This poor small buisness owner,

According to this site... Fantastic Sams Franchise owners make $82,000 a year in SALARY, and that's not counting profits. Now I don't know if she makes that much per store, or if she only pays herself as an employee of one store, or if she has all 4 stores under a single franchisee corporation. So there are a lot of variables there.

1 Fantastic Sams Franchise Owner Salaries
Browse Fantastic Sams Salaries by Job Title →
Fantastic Sams Franchise Owners earn $82,000 annually, or $39 per hour, which is 31% higher than the national average for allFranchise Owners at $60,000 annually and 29% higher than the national salary average for all working Americans. The highest paid Franchise Owners work for Express Personnel Services at $128,000 annually and the lowest paid Franchise Owners work for Bonus Building Care at $23,000 annually.

Fantastic Sams Franchise Owner Salaries | CareerBliss

There is still no reason to make that much money and NOT be able to afford health insurance.
$39 /hr. is not a lot for an owner. As the proprietor you pay 100% of your social security taxes.

BUT your link doesn't list the owner's salary. Nor do you have a clue how much of her salary goes back into the business. Most of mine did.

Can you READ?

"Fantastic Sams Franchise Owners earn $82,000 annually"

Now, if she does like most Franchisee owners with multiple locations, they are all under a single LLC, and you know she isn't paying herself the same amount of a Franchisee owner of a single store when she is running four of them. And why would part of her salary go back into the business when they are four successful stores that are making a profit??? As a business owner she would put some of that profit back into the business... not part of her salary.
Oh, different link. Owners is plural though, correct. That means at least two people. As I just said $39/hr is not much as a owner.

The point is you don't know what the hell you are talking about.

No that isn't what the fuck that means... seriously do you have a reading comprehension problem? It says owners because Fantastic Sams has 1,100 locations and it has multiple Franchise owners... and she is one of them. So she makes at least $82,000 in salary a year annually. But as I said, that is a figure for single franchise owners, she owns 4 that means she more than likely pays herself more than just $82,000 a year. And that doesn't include any bonuses from profits.

What's really funny about this is, I'm just repeating mostly what is there in black and white, and you don't understand it... and then have the gall to tell me I don't know what I am talking about. :laugh:
More than likely? Admit you are pulling shit out of your ass. You have no clue what she has left at the end of the day. Many business owners make less than their employees. And it said $39/hr. That is not much for the self employed. But you will never know.

Hey dipshit... $82,000 a salary divided by 2080 hours (40 hours a week 52 weeks a year) is $39 an hour. It's a SALARY... but the numbers come out to $39 an hour. That's JUST salary... not counting bonuses based on profit. How many hair dressers do you know that make $82,000 a year? Holy shit... I'll never know? I already said I owned my own custom picture framing business. It was called X-hibitz Custom Picture Framing and it was in the Towne Mall in Franklin, Ohio.

You continue to just spew crap out of your mouth with absolutely no substance.
That shit doesn't come out of her salary... that comes out of the business account.
You really are a dumb ass. That business is hers therefore it comes out of what she already owns and her profit which is how she gets her paycheck too. That is really a difficult task for anyone to comprehend that does not have a small business that they have built and they personally own. You should be forced to start your own business and it should be mandatory that you hire at least one employee.

IT'S HER SALARY... DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT A SALARY IS? HER SALARY doesn't come out of the profits. Her profits come out of what is left after her overhead and payroll including her salary... you have your shit backwards. You don't have profit until the other shit is paid.

The money for the stuff he is talking about would come out of the business funds first... it would only come out of her salary if there were no business funds to pay for it, and she wanted to keep her business open and therefor sacrificed part of her salary to do so. BUT as has been stated they are four successful stores... which means they are making money that would pay for that stuff. I did own a business. I owned a custom framing shop in a mall.
Hey dip, she likely spent money on her businesses with the money she made. It's what small business people do. What business funds? You're just making shit up. You reach a conclusion (leftist at that) then try to fit facts into them. You don't know much about her business so you're off on yet another stupid mission.

I'm not a leftist... and I'm not making shit up. She has successful salons, so much so that she was interviewed for the Fantastic Sams website. She's making money... She spends business funds on the business, she spends her salary on a new lake home. I'm not jumping to conclusions or making shit up. I'm reading what is there for everyone to see. Maybe you should actually read the shit provided to you.
I saw the interview. You feel you know better than she does what's going on. Where is your evidence the businesses need no personal funds?

