This Nonsense Of Bringing Up "Black on Black Crime" Whenever Policy Brutality Has Taken Place

Where are examples of all the cases in which police killed blacks with no adverse consequences at all?
You live in a fairy land of misinformation and tropes that reinforce to an agreeable audience fiction that becomes fact through it's repeated usage.

Why won't you address black on black violence with a 100th percent of the enthusiasm that you spend
looking for these black murdering cops? Maybe there's no sympathy or glory in that realizing that the real
murderers of blacks are black people themselves by and large?
You're perpetuating the racism that I gave example you would in your very post.

WoW! What a new level of stupid.

Why won't you address white on white violence racist? What's the matter? Have a problem w/facts?
Whites don't loot and burn cities when a White is murdered.

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