s the repeated turning of a blind eye to Russia’s actions toward its neighbors, as well as its human rights abuses
  • There are Trump’s persistent attacks on NATO and criticisms of the European Union, (the destabilization of both organizations being a key policy objective of Vladimir Putin)
  • Or how about Trump playing Putin's lackey at the Helsinki summit
  • Trump “has gone to extraordinary lengths to conceal details of his conversations with . . . Putin, including on at least one occasion taking possession of the notes of his own interpreter and instructing the linguist not to discuss what had transpired with other administration officials
  • There’s been Trump’s bizarre recent parroting of not just Russian, but Soviet-era rhetoric defending that country’s decision to invade Afghanistan 4 decades ago
  • Or Trump's comments about Montenegro which directly reflects the views of Putin and literally no one else outside of Russia
  • Trump is pulling U.S. troops out of Syria, despite the advice of all his top advisors, handing that country to Russia and its ally Iran.
  • And the obvious attempts to derail the Mueller investigation including the firing of Comey, which led to the F.B.I. opening a counterintelligence investigation into finding out if the President is secretly working on behalf of Russia.
It's scary that we've allowed this to go on as long as it has with as much clear evidence that our President isn't serving the American people.

If trump is ever actually tried for treason should the people and media who still defend him (and PUT HIM HERE!) also be punished as traitors?

Should we allow people who would destroy our country the right to vote?

or any rights?

FOX news, for example, pushes the narrative that Trump is pure and good while it is the MSM and democrats who are the "traitors". Basically, the REAL TRAITORS trying to get millions of decent Americans slaughtered by accusing them of being "traitors". The right accusing their "enemies" of their own crimes.

Bring down trump and you are still left with a fascist right wing fear and hate mongering FOX NEWS that will keep promoting hate and division while they look for another Trump to get elected.

Bring down Trump and (if the right doesn't rise up in revolution and slaughter us all) in 4 years FOX news and the Right Wing Cabal will use the same tactics to get Trump V2 in office.
There is no doubt at this point that Trump has been compromised by Russia and has been for some time now. The evidence is all there in plain site. The reason why Trump has allowed himself to become an asset of the Russian government is still unclear but I imagine more details will emerge once Mueller's report is released.

Stepping back and looking at all of the odd behavior and statements that Trump has made about Russia or Russian interests in the past 2+ years points to the undeniable fact that the American president has put Russian interests ahead of what is best for Americans.

  • We can start with the 2016 presidential campaign in which Trump not only refused to criticize Russia or Putin directly, but also openly and publicly asked for their assistance in finding Hillary Clinton’s missing e-mails.
  • There is also the Trump Tower meeting with Donald Trump Jr.,that they covered up the purpose of and changed stories about multiple times
  • Or how about the 101 contacts between Trump’s campaign team and individuals linked to Russia
  • Manafort, who ran the Trump campaign for free, now admits to offering his Russian business partner, who is suspected of links to Russian intelligence, polling data that could have been used to target the Russian social media campaign on behalf of Trump.
  • Trump’s consistent refusal to acknowledge Russia’s efforts to interfere in the 2016 election — which of course continues to this day
  • Trump has repeatedly refused to fully impose congressional sanctions on Russia – sanctions that his administration opposed
  • There’s the repeated turning of a blind eye to Russia’s actions toward its neighbors, as well as its human rights abuses
  • There are Trump’s persistent attacks on NATO and criticisms of the European Union, (the destabilization of both organizations being a key policy objective of Vladimir Putin)
  • Or how about Trump playing Putin's lackey at the Helsinki summit
  • Trump “has gone to extraordinary lengths to conceal details of his conversations with . . . Putin, including on at least one occasion taking possession of the notes of his own interpreter and instructing the linguist not to discuss what had transpired with other administration officials
  • There’s been Trump’s bizarre recent parroting of not just Russian, but Soviet-era rhetoric defending that country’s decision to invade Afghanistan 4 decades ago
  • Or Trump's comments about Montenegro which directly reflects the views of Putin and literally no one else outside of Russia
  • Trump is pulling U.S. troops out of Syria, despite the advice of all his top advisors, handing that country to Russia and its ally Iran.
  • And the obvious attempts to derail the Mueller investigation including the firing of Comey, which led to the F.B.I. opening a counterintelligence investigation into finding out if the President is secretly working on behalf of Russia.
It's scary that we've allowed this to go on as long as it has with as much clear evidence that our President isn't serving the American people.