You saw the interview? Good for you. Did you read the article on Fantastic Sams with her interview with them? It was in the link in the second post of the thread...
Did you see that $82 grand was based, from what I could find, on the info of just one franchise owner, on career bliss? That tells us nothing.
$39 /hr. is not a lot for an owner. As the proprietor you pay 100% of your social security taxes.

BUT your link doesn't list the owner's salary. Nor do you have a clue how much of her salary goes back into the business. Most of mine did.

Can you READ?

"Fantastic Sams Franchise Owners earn $82,000 annually"

Now, if she does like most Franchisee owners with multiple locations, they are all under a single LLC, and you know she isn't paying herself the same amount of a Franchisee owner of a single store when she is running four of them. And why would part of her salary go back into the business when they are four successful stores that are making a profit??? As a business owner she would put some of that profit back into the business... not part of her salary.
Oh, different link. Owners is plural though, correct. That means at least two people. As I just said $39/hr is not much as a owner.

The point is you don't know what the hell you are talking about.

No that isn't what the fuck that means... seriously do you have a reading comprehension problem? It says owners because Fantastic Sams has 1,100 locations and it has multiple Franchise owners... and she is one of them. So she makes at least $82,000 in salary a year annually. But as I said, that is a figure for single franchise owners, she owns 4 that means she more than likely pays herself more than just $82,000 a year. And that doesn't include any bonuses from profits.

What's really funny about this is, I'm just repeating mostly what is there in black and white, and you don't understand it... and then have the gall to tell me I don't know what I am talking about. :laugh:
More than likely? Admit you are pulling shit out of your ass. You have no clue what she has left at the end of the day. Many business owners make less than their employees. And it said $39/hr. That is not much for the self employed. But you will never know.

Hey dipshit... $82,000 a salary divided by 2080 hours (40 hours a week 52 weeks a year) is $39 an hour. It's a SALARY... but the numbers come out to $39 an hour. That's JUST salary... not counting bonuses based on profit. How many hair dressers do you know that make $82,000 a year? Holy shit... I'll never know? I already said I owned my own custom picture framing business. It was called X-hibitz Custom Picture Framing and it was in the Towne Mall in Franklin, Ohio.

You continue to just spew crap out of your mouth with absolutely no substance.
Maybe others do not want to pay for the high cost of those who engage in risk when it comes to their health. With forcing everyone into this you want every to assume everyone else's risky behaviors and poor decisions. Insurance costs are always based on risk.

Yep, but everyone is forced to pay for car insurance in order to drive a car right? That is unless you can meet the requirement to show you have the right amount of money in your bank account to cover the minimum insurance requirement amount in your state. Are you fighting over that?
Car insurance and health insurance are not one in the same. If you want to go that route to make your argument for everyone else to be responsible for your actions we can. Car insurance only requires a minimum liability. When I buy it I have the option to buy that insurance from any insurance carrier in the United States. It can also be attached to my business policy or my house policy if I so desire. Again though it is not the same beast as health insurance that you want everyone to be responsible for and it is also based on risk. Since I personally have very little risk that cost is very minimal. Plus if I don't want to own and drive a car I still have that option unless you propose forcing everyone to own a car.

The point is the same... insurance is for risk. Whether it is car insurance or health insurance. You don't HAVE to buy health insurance either, you can pay the fine instead. Just like if you don't want to pay for car insurance, you can pay the penalty of NOT owning and driving a car and instead sitting on the bus next to the guy that wears headphones and sings Demi Lavoto songs out loud.
What a lame argument. The government doesn't have a fine for not owning a car.

She also stated on the town hall debate she also does not have health insurance. The average Fantastic Sams franchise makes 86,000 a year. Why does she not have HI, if she can buy a house on the lake.

Sounds to me like she is doing pretty good by here words:
Fantastic Sams Franchise Review — How Single Parent LaRonda Hunter Launched Four Thriving Salons

What I want to know, if employers do not have to offer health insurance, is everyone going to be self insured??
or just be without Health Insurance. ? Just answer this question, thank you!

Another plus for the ACA, thank You LaRonda. Your greed has been well noted.

