This tyrant should be hung!


Gold Member
Dec 21, 2010
Harry Reid shamed the "Speaker Of The House" position. I hope he burns in hell!!

Harry Reid shamed the "Speaker Of The House" position. I hope he burns in hell!!

FYI - ALL members of "The Washington Brotherhood" are Tyrants, no exceptions. If you doubt it, walk up and down Main Street America and talk to some folks. Talk to the unemployed, the elderly, the Vets, the homeless, the disabled, those that have lost the equity in their homes, and the ones with troubled pension funds. Look at the malls that have become ghost buildings, see how much new construction you can find, take at look at the rundown neighborhoods, the boarded up businesses, the potholes in the streets, and the near empty parking lots at retail stores. Ask people how much spendable income they have in their pockets, talk to some college grads that are living with their parents and working at fast food joints, check the want ads and see how many full-time living wage jobs are listed, see how many plants and factories you can find that are running 24/7, and ask people what they're paying for food, utilities, rent, health care and higher education.

Oh, and while you're at it, ask some mayors if tax revenue is up or down compared to ten years ago. And, I would appreciate it if you would post what you find when you get back. Thanks.
Harry Reid shamed the "Speaker Of The House" position. I hope he burns in hell!!

I despise this guy. Literally. But he's no different than the rest of those liars and cheats in DC. Worthless pieces of human excrement.

"Harry Reid shamed the "Speaker Of The House" position."

Boehner shamed himself.
Boehner showed the outright cowardice of the democratic party. What better way to show TRUE freedom of speech then to let another countries leader address your Congress?
Laundry is hung. Horseshoes can be hung. If you mean a person ought to be put to death the word is "hanged".

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