If trump is ever actually tried for treason should the people and media who still defend him (and PUT HIM HERE!) also be punished as traitors?

Should we allow people who would destroy our country the right to vote?

or any rights?

FOX news, for example, pushes the narrative that Trump is pure and good while it is the MSM and democrats who are the "traitors". Basically, the REAL TRAITORS trying to get millions of decent Americans slaughtered by accusing them of being "traitors". The right accusing their "enemies" of their own crimes.

Bring down trump and you are still left with a fascist right wing fear and hate mongering FOX NEWS that will keep promoting hate and division while they look for another Trump to get elected.

Bring down Trump and (if the right doesn't rise up in revolution and slaughter us all) in 4 years FOX news and the Right Wing Cabal will use the same tactics to get Trump V2 in office.
Does it not cross your mind that 95% of media/entertainers/extremist judges/etc. are the real narrative? There are people who destroy others from both sides. And that includes all of the protected groups the progressive socialist agendas have. Forgiveness is supposed to part of us all. To degree. Forgiving people who just mess with others is different then those whose level of harassing and worse destroys an individual or makes something minor that individual did into something very major. Throughout history a group or more takes the blame for something in revolutions. Today it is white people taking the blame, particularly white males. This being done with the help of other whites and most being progressive socialists. Look at yourselves also if you believe your spouts. We let our flaws get out of control through legislation. This is not about diversity. It is about people being absorbed into the unique American culture. A sovereign nation instead of a globalist tool.
There is no doubt at this point that Trump has been compromised by Russia and has been for some time now. The evidence is all there in plain site. The reason why Trump has allowed himself to become an asset of the Russian government is still unclear but I imagine more details will emerge once Mueller's report is released.

Stepping back and looking at all of the odd behavior and statements that Trump has made about Russia or Russian interests in the past 2+ years points to the undeniable fact that the American president has put Russian interests ahead of what is best for Americans.

  • We can start with the 2016 presidential campaign in which Trump not only refused to criticize Russia or Putin directly, but also openly and publicly asked for their assistance in finding Hillary Clinton’s missing e-mails.
  • There is also the Trump Tower meeting with Donald Trump Jr.,that they covered up the purpose of and changed stories about multiple times
  • Or how about the 101 contacts between Trump’s campaign team and individuals linked to Russia
  • Manafort, who ran the Trump campaign for free, now admits to offering his Russian business partner, who is suspected of links to Russian intelligence, polling data that could have been used to target the Russian social media campaign on behalf of Trump.
  • Trump’s consistent refusal to acknowledge Russia’s efforts to interfere in the 2016 election — which of course continues to this day
  • Trump has repeatedly refused to fully impose congressional sanctions on Russia – sanctions that his administration opposed
  • There’s the repeated turning of a blind eye to Russia’s actions toward its neighbors, as well as its human rights abuses
  • There are Trump’s persistent attacks on NATO and criticisms of the European Union, (the destabilization of both organizations being a key policy objective of Vladimir Putin)
  • Or how about Trump playing Putin's lackey at the Helsinki summit
  • Trump “has gone to extraordinary lengths to conceal details of his conversations with . . . Putin, including on at least one occasion taking possession of the notes of his own interpreter and instructing the linguist not to discuss what had transpired with other administration officials
  • There’s been Trump’s bizarre recent parroting of not just Russian, but Soviet-era rhetoric defending that country’s decision to invade Afghanistan 4 decades ago
  • Or Trump's comments about Montenegro which directly reflects the views of Putin and literally no one else outside of Russia
  • Trump is pulling U.S. troops out of Syria, despite the advice of all his top advisors, handing that country to Russia and its ally Iran.
  • And the obvious attempts to derail the Mueller investigation including the firing of Comey, which led to the F.B.I. opening a counterintelligence investigation into finding out if the President is secretly working on behalf of Russia.
It's scary that we've allowed this to go on as long as it has with as much clear evidence that our President isn't serving the American people.

You are so full of shit.

Which point was wrong?

To be fair we both know you didn't read my original post. You're a sheep.

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