Here's the problem. Employers have to offer health insurance when they reach 50 employees. Salon work isn't rocket science, and I have to believe that profit margins are razor thin. Requiring this woman to provide health insurance means her cost of doing business will go up, and make her shops too expensive and noncompetitive in the market.


She has 5 salons. She is making money , just bought a lakefront home. I don't care if she offers insurance or not, but why does she not have insurance, and her ? employees ought to make enough money to have their own insurance. I am sick of these freeloaders. The ACA is progressive, meaning goes by your income. Buy it or get fined. A lot of the problem is the GOP continually complaining about it , why because they are cheap, and a black Pres. created it and they can't stand it. Get use to it.

So if she hires 49 employees then she saves enough to buy her own!
How many employees? How much does insurance run per employee? You want her to live on a dime?
$39 /hr. is not a lot for an owner. As the proprietor you pay 100% of your social security taxes.

BUT your link doesn't list the owner's salary. Nor do you have a clue how much of her salary goes back into the business. Most of mine did.

Can you READ?

"Fantastic Sams Franchise Owners earn $82,000 annually"

Now, if she does like most Franchisee owners with multiple locations, they are all under a single LLC, and you know she isn't paying herself the same amount of a Franchisee owner of a single store when she is running four of them. And why would part of her salary go back into the business when they are four successful stores that are making a profit??? As a business owner she would put some of that profit back into the business... not part of her salary.

That shit doesn't come out of her salary... that comes out of the business account.
You really are a dumb ass. That business is hers therefore it comes out of what she already owns and her profit which is how she gets her paycheck too. That is really a difficult task for anyone to comprehend that does not have a small business that they have built and they personally own. You should be forced to start your own business and it should be mandatory that you hire at least one employee.

No it comes from the customers, everything. No profit , no business. If she does not offer insurance, she should pay enough for them to buy it. Like Sanders says she can offer the services for less than other salons who do offer an insurance plan and benefits.

All businesses write off expenses, and then they do a 1040 as well.
It is so cool to see you have a gift that gives you such a broad understanding of another person's business without it actually being all put out in print. BTW, writers in these stories trying to sell franchises is akin to some of those sales people trying to sell time shares. That can write down something but that does not mean it is all accurate or true but it may look real good to the ignorant that do not know any better. I was featured in a trade mag some years back and the guy wrote shit that I did not even know (lies and fake shit to make his story sound like he wanted it to sound).

In a free country it is not up to "Sanders" or anyone else to decide her business decisions like pricing for her products. Nor does all these BS claims excuse putting a bullet or bomb into a small business persons business plans they made prior to the ACA.
She owns five salons and makes a lousy $89K a year?

Either she doesn't know what she's doing or maybe she's just being a whiney little bitch.
And everything I found regarding Fantastic Sams, the franchisee has to stay with the corporate pricing structure for their services. They can't just raise their prices willy nilly.
How many employees? How much does insurance run per employee? You want her to live on a dime?
Can you READ?

"Fantastic Sams Franchise Owners earn $82,000 annually"

Now, if she does like most Franchisee owners with multiple locations, they are all under a single LLC, and you know she isn't paying herself the same amount of a Franchisee owner of a single store when she is running four of them. And why would part of her salary go back into the business when they are four successful stores that are making a profit??? As a business owner she would put some of that profit back into the business... not part of her salary.

That shit doesn't come out of her salary... that comes out of the business account.
You really are a dumb ass. That business is hers therefore it comes out of what she already owns and her profit which is how she gets her paycheck too. That is really a difficult task for anyone to comprehend that does not have a small business that they have built and they personally own. You should be forced to start your own business and it should be mandatory that you hire at least one employee.

No it comes from the customers, everything. No profit , no business. If she does not offer insurance, she should pay enough for them to buy it. Like Sanders says she can offer the services for less than other salons who do offer an insurance plan and benefits.

All businesses write off expenses, and then they do a 1040 as well.
It is so cool to see you have a gift that gives you such a broad understanding of another person's business without it actually being all put out in print. BTW, writers in these stories trying to sell franchises is akin to some of those sales people trying to sell time shares. That can write down something but that does not mean it is all accurate or true but it may look real good to the ignorant that do not know any better. I was featured in a trade mag some years back and the guy wrote shit that I did not even know (lies and fake shit to make his story sound like he wanted it to sound).

