‘This scandal could bring down the administration’: Fox military analyst

We could have kept the money but what message would that send to other foreign governments doing business with us?
They might think twice before investing in our national debt or storing large fortunes in our banks.

Now they can take more hostages since they know we will pay to get them back.

I tend to believe that if Iranian assets hadn't been frozen in 1979, there would have been no payment at all. That nexus is sufficient to give veracity to Obama's claim that the release of funds had been planned before the 4 US spies were disclosed in Iran. BTW I don't think we would have paid 100 million a piece for the return of spies. It is far cheaper to deny them!

The funds were frozen because they took over the US Embassy and held US hostages for almost a year. We should have kept the funds as payment for the Embassy IMO.

I think the i billion dollar Iranian owned skyscraper in Manhattan we seized is adequate compensation for the embassy. DOntcha think????

Is this the building you refer too?

"In a setback for victims of attacks linked to Iran, a federal appeals court in New York on Wednesday threw out a lower-court ruling that had upheld the government’s move to seize a landmark Manhattan building on charges that it was a front for Iran.

The court, in a separate decision, also reversed a ruling that could have allowed people with relatives killed in terrorist attacks tied to Iran to collect proceeds from the sale of the property, at 650 Fifth Avenue near Rockefeller Center."


Right, but that's not a reason to not release. There is a reason for every action.

what do you expect to find that IRS auditors and lawyers could not find?


the whole tax return is nothing but a dem/lib/media attempt to get something to screech about and create lies and innuendo.

The guy is a multi billionaire, he uses the tax code legally to minimize his tax liability, big fuckin deal.

The topic is Russia. Not tax breaks.

Ok, then tell us exactly and specifically what Russia did to change the results of our election. Until you can do that, the whole Russia thing is a pile of steaming bullshit.

Come on closed caption, tell us exactly how the Russians changed the outcome of our election. Or STFU about the Russians

This isn't about tax breaks or about proving to you something that cannot be proved. This is about knowing who Trump does business with. There is no reason to side with being ignorant.

You said the topic was Russia, now you say its who Trump does business with. Which is it? Why do you care who he did business with before the election? Everything is now in a blind trust run by his kids.

What exactly do you think you might find in his tax returns? Be specific or admit that this is nothing but a witch hunt.
Seems Obama could be indicted over this.....has a former potus ever been indicted before?
Have you learned nothing the last eight years? Indicting the former first black president would be racist!
Now they can take more hostages since they know we will pay to get them back.

I tend to believe that if Iranian assets hadn't been frozen in 1979, there would have been no payment at all. That nexus is sufficient to give veracity to Obama's claim that the release of funds had been planned before the 4 US spies were disclosed in Iran. BTW I don't think we would have paid 100 million a piece for the return of spies. It is far cheaper to deny them!

The funds were frozen because they took over the US Embassy and held US hostages for almost a year. We should have kept the funds as payment for the Embassy IMO.

I think the i billion dollar Iranian owned skyscraper in Manhattan we seized is adequate compensation for the embassy. DOntcha think????

Is this the building you refer too?

"In a setback for victims of attacks linked to Iran, a federal appeals court in New York on Wednesday threw out a lower-court ruling that had upheld the government’s move to seize a landmark Manhattan building on charges that it was a front for Iran.

The court, in a separate decision, also reversed a ruling that could have allowed people with relatives killed in terrorist attacks tied to Iran to collect proceeds from the sale of the property, at 650 Fifth Avenue near Rockefeller Center."




"I think the i billion dollar Iranian owned skyscraper in Manhattan we seized......"


"a federal appeals court in New York on Wednesday threw out a lower-court ruling that had upheld the government’s move to seize a landmark Manhattan.........."

It appears we did not get to seize that building. I suggest we should have held the Iranian funds until or if we ever do seize that building.

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