This will be controversial

I find posting Vegan Porn with a disclaimer to be beyond the pale.
Man is DESIGNED to eat meat. When one does not eat meat one must jump through hoops to get all the things they no longer get from meat consumption.

I completely disagree, but let me ask you this… Who do you claim designed us to eat meat? The word design implies a designer, or creator. And if you’re coming at it from a Christian perspective, you are flat out wrong. Genesis 1:29–30 clearly states that our original design was to eat a plant-based diet.

We have flogged that topic to death. Genesis also includes mention of God giving Man dominion over animals etc. So, be a vegan is you wish, but it is so tiresome to listen to Vegans go on and on in such a disingenuous and sanctimonious manner.

vegan club.jpeg
Man is DESIGNED to eat meat. When one does not eat meat one must jump through hoops to get all the things they no longer get from meat consumption.

I completely disagree, but let me ask you this… Who do you claim designed us to eat meat? The word design implies a designer, or creator. And if you’re coming at it from a Christian perspective, you are flat out wrong. Genesis 1:29–30 clearly states that our original design was to eat a plant-based diet.

If you pay attention to the Jews (remember, the OT is THEIR book), you would know that after the Flood, mankind was so weakened that God decided to lift the ban on eating meat.

Interestingly enough, there were rules back in those times about who could and couldn't eat meat. If you were poor, no meat. If you were middle class, meat once a week. If you were wealthy? Then you had meat every day.

Learned that from a religious show called "Hidden in the Hebrew with Uri Harel".
Man is DESIGNED to eat meat. When one does not eat meat one must jump through hoops to get all the things they no longer get from meat consumption.

I completely disagree, but let me ask you this… Who do you claim designed us to eat meat? The word design implies a designer, or creator. And if you’re coming at it from a Christian perspective, you are flat out wrong. Genesis 1:29–30 clearly states that our original design was to eat a plant-based diet.

If you pay attention to the Jews (remember, the OT is THEIR book), you would know that after the Flood, mankind was so weakened that God decided to lift the ban on eating meat.

Interestingly enough, there were rules back in those times about who could and couldn't eat meat. If you were poor, no meat. If you were middle class, meat once a week. If you were wealthy? Then you had meat every day.

Learned that from a religious show called "Hidden in the Hebrew with Uri Harel".
We were talking about man’s original design.
I find posting Vegan Porn with a disclaimer to be beyond the pale.

Your bizarre description is what is beyond the pale. Are you denying that it’s the reality? Or is it that you prefer that the ugly reality remains hidden? If you honestly think that meat comes from happy animals grazing in green meadows, willingly giving their lives to have their throats slit, then you are living in a dream world. But that’s entirely your prerogative.
I find posting Vegan Porn with a disclaimer to be beyond the pale.

Your bizarre description is what is beyond the pale. Are you denying that it’s the reality? Or is it that you prefer that the ugly reality remains hidden? If you honestly think that meat comes from happy animals grazing in green meadows, willingly giving their lives to have their throats slit, then you are living in a dream world. But that’s entirely your prerogative.

Actually, when I was living with my Grandparents, meat DID come from happy animals grazing in green meadows. Grandpa bought a calf, and we'd fatten it up over the summer, and slaughter it in the fall. And, because the cows had 10 acres to run around in with lots of clover and alfalfa, they seemed pretty happy, especially when they got their daily grain ration. And, it was pretty humane how my Grandfather did it. He'd put out some corn grain, and the cow would happily come up to get it, and when it wasn't watching, my Grandfather would take it out with a single shot between the eyes. Cow didn't know what hit it and was dead before it hit the ground.

Now, granted, meat processing plants can be pretty grim, but if you slaughter your own meat like we did, we took pains to put the animal out as quickly and painlessly as possible.
Man is DESIGNED to eat meat. When one does not eat meat one must jump through hoops to get all the things they no longer get from meat consumption.

I completely disagree, but let me ask you this… Who do you claim designed us to eat meat? The word design implies a designer, or creator. And if you’re coming at it from a Christian perspective, you are flat out wrong. Genesis 1:29–30 clearly states that our original design was to eat a plant-based diet.

We have flogged that topic to death. Genesis also includes mention of God giving Man dominion over animals etc. So, be a vegan is you wish, but it is so tiresome to listen to Vegans go on and on in such a disingenuous and sanctimonious manner.

View attachment 229782
“Dominion” in Genesis didn’t mean eating animals. We know that because the verse immediately after that verse clearly stated what kind of diet mankind was to have. (Genesis 1:29)

And “dominion” doesn’t mean the things shown in that video. But I’m not going to argue this with you. If you hate this topic and vegans so much, no one is forcing you to be here.
Man is DESIGNED to eat meat. When one does not eat meat one must jump through hoops to get all the things they no longer get from meat consumption.

I completely disagree, but let me ask you this… Who do you claim designed us to eat meat? The word design implies a designer, or creator. And if you’re coming at it from a Christian perspective, you are flat out wrong. Genesis 1:29–30 clearly states that our original design was to eat a plant-based diet.

That was before Eve brought about the fall of man. Read the rest of that book. It

even says you gotta eat meat after that.
Man is DESIGNED to eat meat. When one does not eat meat one must jump through hoops to get all the things they no longer get from meat consumption.