In a free country it is not up to "Sanders" or anyone else to decide her business decisions like pricing for her products. Nor does all these BS claims excuse putting a bullet or bomb into a small business persons business plans they made prior to the ACA.
And everything I found regarding Fantastic Sams, the franchisee has to stay with the corporate pricing structure for their services. They can't just raise their prices willy nilly.
How many employees? How much does insurance run per employee? You want her to live on a dime?

That shit doesn't come out of her salary... that comes out of the business account.
You really are a dumb ass. That business is hers therefore it comes out of what she already owns and her profit which is how she gets her paycheck too. That is really a difficult task for anyone to comprehend that does not have a small business that they have built and they personally own. You should be forced to start your own business and it should be mandatory that you hire at least one employee.

No it comes from the customers, everything. No profit , no business. If she does not offer insurance, she should pay enough for them to buy it. Like Sanders says she can offer the services for less than other salons who do offer an insurance plan and benefits.

All businesses write off expenses, and then they do a 1040 as well.
It is so cool to see you have a gift that gives you such a broad understanding of another person's business without it actually being all put out in print. BTW, writers in these stories trying to sell franchises is akin to some of those sales people trying to sell time shares. That can write down something but that does not mean it is all accurate or true but it may look real good to the ignorant that do not know any better. I was featured in a trade mag some years back and the guy wrote shit that I did not even know (lies and fake shit to make his story sound like he wanted it to sound).

In a free country it is not up to "Sanders" or anyone else to decide her business decisions like pricing for her products. Nor does all these BS claims excuse putting a bullet or bomb into a small business persons business plans they made prior to the ACA.
I'm not a big franchise fan. IMO, their classification would be a bit different than a small business that is started from scratch. Innovative people made this country great and commune pushers so a few can be at the top have been tearing a lot of it down.
This goes to the root of the problem here: Lowering overall health care costs. And going about ACTUALLY lowering the cost of health care.It shouldn't be an excuse to give free health care to the poor, they aren't the same thing. Obama's So called Affordable Health care plan is a shell game and dosen't fix the underlying issues.
You couldn't turn a profit on a lemonade stand, but you're going to sit there and criticize and ridicule a small business owner who actually employs people? Tell me, what business have you run? What is your life experience that qualifies you to offer such an opinion on how to operate a business?

I sure am, blames the ACA for not growing her business, and why does she not have HI herself. I call her a big
fat LOSER. My husband has owned a business for 20 some years.

So you didn't answer the question. Please do.
She did answer that. It's not the same now, her business plan was all set and they went for it, then obamacare came along and effed the whole thing up due to the huge increase in overhead.

Well a business plan has to be flexible, since the world is. Please answer the question? I mean you, her answer proves the need to the ACA.
No... It doesn't. You clearly don't understand what a "need" is...

A need for the ACA, is a need for HI and a road to obtain it. I do not want to pay for the slackers who do not carry HI.
I agree with you about the highlighted phrase. I do not want to pay for the slackers, or for coverage for medical procedures I don't need or want. I.E.: birth control, prostate exams/treatment (for the ladies), breast exams and pap smears (for the gents), and abortions.
I sure am, blames the ACA for not growing her business, and why does she not have HI herself. I call her a big
fat LOSER. My husband has owned a business for 20 some years.

So you didn't answer the question. Please do.
She did answer that. It's not the same now, her business plan was all set and they went for it, then obamacare came along and effed the whole thing up due to the huge increase in overhead.

Well a business plan has to be flexible, since the world is. Please answer the question? I mean you, her answer proves the need to the ACA.
No... It doesn't. You clearly don't understand what a "need" is...

A need for the ACA, is a need for HI and a road to obtain it. I do not want to pay for the slackers who do not carry HI.

There is as much need for the ACA as there is for a thorn in everyone's ass
The ACA is much less about health care than it is about health insurance. Talk about greedy companies, I wonder why so many supporters of the ACA cannot follow the money and see who (or what entity) benefits the most for forcing everyone to buy health insurance that doesn't even kick in until extortive deductibles have been paid? Of course, the liberals/Dems favorite constituency, the social welfare leaches, are subsidized using taxpayer money, so the receive "free" health insurance/care.
She did answer that. It's not the same now, her business plan was all set and they went for it, then obamacare came along and effed the whole thing up due to the huge increase in overhead.

