This nursing home disaster is on you, Gov. Cuomo: Goodwin NY Post May 5, 2020


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2011
"And if you are the governor of the state that is the national epicenter of the deadly outbreak, you don’t have the luxury of not knowing, or pretending not to know, about the horrendous carnage in nursing homes and rehabilitation centers. And if your policies contributed to that carnage, the decent thing to do is to own your mistakes and fix them".
What beaks my heart even more is that the same policy was used in putting Virus infected Veterans in State Veterans Nursing Homes. The worst is at the NY State Veterans Home at Stony Brook. The last Deaths Rate I saw was over 60 Veterans. It is personal for me. A good friend and my Brother Vietnam Combat who was in the home due to a disability caught the virus and died. I am so damn angry. I don't see Veterans and their families going after Cuomo.
As a public official, he is probably immune from prosecution but this sure seems to be a criminal act.

A day after going on TV telling everyone how important their parents and grandparents are, he ordered nursing homes to ACCEPT COVID-19 patients which has caused thousands of lives.
Tramp: I'm NOT sorry I killed 81,000 Americans.
Because he did NOT kill 81k Americans. Cuomo however, is directly responsible for the deaths of the people in the hospice care he sent covid positive cases to.

Nearly half of all Corona deaths were in nursing homes, and Cuomo brilliantly orders known Corona patients, back into nursing homes, when this is one of the most contagious illnesses known to man.

Brilliant. Yeah, and the mindless ignorant left-wing says Trump didn't do enough?

More people would be alive is Cuomo had done NOTHING. He literally killed people.

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