this year begins with no cooling....hotest first five months on record


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2008
chicken farm
The year 2015 is set to be a record-breaker, according to NASA’s latest global temperature data. This year’s temperature is 0.71°C (1.3°F) above the long-term average, and the first five months have been the hottest ever recorded.

NASA’s annual temperatures show a slight variation, where some years are cooler than others, but as John Abraham for The Guardian reports, “2015 is so far this year, simply off the chart.” Abraham suggests that the recent record-breaking temperatures put global warming critics in a difficult position—the evidence is simply not on their side. Temperatures for the last 12 months are at record levels. The idea that the rate of global warming is slowing down or ‘paused’ has been thoroughly refuted. Abraham points out that when surface temperatures and ocean heat content are combined, there is a clear pattern of warming increasing.

First Five Months Of 2015 Were The Hottest Ever Recorded IFLScience
so refute what i post...instead of the leftist ideology bullshit

If I have time I will...NASA has already been caught changing temperatures from past data...that's why I brought it up....not to mention Climategate and the other people caught lying......
The year 2015 is set to be a record-breaker, according to NASA’s latest global temperature data. This year’s temperature is 0.71°C (1.3°F) above the long-term average, and the first five months have been the hottest ever recorded.

NASA’s annual temperatures show a slight variation, where some years are cooler than others, but as John Abraham for The Guardian reports, “2015 is so far this year, simply off the chart.” Abraham suggests that the recent record-breaking temperatures put global warming critics in a difficult position—the evidence is simply not on their side. Temperatures for the last 12 months are at record levels. The idea that the rate of global warming is slowing down or ‘paused’ has been thoroughly refuted. Abraham points out that when surface temperatures and ocean heat content are combined, there is a clear pattern of warming increasing.

First Five Months Of 2015 Were The Hottest Ever Recorded IFLScience
What was the average temperture for the year 1223? 1146? 1083? 503? 202? 1368? The earth is not 130 years old, you crazy guy.
The supposed manipulation of data by East Anglia and other scientists in the Climategate affair also proved to be completely unfounded, as we have written twice before.

Climate skeptics claimed that leaked emails between many climate scientists around the world showed there was a coordinated effort to inflate the global warming signal in temperature data. But several separate investigations, including by the U.S. Department of Commerce Inspector General and the Environmental Protection Agency, found no such wrongdoing or manipulation.

According to one independent international investigation, known informally as the Oxburgh Report: “We saw no evidence of any deliberate scientific malpractice in any of the work of the Climatic Research Unit and had it been there we believe that it is likely that we would have detected it.” Palmer’s spokesman said the congressman had no comment on the repetition of this claim in spite of the repeated exonerations.

Palmer’s claim that “we are building an entire agenda on falsified data” has no basis in evidence. Even as these claims of data manipulation have resurfaced, there is now a general consensus that 2014 was the hottest single year since temperature record keeping began. This same conclusion has been reached by NOAA and NASA, the Japan Meteorological Agency, and the World Meteorological Organization. The United Kingdom’s Met Office said that 2014 was among the warmest along with 2010, but it is impossible to say for sure that 2014 was hotter. According to NASA, nine of the 10 warmest years have all occurred since 2000, with 1998 the lone exception.

Editor’s Note: SciCheck is made possible by a grant from the Stanton Foundation.

Nothing False About Temperature Data
The year 2015 is set to be a record-breaker, according to NASA’s latest global temperature data. This year’s temperature is 0.71°C (1.3°F) above the long-term average, and the first five months have been the hottest ever recorded.

NASA’s annual temperatures show a slight variation, where some years are cooler than others, but as John Abraham for The Guardian reports, “2015 is so far this year, simply off the chart.” Abraham suggests that the recent record-breaking temperatures put global warming critics in a difficult position—the evidence is simply not on their side. Temperatures for the last 12 months are at record levels. The idea that the rate of global warming is slowing down or ‘paused’ has been thoroughly refuted. Abraham points out that when surface temperatures and ocean heat content are combined, there is a clear pattern of warming increasing.

First Five Months Of 2015 Were The Hottest Ever Recorded IFLScience
What was the average temperture for the year 1223? 1146? 1083? 503? 202? 1368? The earth is not 130 years old, you crazy guy.

why dont you just google that and let us know

the earth is not 130 yrs old but how old is solid record keeping
The year 2015 is set to be a record-breaker, according to NASA’s latest global temperature data. This year’s temperature is 0.71°C (1.3°F) above the long-term average, and the first five months have been the hottest ever recorded.