Well a business plan has to be flexible, since the world is. Please answer the question? I mean you, her answer proves the need to the ACA.
No... It doesn't. You clearly don't understand what a "need" is...

A need for the ACA, is a need for HI and a road to obtain it. I do not want to pay for the slackers who do not carry HI.
Maybe others do not want to pay for the high cost of those who engage in risk when it comes to their health. With forcing everyone into this you want every to assume everyone else's risky behaviors and poor decisions. Insurance costs are always based on risk.

Yep, but everyone is forced to pay for car insurance in order to drive a car right? That is unless you can meet the requirement to show you have the right amount of money in your bank account to cover the minimum insurance requirement amount in your state. Are you fighting over that?
Everyone pays their own car insurance, though. I am not forced to subsidize a bunch of rotten drivers. Accidents tend to drive up the individual's rates, not mine. As a matter of fact, most automobile insurers offer "good driver" discounts.
Well a business plan has to be flexible, since the world is. Please answer the question? I mean you, her answer proves the need to the ACA.
No... It doesn't. You clearly don't understand what a "need" is...

A need for the ACA, is a need for HI and a road to obtain it. I do not want to pay for the slackers who do not carry HI.
Maybe others do not want to pay for the high cost of those who engage in risk when it comes to their health. With forcing everyone into this you want every to assume everyone else's risky behaviors and poor decisions. Insurance costs are always based on risk.

Yep, but everyone is forced to pay for car insurance in order to drive a car right? That is unless you can meet the requirement to show you have the right amount of money in your bank account to cover the minimum insurance requirement amount in your state. Are you fighting over that?
Car insurance and health insurance are not one in the same. If you want to go that route to make your argument for everyone else to be responsible for your actions we can. Car insurance only requires a minimum liability. When I buy it I have the option to buy that insurance from any insurance carrier in the United States. It can also be attached to my business policy or my house policy if I so desire. Again though it is not the same beast as health insurance that you want everyone to be responsible for and it is also based on risk. Since I personally have very little risk that cost is very minimal. Plus if I don't want to own and drive a car I still have that option unless you propose forcing everyone to own a car.
Additionally, your car insurance will cover you regardless of where you are driving. You can also add anyone you want, who operates the vehicle and generally resides in your household to your insurance policy.
How many employees? How much does insurance run per employee? You want her to live on a dime?
According to this site... Fantastic Sams Franchise owners make $82,000 a year in SALARY, and that's not counting profits. Now I don't know if she makes that much per store, or if she only pays herself as an employee of one store, or if she has all 4 stores under a single franchisee corporation. So there are a lot of variables there.

1 Fantastic Sams Franchise Owner Salaries
Browse Fantastic Sams Salaries by Job Title →
Fantastic Sams Franchise Owners earn $82,000 annually, or $39 per hour, which is 31% higher than the national average for allFranchise Owners at $60,000 annually and 29% higher than the national salary average for all working Americans. The highest paid Franchise Owners work for Express Personnel Services at $128,000 annually and the lowest paid Franchise Owners work for Bonus Building Care at $23,000 annually.

Fantastic Sams Franchise Owner Salaries | CareerBliss

There is still no reason to make that much money and NOT be able to afford health insurance.
$39 /hr. is not a lot for an owner. As the proprietor you pay 100% of your social security taxes.

BUT your link doesn't list the owner's salary. Nor do you have a clue how much of her salary goes back into the business. Most of mine did.

Can you READ?

"Fantastic Sams Franchise Owners earn $82,000 annually"

Now, if she does like most Franchisee owners with multiple locations, they are all under a single LLC, and you know she isn't paying herself the same amount of a Franchisee owner of a single store when she is running four of them. And why would part of her salary go back into the business when they are four successful stores that are making a profit??? As a business owner she would put some of that profit back into the business... not part of her salary.
You apparently don't get the point. The business owner has no right to steal the profits of his/her business from the employees, the workers who earn that income. A business owner should first, and foremost, be socially responsible for ensuring their employees are comfortable by whatever standards the employees deem appropriate. No business owner has an entitlement to the profits generated by their business, only the employees are so entitled.
Yep, that's what they want us to believe! Lol
How many employees? How much does insurance run per employee? You want her to live on a dime?
According to this site... Fantastic Sams Franchise owners make $82,000 a year in SALARY, and that's not counting profits. Now I don't know if she makes that much per store, or if she only pays herself as an employee of one store, or if she has all 4 stores under a single franchisee corporation. So there are a lot of variables there.

