Ken Burns Speaks to the Truth of This Time in History

This is how fascist cults work, canceling people once they're declared EnemiesOfTheParty.

Needless to say, you don't see liberals doing it. Cancel culture is purely a conservative cancer.
Tell that to J.K. Rowling.
Admit it. You want to cancel me as well, along with every liberal. In your Stalinist utopia, liberals will be banned from communicating.

Censorship is a defining characteristic of the modern conservative. Those who don't display a lust to censor are kicked out of the Trump cult.
I fully support free speech. What better way to find out who needs to be thrown from a helicopter?
"God does not distinguish between the dead".

"Two wrongs and two rights".

I am very much a fan of his work. Few things ever better on television. I rarely watch video's posted here but in this case I made an exception.

His two statements above are ideas I often promote. In the end though, I disagree with him. If the election is so dear, it's an election that should provide a choice that people can actually get behind. I dismiss the argument that you must choose wrong because they other side is also wrong.
There aren't 2 wrong sides. That's the problem with your thinking. This was the same thinking to put Trump into office and so do you want to repeat that?
I only agreed with the slavery lines. Slave owners were the scum of the earth. They are folk I could never respect in any way. Other than that....not so much.
I only agreed with the slavery lines. Slave owners were the scum of the earth. They are folk I could never respect in any way. Other than that....not so much.
Slave owners like George Washington and Thomas Jefferson?
I am getting rid of all my Ken Burns DVD documentaries. Send me a PM and I will mail them to you.
I wish I could be as articulate as Ken Burns

But I cant

Unfortunately his best effort exposes him as s fraud

He says there is no “them”

Only “we”

Lets all pull together and stop oppoding those we disagree with

Then he attacks MAGAs as the ultimate “them” that must be crushed under his heel

Oh well, his bipartisanship was inspiring for the 5 minutes it lasted
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There aren't 2 wrong sides. That's the problem with your thinking. This was the same thinking to put Trump into office and so do you want to repeat that?

I don't care. I find it disappointing that I'm suppose to do something as opposed to the party.

I'm suppose to support people who I do not because they tell me that I have to because the other side is worse.

Why not actually nominate someone the people can actually get behind?

Think about it. The Democrats are having a really hard time convincing the people they are a better option than Trump. How hard is that to do?

It should be incredibly easy.

What am I suppose to support? Their continual funding of stupid wars? Their massive run up of debt?

Remember when Biden argued he would make the rich pay their fair share? I supported that. Too bad Biden didn't.

Don't promise me something, renege on it and expect me to support you.

Ken Burns Speaks to the Truth of This Time in History​

Ken Burns Opinion

Most establishment historians tend to be left wing and statist, so it's no surprise they tend to favor presidents that centralize power over ones that decentralize it.

Classical Liberalism is basically dead in most of the West, and it has been replaced by Progressivism. The continual pursuit of having government serve as a first resort for all aspects of life is one that ends in totalitarianism. Some countries have already experienced this before and should know better, but America will likely have to learn things the hard way.
Ken Burns? The guy who made a documentary about surfers? He has a BA from a small college. How did he become a " famous historian"?
I don't care. I find it disappointing that I'm suppose to do something as opposed to the party.

I'm suppose to support people who I do not because they tell me that I have to because the other side is worse.

Why not actually nominate someone the people can actually get behind?

Think about it. The Democrats are having a really hard time convincing the people they are a better option than Trump. How hard is that to do?

It should be incredibly easy.

What am I suppose to support? Their continual funding of stupid wars? Their massive run up of debt?

Remember when Biden argued he would make the rich pay their fair share? I supported that. Too bad Biden didn't.

Don't promise me something, renege on it and expect me to support you.
Apparently you have not read The 2025 Project. I'm reading it and whether or not I like Biden, the alternative is not what I want to see. You need to start talking about congress when you go off on what Biden is not doing. Specifally Joe Manchin and Kristen Sinema. Stupid wars? What war is the US fighting right now? Run up of debt?

Who is the mysterious person that the people can get behind?
Most establishment historians tend to be left wing and statist, so it's no surprise they tend to favor presidents that centralize power over ones that decentralize it.
The right slobbers over big goverment. It's what defines them. They see the purpose of government as hurting the people they want to hurt, and they need an all-powerful government to do that.
The right slobbers over big goverment. It's what defines them. They see the purpose of government as hurting the people they want to hurt, and they need an all-powerful government to do that.
Neocons fit that, but that doesn't fit populists or libertarian-leaning conservatives.
I'd say it does. Populists really, really want the government to hurt immigrants. And gay people, and minorities, and so on.

True, but there aren't many of those. The ones that exist have mostly left the Republicans.
Populists simply want their nation to retain cultural values that aren't foreign, wages to remain reasonable, the LGBT to have some level of modesty and decency, and policies to be based on meritocracy rather than racial grievances and victimhood.
I'd say it does. Populists really, really want the government to hurt immigrants. And gay people, and minorities, and so on.

True, but there aren't many of those. The ones that exist have mostly left the Republicans.
Who told you that? They same liars who told you Trump was a Russian asset? You are a sucker.

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