Thomas Blanton, last of the klan terrorists who bombed the church in Birmingham AL in 1963 is dead.

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I will shed no tears for this asshole. There will be no wishes for him to rest in peace. I hope he is burning in Hell right now.

He lived 83 years on this Earth.

Addie Mae Collins had only lived 14 years. Carole Robertson had only lived 14 years. Cynthia Wesley had only lived 14 years. Denise McNair had only lived 11 years. All 4 had their lives snuffed out, their dreams erased, and the hopes for them extinguished by Thomas Blanton and three other cowardly bastards.

Burn in Hell, Thomas Blanton.
Fitting that we should be rid of this racist and terrorist during a time when America seeks to rid itself of other remnants of racism and terror.

Today the people murdering people in the streets, are on your side.

My side? I am wholeheartedly condemning a violent, cowardly act that killed 4 little girls because of the color of their skin, and the blatant refusal to prosecute those asshole but federal, state and local law enforcement. Is there anyone today that is not on my side?

Today, it looks like the cowardly murderers are on your side. And a lot of the violence we see today, is based on the justification of past wrongs.

I'm sure there are plenty of people who are still angry about it taking 39 years to prosecute a horrific terrorist act. Especially since law enforcement tried their best to slow the investigations.

But if anyone is not on my side condemning what the kkk did that Sunday morning in 1963, I can't help you. There are always evil and/or ignorant people out there.

THanks. I thought you would try to claim that these two issues are unrelated, but instead, you immediately tied them together for me.

Yep. Anger over past injustices, constantly kept alive though education and propaganda, has grown to a bitter racist hate, that has been sparked into widespread street violence.

THe only question is, has America changed to the point that the violence will outrage the Silent Majority of Americans who want to live in a civilized society, so that they reject the radicals as they did in 1968?

Or will it cow them, , and lead to a massive victory for the dems in the election, making this type of street violence the new normal for democratic campaigning.

If so, the long slide of America into a Third World shithhole, will be complete.

No, I do think the issues are connected.

But I intentionally created a thread about the 16th Street Bombing, the men who perpetrated it, and the lack of effort by law enforcement to prosecute them.

I would be happy to discuss blm or high crime rates or whatever. Create a thread on it. I'll look when I get back.

Now it is your fellow lefties who are being left off the hook for their violent crimes. Much better for you.

Well, depending how the voters bounce.

Not sure why you think I am a leftie. I have never voted for a democrat in a presidential election. But ok.

If denouncing children being blown up in a church as reprehensible terrorism makes one a ‘leftie,’ then so be it.

my point was about focusing on past injustices to encourage racism and hate and violence today.

FUnny you felt you had to lie about what I said.

And by "funny" I mean, it reveals that you felt my point was completely correct and that you can't challenge it at all.

You liberals are doing what you can to fan the fires of racist hate and violence to direct violence against your political enemies.

You are vile monsters.

Yeah, whatever. You are determined to label me as a liberal. If that makes you feel better, go ahead.

What I have posted here was to celebrate justice, however delayed it may have been.
Burn in Hell, Thomas Blanton.
And you'll notice, right on cue, the White Nationalist Trumpsters jump in to mess with the thread.

They can't help themselves. And they've been emboldened by their leader.

So, if my speaking out against discrimination against whites makes me a "White Nationalist" supposedly,

then what are you? A "Black Nationalist"?

Nothing in thread is about discrimination against whites. I have not denigrated or demeaned white people in general in any way. I have discussed the vile criminals who murdered 4 young girls based solely on their skin color. I have talked about how law enforcement looked the other way. But those are facts, not just accusations. I have kept the conversation to a specific event and it's aftermath.

If you dislike that....well.....I don't know what to tell you.

My point was about Mac's overall behavior. That is why I directed it TO mac, not to you.

HOw many threads have you started about vile racist violence directed at white people?

How many threads have I started about vile racist violence directed at black people? One.

Got it. Zero.

My point was still about MAC'S behavior, which is why I directed it to MAC and not you.
Burn in Hell, Thomas Blanton.
And you'll notice, right on cue, the White Nationalist Trumpsters jump in to mess with the thread.

