This Wray press conference is a disaster

Just admit it's good to be king(benefits include free from prosecution cards) and stop with the B.S.
Hillary isn't president nor is she king nor is she anything else but a former candidate...

However, Trump is president and to some of you, your king -- are you still telling me that Trump's own DOJ is so inept that they cant bring Hillary to justice?
No bias....
But fbi is to under go massive retraining on not being bias

Yeah I thought it was kind of insulting to the American people to pretend there was no bias while sending everyone to bias training.

They don’t need bias training. They need to fire and or prosecute anyone abusing power by taking bribes to leak info to reporters or using government resources to be political
Just admit it's good to be king(benefits include free from prosecution cards) and stop with the B.S.
Hillary isn't president nor is she king nor is she anything else but a former candidate...

However, Trump is president and to some of you, your king -- are you still telling me that Trump's own DOJ is so inept that they cant bring Hillary to justice?
It's an expression, in this context I specifically detailed her position as first lady, Politician, and Candidate that has untouchable status, which in early 2017 I discussed as being the reason Obama and Hillary had nothing to lose in abusing their power=they knew their position gave them above the law privilege and that any prosecution would be used for demonization propaganda to paint Trump as a dictator if his administration were to prosecute either of them. THE LEFT USES MOBSTER THREAT TACTICS.
IF you are really observant you can tell which agency and political officials have been compromised by these threats. That's how they roll, through bullying.

IF you are really observant you can tell which agency and political officials have been compromised by these threats. That's how they roll, through bullying.

Uh huh -- I'll ask you Trump's DOJ so inept that they can't bring Hillary to justice?

Would you feel better if Trump privatized the FBI and DOJ so he can hire sycophants like Sheriff Joe and Mayor Rudy to issue out justice on anyone who you don't like -- evidence and due process be damned??

And before you say "Oh Biff, don't be silly" -- understand that is exactly what you are calling for -- a Banana Republic

and about those bullying threats -- there is a reason the GOP has been relentless with its attacks of the DOJ and the FBI -- because it works -- those threats is what made Comey break protocol with his handling of the Clinton case because he didn't want to appear he was being soft on Hillary.. I don't recall any other threats being made against the FBI and DOJ but from republicans.
I ask you, once again, do you notice who seems compromised by threats? It's not hard to notice. Once you figure it out, that answers half your question. Only half because the other half is a Dem and the problem are the holdovers, making
your question pretty naive.

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