This time next year........will we be nearer to impeachment?


Gold Member
Sep 28, 2016
Next year, the entire House is p for election.

So far, they have voted for protecting banks from liability for fucking over their customers ( i.e. voters). They will have handed trillions to corporations & wealthy people while taking away local tax deductions & whacking their 401ks (even though they will not put these cuts into effect until 2019.). They will have gone though an expensive, dirty, mud slinging primary against Breitbart candidates. They will be running without doing anything about healthcare except make policies more expensive thanks to Trump. They will earn the ire of party members tired of another year investigating already debunked claims against Hillary. The truth of the Puerto Rico failures will be evident. The Niger "Benghazi" in full bloom. More Russian ties coming out. Then the "bernie" effect in the all when those who primary candidate lost will just stay home.

If Republicans lose 28 House seats & 4 Senate seats, impeachment.
Next year, the entire House is p for election.

So far, they have voted for protecting banks from liability for fucking over their customers ( i.e. voters). They will have handed trillions to corporations & wealthy people while taking away local tax deductions & whacking their 401ks (even though they will not put these cuts into effect until 2019.). They will have gone though an expensive, dirty, mud slinging primary against Breitbart candidates. They will be running without doing anything about healthcare except make policies more expensive thanks to Trump. They will earn the ire of party members tired of another year investigating already debunked claims against Hillary. The truth of the Puerto Rico failures will be evident. The Niger "Benghazi" in full bloom. More Russian ties coming out. Then the "bernie" effect in the all when those who primary candidate lost will just stay home.

If Republicans lose 28 House seats & 4 Senate seats, impeachment.
Nice nefarious list there even though it’s abbreviated due to the humongous real list of failures this president has accumulated.
Don’t forget giving Big Coal his tacit approval for polluting our rivers and streams and in the process of dismantling many environmental and economic protections for Americans.
I have faith in the American people they’ll come out to vote out this do nothing party next year.
And you’re right. Then let the impeachment proceedings begin.
Next year, the entire House is p for election.

So far, they have voted for protecting banks from liability for fucking over their customers ( i.e. voters). They will have handed trillions to corporations & wealthy people while taking away local tax deductions & whacking their 401ks (even though they will not put these cuts into effect until 2019.). They will have gone though an expensive, dirty, mud slinging primary against Breitbart candidates. They will be running without doing anything about healthcare except make policies more expensive thanks to Trump. They will earn the ire of party members tired of another year investigating already debunked claims against Hillary. The truth of the Puerto Rico failures will be evident. The Niger "Benghazi" in full bloom. More Russian ties coming out. Then the "bernie" effect in the all when those who primary candidate lost will just stay home.

If Republicans lose 28 House seats & 4 Senate seats, impeachment.
Are there ANY intelligent Democrats left?
Still oblivious to current events I see.
This time next year you'll be talking about how next year will we be nearer to impeachment.
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Trump doesnt need to worry about the dems .. its his own team that will throw him out if and when they get sick of his crap
Next year, the entire House is p for election.

So far, they have voted for protecting banks from liability for fucking over their customers ( i.e. voters). They will have handed trillions to corporations & wealthy people while taking away local tax deductions & whacking their 401ks (even though they will not put these cuts into effect until 2019.). They will have gone though an expensive, dirty, mud slinging primary against Breitbart candidates. They will be running without doing anything about healthcare except make policies more expensive thanks to Trump. They will earn the ire of party members tired of another year investigating already debunked claims against Hillary. The truth of the Puerto Rico failures will be evident. The Niger "Benghazi" in full bloom. More Russian ties coming out. Then the "bernie" effect in the all when those who primary candidate lost will just stay home.

If Republicans lose 28 House seats & 4 Senate seats, impeachment.

This time next year, we may be looking forward to a public hanging on Pay-Per-View.

Democrats all.
Even a former Dem president is now defending Trump sorry but your impeachment dreams are heading in the opposite direction libwits.
Next year, the entire House is p for election.

So far, they have voted for protecting banks from liability for fucking over their customers ( i.e. voters). They will have handed trillions to corporations & wealthy people while taking away local tax deductions & whacking their 401ks (even though they will not put these cuts into effect until 2019.). They will have gone though an expensive, dirty, mud slinging primary against Breitbart candidates. They will be running without doing anything about healthcare except make policies more expensive thanks to Trump. They will earn the ire of party members tired of another year investigating already debunked claims against Hillary. The truth of the Puerto Rico failures will be evident. The Niger "Benghazi" in full bloom. More Russian ties coming out. Then the "bernie" effect in the all when those who primary candidate lost will just stay home.

