This why you do not let someone that wear Ninja PJ's run a country!

Should we be worried about North Korea detonation of a Hydrogen Bomb?

  • Yes

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • No

    Votes: 7 77.8%
  • I am still waiting for the OP'er to what he claimed President Obama said!

    Votes: 1 11.1%

  • Total voters
If they did detonate this bomb its just to bad that earthquake didn't sink the whole country into the ocean.

No great loss there.
That is a fucked up thing to say. There are a whole bunch of human beings living there. I'm comfortable wishing despot wackjob Kim jong whatever drowns, but I draw the line at wishing regular folk dead.

Let me tell you how much of a shit I do not give.
Whatever. The shit is your's.

Whatever. The idiocy is yours.

Let me guess... you're a "Christian," aren't you?

Not really. If walked into a church the damned thing would probably collapse.
I doubt they did successfully detonate a hydrogen bomb.

I'm more wondering what it is they want from all of this rather than being worried all that much about it.

Maybe they figure it's time to start the gambit now in case they get another clinton in the white house willing to give them some more free stuff...

It could be saber rattling again by North Korea, and China need to get their bastard child under control, or they will be held responsible for propping the regime up when they very well knew they should have killed the little bastard already...
how will hold china responsible?

they loan money to the world and have the population to fend off any war

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