1 Fantastic Sams Franchise Owner Salaries
Browse Fantastic Sams Salaries by Job Title →
Fantastic Sams Franchise Owners earn $82,000 annually, or $39 per hour, which is 31% higher than the national average for allFranchise Owners at $60,000 annually and 29% higher than the national salary average for all working Americans. The highest paid Franchise Owners work for Express Personnel Services at $128,000 annually and the lowest paid Franchise Owners work for Bonus Building Care at $23,000 annually.

Fantastic Sams Franchise Owner Salaries | CareerBliss

There is still no reason to make that much money and NOT be able to afford health insurance.
$39 /hr. is not a lot for an owner. As the proprietor you pay 100% of your social security taxes.

BUT your link doesn't list the owner's salary. Nor do you have a clue how much of her salary goes back into the business. Most of mine did.

Can you READ?

"Fantastic Sams Franchise Owners earn $82,000 annually"

Now, if she does like most Franchisee owners with multiple locations, they are all under a single LLC, and you know she isn't paying herself the same amount of a Franchisee owner of a single store when she is running four of them. And why would part of her salary go back into the business when they are four successful stores that are making a profit??? As a business owner she would put some of that profit back into the business... not part of her salary.
You apparently don't get the point. The business owner has no right to steal the profits of his/her business from the employees, the workers who earn that income. A business owner should first, and foremost, be socially responsible for ensuring their employees are comfortable by whatever standards the employees deem appropriate. No business owner has an entitlement to the profits generated by their business, only the employees are so entitled.
How many employees? How much does insurance run per employee? You want her to live on a dime?
According to this site... Fantastic Sams Franchise owners make $82,000 a year in SALARY, and that's not counting profits. Now I don't know if she makes that much per store, or if she only pays herself as an employee of one store, or if she has all 4 stores under a single franchisee corporation. So there are a lot of variables there.

1 Fantastic Sams Franchise Owner Salaries
Browse Fantastic Sams Salaries by Job Title →
Fantastic Sams Franchise Owners earn $82,000 annually, or $39 per hour, which is 31% higher than the national average for allFranchise Owners at $60,000 annually and 29% higher than the national salary average for all working Americans. The highest paid Franchise Owners work for Express Personnel Services at $128,000 annually and the lowest paid Franchise Owners work for Bonus Building Care at $23,000 annually.

Fantastic Sams Franchise Owner Salaries | CareerBliss

There is still no reason to make that much money and NOT be able to afford health insurance.
$39 /hr. is not a lot for an owner. As the proprietor you pay 100% of your social security taxes.

BUT your link doesn't list the owner's salary. Nor do you have a clue how much of her salary goes back into the business. Most of mine did.

Can you READ?

"Fantastic Sams Franchise Owners earn $82,000 annually"

Now, if she does like most Franchisee owners with multiple locations, they are all under a single LLC, and you know she isn't paying herself the same amount of a Franchisee owner of a single store when she is running four of them. And why would part of her salary go back into the business when they are four successful stores that are making a profit??? As a business owner she would put some of that profit back into the business... not part of her salary.
You apparently don't get the point. The business owner has no right to steal the profits of his/her business from the employees, the workers who earn that income. A business owner should first, and foremost, be socially responsible for ensuring their employees are comfortable by whatever standards the employees deem appropriate. No business owner has an entitlement to the profits generated by their business, only the employees are so entitled.

Ho;y crap!!

Heres what a friend I know posted on Facebook today:

Here is a real life story and I am about to share it with you. Before Obamacare I had great affordable insurance with only a $1500 dollar deductible. So far this year I had a EKG and my daughter just got released from the hospital with a broken collarbone. My deductible is now $6500 dollars per person my only affordable option. My hospital bills will be at least $6000 dollars. Am I pissed. You know it. Did I get to keep my old plan. No I didn't. What a crime on a hard working family. The AHCA is not good for most of America. Just sharing a real life story. This has to change. I want and need my old healthcare plan back. I work 6 days a week and deserve my old plan back. Ya, I'm super pissed.