If Republicans lose 28 House seats & 4 Senate seats, impeachment.
Are you trying to say that science will come up with a way to impacted peaches into cement? Everyone are coming to the truth about what is going on. Only the ones that are slow that were affected by environmental pollution that are supporting the Dems' views. That is why that they are using celebrities to persuade them to vote for certain candidates. But the ones with the sense knows that they are trying their best to prevent Pres.Trump from doing his job. And so the majority is going to put in those that are going to help Pres.Trump.

Hillary's people..

Next year, the entire House is p for election.

So far, they have voted for protecting banks from liability for fucking over their customers ( i.e. voters). They will have handed trillions to corporations & wealthy people while taking away local tax deductions & whacking their 401ks (even though they will not put these cuts into effect until 2019.). They will have gone though an expensive, dirty, mud slinging primary against Breitbart candidates. They will be running without doing anything about healthcare except make policies more expensive thanks to Trump. They will earn the ire of party members tired of another year investigating already debunked claims against Hillary. The truth of the Puerto Rico failures will be evident. The Niger "Benghazi" in full bloom. More Russian ties coming out. Then the "bernie" effect in the all when those who primary candidate lost will just stay home.

If Republicans lose 28 House seats & 4 Senate seats, impeachment.
Are there ANY intelligent Democrats left?
Still oblivious to current events I see.

Yea the stock market is doing great and unemployment is low....we are happy that blue staters can't deduct their own retarded mistakes
Next year, the entire House is p for election.

So far, they have voted for protecting banks from liability for fucking over their customers ( i.e. voters). They will have handed trillions to corporations & wealthy people while taking away local tax deductions & whacking their 401ks (even though they will not put these cuts into effect until 2019.). They will have gone though an expensive, dirty, mud slinging primary against Breitbart candidates. They will be running without doing anything about healthcare except make policies more expensive thanks to Trump. They will earn the ire of party members tired of another year investigating already debunked claims against Hillary. The truth of the Puerto Rico failures will be evident. The Niger "Benghazi" in full bloom. More Russian ties coming out. Then the "bernie" effect in the all when those who primary candidate lost will just stay home.

If Republicans lose 28 House seats & 4 Senate seats, impeachment.

Next year, the entire House is p for election.

So far, they have voted for protecting banks from liability for fucking over their customers ( i.e. voters). They will have handed trillions to corporations & wealthy people while taking away local tax deductions & whacking their 401ks (even though they will not put these cuts into effect until 2019.). They will have gone though an expensive, dirty, mud slinging primary against Breitbart candidates. They will be running without doing anything about healthcare except make policies more expensive thanks to Trump. They will earn the ire of party members tired of another year investigating already debunked claims against Hillary. The truth of the Puerto Rico failures will be evident. The Niger "Benghazi" in full bloom. More Russian ties coming out. Then the "bernie" effect in the all when those who primary candidate lost will just stay home.

If Republicans lose 28 House seats & 4 Senate seats, impeachment.
Are there ANY intelligent Democrats left?
Are you talking real intelligent or Trump intelligence?
Trump doesnt need to worry about the dems .. its his own team that will throw him out if and when they get sick of his crap
As soon as Republicans realize that Pence would sign their crap easier than getting whacko Trump to sign it.
Next year, the entire House is p for election.

So far, they have voted for protecting banks from liability for fucking over their customers ( i.e. voters). They will have handed trillions to corporations & wealthy people while taking away local tax deductions & whacking their 401ks (even though they will not put these cuts into effect until 2019.). They will have gone though an expensive, dirty, mud slinging primary against Breitbart candidates. They will be running without doing anything about healthcare except make policies more expensive thanks to Trump. They will earn the ire of party members tired of another year investigating already debunked claims against Hillary. The truth of the Puerto Rico failures will be evident. The Niger "Benghazi" in full bloom. More Russian ties coming out. Then the "bernie" effect in the all when those who primary candidate lost will just stay home.

If Republicans lose 28 House seats & 4 Senate seats, impeachment.
Yes, but that's not a year from now. That's Jan 2019. Then it takes awhile to maneuver the impeachment thingee. He'll be ready to get voted out before he's impeached, I'm pretty sure. He had damned well better be voted out or I'm giving up on this country.
Next year, the entire House is p for election.

So far, they have voted for protecting banks from liability for fucking over their customers ( i.e. voters). They will have handed trillions to corporations & wealthy people while taking away local tax deductions & whacking their 401ks (even though they will not put these cuts into effect until 2019.). They will have gone though an expensive, dirty, mud slinging primary against Breitbart candidates. They will be running without doing anything about healthcare except make policies more expensive thanks to Trump. They will earn the ire of party members tired of another year investigating already debunked claims against Hillary. The truth of the Puerto Rico failures will be evident. The Niger "Benghazi" in full bloom. More Russian ties coming out. Then the "bernie" effect in the all when those who primary candidate lost will just stay home.

