Ken Burns Speaks to the Truth of This Time in History

Apparently you have not read The 2025 Project. I'm reading it and whether or not I like Biden, the alternative is not what I want to see. You need to start talking about congress when you go off on what Biden is not doing. Specifally Joe Manchin and Kristen Sinema. Stupid wars? What war is the US fighting right now? Run up of debt?

Who is the mysterious person that the people can get behind?

Nearly anyone other than Biden. Democrats can't seem to learn.

Trump won the first time because large segments of the country was telling the Democrats they were NOT interested in Hillary. Democrats would not listen.

Argue to me I am wrong. There is not a single state that Hillary won that Sanders would have lost. Not a one. Sanders beat Hillary in both Michigan and Wisconsin. He would have won those two states. That brings the election down to Pennsylvania. Hillary ignored Pennsylvania to go to her Hollywood parties. Sanders wouldn't have done that. Fetterman won.

Harris was crushed in 2020. She came in last. How does the Democrats then pick her for VP? They do it because they do not care what the people want.

Vote for that? No.
The famous historian Ken Burns gave a commencement speech at Brandeis University last weekend. It was a powerful speech that is directed at this moment in American history. He spoke truth.

Ken Burns family goes all the way back to colonial times, they were loyalist to the crown and slave owners

Something never change
Nearly anyone other than Biden. Democrats can't seem to learn.

Trump won the first time because large segments of the country was telling the Democrats they were NOT interested in Hillary. Democrats would not listen.

Argue to me I am wrong. There is not a single state that Hillary won that Sanders would have lost. Not a one. Sanders beat Hillary in both Michigan and Wisconsin. He would have won those two states. That brings the election down to Pennsylvania. Hillary ignored Pennsylvania to go to her Hollywood parties. Sanders wouldn't have done that. Fetterman won.

Harris was crushed in 2020. She came in last. How does the Democrats then pick her for VP? They do it because they do not care what the people want.

Vote for that? No.
Hillary ended up with 3 million more votes than Trump. Don't fool yourself. It took voter purges in several states for trump to get the electoral vote. Hillary beat the shit out of Sanders. Sanders should not have even been allowed to run in the Democratic prmary because he was not a Democrat.

You say anyone but Biden, how do you figure? You haven't paid attention. Biden is not the flashy speaker or great personality, he's a plodder and he has produced one of the best presidencies in modern times sImply by rolling up his sleeves and doing tHe work. There is no better person on the Democratic side. Gavin Newsome? Hardly. Who else can you name? The people wanted Harris for VP. Pence was VP and he didn't even run. Biden was crushed in 2008 but ended up VP. So maybe it's time to stop reading negative narratives about Biden and that silly douopoly mess that tells you how both parties are the same when Republicans are telling you they will implememt authoritarianism and Democrats are not.

I don't know about you, but I'm 63 and nobody is going to tell me that I'm to old to do something. Rupert Murdoch headed a global corportation in his 90's. Warren Buffet is older than Biden and when he speaks, people listen and does what he says relative to finanance and money. So why can't Biden be president?
Ken Burns family goes all the way back to colonial times, they were loyalist to the crown and slave owners

Something never change
According to you bitches Ken Burns never owned slaves. So..

Trump will end America as we know it. Read Project 2025 and get out of your ignorance.
Hillary ended up with 3 million more votes than Trump. Don't fool yourself. It took voter purges in several states for trump to get the electoral vote. Hillary beat the shit out of Sanders. Sanders should not have even been allowed to run in the Democratic prmary because he was not a Democrat.

You say anyone but Biden, how do you figure? You haven't paid attention. Biden is not the flashy speaker or great personality, he's a plodder and he has produced one of the best presidencies in modern times sImply by rolling up his sleeves and doing tHe work. There is no better person on the Democratic side. Gavin Newsome? Hardly. Who else can you name? The people wanted Harris for VP. Pence was VP and he didn't even run. Biden was crushed in 2008 but ended up VP. So maybe it's time to stop reading negative narratives about Biden and that silly douopoly mess that tells you how both parties are the same when Republicans are telling you they will implememt authoritarianism and Democrats are not.

I don't know about you, but I'm 63 and nobody is going to tell me that I'm to old to do something. Rupert Murdoch headed a global corportation in his 90's. Warren Buffet is older than Biden and when he speaks, people listen and does what he says relative to finanance and money. So why can't Biden be president?
You pretend to be black on the internet and think police departments are part of the DOJ

Why do you even bother trying to act like someone should care about your opinion?
According to you bitches Ken Burns never owned slaves. So..