$39 /hr. is not a lot for an owner. As the proprietor you pay 100% of your social security taxes.

BUT your link doesn't list the owner's salary. Nor do you have a clue how much of her salary goes back into the business. Most of mine did.

Can you READ?

"Fantastic Sams Franchise Owners earn $82,000 annually"

Now, if she does like most Franchisee owners with multiple locations, they are all under a single LLC, and you know she isn't paying herself the same amount of a Franchisee owner of a single store when she is running four of them. And why would part of her salary go back into the business when they are four successful stores that are making a profit??? As a business owner she would put some of that profit back into the business... not part of her salary.
Oh, different link. Owners is plural though, correct. That means at least two people. As I just said $39/hr is not much as a owner.

The point is you don't know what the hell you are talking about.

No that isn't what the fuck that means... seriously do you have a reading comprehension problem? It says owners because Fantastic Sams has 1,100 locations and it has multiple Franchise owners... and she is one of them. So she makes at least $82,000 in salary a year annually. But as I said, that is a figure for single franchise owners, she owns 4 that means she more than likely pays herself more than just $82,000 a year. And that doesn't include any bonuses from profits.

What's really funny about this is, I'm just repeating mostly what is there in black and white, and you don't understand it... and then have the gall to tell me I don't know what I am talking about. :laugh:
More than likely? Admit you are pulling shit out of your ass. You have no clue what she has left at the end of the day. Many business owners make less than their employees. And it said $39/hr. That is not much for the self employed. But you will never know.

Hey dipshit... $82,000 a salary divided by 2080 hours (40 hours a week 52 weeks a year) is $39 an hour. It's a SALARY... but the numbers come out to $39 an hour. That's JUST salary... not counting bonuses based on profit. How many hair dressers do you know that make $82,000 a year? Holy shit... I'll never know? I already said I owned my own custom picture framing business. It was called X-hibitz Custom Picture Framing and it was in the Towne Mall in Franklin, Ohio.

You continue to just spew crap out of your mouth with absolutely no substance.
Owners have a lot of wheels to grease and I used YOUR source that said she makes $39/hr. That's not much as a business owner but you wouldn't know that. You're the one pretending to know the details of her business to sling shit. It's YOUR shit, you have to eat it, not me.
According to this site... Fantastic Sams Franchise owners make $82,000 a year in SALARY, and that's not counting profits. Now I don't know if she makes that much per store, or if she only pays herself as an employee of one store, or if she has all 4 stores under a single franchisee corporation. So there are a lot of variables there.

1 Fantastic Sams Franchise Owner Salaries
Browse Fantastic Sams Salaries by Job Title →
Fantastic Sams Franchise Owners earn $82,000 annually, or $39 per hour, which is 31% higher than the national average for allFranchise Owners at $60,000 annually and 29% higher than the national salary average for all working Americans. The highest paid Franchise Owners work for Express Personnel Services at $128,000 annually and the lowest paid Franchise Owners work for Bonus Building Care at $23,000 annually.

Fantastic Sams Franchise Owner Salaries | CareerBliss

There is still no reason to make that much money and NOT be able to afford health insurance.
the average family health insurance plan costs over 10000 a year in premiums and has an 8000 dollar deductible

That's 22% of her income
According to this site... Fantastic Sams Franchise owners make $82,000 a year in SALARY, and that's not counting profits. Now I don't know if she makes that much per store, or if she only pays herself as an employee of one store, or if she has all 4 stores under a single franchisee corporation. So there are a lot of variables there.

1 Fantastic Sams Franchise Owner Salaries
Browse Fantastic Sams Salaries by Job Title →
Fantastic Sams Franchise Owners earn $82,000 annually, or $39 per hour, which is 31% higher than the national average for allFranchise Owners at $60,000 annually and 29% higher than the national salary average for all working Americans. The highest paid Franchise Owners work for Express Personnel Services at $128,000 annually and the lowest paid Franchise Owners work for Bonus Building Care at $23,000 annually.

Fantastic Sams Franchise Owner Salaries | CareerBliss

There is still no reason to make that much money and NOT be able to afford health insurance.
the average family health insurance plan costs over 10000 a year in premiums and has an 8000 dollar deductible

That's 22% of her income

That's 22% of her income IF she only draws the amount of franchising one store, not the multiple stores she has... and without counting profit bonuses.

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