If Republicans lose 28 House seats & 4 Senate seats, impeachment.
Are there ANY intelligent Democrats left?
Still oblivious to current events I see.

Yea the stock market is doing great and unemployment is low....we are happy that blue staters can't deduct their own retarded mistakes

So trading pieces of paper is doing great and the Oama trend is continuing.

Trump already wrecked the record streak of monthy job gains. How long before the market starts downward?

How many Republican House members & Senators are from blue states? Wat happens when they all lose?
Next year, the entire House is p for election.

So far, they have voted for protecting banks from liability for fucking over their customers ( i.e. voters). They will have handed trillions to corporations & wealthy people while taking away local tax deductions & whacking their 401ks (even though they will not put these cuts into effect until 2019.). They will have gone though an expensive, dirty, mud slinging primary against Breitbart candidates. They will be running without doing anything about healthcare except make policies more expensive thanks to Trump. They will earn the ire of party members tired of another year investigating already debunked claims against Hillary. The truth of the Puerto Rico failures will be evident. The Niger "Benghazi" in full bloom. More Russian ties coming out. Then the "bernie" effect in the all when those who primary candidate lost will just stay home.

If Republicans lose 28 House seats & 4 Senate seats, impeachment.
With the money rump has he will buy his republicans their seats. So no impeachment.
Next year, the entire House is p for election.

So far, they have voted for protecting banks from liability for fucking over their customers ( i.e. voters). They will have handed trillions to corporations & wealthy people while taking away local tax deductions & whacking their 401ks (even though they will not put these cuts into effect until 2019.). They will have gone though an expensive, dirty, mud slinging primary against Breitbart candidates. They will be running without doing anything about healthcare except make policies more expensive thanks to Trump. They will earn the ire of party members tired of another year investigating already debunked claims against Hillary. The truth of the Puerto Rico failures will be evident. The Niger "Benghazi" in full bloom. More Russian ties coming out. Then the "bernie" effect in the all when those who primary candidate lost will just stay home.

If Republicans lose 28 House seats & 4 Senate seats, impeachment.

And the impeachable offense would be?

Next year, the entire House is p for election.

So far, they have voted for protecting banks from liability for fucking over their customers ( i.e. voters). They will have handed trillions to corporations & wealthy people while taking away local tax deductions & whacking their 401ks (even though they will not put these cuts into effect until 2019.). They will have gone though an expensive, dirty, mud slinging primary against Breitbart candidates. They will be running without doing anything about healthcare except make policies more expensive thanks to Trump. They will earn the ire of party members tired of another year investigating already debunked claims against Hillary. The truth of the Puerto Rico failures will be evident. The Niger "Benghazi" in full bloom. More Russian ties coming out. Then the "bernie" effect in the all when those who primary candidate lost will just stay home.

If Republicans lose 28 House seats & 4 Senate seats, impeachment.
Are there ANY intelligent Democrats left?
Yes, but very few on this site.
Next year, the entire House is p for election.

So far, they have voted for protecting banks from liability for fucking over their customers ( i.e. voters). They will have handed trillions to corporations & wealthy people while taking away local tax deductions & whacking their 401ks (even though they will not put these cuts into effect until 2019.). They will have gone though an expensive, dirty, mud slinging primary against Breitbart candidates. They will be running without doing anything about healthcare except make policies more expensive thanks to Trump. They will earn the ire of party members tired of another year investigating already debunked claims against Hillary. The truth of the Puerto Rico failures will be evident. The Niger "Benghazi" in full bloom. More Russian ties coming out. Then the "bernie" effect in the all when those who primary candidate lost will just stay home.

If Republicans lose 28 House seats & 4 Senate seats, impeachment.

And the impeachable offense would be?

20 years ago he mentioned grabbing women.
Next year, the entire House is p for election.

So far, they have voted for protecting banks from liability for fucking over their customers ( i.e. voters). They will have handed trillions to corporations & wealthy people while taking away local tax deductions & whacking their 401ks (even though they will not put these cuts into effect until 2019.). They will have gone though an expensive, dirty, mud slinging primary against Breitbart candidates. They will be running without doing anything about healthcare except make policies more expensive thanks to Trump. They will earn the ire of party members tired of another year investigating already debunked claims against Hillary. The truth of the Puerto Rico failures will be evident. The Niger "Benghazi" in full bloom. More Russian ties coming out. Then the "bernie" effect in the all when those who primary candidate lost will just stay home.

If Republicans lose 28 House seats & 4 Senate seats, impeachment.

And the impeachable offense would be?


Apparently "I don't like him".

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