"This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal."

Just watched a documentary about the island of Tuvalu in the South Pacific. Just like like other low lying areas, they are seeing their homes disappear because of the rising oceans. We've also seen it in our own country and yes, we really MUST find a way to act in spite of the willful ignorance on the right.

Actually, I don't believe we will.

We could choose to save ourselves but I have absolutely no hope that we will.

Stupid RWs don't give a crap about their own children and grand children. They care much more about putting more money in the pockets of the 1%.
Stupid RWs don't give a crap about their own children and grand children. They care much more about putting more money in the pockets of the 1%Stupid RWs don't give a crap about their own children and grand children. They care much more about putting more money in the pockets of the 1%Stupid RWs don't give a crap about their own children and grand children. They care much more about putting more money in the pockets of the 1%Stupid RWs don't give a crap about their own children and grand children. They care much more about putting more money in the pockets of the 1%.
A brain dead parrot.
I thought when Obama said

You think about incomplete sentences plucked from the end of an acceptance speech a lot, do ya? No of course you don't.........

"Because if we are willing to work for it, and fight for it, and believe in it, then I am absolutely certain that generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal; this was the moment when we ended a war and secured our nation and restored our image as the last, best hope on Earth."

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