They can't help themselves. And they've been emboldened by their leader.

So, if my speaking out against discrimination against whites makes me a "White Nationalist" supposedly,

then what are you? A "Black Nationalist"?

Nothing in thread is about discrimination against whites. I have not denigrated or demeaned white people in general in any way. I have discussed the vile criminals who murdered 4 young girls based solely on their skin color. I have talked about how law enforcement looked the other way. But those are facts, not just accusations. I have kept the conversation to a specific event and it's aftermath.

If you dislike that....well.....I don't know what to tell you.

My point was about Mac's overall behavior. That is why I directed it TO mac, not to you.

HOw many threads have you started about vile racist violence directed at white people?

How many threads have I started about vile racist violence directed at black people? One.

Got it. Zero.

My point was still about MAC'S behavior, which is why I directed it to MAC and not you.

And you posted on a public forum, so I responded. If you want to speak specifically to one person, send them an IM.
I joined the kkk in Tennessee back in 2005, it’s changed my life for the better. These gentlemen may the rest in the kingdom of heaven

I have made my opinion of the kkk pretty clear. I don't think I need to restate it.
Why shouldn’t white peoples fight back against black moving to their neighborhoods? We see the violence in theirs. Is it ok to say no?

There are black people in my neighborhood. They are not a problem at all.

The problem is that the kkk is a terrorist organization.
When It becomes a black neighborhood crime will go through the roof. Is it ok to talk about that? Or is that terrorism?

The incident I am discussing in this thread was an attempt to scare blacks into not registering to vote. The methods used were barbaric, murderous, and terroristic.

Glad you agree.
Do you think ppl that add nothing to Society should be able to vote in the next representative president lawmaker?

Why? Are you planning on giving up your right to vote?

I believe all eligible American citizens should vote.
I ask you a question, you won’t answer it. How can’t we debate

I answered the question. Despite it being off topic.
This is about people that add nothing to society being able to vote.. well what person wouldn’t want to send a message?
Burn in Hell, Thomas Blanton.
And you'll notice, right on cue, the White Nationalist Trumpsters jump in to mess with the thread.

They can't help themselves. And they've been emboldened by their leader.

So, if my speaking out against discrimination against whites makes me a "White Nationalist" supposedly,

then what are you? A "Black Nationalist"?

Nothing in thread is about discrimination against whites. I have not denigrated or demeaned white people in general in any way. I have discussed the vile criminals who murdered 4 young girls based solely on their skin color. I have talked about how law enforcement looked the other way. But those are facts, not just accusations. I have kept the conversation to a specific event and it's aftermath.

If you dislike that....well.....I don't know what to tell you.

My point was about Mac's overall behavior. That is why I directed it TO mac, not to you.

HOw many threads have you started about vile racist violence directed at white people?

How many threads have I started about vile racist violence directed at black people? One.

Got it. Zero.

My point was still about MAC'S behavior, which is why I directed it to MAC and not you.

And you posted on a public forum, so I responded. If you want to speak specifically to one person, send them an IM.

You're welcome to comment on my point, but my point was about mac behavior, not yours. So, your response, where you pointed out that my comment did not match your behavior in this thread,

needed to be corrected and so that is what I did.
I joined the kkk in Tennessee back in 2005, it’s changed my life for the better. These gentlemen may the rest in the kingdom of heaven

I have made my opinion of the kkk pretty clear. I don't think I need to restate it.
Why shouldn’t white peoples fight back against black moving to their neighborhoods? We see the violence in theirs. Is it ok to say no?

There are black people in my neighborhood. They are not a problem at all.

The problem is that the kkk is a terrorist organization.
When It becomes a black neighborhood crime will go through the roof. Is it ok to talk about that? Or is that terrorism?

The incident I am discussing in this thread was an attempt to scare blacks into not registering to vote. The methods used were barbaric, murderous, and terroristic.

Glad you agree.
Do you think ppl that add nothing to Society should be able to vote in the next representative president lawmaker?

Why? Are you planning on giving up your right to vote?