NASA’s annual temperatures show a slight variation, where some years are cooler than others, but as John Abraham for The Guardian reports, “2015 is so far this year, simply off the chart.” Abraham suggests that the recent record-breaking temperatures put global warming critics in a difficult position—the evidence is simply not on their side. Temperatures for the last 12 months are at record levels. The idea that the rate of global warming is slowing down or ‘paused’ has been thoroughly refuted. Abraham points out that when surface temperatures and ocean heat content are combined, there is a clear pattern of warming increasing.

First Five Months Of 2015 Were The Hottest Ever Recorded IFLScience
Yep, temps have been fluctuating for thousands of years. The climate has been changing since the beginning of time. Yes, some years are warmer than others. Yes, some years are colder than others. Yes, we'll see and experience climate change until this world ends. Yes, we'll have warm-ups, cool-downs, floods, droughts, earthquakes, and everything else you can name. We've been warming up since the ice age. And, according to scientists, in the beginning, this earth was extremely hot, then cooled, then went into the ice age, and now warming back up.
The year 2015 is set to be a record-breaker, according to NASA’s latest global temperature data. This year’s temperature is 0.71°C (1.3°F) above the long-term average, and the first five months have been the hottest ever recorded.

NASA’s annual temperatures show a slight variation, where some years are cooler than others, but as John Abraham for The Guardian reports, “2015 is so far this year, simply off the chart.” Abraham suggests that the recent record-breaking temperatures put global warming critics in a difficult position—the evidence is simply not on their side. Temperatures for the last 12 months are at record levels. The idea that the rate of global warming is slowing down or ‘paused’ has been thoroughly refuted. Abraham points out that when surface temperatures and ocean heat content are combined, there is a clear pattern of warming increasing.

First Five Months Of 2015 Were The Hottest Ever Recorded IFLScience
What was the average temperture for the year 1223? 1146? 1083? 503? 202? 1368? The earth is not 130 years old, you crazy guy.

why dont you just google that and let us know

the earth is not 130 yrs old but how old is solid record keeping
only around 20 year's. Go pray to your debunked hockey stick graph some more.
The year 2015 is set to be a record-breaker, according to NASA’s latest global temperature data. This year’s temperature is 0.71°C (1.3°F) above the long-term average, and the first five months have been the hottest ever recorded.

NASA’s annual temperatures show a slight variation, where some years are cooler than others, but as John Abraham for The Guardian reports, “2015 is so far this year, simply off the chart.” Abraham suggests that the recent record-breaking temperatures put global warming critics in a difficult position—the evidence is simply not on their side. Temperatures for the last 12 months are at record levels. The idea that the rate of global warming is slowing down or ‘paused’ has been thoroughly refuted. Abraham points out that when surface temperatures and ocean heat content are combined, there is a clear pattern of warming increasing.

First Five Months Of 2015 Were The Hottest Ever Recorded IFLScience
Yep, temps have been fluctuating for thousands of years. The climate has been changing since the beginning of time. Yes, some years are warmer than others. Yes, some years are colder than others. Yes, we'll see and experience climate change until this world ends. Yes, we'll have warm-ups, cool-downs, floods, droughts, earthquakes, and everything else you can name. We've been warming up since the ice age. And, according to scientists, in the beginning, this earth was extremely hot, then cooled, then went into the ice age, and now warming back up.
but but but its happening to fast, yeat the great sahara dessert went from tropical to dry in a flash

Sahara Went From Green to Desert in a Flash Climate Change
The year 2015 is set to be a record-breaker, according to NASA’s latest global temperature data. This year’s temperature is 0.71°C (1.3°F) above the long-term average, and the first five months have been the hottest ever recorded.

NASA’s annual temperatures show a slight variation, where some years are cooler than others, but as John Abraham for The Guardian reports, “2015 is so far this year, simply off the chart.” Abraham suggests that the recent record-breaking temperatures put global warming critics in a difficult position—the evidence is simply not on their side. Temperatures for the last 12 months are at record levels. The idea that the rate of global warming is slowing down or ‘paused’ has been thoroughly refuted. Abraham points out that when surface temperatures and ocean heat content are combined, there is a clear pattern of warming increasing.

First Five Months Of 2015 Were The Hottest Ever Recorded IFLScience
Yep, temps have been fluctuating for thousands of years. The climate has been changing since the beginning of time. Yes, some years are warmer than others. Yes, some years are colder than others. Yes, we'll see and experience climate change until this world ends. Yes, we'll have warm-ups, cool-downs, floods, droughts, earthquakes, and everything else you can name. We've been warming up since the ice age. And, according to scientists, in the beginning, this earth was extremely hot, then cooled, then went into the ice age, and now warming back up.
but but but its happening to fast, yeat the great sahara dessert went from tropical to dry in a flash

Sahara Went From Green to Desert in a Flash Climate Change
FYI - Nature doesn't go by a clock. There's no set time for nature to change. It can happen in a few years, a few hundred years, or it can happen over many thousands of years. How long did the ice age last? How long was the earth boiling hot before the ice age? How long have we been in a state of what is commonly referred to "as normal climate conditions"?
The year 2015 is set to be a record-breaker, according to NASA’s latest global temperature data. This year’s temperature is 0.71°C (1.3°F) above the long-term average, and the first five months have been the hottest ever recorded.

