‘This will get worse before it gets better.’ Office vacancy rate in Toronto hits highest level in nearly three decades


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
It's the slow but certain "drip, drip" of the dying economy whose civil liberties are stuck in another Century. Unaccountable systems bear consequences not just for those being abused, but also the greater economy. Messing with my career and violating our own Charter and global Agreements we signed has cost at very minimum four high paying jobs, but really it was much more. Certainly many more lives have been destroyed, in this systen it is how we operate and eventually the impact runs up the line not just down. No intelligent system undermines their ambitious citizens and economy and reputation just to feed cults. You need all motivated citizens pulling the rope. Canada, lead by Ontario; is now a DoDo Bird economy ‘This will get worse before it gets better.’ Office vacancy rate in Toronto hits highest level in nearly three decades
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Meh, working from home has it's consequences.
That's a big part of it but there was already a decline before covid. When citizens lack disposable income it forces everyone to batten down the hatches since revenue isn't flowing as it once did.
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Sadly the Hosers are going to be stuck with the same anemic growth rates as the US for some time to come because you have the same type of retarded .gov we have.
Sadly the Hosers are going to be stuck with the same anemic growth rates as the US for some time to come because you have the same type of retarded .gov we have.
Every nation has their industries that leak massive resources and impsct their nations potential in heavy doses. In Canada, like Britain; it is the Security Industrial Complex. Google Mark Kennedy, he of MET fame. Multiple books written on him and his pals, no consequences except a major impact on Britains competitveness.and reputation. If you reward the least impressive people of shady character you deserve your economic and socia fate.

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