I believe all eligible American citizens should vote.
I ask you a question, you won’t answer it. How can’t we debate

I answered the question. Despite it being off topic.
This is about people that add nothing to society being able to vote.. well what person wouldn’t want to send a message?

I answered who I think should be able to vote. That you dislike the answer is not my problem at all.
I will shed no tears for this asshole. There will be no wishes for him to rest in peace. I hope he is burning in Hell right now.

He lived 83 years on this Earth.

Addie Mae Collins had only lived 14 years. Carole Robertson had only lived 14 years. Cynthia Wesley had only lived 14 years. Denise McNair had only lived 11 years. All 4 had their lives snuffed out, their dreams erased, and the hopes for them extinguished by Thomas Blanton and three other cowardly bastards.

Burn in Hell, Thomas Blanton.
I heard he was pissed off about all of these Confederate statues coming down and how BLM and a bunch of notherner jew boy cucks are going around getting all the "niggras" stirred up.....
I joined the kkk in Tennessee back in 2005, it’s changed my life for the better. These gentlemen may the rest in the kingdom of heaven

I have made my opinion of the kkk pretty clear. I don't think I need to restate it.
Why shouldn’t white peoples fight back against black moving to their neighborhoods? We see the violence in theirs. Is it ok to say no?

There are black people in my neighborhood. They are not a problem at all.

The problem is that the kkk is a terrorist organization.
When It becomes a black neighborhood crime will go through the roof. Is it ok to talk about that? Or is that terrorism?

The incident I am discussing in this thread was an attempt to scare blacks into not registering to vote. The methods used were barbaric, murderous, and terroristic.

Glad you agree.
Do you think ppl that add nothing to Society should be able to vote in the next representative president lawmaker?

Why? Are you planning on giving up your right to vote?

I believe all eligible American citizens should vote.
I ask you a question, you won’t answer it. How can’t we debate

I answered the question. Despite it being off topic.
This is about people that add nothing to society being able to vote.. well what person wouldn’t want to send a message?

I answered who I think should be able to vote. That you dislike the answer is not my problem at all.
So kkk members can vote, good I plan to
I joined the kkk in Tennessee back in 2005, it’s changed my life for the better. These gentlemen may the rest in the kingdom of heaven

I have made my opinion of the kkk pretty clear. I don't think I need to restate it.
Why shouldn’t white peoples fight back against black moving to their neighborhoods? We see the violence in theirs. Is it ok to say no?

There are black people in my neighborhood. They are not a problem at all.

The problem is that the kkk is a terrorist organization.
When It becomes a black neighborhood crime will go through the roof. Is it ok to talk about that? Or is that terrorism?

Q. "Is it ok to talk about that? Or is that terrorism?"

A. No, it's not terrorism, it is racist. Being a proud member of the KKK is as honorable as someone bragging to be a member of NAMBLA and the American Nazi Party.
I joined the kkk in Tennessee back in 2005, it’s changed my life for the better. These gentlemen may the rest in the kingdom of heaven

I have made my opinion of the kkk pretty clear. I don't think I need to restate it.
Why shouldn’t white peoples fight back against black moving to their neighborhoods? We see the violence in theirs. Is it ok to say no?

There are black people in my neighborhood. They are not a problem at all.

The problem is that the kkk is a terrorist organization.
When It becomes a black neighborhood crime will go through the roof. Is it ok to talk about that? Or is that terrorism?

Q. "Is it ok to talk about that? Or is that terrorism?"

A. No, it's not terrorism, it is racist. Being a proud member of the KKK is as honorable as someone bragging to be a member of NAMBLA and the American Nazi Party.
Today’s kkk is different. Many join to support free speech
One of the most disturbing things about the prosecution of the 4 bastards that did this, is the combined efforts of federal, state, and local law enforcement to prevent it. The first trial of one of these terrorist murderers was not until 1977. Thomas Blanton was not convicted until 38 years after the bombing. The FBI withheld evidence from the Alabama Attorney General that could have been crucial in the case.

Bill Baxley also faced numerous threats from the kkk for reopening the case and prosecuting Robert Chambliss.

