this year begins with no cooling....hotest first five months on record

Dr. Mann didn't say NYC would be underwater by now. So why did you choose to tell such an obvious lie?

kwc, why did you tell that lie by claiming scientists were saying that?

You hardcore deniers here all follow the same pattern. The evidence never supports your crazy claims. You get called on it. You could be honest and admit you messed up. However, your cult absolutely forbids admitting any error, so instead you all double down on the error, turning it from "mistake" into "deliberate lie".

And that's why the whole planet now correctly defines deniers as the acolytes of a liars' cult, and automativally dismisses everything they say.
"We proved positive"?.....What the fuck does that mean? and who is "we"?

The scientists, of course.

Being a denier, I understand why you have no familiarity with the science. You only know what your cult sees fit to tell you.

No./..YOU are the one wetting your panties over this alleged man made climate change thingie. This is YOUR issue. All you are doing is offering lip service. You screech about climate change, yet you are unwilling to do anything about it.. That makes you a hypocrite. You cannot have it both ways.

We're not demanding anyone live in caves. That's only you. All that hysteria comes from you and your side. It's hard to take you seriously, when you're the one screaming that everyone has to give up technology. You don't see anyone here on the rational side screaming such nonsense.

hey, I am all for new energy technology. But under these conditions.
1. it must be as or more efficient that fossil fuels
2. must be as readily available as our current supply..
3. must carry a consumer price no greater than or even less than our current sources.
4. must deliver the same or greater performance.
5. must allow reap the same or greater economic benefit to the users. That would be US.....
Find a source( that you said "we are taking steps to have in place") that meets the above conditions and you have another person on your side.

Some of those standards are senseless feelgood nonsense. What is "deliver the same performance" or "be as efficient" supposed to even mean?

As for the rest of the standards, solar and wind already meet those standards. Which would explain the growth in those sectors.

Your standards also have the flaw of not planning for the future. Intelligent people plan for the future. Fossil fuels are finite, so it is intelligent to plan for the increased cost and decreased availability of fossil fuels. It is also intelligent to take into account the external costs of pollution caused by fossil fuels, as not doing so is essentially subsidizing them.
Dr. Mann didn't say NYC would be underwater by now. So why did you choose to tell such an obvious lie?

kwc, why did you tell that lie by claiming scientists were saying that?

You hardcore deniers here all follow the same pattern. The evidence never supports your crazy claims. You get called on it. You could be honest and admit you messed up. However, your cult absolutely forbids admitting any error, so instead you all double down on the error, turning it from "mistake" into "deliberate lie".

And that's why the whole planet now correctly defines deniers as the acolytes of a liars' cult, and automativally dismisses everything they say.

Mann predicted severe flooding - that failed to occur.

Mann is a failed profit, another cult hoaxer who makes excuses when his hoax is exposed.

Hey, I don't care what idiotic cult you follow, but I DO object to taxpayer funding for your stupid religion.
Dr. Mann didn't say NYC would be underwater by now. So why did you choose to tell such an obvious lie?

kwc, why did you tell that lie by claiming scientists were saying that?

You hardcore deniers here all follow the same pattern. The evidence never supports your crazy claims. You get called on it. You could be honest and admit you messed up. However, your cult absolutely forbids admitting any error, so instead you all double down on the error, turning it from "mistake" into "deliberate lie".

And that's why the whole planet now correctly defines deniers as the acolytes of a liars' cult, and automativally dismisses everything they say.

Mann predicted severe flooding - that failed to occur.

Mann is a failed profit, another cult hoaxer who makes excuses when his hoax is exposed.

Hey, I don't care what idiotic cult you follow, but I DO object to taxpayer funding for your stupid religion.
Failed prophet.
He made plenty of profit.
Dr. Mann didn't say NYC would be underwater by now. So why did you choose to tell such an obvious lie?

kwc, why did you tell that lie by claiming scientists were saying that?

You hardcore deniers here all follow the same pattern. The evidence never supports your crazy claims. You get called on it. You could be honest and admit you messed up. However, your cult absolutely forbids admitting any error, so instead you all double down on the error, turning it from "mistake" into "deliberate lie".

And that's why the whole planet now correctly defines deniers as the acolytes of a liars' cult, and automativally dismisses everything they say.

Mann predicted severe flooding - that failed to occur.

Mann is a failed profit, another cult hoaxer who makes excuses when his hoax is exposed.

Hey, I don't care what idiotic cult you follow, but I DO object to taxpayer funding for your stupid religion.
Failed prophet.
He made plenty of profit.

You realize the spelling was intentional, right?
Well yes and no. Woodruff presented it in the show based the show on the climate change scientist's "settled science". He's simply reporting what the "leading" climate scientists were saying.

No, no scientist said NYC would be underwater now.

And yes, it's kind of telling that you get your science from journalists.

If you're going to believe and push the science, you have to own it when its wrong.

The science hasn't been wrong. You, however, have been spectacularly wrong on all counts, so you need to own that.

You need to either stick to something like the general discussion forum and discuss knitting or gardening or try harder to inform yourself. Here is a current NYC flooding story. When all the global warming predictions don't pan out, they just manipulate the models, the data and push the dates out further.