Trump will end America as we know it. Read Project 2025 and get out of your ignorance.
What bitches? What are you talking about?
Hillary ended up with 3 million more votes than Trump.

Hillary won 4 million more votes in California so take it out of the equation and Trump even won the popular vote. See, I do pay attention. I already noted that Hillary spent a large portion of her campaign in California at the expense of the rest of the country.

Don't fool yourself. It took voter purges in several states for trump to get the electoral vote. Hillary beat the shit out of Sanders. Sanders should not have even been allowed to run in the Democratic prmary because he was not a Democrat.

Democrats thought they could use Sanders to convince the electorate that he was able to move Hillary left. It blew up big time in their faces. Everyone knew who Hillary was.

You say anyone but Biden, how do you figure? You haven't paid attention. Biden is not the flashy speaker or great personality, he's a plodder and he has produced one of the best presidencies in modern times sImply by rolling up his sleeves and doing tHe work. There is no better person on the Democratic side. Gavin Newsome?

I'd never vote for Newsome either.

Hardly. Who else can you name? The people wanted Harris for VP. Pence was VP and he didn't even run. Biden was crushed in 2008 but ended up VP. So maybe it's time to stop reading negative narratives about Biden and that silly douopoly mess that tells you how both parties are the same when Republicans are telling you they will implememt authoritarianism and Democrats are not.

Pence was picked to offset Trump's lack of morals. I still have no idea what Harris was supposed to add.

I don't know about you, but I'm 63 and nobody is going to tell me that I'm to old to do something. Rupert Murdoch headed a global corportation in his 90's. Warren Buffet is older than Biden and when he speaks, people listen and does what he says relative to finanance and money. So why can't Biden be president?

I'm 62. Biden is of the corporate arm of the Democrat party. I will never vote for any of them.
The famous historian Ken Burns gave a commencement speech at Brandeis University last weekend. It was a powerful speech that is directed at this moment in American history. He spoke truth.

lol, for like 18 minutes he was all “we are all enslaved..we need to come together…we need to work out our differences”…then went from that into a divisive political speech.

So, basically, he rendered the first part of his speech pointless.

Seems these days, we can’t get a good speech, devoid of politics. What was he thinking here? That he was going to be a campaign mouthpiece for Biden? Is that why they invited him to speak there? To push a political agenda?
Burns felt he had to inject color into his country music documentary even though there are virtually no black country musicians.
The famous historian Ken Burns gave a commencement speech at Brandeis University last weekend. It was a powerful speech that is directed at this moment in American history. He spoke truth.

Typical commiecrat academic. They should have ask him to join xidens campaign on the court house steps. He and de not so would have made a fine pair.

Populists simply want their nation to retain cultural values that aren't foreign, wages to remain reasonable, the LGBT to have some level of modesty and decency, and policies to be based on meritocracy rather than racial grievances and victimhood.
I agree on wages. Right now they're waaaaay too low. We need a big time uptick in wages. To that we all can agree.
real fascists try to imprison the leader of the opposing party ..
Hahaha. Real fascist have the entire opposing party declared illegal and put the entire leadership in concentration camps. Then they take over the press......They don't waist time on fair court proceedings where those accused of crimes have their day in court.
Hillary won 4 million more votes in California so take it out of the equation and Trump even won the popular vote.
Too funny. Just take out a state. What GOP states can we take out that equals 14 million voters?
Hahaha. Real fascist have the entire opposing party declared illegal and put the entire leadership in concentration camps. Then they take over the press......They don't waist time on fair court proceedings where those accused of crimes have their day in court.
you think the National Socialist were able to do that overnight? Of course not. It started with things like what your party is doing now
It's a simple argument. It's not a policy.
Just saying, in your hypothetical, if you're going to discount bluer than blue California to get Donnie to a popular vote victory, then you should compensate by taking an appropriate number of votes away from red areas as well.
you think the National Socialist were able to do that overnight? Of course not. It started with things like what your party is doing now
The Nazi Fascist Hitler was appointed Chancellor Jan. 30 1933 and by end of March that year he was given dictatorial power. By July Hitler was able to outlaw all other political parties in Germany including the real Socialists and Communists who were always at odds with the Nazi Fascists. So yeah, pretty fucking quick. Nothing like compromising Joe's governance.
Just saying, in your hypothetical, if you're going to discount bluer than blue California to get Donnie to a popular vote victory, then you should compensate by taking an appropriate number of votes away from red areas as well.

No, because that's not the argument. Outside of California, Trump even won the popular vote.

That's how weak Hillary was.

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