This news report from Israel is troubling

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Wow, well fucking wonderful. That’s an amazing thing, right?!

No. It's terrible. It's probably the absolute scandal of our entire nation's history

I'm not kidding. Because we are in a moral panic, people don't realize it, they're just going around well, moralizing. Do you want the link where she said it? I posted a thread on it.
but these hit jobs and misinformation the right is throwing out there is really starting to get old.
Do you believe that the Israeli doctor is publicly lying and is involved in an anti-vax conspiracy aimed at the Democratic Party?

Or is it possible that he's simply sharing the data that he and his associates are collecting as they treat multitudes of Covid patients?
Not at all. I'm simply reacting to the implied assertion of the two of you that the doctor making the statements is some sort of quack. You didn't genuinely engage the discussion until after your searches concluded that the good doctor is indeed very competent to discuss such things.

No one said he's a quack.

What we're saying is YOU posted something, and that SOMETHING isn't complete.

I've explained it to you. I've literally explained the problem with cherry picking random percentages. I've literally gone and shown you the statistics from Israel.

And all I've got are insults and you trying to claim we're not engaging in the discussion. When we're trying to engage in the discussion and another thread with you in it descends to this nonsense of us having to literally tell you what we're doing, and you still don't listen.
SLIGHTLY. They are largely underwater in the people who needed them most.

Looking largely out. Would you call these vaccines a success?
Hell yes they are a success. They need to be improved but I can’t imagine where we would be right now without them. 10s if not 100s of thousands more people would be dead
Ok then point out where my argument is wrong. This is where answering my questions and giving direct responses comes in handy. See how that works?!
I just gave you a "direct response".
Hell yes they are a success. They need to be improved but I can’t imagine where we would be right now without them. 10s if not 100s of thousands more people would be dead

Possibly. A lot more people would be alive without them too.

One thing is sure. They are leaky, non-sterilizing vaccines. Per Rochelle Walinsky

They are probably never going to be sterilizing vaccines, since this was always a problem with coronavirus vaccines in the past.
It is not misinformation. Did Walensky speak "misinformation" about the vaccines not limiting transmission?

Do you know about leaky vaccines? ADE?
The stats of % of cases of vaxed vs unvaxed is misleading as I pointed out. I thought we agreed on that already. If the population was 100% vaxed and I reported that 100% of cases were from vaxed and 0% of cases were unvaxed it would be a pretty useless argument right? But the retards out there would look at the headline and think wow, vaxed are the only ones catching it. Vax is bad. #idiotlogic
No. It's terrible. It's probably the absolute scandal of our entire nation's history

I'm not kidding. Because we are in a moral panic, people don't realize it, they're just going around well, moralizing. Do you want the link where she said it? I posted a thread on it.
Those drugs have saved 10s to 100s of thousands of lives. How you can’t see that as a good thing makes me question your sanity.
But the retards out there would look at the headline and think
Actually, that's what YOU did. You assumed immediately that the doctor was some sort of "anti-vax" quack and then derailed the thread. Thanks!
Those drugs have saved 10s to 100s of thousands of lives. How you can’t see that as a good thing makes me question your sanity.

Fascinating to watch.

You had one moment of lucidity...."Well that's effing wonderful"....and the Liberal Bot in you head took right back over.

Do you believe that the Israeli doctor is publicly lying and is involved in an anti-vax conspiracy aimed at the Democratic Party?

Or is it possible that he's simply sharing the data that he and his associates are collecting as they treat multitudes of Covid patients?
I think he is sharing meaningless data that is being spun into an anti vax narrative and used for political reasons. It’s not really something I think, I’m literally watching it play out right here
Possibly. A lot more people would be alive without them too.

One thing is sure. They are leaky, non-sterilizing vaccines. Per Rochelle Walinsky

They are probably never going to be sterilizing vaccines, since this was always a problem with coronavirus vaccines in the past.
No, not possibly. Since we’ve determined that I’m better at reading stats than you let me just tell you that the vaccine has had a tremendous beneficial effect on the death numbers.
Actually, that's what YOU did. You assumed immediately that the doctor was some sort of "anti-vax" quack and then derailed the thread. Thanks!
I didn’t derail a thing. I read about the story on other websites. Posted links, asked you questions which you ignored, and provided counter arguments and explanations. How are you a moderator on this site, I feel like you are trolling your own thread
Ok, well this thread went nowhere.
Ok, well this thread went nowhere.

Went "nowhere" because people are actually discussing the problems with what you posted. Post something proper, and maybe the thread will survive. But it seems it'll only go somewhere if everyone agrees with you.
Went "nowhere" because people are actually discussing the problems with what you posted. Post something proper, and maybe the thread will survive. But it seems it'll only go somewhere if everyone agrees with you.
I didn't say that I agreed with the doctor. He's not a quack and I put it out there for discussion. I'm not interested in defending his remarks so go ahead and eviscerate the doctor. I don't care.
I didn't say that I agreed with the doctor. He's not a quack and I put it out there for discussion. I'm not interested in defending his remarks so go ahead and eviscerate the doctor. I don't care.

I haven't said ANYTHING about the doctor. How you've got to talking about the doctor is beyond me.

He said some stuff. Someone wrote a tweet in response to this. YOU posted this tweet with information that is cherry picked.

YOU refuse to put this cherry picked information into context, I did that for you.

What do I get? INSULTS.

If you were not a mod, you'd have been blocked ages ago.
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