Future New York City Will Be Hotter Partially Underwater - Apocalypse Soon - Curbed NY

New Climate Change Study Calls For Urgent Action To Prepare NYC Gothamist

New York City Panel on Climate Change 2015 ReportChapter 1 Climate Observations and Projections - Horton - 2015 - Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences - Wiley Online Library
Dr. Mann didn't say NYC would be underwater by now. So why did you choose to tell such an obvious lie?

kwc, why did you tell that lie by claiming scientists were saying that?

You hardcore deniers here all follow the same pattern. The evidence never supports your crazy claims. You get called on it. You could be honest and admit you messed up. However, your cult absolutely forbids admitting any error, so instead you all double down on the error, turning it from "mistake" into "deliberate lie".

And that's why the whole planet now correctly defines deniers as the acolytes of a liars' cult, and automativally dismisses everything they say.

Mann predicted severe flooding - that failed to occur.

Mann is a failed profit, another cult hoaxer who makes excuses when his hoax is exposed.

Hey, I don't care what idiotic cult you follow, but I DO object to taxpayer funding for your stupid religion.
Failed prophet.
He made plenty of profit.

You realize the spelling was intentional, right?
Just checking :)
Mann predicted severe flooding - that failed to occur

Sandy? Hello? Mann was proven correct, as is usual.

And you're all cult rubes, raging impotently because your cult just gets laughed at now. I hope the emotional validation you get from your fellow cultists is worth the lifetime of humiliation you've signed on for.
Sandy? Hello? Mann was proven correct, as is usual.

And you're all cult rubes, raging impotently because your cult just gets laughed at now. I hope the emotional validation you get from your fellow cultists is worth the lifetime of humiliation you've signed on for.


You morons are not just stupid and uneducated, you are quite literally insane.

AGW - the religion of fucktards....
Ruh-roh. Looks like we've got another cultist in a sanity death spiral. That often happens when you challenge their religious beliefs.

Despite all the flailing and evasions, 2014 was still the hottest year ever, and Jan-May 2015 was the hottest Jan-May period in the historical record. The evidence keeps piling up against the deniers. Their leadership sees that their scam can't be sustained, so they're backing away from it now, leaving the rank-and-file deniers holding the bag.
Ruh-roh. Looks like we've got another cultist in a sanity death spiral. That often happens when you challenge their religious beliefs.

Despite all the flailing and evasions, 2014 was still the hottest year ever, and Jan-May 2015 was the hottest Jan-May period in the historical record. The evidence keeps piling up against the deniers. Their leadership sees that their scam can't be sustained, so they're backing away from it now, leaving the rank-and-file deniers holding the bag.

Fraud is the only thing your religion offers.

Second example: last week, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), a supposedly scientific body, issued a press release stating that this is likely to be the warmest year in a century or more, based on surface temperatures. Yet this predicted record would be only one hundredth of a degree above 2010 and two hundredths of a degree above 2005 — with an error range of one tenth of a degree. True scientists would have said: this year is unlikely to be significantly warmer than 2010 or 2005 and left it at that.

In any case, the year is not over, so why the announcement now? Oh yes, there’s a political climate summit in Lima this week. The scientists of WMO allowed themselves to be used politically. Not that they were reluctant. To squeeze and cajole the data until they just crossed the line, the WMO “reanalysed” a merger of five data sets.

- See more at:}
did you ask that on the thread about cooling .....i doubt it......why do conservatives hate science

Oh please.

you see, those UPPITY snobs in the Globull warming Cult knows all about Science. As long as someone else tells them about it...pathetic. I wonder what degrees bones has in Science, weather, climate, earth?
but if you DON'T bow to their thinking you are CALLED a stupid name like: denier or you all HATE HATE HATE HATE science. Yet they want to convince others to FOLLOW them. seriously. I'll pass
"Climate experts warn the amount of light and warmth released by the sun is nosediving to levels "not seen for centuries".
"They fear a repeat of the so-called 'Maunder Minimum' which triggered Arctic winter whiteouts and led to the River Thames freezing 300 years ago."

Britain could have colder winters due to solar activity Nature News Daily Express

Thank God for Global Warming. I mean we already staved off the Ice Age of the 70's so anything is possible.

Some parts of Alaska is praying for Globull warming when it hits 70below zero. lol
"Climate experts warn the amount of light and warmth released by the sun is nosediving to levels "not seen for centuries".
"They fear a repeat of the so-called 'Maunder Minimum' which triggered Arctic winter whiteouts and led to the River Thames freezing 300 years ago."

Britain could have colder winters due to solar activity Nature News Daily Express

Thank God for Global Warming. I mean we already staved off the Ice Age of the 70's so anything is possible.

Some parts of Alaska is praying for Globull warming when it hits 70below zero. lol
i didnt know it was hot in boston this january/february? so where did all the three feet of snow go?
"Climate experts warn the amount of light and warmth released by the sun is nosediving to levels "not seen for centuries".
"They fear a repeat of the so-called 'Maunder Minimum' which triggered Arctic winter whiteouts and led to the River Thames freezing 300 years ago."

Britain could have colder winters due to solar activity Nature News Daily Express

Thank God for Global Warming. I mean we already staved off the Ice Age of the 70's so anything is possible.

Some parts of Alaska is praying for Globull warming when it hits 70below zero. lol

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