This Week It's Matt Lauer, Who's Next? Any Predictions For NBC Anchors?

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
:afro: My vote is for Al Roker. Can you imagine if an allegation came up from the past? Bad enough Al Roker flew off a balcony during a hurricane, then he pooped his pants. Then again, odds are that even about 15 years ago, not may hot/sexy NBC anchors would be coming on to the "Somewhat Sexy Al Roker" of 2003/2004.
Hard to say - most of the GOPervs over at Fox News are already gone .. Hannity next?
Brian Williams? im sure he will be very truthful if any fake stories come out
Who knows?

This anti-male hysteria is reaching a fever pitch and evidence for these gratuitous allegations simply does not matter.
Hey, why limit future casualties to just NBC? Likely another shoe to drop at 30 Rock and Chuckie Rose might have a peer or two sweating bullets at CBS HQ, and that still leaves all the hot shots at ABC just to round out the fading former big three of broadcast news. But then layer in all the possible candidates at a slew of cable outlets and this could become a whole new entertainment genre, complete with its own category in one of the Hollyweird circlejerk awards galas.

Oh, if only Joan Rivers could cover that Red Carpet...
It's so funny to see NBC say that no one knew anything at all ever since 1994. Then they get a complaint out of the blue on Monday, and he is fired on Tuesday.


Lots of people in management knew...there is no doubt.

Reporters were asking NBC about Lauer in recent weeks.
It's so funny to see NBC say that no one knew anything at all ever since 1994. Then they get a complaint out of the blue on Monday, and he is fired on Tuesday.


Lots of people in management knew...there is no doubt.

Reporters were asking NBC about Lauer in recent weeks.
I agree. He hs been at NBC since 97 with nary a complaint, then suddenly, inside of 36 hours, he gone.

Something not right about this. I'm going to wait to hear from Lauer though before forming an opinion.
God let it be Lester Holt...I can't stand that dipshit

That man has a forehead that makes up 75% of his face. You would think with that cranium he would be very smart. Unfortunately that is not the case.

We had a guy that I worked with like that. Everyone called him "five-head". It took him a while to figure out because it was too big to be a "four-head".
God let it be Lester Holt...I can't stand that dipshit

That man has a forehead that makes up 75% of his face. You would think with that cranium he would be very smart. Unfortunately that is not the case.

We had a guy that I worked with like that. Everyone called him "five-head". It took him a while to figure out because it was too big to be a "four-head".
Okay, I'm going to hell for laughing at that.
Who knows?

This anti-male hysteria is reaching a fever pitch and evidence for these gratuitous allegations simply does not matter.

You make a good point jim.

When evidence no longer matters then people are destroyed for the slightest reasons and we as a nation can't survive very long this way. This will certainly be abused by women looking for personal advancement and I feel sorry for the man that has worked hard just to be destroyed without any evidence.
When evidence no longer matters then people are destroyed for the slightest reasons and we as a nation can't survive very long this way. This will certainly be abused by women looking for personal advancement and I feel sorry for the man that has worked hard just to be destroyed without any evidence.

I have a friend who should know about this stuff, and she tells me that the entertainment industry is a relic of the past; unreformed and led by predatory males who see the attractive women they work with as a perk to harass as they see fit to.

IT is a sad thing when an entire industry is composed of such people, men who do it and women who are enablers by covering it all up.

But none of that justifies the witch hunts we have been witnessing over the last month.

The presumption of innosense is still a bedrock foundational principle of any free society.

We cannot give up the first without also losing the latter.

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