NASA’s annual temperatures show a slight variation, where some years are cooler than others, but as John Abraham for The Guardian reports, “2015 is so far this year, simply off the chart.” Abraham suggests that the recent record-breaking temperatures put global warming critics in a difficult position—the evidence is simply not on their side. Temperatures for the last 12 months are at record levels. The idea that the rate of global warming is slowing down or ‘paused’ has been thoroughly refuted. Abraham points out that when surface temperatures and ocean heat content are combined, there is a clear pattern of warming increasing.

First Five Months Of 2015 Were The Hottest Ever Recorded IFLScience
Yep, temps have been fluctuating for thousands of years. The climate has been changing since the beginning of time. Yes, some years are warmer than others. Yes, some years are colder than others. Yes, we'll see and experience climate change until this world ends. Yes, we'll have warm-ups, cool-downs, floods, droughts, earthquakes, and everything else you can name. We've been warming up since the ice age. And, according to scientists, in the beginning, this earth was extremely hot, then cooled, then went into the ice age, and now warming back up.
i didnt know "Hotest" was a word, what does it meen?
The year 2015 is set to be a record-breaker, according to NASA’s latest global temperature data. This year’s temperature is 0.71°C (1.3°F) above the long-term average, and the first five months have been the hottest ever recorded.

NASA’s annual temperatures show a slight variation, where some years are cooler than others, but as John Abraham for The Guardian reports, “2015 is so far this year, simply off the chart.” Abraham suggests that the recent record-breaking temperatures put global warming critics in a difficult position—the evidence is simply not on their side. Temperatures for the last 12 months are at record levels. The idea that the rate of global warming is slowing down or ‘paused’ has been thoroughly refuted. Abraham points out that when surface temperatures and ocean heat content are combined, there is a clear pattern of warming increasing.

First Five Months Of 2015 Were The Hottest Ever Recorded IFLScience
Yep, temps have been fluctuating for thousands of years. The climate has been changing since the beginning of time. Yes, some years are warmer than others. Yes, some years are colder than others. Yes, we'll see and experience climate change until this world ends. Yes, we'll have warm-ups, cool-downs, floods, droughts, earthquakes, and everything else you can name. We've been warming up since the ice age. And, according to scientists, in the beginning, this earth was extremely hot, then cooled, then went into the ice age, and now warming back up.
i didnt know "Hotest" was a word, what does it meen?
I don't know what you're talking about. Where do you see that word? Oh, you mean the word "Hottest" mentioned in the link?
The year 2015 is set to be a record-breaker, according to NASA’s latest global temperature data. This year’s temperature is 0.71°C (1.3°F) above the long-term average, and the first five months have been the hottest ever recorded.

NASA’s annual temperatures show a slight variation, where some years are cooler than others, but as John Abraham for The Guardian reports, “2015 is so far this year, simply off the chart.” Abraham suggests that the recent record-breaking temperatures put global warming critics in a difficult position—the evidence is simply not on their side. Temperatures for the last 12 months are at record levels. The idea that the rate of global warming is slowing down or ‘paused’ has been thoroughly refuted. Abraham points out that when surface temperatures and ocean heat content are combined, there is a clear pattern of warming increasing.

First Five Months Of 2015 Were The Hottest Ever Recorded IFLScience
Yep, temps have been fluctuating for thousands of years. The climate has been changing since the beginning of time. Yes, some years are warmer than others. Yes, some years are colder than others. Yes, we'll see and experience climate change until this world ends. Yes, we'll have warm-ups, cool-downs, floods, droughts, earthquakes, and everything else you can name. We've been warming up since the ice age. And, according to scientists, in the beginning, this earth was extremely hot, then cooled, then went into the ice age, and now warming back up.
but but but its happening to fast, yeat the great sahara dessert went from tropical to dry in a flash

Sahara Went From Green to Desert in a Flash Climate Change
FYI - Nature doesn't go by a clock. There's no set time for nature to change. It can happen in a few years, a few hundred years, or it can happen over many thousands of years. How long did the ice age last? How long was the earth boiling hot before the ice age? How long have we been in a state of what is commonly referred to "as normal climate conditions"?
of course, it was the perfect time for the human race to florish. All these alarmist are like chicken little.

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