One of the reasons I hold Bill Baxley in high esteem is his response to a letter from the kkk in which he was threatened, reminded he could end up like JFK, and call an "honorary ni@@er". Baxley responded to the letter on official state letterhead " My response to your letter of February 19, 1976, is—kiss my ass.".
And the funny thing abou Bill Baxely is that he was a Democrat......its funny because we are constantly told that the KKK are Democrat -- so this Baxely guy must be a different kind of Democrat or a liberal kind and stuff....

I will shed no tears for this asshole. There will be no wishes for him to rest in peace. I hope he is burning in Hell right now.

He lived 83 years on this Earth.

Addie Mae Collins had only lived 14 years. Carole Robertson had only lived 14 years. Cynthia Wesley had only lived 14 years. Denise McNair had only lived 11 years. All 4 had their lives snuffed out, their dreams erased, and the hopes for them extinguished by Thomas Blanton and three other cowardly bastards.

Burn in Hell, Thomas Blanton.
So instead of letting die in anonymity you post his name on the internet.

I wonder if I have to get rid of my bottles of Blanton's Bourbon now.

View attachment 356704

Oh, so THIS history should be ignored, but other history should be preserved? Good to know.

And I doubt the ignorant, broke-ass redneck that was Thomas Blanton had anything to do with making good whiskey.

I don't really see a bomber as being historically relevant or significant.

Why give him any press at all?

I see the terrorist bombing of a church, on a Sunday morning, by members of the kkk, as historically significant. The purpose of the bombing was to try to scare blacks into not trying to get registered to vote. I also see the long delays in any prosecution, as historically significant. And the ultimate prosecution and conviction of the men responsible as being historically significant. It showed the beginning of the end for the kkk.

Yeah in the grand scale of things it is unimportant.

To you. Not to me.

And you are not the arbiter of history.

Are you?

And really how important is it to you?

Do you know the name of the victims? Have you offered to help their families?

Or is it just some sterile fact from the past that has no real impact on history in the larger sense?
It seems Redcurtain lacks any formal education in English Grammar and Syntax. Could he be a Russian Agent Provocateur, or worse?
I joined the kkk in Tennessee back in 2005, it’s changed my life for the better. These gentlemen may the rest in the kingdom of heaven

I have made my opinion of the kkk pretty clear. I don't think I need to restate it.
Why shouldn’t white peoples fight back against black moving to their neighborhoods? We see the violence in theirs. Is it ok to say no?

There are black people in my neighborhood. They are not a problem at all.

The problem is that the kkk is a terrorist organization.
When It becomes a black neighborhood crime will go through the roof. Is it ok to talk about that? Or is that terrorism?

Q. "Is it ok to talk about that? Or is that terrorism?"

A. No, it's not terrorism, it is racist. Being a proud member of the KKK is as honorable as someone bragging to be a member of NAMBLA and the American Nazi Party.
Today’s kkk is different. Many join to support free speech

LOL, so you joined the KKK to support free speech? Does that include those who carry BLM signs too?
I joined the kkk in Tennessee back in 2005, it’s changed my life for the better. These gentlemen may the rest in the kingdom of heaven

I have made my opinion of the kkk pretty clear. I don't think I need to restate it.
Why shouldn’t white peoples fight back against black moving to their neighborhoods? We see the violence in theirs. Is it ok to say no?

There are black people in my neighborhood. They are not a problem at all.

The problem is that the kkk is a terrorist organization.
When It becomes a black neighborhood crime will go through the roof. Is it ok to talk about that? Or is that terrorism?

Q. "Is it ok to talk about that? Or is that terrorism?"

A. No, it's not terrorism, it is racist. Being a proud member of the KKK is as honorable as someone bragging to be a member of NAMBLA and the American Nazi Party.
Today’s kkk is different. Many join to support free speech

LOL, so you joined the KKK to support free speech? Does that include those who carry BLM signs too?
One of the most disturbing things about the prosecution of the 4 bastards that did this, is the combined efforts of federal, state, and local law enforcement to prevent it. The first trial of one of these terrorist murderers was not until 1977. Thomas Blanton was not convicted until 38 years after the bombing. The FBI withheld evidence from the Alabama Attorney General that could have been crucial in the case.

