This news report from Israel is troubling

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That's fine; I don't mind people being wrong. The fact is the vaccines have had essentially zero bad reactions statistically, and they have been shown to be pretty effective at both slowing the spread and reducing the severity of the symptoms. The Pfizer vaccine seems to have had the best results so far.

Children are even less affected by Covid "statistically" and look at all the hollering about that

Later on, we will all find out how awful these vaccines are with regard to side effects and injuries that were covered up. Some of us will be shocked. Many of us will not be.

Moral panics happen this way
Children are even less affected by Covid "statistically" and look at all the hollering about that

Later on, we will all find out how awful these vaccines are with regard to side effects and injuries that were covered up. Some of us will be shocked. Many of us will not be.

Moral panics happen this way

I wouldn't know, I got vaccinated and of course died just like the conspiracy nuts said would happen.

The question of the efficacy of vaccines and the duration of such is unknown. But, if you want to claim "bullshit", that's ok with me.
You’re right the efficacy and and duration are unknown. That’s not what I was calling bullshit on
When the science contradicts the Party, the left abandons the science.

Really? You just insulted because you can't even get through a conversation without being nasty. You post a tweet from someone which says

""95% of the severe patients are vaccinated". "85-90% of the hospitalizations are in Fully vaccinated people." "We are opening more and more COVID wards." "The effectiveness of the vaccine is waning/fading out""

You don't even take the time to consider what the fuck has been written. You just post something and then say "owww, that looks bad, let's post this and hope no one will see it doesn't say much at all".

You didn't present any facts about how many people this is. "95%" could be anything. Could be 5 people for all we know.

But let's look at the statistics.

In April last year there were about 300 to 700 new cases a day in Israel with about 5 to 13 deaths a day.

Now there are 2,000 cases a day with 4 to 10 deaths a day. So, the number of cases is three or four times higher, but the number of deaths are LOWER.

Is this you suggesting the vaccine isn't working?

Israel brought out the vaccine in December, got 50% of people vaccinated between then and April.

They had nearly 6,000 cases a day at the end of December, 36 people died on the last day of December.

By April you had figures from 39 to 418 news cases a day, and from 0 to 16 deaths a day.

Figures dropped until the 21st June when they started to rise, but deaths have remained relatively low. People are getting the vaccine, and it's stopping deaths, reducing hospital emissions.

That most people have been vaccinated, suggests that the reason 95% of severe cases is because most people are vaccinated. It's not difficult.
Can I ask y’all two questions??

What percentage of the Israeli population has been vaccinated?

If 100% of a population has been vaccinated then what would the resulting ratio be of Covid infections and hospitalizations and deaths for vaxed vs unvaxed?
you can't even get through a conversation without being nasty.
Take a deep breath and relax. It's going to be ok. This is an anonymous message board and, sometimes, information may be presented in good faith that doesn't conform to your view.
Really? You just insulted because you can't even get through a conversation without being nasty. You post a tweet from someone which says

""95% of the severe patients are vaccinated". "85-90% of the hospitalizations are in Fully vaccinated people." "We are opening more and more COVID wards." "The effectiveness of the vaccine is waning/fading out""

You don't even take the time to consider what the fuck has been written. You just post something and then say "owww, that looks bad, let's post this and hope no one will see it doesn't say much at all".

You didn't present any facts about how many people this is. "95%" could be anything. Could be 5 people for all we know.

But let's look at the statistics.

In April last year there were about 300 to 700 new cases a day in Israel with about 5 to 13 deaths a day.

Now there are 2,000 cases a day with 4 to 10 deaths a day. So, the number of cases is three or four times higher, but the number of deaths are LOWER.

Is this you suggesting the vaccine isn't working?

Israel brought out the vaccine in December, got 50% of people vaccinated between then and April.

They had nearly 6,000 cases a day at the end of December, 36 people died on the last day of December.

By April you had figures from 39 to 418 news cases a day, and from 0 to 16 deaths a day.

Figures dropped until the 21st June when they started to rise, but deaths have remained relatively low. People are getting the vaccine, and it's stopping deaths, reducing hospital emissions.

That most people have been vaccinated, suggests that the reason 95% of severe cases is because most people are vaccinated. It's not difficult.
Aww shucks you gave them all the answers. I was gonna make em work for it!
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Can I ask y’all two questions??

What percentage of the Israeli population has been vaccinated?

If 100% of a population has been vaccinated then what would the resulting ratio be of Covid infections and hospitalizations and deaths for vaxed vs unvaxed?
Teach us, Doctor Slade.
Take a deep breath and relax. It's going to be ok. This is an anonymous message board and, sometimes, information may be presented in good faith that doesn't conform to your view.

Oh please.

You presented something. I explained it doesn't say much. Then you INSULTED ME.

You insulted me because..... I don't know why. Because I was trying to talk about this topic, as opposed to you who just wants to.... really, I don't know..... bizarre how you continually fuck up threads, even your own.
Teach us, Doctor Slade.
It’s a pretty simple question. Do you not know the answer?

if 100% of people are vaccinated then what percentage of Covid positive people would be vaccinated?

you can do this, simple logic, show us your brain is working, I believe in you!!
Can I get a translation for this? I don't understand.
Typo, I meant to say aww shucks.

you had a nice statement, kudos, but you gave them all the answers. I was gonna ask them questions and make them look up those numbers themselves. But you’re nicer than me and did the work for them.
Typo, I meant to say aww shucks.

you had a nice statement, kudos, but you gave them all the answers. I was gonna ask them questions and make them look up those numbers themselves. But you’re nicer than me and did the work for them.

Well, mostly because it was pretty clear he wasn't going to look anything up.

This is the sort of nonsense they always do. Present something and hope there are enough idiots to believe their shit. They don't really want to get into a discussion. That's why the insults came out pretty quickly.
The Party's trolls are out in force to derail discussion of Covid. Only Party statements can be tolerated!
Maybe they want the 30- 35% left to get vaccinated in a hurry knowing the 6+ monthers are gonna be due for a booster and they always want at least half the Population within expiration window, vaccinated at any given time.
The Party's trolls are out in force to derail discussion of Covid. Only Party statements can be tolerated!
You got two posters here giving counter arguments to your OP and you don’t seem willing to engage in the substance. Why’s that?
Maybe they want the 30- 35% left to get vaccinated in a hurry knowing the 6+ monthers are gonna be due for a booster and they always want at least half the Population within expiration window, vaccinated at any given time.
I just simply don’t want to shut down again. I want people to grow the fuck up and act responsibly so that this thing doesn’t spike again, get a shot or mask up and distance. Enough is enough. A bunch of spoiled brats out there
Oh please.

You presented something. I explained it doesn't say much. Then you INSULTED ME.

You insulted me because..... I don't know why. Because I was trying to talk about this topic, as opposed to you who just wants to.... really, I don't know..... bizarre how you continually fuck up threads, even your own.

Maybe it was your post implying he was deliberately lying.
Maybe it was your post implying he was deliberately lying.
He is either ignoring the obvious to push an anti vax narrative or he didn’t see the obvious which has now been made obvious which gives him the perfect opportunity to now admit the obvious. ;-)
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