I completely disagree, but let me ask you this… Who do you claim designed us to eat meat? The word design implies a designer, or creator. And if you’re coming at it from a Christian perspective, you are flat out wrong. Genesis 1:29–30 clearly states that our original design was to eat a plant-based diet.

We have flogged that topic to death. Genesis also includes mention of God giving Man dominion over animals etc. So, be a vegan is you wish, but it is so tiresome to listen to Vegans go on and on in such a disingenuous and sanctimonious manner.

View attachment 229782
“Dominion” in Genesis didn’t mean eating animals. We know that because the verse immediately after that verse clearly stated what kind of diet mankind was to have. (Genesis 1:29)

And “dominion” doesn’t mean the things shown in that video. But I’m not going to argue this with you. If you hate this topic and vegans so much, no one is forcing you to be here.

Dominion absolutely does mean the things in that video. Every other animal on

the earth, as well. There's nothing wrong with being a good steward, though.
Genesis 1:29–30 clearly states that our original design was to eat a plant-based diet.

no it does not

We were talking about man’s original design
no, you're trying to revise it all through biblical revisionism

So, be a vegan is you wish, but it is so tiresome to listen to Vegans go on and on in such a disingenuous and sanctimonious manner.
If you honestly think that meat comes from happy animals grazing in green meadows, willingly giving their lives to have their throats slit, then you are living in a dream world

Most of you will never interview your dinner

Most of you will never kill anything

But most of you WILL lead a lifestye completely surrounded by organics inherent in our culture far and beyond simple dietary choices

It's YOU who live in a dream world

Man is DESIGNED to eat meat. When one does not eat meat one must jump through hoops to get all the things they no longer get from meat consumption.

I completely disagree, but let me ask you this… Who do you claim designed us to eat meat? The word design implies a designer, or creator. And if you’re coming at it from a Christian perspective, you are flat out wrong. Genesis 1:29–30 clearly states that our original design was to eat a plant-based diet.

That was before Eve brought about the fall of man.

The fall of man is not when meat eating began. In the book of Enoch and other ancient texts, you will see what the origin of meat eating is. (Spoiler: it’s not a good origin. I might be making a video on that soon.)

From a biblical perspective, it wasn’t permitted until many centuries later, after the flood. Some would say because there was very little vegetation on the earth at that time, or because God gave man over to his carnal desires. But the important thing is that God’s perfect will never changed. In the beginning we were herbivores, and in the end we will be once again, when God restores the peace and harmony that existed in the beginning.
Our evolution as thinking, tool using animals was only possible due to an early diet change of our ancient ancestors.
Food For Thought: Meat-Based Diet Made Us Smarter

Everything on this world consumes something else.
Sorry, not in no way giving up Fri. night Prime Rib at the local steakhouse. way.
Genesis 1:29–30 clearly states that our original design was to eat a plant-based diet.

no it does not

We were talking about man’s original design
no, you're trying to revise it all through biblical revisionism

So, be a vegan is you wish, but it is so tiresome to listen to Vegans go on and on in such a disingenuous and sanctimonious manner.
If you honestly think that meat comes from happy animals grazing in green meadows, willingly giving their lives to have their throats slit, then you are living in a dream world

Most of you will never interview your dinner

Most of you will never kill anything

But most of you WILL lead a lifestye completely surrounded by organics inherent in our culture far and beyond simple dietary choices

It's YOU who live in a dream world


Wait, aren’t you an atheist or agnostic? There is no debate about what mankind‘s original diet was, according to Genesis. Some people might be confused because in some translations the word “meat” is used, but in biblical days, the word meat meant simply food. The word “flesh” typically referred to what we now call “meat.” ( Dead animal carcasses.)
Someone cobbles together a collection of videos displaying the bad practices of a few and they expect that will turn someone vegan? That's right up there with people who want to ban guns because of the bad actions of a few scumbags and whack jobs.
Someone cobbles together a collection of videos displaying the bad practices of a few and they expect that will turn someone vegan? That's right up there with people who want to ban guns because of the bad actions of a few scumbags and whack jobs.
The thing is, something like 90+ % of meat comes from factory farms. And what goes on there is hideous by just about any standard. There are numerous things that most people would consider cruel and abusive that are standard practice at factory farms. When animals are considered to be commodities, and when getting “work” done fast is the goal, do you honestly think that the animals are being treated with respect and dignity? No, the exact opposite is true.

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Man is DESIGNED to eat meat. When one does not eat meat one must jump through hoops to get all the things they no longer get from meat consumption.

I completely disagree, but let me ask you this… Who do you claim designed us to eat meat? The word design implies a designer, or creator. And if you’re coming at it from a Christian perspective, you are flat out wrong. Genesis 1:29–30 clearly states that our original design was to eat a plant-based diet.
Wrong man was given all animals to use and eat. But biologically man NEEDS meat, with out it you need special diets and vitamins.
Man is DESIGNED to eat meat. When one does not eat meat one must jump through hoops to get all the things they no longer get from meat consumption.

I completely disagree, but let me ask you this… Who do you claim designed us to eat meat? The word design implies a designer, or creator. And if you’re coming at it from a Christian perspective, you are flat out wrong. Genesis 1:29–30 clearly states that our original design was to eat a plant-based diet.
Wrong man was given all animals to use and eat. But biologically man NEEDS meat, with out it you need special diets and vitamins.

Every vegan I know is sickly.

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