Bill Baxley also faced numerous threats from the kkk for reopening the case and prosecuting Robert Chambliss.

One of the reasons I hold Bill Baxley in high esteem is his response to a letter from the kkk in which he was threatened, reminded he could end up like JFK, and call an "honorary ni@@er". Baxley responded to the letter on official state letterhead " My response to your letter of February 19, 1976, is—kiss my ass.".
And the funny thing abou Bill Baxely is that he was a Democrat......its funny because we are constantly told that the KKK are Democrat -- so this Baxely guy must be a different kind of Democrat or a liberal kind and stuff....

View attachment 356729

And that letter was written on official Alabama Attorney General stationary.
I will shed no tears for this asshole. There will be no wishes for him to rest in peace. I hope he is burning in Hell right now.

He lived 83 years on this Earth.

Addie Mae Collins had only lived 14 years. Carole Robertson had only lived 14 years. Cynthia Wesley had only lived 14 years. Denise McNair had only lived 11 years. All 4 had their lives snuffed out, their dreams erased, and the hopes for them extinguished by Thomas Blanton and three other cowardly bastards.

Burn in Hell, Thomas Blanton.
So instead of letting die in anonymity you post his name on the internet.

I wonder if I have to get rid of my bottles of Blanton's Bourbon now.

View attachment 356704

Oh, so THIS history should be ignored, but other history should be preserved? Good to know.

And I doubt the ignorant, broke-ass redneck that was Thomas Blanton had anything to do with making good whiskey.

I don't really see a bomber as being historically relevant or significant.

Why give him any press at all?

I see the terrorist bombing of a church, on a Sunday morning, by members of the kkk, as historically significant. The purpose of the bombing was to try to scare blacks into not trying to get registered to vote. I also see the long delays in any prosecution, as historically significant. And the ultimate prosecution and conviction of the men responsible as being historically significant. It showed the beginning of the end for the kkk.

Yeah in the grand scale of things it is unimportant.

To you. Not to me.

And you are not the arbiter of history.

Are you?

And really how important is it to you?

Do you know the name of the victims? Have you offered to help their families?

Or is it just some sterile fact from the past that has no real impact on history in the larger sense?

I did not offer to help the victim's families. I was 3 years old when the murderous acts took place. I was 41 when Thomas Blanton was convicted.
I will shed no tears for this asshole. There will be no wishes for him to rest in peace. I hope he is burning in Hell right now.

He lived 83 years on this Earth.

Addie Mae Collins had only lived 14 years. Carole Robertson had only lived 14 years. Cynthia Wesley had only lived 14 years. Denise McNair had only lived 11 years. All 4 had their lives snuffed out, their dreams erased, and the hopes for them extinguished by Thomas Blanton and three other cowardly bastards.

Burn in Hell, Thomas Blanton.
So instead of letting die in anonymity you post his name on the internet.

I wonder if I have to get rid of my bottles of Blanton's Bourbon now.

View attachment 356704

Oh, so THIS history should be ignored, but other history should be preserved? Good to know.

And I doubt the ignorant, broke-ass redneck that was Thomas Blanton had anything to do with making good whiskey.

I don't really see a bomber as being historically relevant or significant.

Why give him any press at all?

I see the terrorist bombing of a church, on a Sunday morning, by members of the kkk, as historically significant. The purpose of the bombing was to try to scare blacks into not trying to get registered to vote. I also see the long delays in any prosecution, as historically significant. And the ultimate prosecution and conviction of the men responsible as being historically significant. It showed the beginning of the end for the kkk.

Yeah in the grand scale of things it is unimportant.

To you. Not to me.

And you are not the arbiter of history.

Are you?

And really how important is it to you?

Do you know the name of the victims? Have you offered to help their families?

Or is it just some sterile fact from the past that has no real impact on history in the larger sense?
So for someone to be outraged by the delayed justice in the bombing of 4 little girls means they have to help the families of the little girls too?

