Obama’s Failure to Adequately Respond to the 2008 Crisis Still Haunts American Politics Today, after it created and led to the rise of Trump

But you voted for a Democrat, which makes you a Democrat. There's a joke in there about "but only one goat."

But I won't repeat it because I already got dinged by a Mod for using that expression. So I'll just leave this here. :laughing0301:

No more than I was a republican when I voted for Nixon, Reagan, Daddy Bush and gobs of republican Senators and Governors.
You can PM me the joke. I may not know that one.
I don't think it was Covid that caused them to cheat like that. They just used it as an excuse to show us who they really were and pull the wool over everyone's eyes. Trump exposed the left as being the liars, thieves, rioters. looters, arsonists, and murderers they really are. But nobody ever thought they'd have the balls to try to steal an American Presidential election.

Now we know.
the theft will be for the greater good in the end
I don't buy blaming Obama, as the crash started in September before the election in November and Obama coming into office in January. I do blame the Democrats as a whole and Hillary in particular for the US getting Trump for 4 years. Republicans had a ready-made villain in Hillary, and recent scandal while she was Secretary of State, even if the Republicans in charge could not prosecute any case against her, they could and did hang it her handling around her throat like a dead chicken. With such low approval, the republicans did not have to run anybody worth a crap, so they didn't. Running a person most of the country starts out not wanting, lets the other party play to the lowest common denominator and what starts as somebody just running for the publicity, while dealing with the Russians on building a high-rise hotel in Moscow, right up to accepting the nomination with aid of Russian intelligence and a large multistate add buy, based on shared internal polling, using social media was enough to win the day, and the rest is history. Independent (like me) had no intention of voting for Hillary. Many like me went 3rd party to avoid voting for either of the two horrible candidates.
Could you sum all this hamburger helper in 3 complete sentences only

firm believer if you can't say it in 3 sentences, you can't say it.

Never read your post but I will compare the War and Peace post compared to Cliff Note post.....Thanky
Occupy Wall Street was replete with liberal elite frauds pretending to stay in the park overnight in “protest”.
True dat, but the minority.
What did it accomplish?
Let off steam.
Did it ever occur to you that liberal elite Democrats depend on Wall Street for donations?

As someone who criticizes the Democrats as conservative corporate frauds on a daily basis, I had NO idea.

I suppose you believe those donations com from small business???
See above & my hundreds of post here savaging the Democrats as a corporate crime gang.

True dat, but the minority.

Let off steam.


As someone who criticizes the Democrats as conservative corporate frauds on a daily basis, I had NO idea.


See above & my hundreds of post here savaging the Democrats as a corporate crime gang.

The only thing OWS accomplished was a front for their base that they were against Wall Street. Their words say one thing, their actions, another.
He didn't respond to it?
Are you mad? He dragged the country from the brink of economic oblivion and gave trump the keys to an economic uprising after GWB sold it to wall street with his suicide economics.
Grow up. You know nothing
He went on an apology tour, decimated our military started the war on police and set race relations back 50 years. His economy was terrible. He also gave aid and comfort to Iran. He is a traitor and disgrace to the office of president.
The only thing OWS accomplished was a front for their base that they were against Wall Street. Their words say one thing, their actions, another.

You can't equate those protesting with those in office. Many of those protesting are the one who refused to vote for Hillary.
He went on an apology tour, decimated our military started the war on police and set race relations back 50 years. His economy was terrible. He also gave aid and comfort to Iran. He is a traitor and disgrace to the office of president.

Obama never supported BLM. His justice department even took over the investigation of the murder of Eric Garner and did nothing.
You can't equate those protesting with those in office. Many of those protesting are the one who refused to vote for Hillary.
For the most part, yes.

Democrats infiltrated, but did not originate.
How so? Occupy Wall Street was replete with liberal elite frauds pretending to stay in the park overnight in “protest”. What did it accomplish?

Did it ever occur to you that liberal elite Democrats depend on Wall Street for donations? I suppose you believe those donations com from small business???
before occupy wall street, the crippling student debt problem wasnt as widely known. The movement also prevented budget cuts in the state of new york, by keeping up tax rates for the wealthiest. The movement spurred alot of actions to prevent some evictions and foreclosures. They also put school closing under more scrutiny from parents, teachers, community, along with sparking protests against public college tuition increases. OWS also gave a boost to labor unions; there were port shutdowns due to striking port workers. They also raised attention on police brutality.

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