This or That?

hmm depends on what I am eating. Hot sauce but not tooooooo hot!

Daytime or nighttime?

cell phone camera or regular camera?
Both - but use my cell phone camera more (my Nikon only for special events)

Ear Buds or Ear Phones?
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Not sure what you mean by ear phones, unless you mean a head set???

Ear buds

Phone on speaker, or regular way. (thinking of cell phone)
(sorry, I mean headphones, not headset.. duh!)


Texting or Talking?
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Texting. That way I can do it at my leisure, and not be stuck on the phone for hours.

Sleep in nude, or with clothing? (PJ's, gown..tees..etc)
Nude (but normally wear underwear so MOSTLY nude)

Cotton or "Other" Sheets?
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Cotton. Silk or satin are either too old or too hot..and slippery!

Blanket or quilt?

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