This Place is Getting Darker.

No it hasn't.

COVID was a temporary inconvenience.

And humans have been warring since there have been humans there has never been any time period where humans were not warring somewhere.

That is true, but there are periods where mankind goes absolutely bonkers, and I fear we are on the precipice of one of those times.
That is true, but there are periods where mankind goes absolutely bonkers, and I fear we are on the precipice of one of those times.

It's more that we just know about the stuff that is happening when in the past most people were blissfully ignorant of the humans tragedies all over the world.

The problem with knowing about it all is that we think we can actually do something about it when we can't.
It's more that we just know about the stuff that is happening when in the past most people were blissfully ignorant of the humans tragedies all over the world.

The problem with knowing about it all is that we think we can actually do something about it when we can't.

There is truth to that, but like I said, when you read the histories we have been here before.
There is truth to that, but like I said, when you read the histories we have been here before.
But in a world where there was not instantaneous communication and people generally trusted governments and religions without question
But in a world where there was not instantaneous communication and people generally trusted governments and religions without question

All true, and how is it any different today? No one trusts our government any longer, yet the government is actively seeking to destroy this country and we are powerless to stop them until the shooting finally begins.

That's what is coming next. That is that darkness that is being talked about.
All true, and how is it any different today? No one trusts our government any longer, yet the government is actively seeking to destroy this country and we are powerless to stop them until the shooting finally begins.

That's what is coming next. That is that darkness that is being talked about.

OK I'll not argue the point because you might be right.

Hopefully more people will see that our government needs an enema before the shooting starts and will start doing something to cut out the gangrene that has settled in.
All true, and how is it any different today? No one trusts our government any longer, yet the government is actively seeking to destroy this country and we are powerless to stop them until the shooting finally begins.

That's what is coming next. That is that darkness that is being talked about.
Its going to get worse, before it gets worse. Biden, or Trump? It matters little in the long game. The die has been cast. Though a Trump win will at least give millions of disenfranchised voters some temporary satisfaction, before the lights truly go out...
OK I'll not argue the point because you might be right.

Hopefully more people will see that our government needs an enema before the shooting starts and will start doing something to cut out the gangrene that has settled in.

That is my hope too. The corruption is now so obvious that EVERYBODY can see it.

And there are only two ways to go. A Trump victory followed by a systematic weeding out of corruption, or, the corrupt political class steals the election, yet again, and civil war ensues.

Historically the latter is most common. Sadly.
Its going to get worse, before it gets worse. Biden, or Trump? It matters little in the long game. The die has been cast. Though a Trump win will at least give millions of disenfranchised voters some temporary satisfaction, before the lights truly go out...
The disenfranchised voters need to stop playing in the corrupt duopoly
The disenfranchised voters need to stop playing in the corrupt duopoly

It's not a dupoly. It's a corrupt monopoly. And history shows us it will get progressively worse till the people either get sent to the gulag, or they rise up and kill their government.

Time will tell.
It's not a dupoly. It's a corrupt monopoly. And history shows us it will get progressively worse till the people either get sent to the gulag, or they rise up and kill their government.

Time will tell.
You're right I have been saying there is no real difference between the two parties for a long time.
We used to be governed by laws that made some sense, now laws are made in the most vindictive manner possible by the dems, sometimes, both sides. Laws that they don't follow themselves.

I guess that's why you are seeing more and more folks say, "no, I don't think I'll be doing that" and go on about their business.

I look at the anti-2A laws be proposed by dems in Virginia's legislative session this year and I think to myself how mean-spirited they are and resolve, if passed, to never-ever follow them.

To think, a small group of politicians can take the rights away that you have enjoyed your entire life by a mere majority vote.....That's darkness my friend.

I don't see things getting any better either.

It seems that the more people have the more they concentrate on what they (think) they don't have. Desire is a great motivator easily misdirected.
Ultimately, materialism is the disease that most afflicts our species.

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