_0-rac008a (115).png

Man, you racists sure pick weird hills to die on........but it doesn't change the fact that you still dying tho....
I will shed no tears for this asshole. There will be no wishes for him to rest in peace. I hope he is burning in Hell right now.

He lived 83 years on this Earth.

Addie Mae Collins had only lived 14 years. Carole Robertson had only lived 14 years. Cynthia Wesley had only lived 14 years. Denise McNair had only lived 11 years. All 4 had their lives snuffed out, their dreams erased, and the hopes for them extinguished by Thomas Blanton and three other cowardly bastards.

Burn in Hell, Thomas Blanton.
So instead of letting die in anonymity you post his name on the internet.

I wonder if I have to get rid of my bottles of Blanton's Bourbon now.

View attachment 356704

Oh, so THIS history should be ignored, but other history should be preserved? Good to know.

And I doubt the ignorant, broke-ass redneck that was Thomas Blanton had anything to do with making good whiskey.

I don't really see a bomber as being historically relevant or significant.

Why give him any press at all?

I see the terrorist bombing of a church, on a Sunday morning, by members of the kkk, as historically significant. The purpose of the bombing was to try to scare blacks into not trying to get registered to vote. I also see the long delays in any prosecution, as historically significant. And the ultimate prosecution and conviction of the men responsible as being historically significant. It showed the beginning of the end for the kkk.

Yeah in the grand scale of things it is unimportant.

To you. Not to me.

And you are not the arbiter of history.

Are you?

And really how important is it to you?

Do you know the name of the victims? Have you offered to help their families?

Or is it just some sterile fact from the past that has no real impact on history in the larger sense?
So for someone to be outraged by the delayed justice in the bombing of 4 little girls means they have to help the families of the little girls too?

View attachment 356805

Man, you racists sure pick weird hills to die on........but it doesn't change the fact that you still dying tho....

You call me a racist when you have no idea what I was discussing with the other person.

So take it all in context and you won't sound like a fucking idiot.
I will shed no tears for this asshole. There will be no wishes for him to rest in peace. I hope he is burning in Hell right now.

He lived 83 years on this Earth.

Addie Mae Collins had only lived 14 years. Carole Robertson had only lived 14 years. Cynthia Wesley had only lived 14 years. Denise McNair had only lived 11 years. All 4 had their lives snuffed out, their dreams erased, and the hopes for them extinguished by Thomas Blanton and three other cowardly bastards.

Burn in Hell, Thomas Blanton.
So instead of letting die in anonymity you post his name on the internet.

I wonder if I have to get rid of my bottles of Blanton's Bourbon now.

View attachment 356704

Oh, so THIS history should be ignored, but other history should be preserved? Good to know.

And I doubt the ignorant, broke-ass redneck that was Thomas Blanton had anything to do with making good whiskey.

I don't really see a bomber as being historically relevant or significant.

Why give him any press at all?

I see the terrorist bombing of a church, on a Sunday morning, by members of the kkk, as historically significant. The purpose of the bombing was to try to scare blacks into not trying to get registered to vote. I also see the long delays in any prosecution, as historically significant. And the ultimate prosecution and conviction of the men responsible as being historically significant. It showed the beginning of the end for the kkk.

Yeah in the grand scale of things it is unimportant.

To you. Not to me.

And you are not the arbiter of history.

Are you?

And really how important is it to you?

Do you know the name of the victims? Have you offered to help their families?

Or is it just some sterile fact from the past that has no real impact on history in the larger sense?
So for someone to be outraged by the delayed justice in the bombing of 4 little girls means they have to help the families of the little girls too?

View attachment 356805

Man, you racists sure pick weird hills to die on........but it doesn't change the fact that you still dying tho....

You call me a racist when you have no idea what I was discussing with the other person.

So take it all in context and you won't sound like a fucking idiot.
I see it in context -- you are trying to minimize what was done and who it was done to and the significance it has to the person who made the OP.....

So with that being said...why does the OP have to reach out to the families of 4 little girls who were killed when he was 3?
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